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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5181 through 5190 of 6282

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314. Therapy: Third Lecture 02 Jan 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Then one says: How can we now get at the effect that arises in the human organism under the influence of this poison? So you have to create something to which you can expose this poison, just as you can expose the fertilized female germ to the universe.
By mental illnesses, however, I mean those where, for example, psychological effects really underlie them, such as shock effects or anxiety effects and the like, in other words, where psychological causes are present.
This is something that really presents itself in such a way that one sees that the organism, which has become cramped and shows such abnormal phenomena at various peripheral points, in turn spreads its effect on the one hand, under the influence of the insect poison that enters the circulatory system, and on the other hand, under the influence of that which is substantially related to milk and honey, develops and spreads in the organization.
314. Meetings with Practicing Physicians: Address 21 Apr 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
We have no way of really getting to these processes if we cannot understand how the soul is structured in these three different regions of the human being. Without understanding the soul, it is actually impossible to really get to the person.
Steiner: I would like to say the following in principle to this question: There is a big difference between a remedy that I can understand how it works in the human organism and one that I cannot understand. That is a big difference.
Now, I believe that the essential thing when it comes to such remedies, which heal without being understood, is, above all, to really understand how things work. You see, it is remarkable that even the trial leads to all sorts of interesting things.
314. Meetings with Practicing Physicians: First Discussion 22 Apr 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
It can definitely be said that healing processes will be achieved if the person concerned is under twenty-eight years of age. But it is not impossible, especially in women, to achieve healing processes even at a later age.
You cannot heal internally with mistletoe, only through injection. I understand what he is saying to you; he doesn't dare to approach the matter. Is the cause of cancer the same in women and men?
It is indeed extremely difficult to treat these devitalized nerves; but one can certainly be successful with edelweiss under certain circumstances. During the war, a female patient had suffered some kind of shock.
314. Meetings with Practicing Physicians: Second Discussion 23 Apr 1924, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
The patient left the clinic with a 20-pound weight gain and in a strengthened condition. We are under no illusion that in this case, a follow-up treatment is still needed to consolidate the healing."
If one shows that these are not abstract things, but rather, in these many very concrete individual cases, points out how the individual cases are constituted, and then shows how the diagnosis leads into the therapy, and how, as soon as the therapy is applied, the healing progresses: it is indeed the case that this must be understood, otherwise one would have to despair of humanity's ability to understand at all. I am completely convinced that only this method can help us: to say things very boldly and courageously.
Take, I would like to say, the most radical sensory organization – just to understand the matter – take the eye. How does the eye come about? You know that it is actually formed partly from the outside; it is incorporated into the organism.
314. On Psychiatry 26 Mar 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
So that, since abstractions cannot be forces in the world, and therefore cannot be forces in man either, which bring about something, there is also no possibility for man to understand the material, the physical, from the soul, to build some kind of bridge from the psychic to the material.
The one who has the healthy farmer's nature and can tolerate some internal damage may, under certain circumstances, have a much more severe complex within himself, but he can tolerate it and does not become ill.
All these things show that ultimately all the talk about details in the reforms of the individual sciences does not lead to much, but that if one decides – although today souls, many souls, are too sleepy – to in the sense of spiritual science, then the most diverse fields of science, but especially that field of science that deals with the various deviations from normal psychic life, psychiatric medicine, will undergo a necessary, I would say self-evident, reform as a result. Even if these cases go as far as extreme rebellion, raving madness, feeble-mindedness, and so on: only then will it be found what these psychic aberrations actually mean in terms of normal life in the context of normal development.
314. Hygiene — a Social Problem 07 Apr 1920, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Of course there must be no scientific or medical dilettantism—most emphatically not. But if understanding for the health and ill-health of our fellow-beings can be awakened—understanding that grows from a true conception of man think of the effect it would have in social life.
We need teachers who are able to educate children on the basis of a conception of the world that understands the true being of man. This was the thought underlying the Course I gave to the teachers when the Waldorf School at Stuttgart was founded.
It is, of course, not the laity nor the amateurs who will do the healing, but reasonable human beings will bring understanding to meet the professional medical men who tell them this or that. If he understands the human being—and this understanding can be developed in social life in collaboration with the doctor—the layman can form an intelligent idea of technical science and then, in democratic Parliaments he can say “Aye” with a certain understanding and not because of the pressure of authority.
315. Curative Eurythmy: Lecture I 12 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Kristina Krohn, Anthony Degenaar

Rudolf Steiner
Now, having given this preface, I would like to speak more specifically about what may be considered the basis for human eurythmy itself since it appears to me to be pertinent to the goals we wish to attain. If one wishes to understand what eurythmy in its most varied aspects is, one must first of all gain a certain understanding of the human larynx.
An example of an organ where one can penetrate through that one organ into the essence of the human organism solely through a properly understood metamorphosis is the larynx. Recall from your anatomical and physiological knowledge how peculiarly the human larynx is formed.
What appears in more recent physiology as the peculiar conditions of the thyroid can be understood metamorphically, if you can see a sort of decadent frontal lobe in the thyroid which to a certain extent performs functions taken over from the frontal lobe in the speaking man.
315. Curative Eurythmy: Lecture II 13 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Kristina Krohn, Anthony Degenaar

Rudolf Steiner
When grown-ups step out too little in their stride, when they don't reach out properly with their steps, it always means that the circulation suffers under it. The circulation of the blood suffers under an insufficiently outreaching gait. So when people walk in this way (lightly tripping; the ed.), that has a consequence that the circulation becomes in some fashion slower than it should be in that person.
315. Curative Eurythmy: Lecture III 14 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Kristina Krohn, Anthony Degenaar

Rudolf Steiner
These would be the decided breath sounds. I will underline in red where we have to do with what are clearly plosive sounds: B, P, M, D, T, N, and then perhaps G and K.
If with the O, on the one hand, one has this propensity to become big-bellied, as I would like to call it, it is easy to understand why when reversed the O represents on the other hand that which combats this obesity when it is carried out eurythmically and in the metamorphosis demonstrated yesterday.
That is the peculiarity of it—one must explain by means of such things if one wishes to understand these matters inwardly. With the E it is distinctly the reverse. In E one wants to take hold of oneself inwardly, wants to contract together inwardly.
315. Curative Eurythmy: Lecture IV 15 Apr 1921, Dornach
Translated by Kristina Krohn, Anthony Degenaar

Rudolf Steiner
It is not without reason the M was regarded as an especially important sound in the time when people still understood something of the inner content of the sounds; it is the sound which closes the OM syllable of the Orient.
Thus one must tell him to enter into a state of soul such as if he were to hear the “I”. It is particularly important to understand this matter. Then, you see, when you have the patient speak the vowel, entone it, the organism as such feels as if the sound were being induced.

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