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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5801 through 5810 of 6282

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337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: Questions on Economic Practice I 05 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Zimmermann said about the free money theory cannot be understood or followed at all. Some objections must also be raised regarding the comments of Dr. Toepel; the same applies to Dr.
We can wait and see what these needs will be when a healthy economic life comes about under the associative principle, when, above all, unnecessary employment, unnecessary work that goes nowhere, is prevented.
Of course, these few hints do not yet say anything very substantial; but I want to point out at least that one can only understand the “key points” correctly if one understands them in a practical sense, if one thinks about how to bring about such an association in concrete terms, in life, that is built on combining consumption and production in the most organic way possible.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: Questions on Economic Practice II 07 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
My dear ladies and gentlemen, that is only a detail, a detail that has actually occurred; I could give you thousands of such examples. It should be clear that one should first understand the threefold nature of the social organism in much the same way that one understands the Pythagorean theorem in mathematics. Do you think that someone understands the Pythagorean theorem by approaching all right-angled triangles and trying out whether the theorem is correct?
But I am not afraid to say what I have tried to do, and it will be the same with another step: you just have to keep trying until the matter is understood. You will just have to try everything – I know that the matter is still subject to misunderstandings and ambiguities – you will just have to try everything as long as this matter is not understood.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: Questions on Economic Life I 10 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
For example, the question arises in several forms, which suggests the almost impossibility of an understanding that should play a role between the proletariat on the one hand and the other classes of humanity on the other.
As I said, I am only speaking preliminarily today, so that we can then understand each other better, because one can only present these things sympathetically if one knows the background to them.
We will gradually approach a practical understanding of economic life: what can this goal be? My dear audience, this goal can be none other than working towards a very specific pricing of individual goods.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: Announcement 10 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Male at 7 o'clock in the morning, or at some other hour that was perhaps even more impossible - I don't know - meetings were held under the motto that only the practitioners, to the exclusion of the theorists, would come together for once, so that something more sensible would be said - I am only referring to it as a rumor, but it has been said to me.
You see, this is a positive task that can perhaps be solved in the next eight days: that the practitioners do not isolate themselves because each person says something that the other does not understand. We must therefore try to present ourselves to the world as a society and to build up such a force that the practitioners will actually come together to present something of practical economic thinking.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: Questions on Economic Practice III 11 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
You have to pursue producer and consumer policies under all circumstances and pursue production from consumption. In this way, the right ideas can be introduced to the working class.
But that is just it: today, we are at a point in human development, especially in Central and Western Europe, where we are not understood at all if we do not speak in the language of the people. Just think about it: it is impossible today to speak in a workers' meeting the way you would speak in a meeting of entrepreneurs – not because you want to tell people what to do, but simply because you want to be understood.
An agitators' course should have been organized, but this very important undertaking came to nothing simply because no people could be found who could be brought to spread the art of personal agitation in this way.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: Questions on Economic Life II 12 Oct 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
It would have been necessary to see this, to understand it and to do it in such a way that one would have spoken to the people from their circumstances.
If the railways had been administered by the economic body, something different would have come of it than what has come of it under the interests of the state, with the greater part of it coming under its fiscal interests. The most important things for economic life have been neglected; they must not be neglected any longer; the concrete questions will arise by themselves.
And so we should not just chat and discuss what the details will look like in this or that aspect of the threefolded social organism, but above all we should understand this threefold social organism and really spread this understanding, carry it into everything, because we need people who have an understanding for it.
337b. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice II: Social Science and Social Practice 08 Apr 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And I would also like to point out in this regard that those gathered here can be trusted to help the World School Association become a reality. The enterprises founded under Futurum AG and Der Kommende Tag AG were also set up to grow into what are currently unlimited expanses.
Now, I believe that these college courses have a tremendous impact on us. And under this tremendous impact, we can now try to approach our colleagues in conferences and so on and try to create an understanding for the fertilization of the school, at least to make a start in shaping the spiritual life freely.
But one must not overlook the fact that one must thoroughly understand what is imagination in relation to the great human questions of the present and what is reality.
338. How Can We Work for the Impulse of the Threefold Social Order?: Training Course for Upper Silesians I 01 Jan 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The idea was to gather about fifty prominent people here with whom an understanding could be reached about the methods and, in particular, the basis of a corresponding agitation.
This was not only enforced in Central Europe in those areas where it could be understood, but also in those areas where it could not be understood. For example, our history is written in such a way that this attitude lives in it, and our history is taught in schools in such a way that this attitude is inherent in it.
As for the Germans, they could not do anything with ideas, they gave them to others, and there they worked in such a way that they undermined their own social organism. Let us now turn to the third element: in Germany, economic life really did develop.
338. How Can We Work for the Impulse of the Threefold Social Order?: Training Course for Upper Silesians II 02 Jan 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
One of the main illusions, especially among the people of Central Europe, and it is no different for those in Eastern Europe, is the belief that an understanding with the Anglo-Saxon world or with the Western countries in general is possible under the old conditions. Such an understanding is simply not possible, and such an understanding must also trip up a vote like the one on the Upper Silesian question.
This will always fail, regardless of whether it is undertaken by social democracy or by Bolsheviks or undertaken by any intellectual people, it will always fail because of the world's peasantry.
338. How Can We Work for the Impulse of the Threefold Social Order?: First Lecture 12 Feb 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
What is needed in economic life is insightful understanding of what can be called the consumption of humanity. Economic life consists of production, circulation of commodities, and consumption.
It is high time that European civilization came to an understanding in a sufficiently large number of people. That is what we need: to start from principles of origin, and not to lose ourselves in abstractions.
We must familiarize ourselves with what is in the undercurrents of our contemporary civilization. Then we will grasp it at the root and place it before the present.

Results 5801 through 5810 of 6282

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