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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part I. Lecture IV 15 May 1907, Munich
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
(Rev. 2:17) That is clearly stated; and with this letter the other side of the issue is also indicated, that those who do not undergo this development bring their bodies down, bring them into decline. In Christian esotericism the degeneration of the astral body is indicated in a very radical way.
When the fifth seal is opened we are told something very significant: “When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne ...”
These five vignettes were not invented; they are rather five vignettes from the occult script. If we learn to understand every line, all the curves and marks, then we have understood something of how human evolution has been written in the occult language of signs.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture I 09 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
That is what is called “objective research”; nevertheless, it is wholly prejudiced by subjective understanding. Theosophy should become an instrument for us to spiritually comprehend the Apocalypse again and thereby penetrate its meaning.
The Messiah, Paul said to himself, could not end up like a common criminal. Paul is not well understood unless we look deeply into his soul, unless we look at what lived in him as the knowledge of a Jewish initiate.
It is a description of Christian initiation, a picture of the experiences of a man initiated in the Christian sense who has understood what has come into the world through Christ.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture II 10 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
Now that we have seen what Theosophy has to say concerning the historical evolution of humanity, we will consider what the Apocalypse can tell us about it. To understand this we must go beyond our culture back to the Greco-Latin cultural epoch, the fourth in our great post-Atlantean epoch.
The etheric body of ordinary people who have not undergone this transformation dissolves at death into the world ether. However, with the highest initiate something different happens.
The third, the Egypto-Chaldean culture, then followed. The exodus out of Egypt under Moses' leadership took place at the same time. Then the Greco-Latin culture developed during the time of the great Hebrew initiate-prophets, Elijah, Jeremiah, and so forth.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture III 11 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
It will be a war of souls, of souls who no longer understand one another, a war of the classes. This future catastrophe is difficult for present-day consciousness to understand.
The Nordic myth of the Twilight of the Gods also tells us this. We must understand the difference between the evolution of souls and the evolution of bodies. From epoch to epoch human souls find themselves again and again in different bodies.
Humankind, rushing toward the war of all against all, will then find the fruit of the theosophical movement in an understanding of peace—while all around it, the nature of humankind will have everywhere led into strife those who have not heard the call of the master of wisdom and harmony of feelings on the basis of the Christ impulse in the fourth age.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture IV 13 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
The profound meaning of these reincarnations, if we understand well the second letter of the Apocalypse, is this: human beings should struggle through to a consciousness of self, to their I consciousness.
To the extent that our culture now begins to climb upward to a spiritual understanding of the fact of Golgotha, the brightness grows. History is everywhere, in the physical and in the spiritual.
How will there be people in the future who can understand the teaching of the Maitreya Buddha? Through the fact that the redeemer himself carried his own mortal remains to heaven after three and a half days.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture V 14 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
Before this the concept of personality, the concept of the divine-spiritual anchored in the human being, would not have been understood. In ancient Greece they could only understand the divine-spiritual residing in the spiritual world.
However, his soul was not inclined to take in all of this because the souls of the people living at that time were not meant to undertake such lofty flights of the spirit and see the spirit everywhere behind the physical world. The science that had penetrated all the way to the stars deteriorated; and even if this science had reached the Europeans no one could have understood it.
Thus we see how the split appears between faith and knowledge. Augustine was not able to understand a reference to something spiritual standing behind the sun. He did not understand Manicheism because it speaks of the veil of the senses spread over the spiritual.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture VI 15 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
Only because the moon was separated from the earth could the earth be placed between the sun and the moon. Otherwise the earth, solely under the forces of the sun, would have entered into a rate of development that was much too fast. We thank our position between sun and moon for the proper tempo of evolution.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture VII 16 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
Then, any special individual who had been assigned a special mission had to use this etheric body in order to make himself understood to the Semitic people, just as highly educated Europeans would have to learn the language of the Hottentots in order to make themselves understood to them.
We must now ask ourselves the question: If only now, in the fifth post-Atlantean cultural epoch, an understanding for Christianity can be developed, then what was the understanding in the rest of the Greek and Latin age that lasted until the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries?
When we follow his life we will find much that is not understandable. But we can understand especially his humility, his Christian devotion if we realize that such a mystery lived in him.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture VIII 17 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
There are sixteen groups of human instincts and passions and so too, are there sixteen groups of animals. Zoology will one day understand how these sixteen groups were gradually “precipitated out” of the spiritual world. We can easily say how the various parts of the mammal groups were created.
There will be rather a class of good people and a class of evil people. Let us understand Paul correctly, who said: “I live, but it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me.” (Gal. 2:20) What is called “receiving the Yahweh-Christ being” will later show itself in human beings externally.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part II. Lecture IX 18 May 1909, Oslo
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
Through the Rosicrucian-Theosophical spiritual stream, the Christ impulse will be taken into selves that are increasingly selfless—and taken in with increasing understanding. Its followers will achieve, through spiritual development, ever higher stages of spiritual life.

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