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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 421 through 430 of 6073

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55. Supersensible Knowledge: Education and Spiritual Science 24 Jan 1907, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
When we discuss subjects such as that of today's lecture, we must keep before our mind's eye mankind's whole evolution. Only then can we understand the evolution of the individual, and guide the young through education. At the center of education is the school. We shall attempt to understand what is required of education on the basis of human nature and a person's evolution in general.
In our materialistic age too little is expected of memory. The child first learns; only later does it understand, and only later still will it grasp the underlying laws. Between the seventh and fourteenth years is also the time to foster the sense for beauty.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Insanity in the Light of Spiritual Science 31 Jan 1907, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
The “I” also works on the ether body, particularly through higher impulses, especially of an artistic nature. Under this influence the astral body divides into two parts, one that is purified and one that is not.
What we need to bear in mind above all, if we are to understand how insanity arises, is the Hermetic axiom: As above, so below; as below, so above. A smiling face immediately conveys cheerfulness, tears inner sadness.
To be effective in the world one must of necessity learn to understand the spiritual forces that constitute its foundation. If we are to understand the nature of what is physical, we must recognize that the material world is an imprint of the spiritual world.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Wisdom and Health 14 Feb 1907, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
In these circies there was awareness of the fact that healing was connected with holiness; it was felt that the Holy Spirit was the wholly healthy spirit that united itself with mankind's soul to bring healing to the world. This aspect is the one least understood. Spiritual knowledge guides the human soul away from narrow attitudes and egoistical aims; it points to universal issues that unite the individual with the cosmos.
In this connection Goethe's saying is apt: "Consider the what, but even more consider the how." Spiritual science is rightly understood if it is assimilated like a spiritual food, and allowed to grow and mature within a person. It is rightly understood if, in moments of sorrow or happiness, of devotion and exaltation, or when life threatens to fall apart, a person experiences the hope, strength and incentive to action it brings.
When wisdom warms the soul, love streams forth; thus we can understand that there are people who can heal through the laying on of hands. Wisdom pours forces of love through their limbs.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Stages in Man's Development in the Light of Spiritual Science 28 Feb 1907, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Originally it neither suggested that a person should contemplate his ordinary everyday self, nor expect to find the sum total of all knowledge within his own being. Rightly understood, the call is for knowledge of the higher self. But where is a person's higher self to be found?
That is why religion speaks of the ordeal by fire that human beings undergo after death. The human being remains in kamaloca for as long as the astral body retains a longing for the physical body.
In order to adjust properly to life and recognize one's destination ever more clearly, the working of these laws must be understood. Let us begin with birth. We know that-at physical birth only the physical body is fully born.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Who are the Rosicrucians? 14 Mar 1907, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Those who uphold that the great work of the Rosicrucians is to be understood as being symbolic are met with the objection that in that case Rosicrucianism is simply trivial.
But the transition from Atlantis to post-Atlantis took place under the constellation of Cancer, whose sign is the intertwining spirals—a sign you find depicted in calendars.
A person who learns under certain conditions to immerse himself with certain thoughts meditatively in the inner eye will learn the true nature of light.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Richard Wagner and Mysticism 28 Mar 1907, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Properly understood, mysticism, far from being obscure or sentimental, is in its approach to the world crystal clear.
He sought to understand that higher entity that rises above the everyday. He felt that it must approached from as many sides as possible.
Only then can we understand what Wagner had in mind when he depicts Lohengrin's relationship with the Lady he names as Elsa von Brabant.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: The Bible and Wisdom 26 Apr 1907, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
The initiate was looked up to in ancient times by those who understood. They said to themselves: The initiate's outlook, his understanding of the would, is the outlook and understanding all human beings will possess in the future.
As you know, we find in the New Testament many sayings attributed to Jesus. Their deeper meaning can be understood only if approached from the viewpoint of initiation and understanding of the significance of bestowing names.
In undeveloped people it is imperfect, in the initiate perfect and powerful. You will now understand from the way names were given that Christ did not refer to Himself as an ordinary human being with an ordinary human “I.”
55. The Origin of Suffering the Origin of Evil Illness and Death: The Origin of Suffering 08 Nov 1906, Berlin
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
What, however, is revealed to the soul through this expansion? The understanding of the other person. One understands the life of another through nothing so much as by taking upon one's own soul the burden of his pain.
Now these three members—we only use words for clarifying—appear to us under three distinct names. We perceive matter in a certain form, appearing to us in the outer world in a certain way.
We now understand the coming forth of the Holy Spirit from the Crucifixion of Christ Jesus as a process indicated in the parable of the grain of corn.
55. The Origin of Suffering the Origin of Evil Illness and Death: The Origin of Evil 22 Nov 1906, Berlin
Translated by Mabel Cotterell, Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
Occult science is the first to show how evil is to be understood out of the depths of human nature and the whole nature of the cosmos. If one denies it one can in no way grasp it. One must understand what task and mission evil has in the world. From the development of man in the future we see how men have grown out of the past and what evil is to signify in their path of evolution.
One calls them Luciferic beings, or groups them together under the name of their leader, Lucifer. How does Lucifer work upon man? Not as the gods do. The divine approaches the noblest in man; it cannot and must not approach the lower.
55. The Occult Significance of Blood 25 Oct 1906, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
All those things which have come down to us in the legends and myths of various nations, and which touch upon human life, will in our day undergo a peculiar transformation with regard to the whole conception and interpretation of human nature.
We shall best approach our subject if, to begin with, we understand the meaning of an ancient maxim, one which is intimately connected with the civilization of ancient Egypt, where the priestly wisdom of Hermes flourished.
Yet this question of race is one that we can never understand until we understand the mysteries of the blood and of the results accruing from the mingling of the blood of different races.

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