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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 5231 through 5240 of 6073

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332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: On the Cultural Council fromthe Memoirs of Emil Leinhaus (1950)

Emil Leinhaus
You can't exactly say that the professors didn't show any understanding for this; but their answers did paint the distressing picture that these gentlemen were truly worried about the difficulties that would arise from such self-government of the university within their own ranks.
As on previous occasions, for example on the occasion of a highly significant lecture that Rudolf Steiner had given in Tübingen to an audience consisting mainly of students, one had to make the sad experience again that of all sections of the population, the academic world was least able to muster understanding for new social ideas, regardless of age or rank. On the drive back from Tübingen, we decided to appeal to the general public of intellectual and cultural life as soon as possible, calling on them to establish a cultural council.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Memorandum: A Company to be Founded

Rudolf Steiner
The representatives of the ideational world view can create understanding for the social consequences. Their activities are financially supported by the amounts to be received, which are also intended to support the economic and technical realization of the idea.
Many recent undertakings were oriented in this way. They were capitalized, and it was precisely through their capitalization that the social order was undermined.
Those who do join must be far-sighted people who are truly capable of financial and economic judgment, who understand that wanting to continue muddling along in the old ways is digging a secure grave for themselves.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Call for the Establishment of a Cultural Council! To All People! (Brochure version 2) Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The broad masses of the working people are about to throw off the yoke of soul-destroying capitalism, under which they have suffered as a result of human labor being turned into a commodity. These people demand your cooperation.
332b. Current Social and Economic Issues: Call for the Establishment of a Cultural Council! (Brochure) Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner, are imbued with the realization that at the present time of deepest need, the world-historical task of the German people is, by taking up this impulse, not only to save themselves from the fall into the abyss from which the leading circles, through their lack of understanding of the demands of modern times, have brought it to the brink, but that it can also lay the foundation for the liberation of all people from the oppression of the all-devouring economic policy and the imperialist states that serve it.
They should find their way to the pioneers of a free German intellectual life, to Herder, Lessing, Schiller, Goethe, to the great creator of the plan of the ideal university, Fichte, to the glorifier of the true academic essence, Schelling, and to Hegel. It would have to show understanding for the demands of humanity in modern times and recognize that, even if the demands of the revolution are initially asserted in the consciousness of the broad masses in a one-sided way in the economic sphere, their driving forces in the depths of the soul are nevertheless aimed at recognition of human rights and human dignity.
In the sense of a pedagogical economy, this school will be built on a true understanding of the developing human being. It will educate the thinking, feeling and willing faculties in such a way that a strong personality develops, whose soul unfolds a sustaining power for the whole of life.
333. Freedom of Thought and Social Forces: The Triple Nature of the Social Question 26 May 1919, Ulm

Rudolf Steiner
Many people tell me that what I say is difficult to understand. Well, to understand what I am saying, more is needed than what people are usually willing to expend for understanding.
However, in the last four to five years, I have seen that people have understood things that I have not understood. They have even put things that they claimed to understand, when they came from certain places, into beautiful frames so that they could always look at them. Things that came from the great headquarters and the like, but understanding had to be commanded first. No one can be ordered to understand what should be understood out of an inner courage to live.
333. Freedom of Thought and Social Forces: The Knowledge of the Supersensible Human Nature and the Task for Our Age 22 Jul 1919, Ulm

Rudolf Steiner
Because everything in spiritual science is stored in the depths of the human soul, it can be understood without belief in authority. And this understanding, this trust in the revelations of spiritual science, is something that must be lived into the tasks of our age.
For what do we see when we really try to understand the nature of the present time? I would say: We see two paths, one on the left and one on the right.
Thus the social order of man in freedom, equality and brotherhood will be able to take place through the correct understanding of body, soul and spirit.
333. Freedom of Thought and Social Forces: Humanities, Freedom of Thought and Social Forces 19 Dec 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Everything that people think in this direction is based on an understanding of inanimate nature, of the physical and chemical, which then passes into technology, into everything that underlies our life institutions, and which, for example, is also incorporated into our healing methods, that is, into those insights that are intended to help human life from a certain point of view.
They come from the fact that people actually pass each other by without understanding and that they do not comprehend one another. And why do they not understand one another? Because their knowledge, what they call knowledge, does not engage the whole person, because it remains in the head, because it is limited to the mere intellect.
Should we not continue to develop this spiritual striving instead of stopping at mere words and quoting them? Those who merely quote Goethe today do not understand him; only those who develop him further understand him. Those who merely quote Johann Gottlieb Fichte are doing something nonsensical if they do not develop him further in the spiritual life.
333. Freedom of Thought and Social Forces: The World Balance of the Intellectual and Spiritual Life of the Present Day 27 Dec 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
However much we partake in this oriental spiritual life, however much it has been instilled into our culture, we must always reflect on our deepest powers of understanding and knowledge if we want to understand what forces of aspiration are alive in the Orient today, and even more so if we want to grasp from which powerful spiritual sources in the Orient, centuries and millennia ago, today's oriental spiritual life has developed.
The people of the West could not even begin to understand what had been developed over the centuries out of the spirit of the Orient. They materialized it.
It took place in the Orient, but it is a fact that took place for all of humanity. But what has allowed the West to understand the mystery of Golgotha so far, out of the human soul and spiritual condition, came from oriental tradition.
333. Freedom of Thought and Social Forces: Spirit-knowledge as the Basis for Action 30 Dec 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Rather, before he was even introduced to the secrets of existence, he had to undergo a transformation of his entire being. In these mysteries of the Orient, it was taken for granted that man, in the way he lives his outer life, could not penetrate to the secrets of existence.
Many people consider these to be abstractions, utopias, and yet they are the most real, because they are based on that new understanding of reality that cannot be achieved by any natural science, since it is too much affected by intellectualistic life.
Before we descend into physical corporeality and take on the covering given to us by the inheritance of father and mother, we undergo a development in a spiritual-soul world just as we do here on earth. And just as our life after death is a continuation of our life here on earth, a development of the experiences we have had here, so the life we undergo between birth and death is a continuation of the life we had before birth.
334. From the Unitary State to the Tripartite Social Organism: Paths and Goals of Anthroposophy 05 Jan 1920, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
As if we had not progressed since then, as if we did not need a new understanding of Christianity! Oh, the characteristic of infertility is everywhere, the impossibility of one's own creation.
The few spiritual researchers can communicate their spiritual insights, and common sense will understand them. But that is precisely what people today deny. They come and say: What you spiritual researchers communicate to us may be beautiful fantasies; but we dissect it logically, we do not accept it, because it does not show itself before our human understanding.
A man who is, well, a “university professor” says, where he gives me the brush-off as a philosopher and, as he says, as a theosophist: Yes, there Steiner claims that one must also become a chemist in order to understand chemical things, a physicist in order to understand physical things; one can admit that to him.

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