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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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24. The Renewal of the Social Organism: Preface to the First Edition
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, Ruth Marriot, Frederick Amrine

Rudolf Steiner
These views result in all manner of unrealistic and impracticable tendencies. What they actually undertake is hopelessly utopian, while they dismiss as utopian suggestions that come from actual life experience.
However, we shall never succeed in healing our civilization until the actual will of the age, so deeply hidden beneath the underbrush of impractical and illusory party schemes, is raised to full consciousness. [ 5 ] For one who knows only too well that he is not suffering from foolish delusions it is hard to write what, among many today, will earn him the reputation: “He thinks himself wiser than all those actually engaged in practical life, who have therefore won the right to a voice in such matters.”
[ 9 ] Midway between these two groups lie the forces that are striving to bring forth this “threefold order of the social organism,” buried under the rubble of the past, out of the real and present will of this age. The bearers of this impulse feel they possess what the present hour needs.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Proposals for Socialization
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Rudolf Steiner
All intellectual achievements, including technical ideas, are to be placed under the free, individual administration of a third, equal intellectual organism. [ 2 ] 2.
[ 4 ] 4. The new economic order thus sought must under no circumstances lead to an interruption of consumption by breaking off economic continuity.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: The Path of the “Tripartite Social Organism”
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Rudolf Steiner
[ 2 ] Whether one person today understands socialization to mean this, another that: all those who do not want to live through our time spiritually blind could agree that socialization must call upon all those who have hitherto seen these conditions imposed on them by the power of classes superior to them spiritually, legally or economically to shape their own social conditions.
[ 3 ] The fact that this is the call of the times is shown by the movement of the proletariat, but also by the correctly understood development of history itself. [ 4 ] The goal is felt.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: On the “Threefold Nature of the Social Organism”
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Rudolf Steiner
The way in which I have arrived at these observations is proof to me that my "proposals" have nothing utopian about them. But it also makes it understandable to me how so many people come to regard the threefold structure as unclear and impracticable.
[ 3 ] But I ask: have I really given cause to understand the tripartite structure in such a way that three parliaments should replace the unified state parliament in the way Professor von Heck presents it?
But why the school should not get what it can out of this poverty, if this is to happen in other ways than before, is surely not understandable. [ 4 ] Professor von Heck's argument against the separation of economic life from the state proper is no less riddled with misunderstandings.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: A Company to be Founded
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Rudolf Steiner
They were fructified, and it was precisely through their fructification that the social order was undermined. This type of undertaking must be countered by those that stem from healthy thinking and feeling.
For it is precisely the fact that it arises that causes the fructification of material undertakings. [ 9 ] You just have to take things really practically.
[ 10 ] Whoever decides to provide financial support for the Dornach undertakings will have to understand that we have already reached the point where supporting undertakings in the old sense means putting one's money into unfruitful things, and that caring for one's money today means supporting promising undertakings that alone are capable of withstanding the devastating forces.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: The Goetheanum and the Voice of the Present
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Rudolf Steiner
Very practical institutions of life, such as technical and social undertakings, must prove the life-promoting nature of its powers. It must come to the point where it no longer seems ridiculous when the spirit that wants to create a world view is also active in the founding of technical enterprises, financial institutes and scientific research institutes.
He believes he can say in all modesty that he was already working in close circles on this basis before his opponent showed his true face in the outbreak of the world catastrophe. He understands that before this loudly speaking fact he could only be heard by a few. He believes that now, out of the needs of the times, he should be met with understanding.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Alternative Ideas and Publicist Morality
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Rudolf Steiner
The damage to our social life is based on the pathological phenomenon of the times that is being pointed to here. - One can now imagine how someone who is under the influence of this contemporary disease will easily come up with objections to what has been said.
[ 8 ] Almost everything that rejects the idea of the tripartite organization of the social organism is under the influence of ideas that are alien to reality, which at present often consider themselves to be the only practical ones.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Destruction and Reconstruction
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Rudolf Steiner
He resigned from this post when he lost all hope that a prosperous development of economic life in Europe could result from what came about as "peace" under the influence of the leading personalities at this conference. He speaks as an Englishman. But as one who soberly asked himself the question: Is it possible that from the will of Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd George, something could result which would carry within itself viability as the economic organization of Europe?
And Keynes answered the above question with the thought: What can happen under the influence of these three personalities must bring about the economic destruction of Europe. And he resigned from his post.
[ 3 ] In this hour of the world, the members of the German people are experiencing in the most bitter way imaginable what has come about under the prevailing impulses of modern civilization. Something is being demanded of them, the realization of which cannot be thought of for a moment.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Willfulness is Needed
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
The historical development of the German people justifies the belief that understanding can be awakened in this people for impulses that aim at the reconstruction of the devastated Europe, if the thoughts that speak of such impulses are not shouted down by those who are incapable of recognizing the developmental necessities of humanity.
But the spiritual and legal conditions cannot develop if the economic life they lead collapses under their influence. The devastating events speak the clearest possible language: give economic life to the forces growing out of it!
Healthy ideas, if they are to be effective in public life, require a sufficient number of people who understand them to such an extent that their will is transformed into a real life force. Without this there can be no progress.
24. Additional Documents on the Threefold Social Organism: Today's Challenges and Yesterday's Thoughts
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Rudolf Steiner
If today in London the French government's request for a military alliance is not received with an open mind because of British traditions, if England does not quite willingly open its coffers to French economic needs, these are things that only the "clever" disciples or followers of the old diplomatic way of thinking look at. Those who understand the "signs of the times" should realize that there is as little to be gained from these things for the progress of Central European relations as there was to be gained before the war by the fact that it was "incompatible" with England's customs to enter into a military alliance treaty with France.

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