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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5651 through 5660 of 6073

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346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture X 14 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
There He comes down in future times the one who has the name which He alone understands. What can all of this really mean? If one honestly wants to understand it, the whole thing seems to be meaningless at first.
How can this occur? It can occur if the being who understands this name becomes united with us and enters our own self, then this being in us will understand the name and we will understand it also.
This being who went through the Mystery of Golgotha, this being who must enter us, so that we comprehend the world with his understanding and not with our understanding, this being wears a garment which is sprinkled with blood, the blood of Golgotha.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XI 15 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Even the evil ones are truthful in their own way. Of course this is difficult to understand, just as it is difficult to understand what happens in the spiritual world as soon as one enters it.
The rejoicing one hears is the voice of Lucifer which accompanies the diving angels, for the actual Christ principle is the balance between the two. One can only understand something like what the Apocalypticer is presenting if one understands this threefoldedness in the world's makeup in the right way.
For if you take what can be gained through Anthroposophic understanding into yourself and you can discover it again in the Apocalypse, there is something important about this rediscovery.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XII 16 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Finally, the time comes when the woman is present in the sun and gives birth to a little boy and now has what was previously further up here under her feet, where the ego-bearing woman in the picture on the sun demonstrates how one controls the dragon—the astral world of the previous epoch—which is now under her feet.
Man will see the sun-clad woman in this picture, who has the dragon under her feet that was thrown down to the earth by Michael, so that it cannot be found in the heavens anymore.
Thus we can deepen our remembrance of the first act of consecration of man two years ago, this remembrance of the Christ who shone down from the heavens and really descended from the heavens during the Atlantean epoch, who appeared in the clouds in the Græco-Roman age and walked on earth, and who was understood by men in their visions, who is now walking on earth in an etheric form in our age, and is understood by men through visions and Imaginations.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XIII 17 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Just as one has to know the language which someone is speaking in order to understand him, so the main thing is to be able to live in this number seven. This is the way one has to look at these things.
We pointed out that John's significant vision of the woman clothed with the sun, the dragon under her feet, giving birth to a little boy will appear to men in a particular form in the near future.
And so it goes; seal after seal is opened, and then what occurs under the influence of significant religious geniuses and under the influence of the Crusades is something that one can observe if one follows up what really happened more exactly.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XIV 18 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
So that a crossing of the threshold is occurring in the evolution of mankind as a whole, which appears to the Apocalypticer before he has his vision of the sun-illuminated woman with the dragon under her feet, because it actually precedes it in time. Here the Apocalypticer has another vision that clearly reflects what he wants to say: The time is coming when the whole of humanity, or at least its civilized parts will have to cross the threshold.
This striving of men into races and nations that has come to expression so incomprehensibly throúgh Wilsonianism today really only arose in a distinct way under the influence of Napoleonism, of the first Napoleon. The way that men are striving towards races and nations and the way that they basically want to bury all cosmopolitanism today is really quite terrible.
They were welded together with the Slovaks in a way that shows a lack of inner understanding, for the Slovaks are definitely a rainbow people who are not the thinking type at all. On the other hand, we see that another quite external relationship which had been formed shortly before is dissolved.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XV 19 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For if one looks back from the present life on earth to a previous one—which must of course be understood in a theoretical way as long as it is not grasped by the Imaginations which the spiritual investigator gives—if one brings repeated earth lives into one's real experience one gets the impression.
Here you have a unified working of what occurs in men and of what takes place outside in nature and not just a parallelism. Now you will also be able to understand something else, and that is the following. We should realize that when we come into the divine element that is connected with human evolution and into the state of equilibrium between the Luciferic and Ahrimanic forces that is continually being maintained,—if we grasp the real essence of this, then whenever we rim into this, when we rightly perceive what is not an influence from Lucifer and what is not an influence from Ahriman, that is, when we perceive what comes from this progressive, divine spirituality that is really connected with human evolution,—if we approach the divine element that keeps a balance between the realms where Luciferic elements are continuously flowing in and Ahrimanic things are continuously flowing in, we find that the basic force in everything that is streaming through here and which forms men outwardly, and which inwardly ensouls them and permeates them with spirit—is pure love.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XVI 20 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
He lets human beings participate in the crystal heavens, fixed stars and planets but also in the whole development that underlies the beasts that are continuously being mentioned in the Apocalypse. Now what outer physical reality do these beasts correspond to?
Once you know about this terminology you will begin to understand a number of things that the Apocalypticer knew about the nature of comets, although mankind in general then forgot about these things.
This catastrophe did not occur, even though the calculation was correct. We can understand what happened here if we connect this incident with what happened to another comet, namely, the famous Biela comet.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XVII 21 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For instance, he might say: Dampen lightning and you will understand color. That is initiates' language. What does it mean? An initiate sees flashes of lightning; he sees something flaming up as it comes out of the universe; he looks upon it as a flickering up of the spirit in world space, and he imagines that when this lightning becomes ever dimmer or milder he gets a dampened or mild development of colors.
However, one must be familiar with such matters if one wants to understand the development of ideas about spiritual things in the course of human evolution, and this is the right place in our clarification of the Apocalypse to discuss these things.
If you come to a place in the Apocalypse that seems to be paradoxical or difficult to understand, stop thinking about it and start to meditate on it; for it is always accompanied by a passage where you can become spiritual, as you inwardly absorb and elaborate what you can't grasp intellectually anymore.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XVIII 22 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Otherwise what men have experienced under the influence of their developing individualities; since the year 666 after the beginning of Christian evolution will someday have to be torn out of humanity.
Just think of how they're increasingly trying to put the spiritual life under the control of the state. Just look at how much of our spiritual life is under state control. All of these things expose humanity to a great danger, but men are not inclined to develop a real understanding along these lines.
It means that the one who understands it finds his own understanding already traced out in the Apocalypse. Hence one can say that whether or not the Apocalypse is speaking about you depends upon you and upon whether you will it.
347. The Human Being as Body, Soul and Spirit: On the Origin of Language and Languages 02 Aug 1922, Dornach
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
And now we have to understand what that actually means: a person has a healthy left temporal lobe. But to understand that, we have to look at something else.
As soon as we come to know that the brain develops under external influences, only then will we begin to understand how strong these external influences are.
It can tell us something to the extent that we can understand from it how languages on earth differ. So we can definitely say: let's look at the earth.

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