262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 62
06 Dec 1907, Rudolf Steiner |
Then comes a wistful note, and further: “And when I wonder why you - who are otherwise kindness itself towards those who lack understanding - are now treating me so harshly in the same way, I tell myself that you will certainly have your reasons for doing so. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 62
06 Dec 1907, Rudolf Steiner |
62To Marie von Sivers in Berlin My darling! Warmest greetings to you both. In Nuremberg and here everything went well. The two lectures “Disease Delusion” and “Health Fever” 40 seem to have a certain clarifying effect on the theosophical field. - And we will need clarification. This is shown by the case of Wolfram, which is truly symptomatic. Wolfram finds it regrettable that now, in addition to Vollrath, Zawadzki 41 a journal (together with a certain Fiedler). And then she came up with a “brilliant” idea: “Lucifer” should appear regularly, and to that end she suggested that I cede me the editorship and publication of “Lucifer.” This should be done “quite quickly.” Now there was something again where one had to be “rude, rude, rude”. I did so telegraphically, because she demanded a telegraphic answer. The telegram was correspondingly so. And now I have received her letter in reply: “You reject my suggestion in a way that could not be more brusque. What I suggested is nonsense.” Then comes a wistful note, and further: “And when I wonder why you - who are otherwise kindness itself towards those who lack understanding - are now treating me so harshly in the same way, I tell myself that you will certainly have your reasons for doing so. And because I realize that, I have never doubted for a moment that you mean well by me as an educator – – –”. Darling, rudeness itself is good when it is used for the sake of the other. The lesson has helped for the time being. But of course the Leipzig nonsense doesn't end there. And in many respects it would be better if we didn't have to consume this “Leipzig lingo” at all. The color of the people from Leipzig — even the tungsten — sticks to people for a long time even after they come to us. And better off are the Leipzig societies, 42 than we are with members who have the idiotic methods of the Leipzig practice. That Unger 43 in Berlin, is dear to me. The following occurred in F.M.: Miss 44 and Countess Fugger.45 Tomorrow morning I am traveling to Stuttgart. Once again, my warmest regards, Rdlf. Munich, December 6, 1907
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Notes Written for Edouard Schuré
Rudolf Steiner |
They, the Eastern Initiators, wanted to instill their form of anciently preserved spiritual knowledge into the Western world. Under the influence of this current, the Theosophical Society took on an Eastern character, and under the same influence, Sinnett's “Esoteric Buddhism” and Blavatsky's “Secret Doctrine” were inspired. |
But this little episode came to an end when Annie Besant surrendered to the influence of certain Indians who, under the influence of German philosophers in particular, developed a grotesque intellectualism, which they interpreted wrongly. |
Rudolf Steiner's master was one of those powerful people who live unknown to the world under the mask of some bourgeois profession to fulfill a mission that only their peers in the Brotherhood of “Masters of Renunciation” know. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Notes Written for Edouard Schuré
Rudolf Steiner |
I.Very early on, I was drawn to Kant. Between the ages of fifteen and sixteen, I studied Kant very intensively, and before I went to university in Vienna, I studied Kant's orthodox successors very intensively, from the beginning of the 19th century, who have been completely forgotten by the official history of science in Germany and are hardly ever mentioned anymore. Then I began to study Fichte and Schelling in depth. During this time—and this already is related to external occult influences—the idea of time became completely clear to me. This realization had no connection with my studies and was derived entirely from occult life. It was the realization that there is a backward-going evolution that interferes with the forward-going one—the occult-astral. This realization is the condition for spiritual vision.1 Then came the acquaintance with the agent of the Masters. Then an intensive study of Hegel. Then the study of more recent philosophy as it developed in Germany from the 1850s, particularly of so-called epistemology in all its ramifications. My childhood passed without anyone outwardly intending to do so, so that I never encountered a person with a superstition; and when someone around me spoke of things of superstition, it was never without a strongly emphasized rejection. I did get to know the church cultus, as I was drafted into the cultic acts as a so-called altar boy, but nowhere, not even with the priests did I get to know any true piety and religiosity. Instead, certain dark sides of the Catholic clergy kept coming to my attention. I did not meet the Master immediately.2, but first one of his emissaries,3 who was completely initiated into the secrets of the effectiveness of all plants and their connection with the cosmos and with human nature. For him, dealing with the spirits of nature was something natural, which he presented without enthusiasm, but which aroused all the more enthusiasm. My official studies were directed towards mathematics, chemistry, physics, zoology, botany, mineralogy and geology. These studies offered a much more secure foundation for a spiritual world view than, for example, history or literature, which, in the absence of a specific method and also without significant prospects in the German scientific community at the time, were left without a secure footing. During my first years at university in Vienna, I met Karl Julius Schröer. At first, I attended his lectures on the history of German literature since Goethe's first appearance, on Goethe and Schiller, on the history of German literature in the 19th century, on Goethe's “Faust”. I also took part in his “exercises in oral presentation and written presentation”. This was a unique college course based on the model of Uhland's institution at the University of Tübingen.4 Schröer came from German language research, had conducted significant studies on German dialects in Austria, he was a researcher in the style of the Brothers Grimm and in literary research, an admirer of Gervinus. He was previously director of the Viennese Protestant schools. He is the son of the poet and extraordinarily meritorious pedagogue Christian Oeser. At the time I got to know him, he was turning entirely to Goethe. He has written a widely read commentary o n Goethe's Faust and on Goethe's other dramas as well. He completed his studies at the German universities of Leipzig, Halle and Berlin before the decline of German idealism. He was a living embodiment of the noble German education. The person was attracted to him. I soon became friends with him and was then often in his house. With him it was like an idealistic oasis in the dry materialistic German educational desert. In the external life, this time was filled with the nationality struggles in Austria. Schröer himself was far removed from the natural sciences. But I myself had been working on Goethe's scientific studies since the beginning of 1880. Then Joseph Kürschner founded the comprehensive work Deutsche Nationalliteratur (German National Literature), for which Schröer edited the Goethean dramas with introductions and commentaries. Kürschner entrusted me with the edition of Goethe's scientific writings on Schröer's recommendation. Schröer wrote a preface for it, through which he introduced me to the literary public. Within this collection, I wrote introductions to Goethe's botany, zoology, geology and color theory. Anyone reading these introductions will already be able to find the theosophical ideas in the guise of a philosophical idealism. It also includes an examination of Haeckel. My 1886 work is a philosophical supplement to this: Epistemologie. Then I was introduced to the circles of Viennese theological professors through my acquaintance with the Austrian poetess M. E. delle Grazie, who had a paternal friend in Professor Laurenz Müllner. Marie Eugenie delle Grazie has written a great epic “Robespierre” and a drama “Shadow”. At the end of the 1880s, I became an editor at the Deutsche Wochenschrift in Vienna for a short time. This gave me the opportunity to study the national psyche of the various Austrian nationalities in depth. The guiding thread for an intellectual cultural policy had to be found. In all of this, there was no question of publicly promoting occult ideas. And the occult powers behind me gave me only one piece of advice: “All in the guise of idealistic philosophy”. At the same time, I had more than fifteen years of experience as an educator and private teacher. My first contact with Viennese theosophical circles at the end of the 1880s had no lasting external effect. During my last months in Vienna, I wrote my little pamphlet Goethe as the Father of a New Aesthetic. Then I was called to the then newly established Goethe and Schiller Archives in Weimar to edit Goethe's scientific writings. I did not have an official position at this archive; I was merely a contributor to the great “Sophie Edition” of Goethe's works. My next goal was to provide the foundation of my world view, purely philosophically. This took place in the two works: Truth and Science and Philosophy of Spiritual Activity. The Goethe and Schiller Archives were visited by a large number of scholars and literary figures, as well as other personalities from Germany and abroad. I got to know some of these personalities better because I soon became friends with the director of the Goethe and Schiller Archives, Prof. Bernhard Suphan, and visited his house a lot. Suphan invited me to many private visits that he received from visitors to the archive. It was on one of these occasions that I met Treitschke. I formed a deeper friendship with the German mythologist Ludwig Laistner, author of Riddle of the Sphinx, who died soon after. I had repeated conversations with Herman Grimm, who told me a lot about his uncompleted work, a History of German Imagination. Then came the Nietzsche period. Shortly before, I had even written about Nietzsche in a hostile sense. My occult powers indicated to me that I should subtly allow the current of thought to flow in the direction of the truly spiritual. One does not arrive at knowledge by wanting to impose one's own point of view absolutely, but rather by immersing oneself in foreign currents of thought. Thus I wrote my book on Nietzsche by placing myself entirely in Nietzsche's point of view. It is perhaps for this very reason the most objective book on Nietzsche in Germany. Nietzsche as an anti-Wagnerian and an anti-Christian is also fully represented. For some time I was now considered the most unconditional “Nietzschean”. At that time the “Society for Ethical Culture” was founded in Germany. This society wanted a morality with complete indifference to all world views—A complete construct and an educational hazard. I wrote a pointed article against this foundation in the weekly Die Zukunft. The result was sharp replies. And my previous study of Nietzsche led to the publication of a pamphlet against me: Nietzsche-Narren (Nietzsche Fool). The occult point of view demands: “No unnecessary polemics” and “Avoid defending yourself where you can”. I calmly wrote my book, Goethes Weltanschauung (Goethe's World View), which marked the end of my Weimar period. Immediately after my article in Zukunft, Haeckel contacted me. Two weeks later, he wrote an article in Zukunft in which he publicly acknowledged my point of view that ethics can only arise on the basis of a worldview. Not long after that was Haeckel's 60th birthday, which was celebrated as a great festivity in Jena. Haeckel's friends invited me. That was the first time I saw Haeckel. His personality is enchanting. In person, he is the complete opposite of the tone of his writings. If Haeckel had ever studied philosophy, in which he was not just a dilettante but a child, he would certainly have drawn the highest spiritualistic conclusions from his epoch-making phylogenetic studies. Now, despite all of German philosophy and despite all of the other German education, Haeckel's phylogenetic thought is the most significant achievement of German intellectual life in the second half of the nineteenth century. And there is no better scientific foundation of occultism than Haeckel's teaching. Haeckel's teaching is great, but Haeckel is the worst commentator on his teaching. It is not by showing Haeckel's contemporaries his weaknesses that one benefits culture, but by presenting to them the greatness of Haeckel's phylogenetic ideas. I did this in the two volumes of my: Welt- und Lebensanschauungen im 19. Jahrhundert (World and Life Views in the 19th Century), which are also dedicated to Haeckel, and in my small work: Haeckel and his opponents. In Haeckel's phylogeny, only the time of the German intellectual life actually lives; philosophy is in a state of the most desolate infertility, theology is a hypocritical fabric that is not remotely aware of its untruthfulness, and the sciences, despite the great empirical upsurge, have fallen into the most barren philosophical ignorance. From 1890 to 1897 I was in Weimar. In 1897 I went to Berlin as editor of the Magazine for Literature. The writings Welt- und Lebensanschauungen im 19. Jahrhundert (World and Life Views in the 19th Century) and Haeckel und seine Gegner (Haeckel and his Opponents) already belong to the Berlin period. My next task was to bring an intellectual current to bear in literature. I placed the Magazin für Literatur at the service of this task. It was a long-established organ that had existed since 1832 and had gone through the most diverse phases. I led it gently and slowly into esoteric directions. Carefully but clearly: by writing an essay for the 150th anniversary of Goethe's birth: Goethe's Secret Revelation. which only reflected what I had already hinted at in a public lecture in Vienna about Goethe's fairy tale of the “green snake and the beautiful lily”. It was only natural that a circle of readers should gradually gather around the trend I had inaugurated in the Magazin. They did gather, but not quickly enough for the publisher to see any financial prospects in the venture. I wanted to give a literary trend in young literature an intellectual foundation, and I was actually in the most lively contact with the most promising representatives of this trend. But on the one hand I was abandoned; on the other hand, this direction soon either sank into insignificance or into naturalism. Meanwhile, contact with the working class had already been established. I had become a teacher at the Berlin Workers' Education School. I taught history and natural science. My thoroughly idealistic method of teaching history and my way of teaching soon became both appealing and understandable to the workers. My audience grew. I was called to give a lecture almost every evening. Then the time came when I was able to say, in agreement with the occult forces behind me:
I had now also reached my fortieth year, before the onset of which, in the sense of the masters, no one is allowed to publicly appear as a teacher of occultism.5 (Whenever someone teaches earlier, this is an error). Now I was able to devote myself publicly to Theosophy. The next consequence was that, at the urging of certain leaders of German socialism, a general assembly of the Workers' Educational School was convened to decide between Marxism and me. But the ostracism did not decide against me. At the general assembly, it was decided with all of them against only four votes to keep me as a teacher. But intimidation from the leaders caused me to resign after three months. In order not to compromise themselves, they wrapped the matter up in the pretext that I was too busy with the Theosophical movement to have enough time for the labor school in. From the very beginning of my theosophical work, Miss v. Sivers was at my side. She also personally witnessed the last phases of my relationship with the Berlin working class. II.Christian Rosenkreutz went to the Orient in the first half of the fifteenth century to find the balance between the initiation of the East and that of the West.6 One consequence of this was the definitive establishment of the Rosicrucians in the West after his return. In this form, Rosicrucianism was to be the top secret school for the preparation of what esotericism would have to take on publicly as its task at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when external natural science would have come to a preliminary solution to certain problems. Christian Rosenkreutz described these problems as follows:
Only when these material discoveries have been fully assimilated by science, should certain Rosicrucian principles be passed on from the realm of esoteric science to the public. For the time being, the Christian-mystical initiation was given to the West in the form in which it was given by the initiator, the “Unknown from the Oberland”. 7 erfloss in St. Victor, Meister Eckhart, Tauler, etc. The initiation of Manes is seen as a “higher degree” within this entire stream.8 In 1459, Christian Rosenkreutz also received his initiation: it consists in the true knowledge of the function of evil. This initiation, with its underlying reasons, must remain hidden from the masses for a long time to come. For wherever even the smallest ray of light from it has found its way into literature, it has wrought disaster, as through the noble Guyau, whose disciple was Friedrich Nietzsche. III.For information; it cannot yet be stated directly in this form.9 The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875 by H. P. Blavatsky and H. S. Olcott. This first foundation had a distinctly Western character. And also the writing “Isis Unveiled”, in which Blavatsky published a great many occult truths, has a distinctly Western character. However, it must be said that the great truths communicated in this writing are often distorted and caricatured. It is as if a harmonious countenance were to appear completely distorted in a convex mirror. The things said in Isis are true, but the way in which they are said is an irregular reflection of the truth. This is due to the fact that the truths themselves are inspired by the great initiates of the West, who are also the initiators of Rosicrucian wisdom. The distortion stems from the inappropriate way in which these truths were absorbed by the soul of H. P. Blavatsky. For the educated world, this very fact should have been proof of the higher source of inspiration for these truths. For no one could have had these truths through themselves, and yet presented them in such a distorted way. Because the initiators of the West saw how little chance they had of the flow of spiritual wisdom into humanity in this way, they decided to drop the matter in this form for the time being. But once the gate was open, Blavatsky's soul was prepared to receive spiritual wisdom. The eastern initiators were able to take hold of it. These eastern initiators initially had the very best of intentions. They saw how humanity was heading towards the terrible danger of a complete materialization of the way of thinking through Anglo-Americanism. They, the Eastern Initiators, wanted to instill their form of anciently preserved spiritual knowledge into the Western world. Under the influence of this current, the Theosophical Society took on an Eastern character, and under the same influence, Sinnett's “Esoteric Buddhism” and Blavatsky's “Secret Doctrine” were inspired. But both became distortions of the truth again. Sinnett's work distorts the high revelations of the initiators through an inadequate philosophical intellectualism carried into it, and Blavatsky's “Secret Doctrine” through their own chaotic soul. The result of this was that the initiators, including the Eastern ones, increasingly withdrew their influence from the official Theosophical Society, and that this became a playground for all kinds of occult powers that distorted the high cause. There was a brief episode in which Annie Besant, through her pure, lofty way of thinking and living, came into the initiators' current. But this little episode came to an end when Annie Besant surrendered to the influence of certain Indians who, under the influence of German philosophers in particular, developed a grotesque intellectualism, which they interpreted wrongly. That was the situation when I myself was faced with the necessity of joining the Theosophical Society. It had been founded by true initiates and therefore, although subsequent events have given it a certain imperfection, it is for the time being an instrument for the spiritual life of the present. Its beneficial further development in Western countries depends entirely on the extent to which it proves capable of incorporating the principle of Western initiation under its influence. For the Eastern initiations must necessarily leave untouched the Christ principle as the central cosmic factor of evolution. Without this principle, however, the theosophical movement would have to remain without a decisive influence on Western cultures, which have the Christ life at their starting point. The revelations of Oriental initiation would have to present themselves in the West as a sect alongside living culture. They could only hope to succeed in evolution if they eradicated the Christ principle from Western culture. But this would be identical with extinguishing the very purpose of the earth, which lies in the knowledge and realization of the intentions of the living Christ. To reveal this in its full wisdom, beauty and truth is the deepest goal of Rosicrucianism. Regarding the value of Eastern wisdom as a subject of study, only the opinion can exist that this study is of the highest value because the Western peoples have lost the sense of esotericism, but the Eastern peoples have retained it. But regarding the introduction of the right esotericism in the West, there should also only be the opinion that this can only be the Rosicrucian-Christian one, because it also gave birth to Western life, and because by losing it, humanity would deny the meaning and purpose of the Earth. Only in this esotericism can the harmony of science and religion flourish, while any fusion of Western knowledge with Eastern esotericism can only produce such barren bastards as Sinnett's “Esoteric Buddhism” is. One can schematically represent the correct path: Original revelation -> Evolution through Indian Esotericism -> Christ -> split between Modern scientific materialism AND Esoteric Rosicrucianism -> Synthesis: productive modern Theosophy the incorrect, of which Sinnett's “Esoteric Buddhism” and Blavatsky's “Secret Doctrine” are examples: Original revelation -> Synthesis of Evolution through Indian Esotericism AND Modern scientific materialism of which the Eastern world has not participated = Blavatsky and Sinnett. Appendix to Part I of Rudolf Steiner's NotesFrom the introduction by Edouard Schuré to his French translation of Rudolf Steiner's work “Christianity as Mystical Fact” (1908) 1
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 64a
26 Mar 1908, Rudolf Steiner |
Much of all this must, of course, remain superficially in the form of hints at the ceremony under the present circumstances. But these beginnings will lead to further ones. It is an important thing that you, dearest friend, took part in these beginnings. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 64a
26 Mar 1908, Rudolf Steiner |
64aRudolf Steiner to Edouard Schuré Berlin, March 26, 1908 Dearest Friend! On March 16, I sent the contract signed by me to Perrin 5. It was really only certain technical difficulties that delayed the matter. During the last few weeks, I have only been in Berlin for a few days. But first of all, I had to come to terms with my own situation regarding the publishing business with my German publisher. The book was first published by another publisher and was subsequently sold to the present one. But now everything is clear. At the time, I personally reserved all translation rights to this book. Therefore, I alone have the right to transfer the translation rights, and legally, the signature of my German publisher is not necessary. However, as a precaution, I did show the translation to the current publisher, and he took note of the advertisement. So, as you can see, dear friend, it was just a few purely legal formalities with the German publisher that have been holding me up. Now everything is settled. It is highly satisfying to me that this book of yours is being published in French. And it is fair to say that this book has a most fortunate karma in that it is being presented to the French reading public by the author of “The Great Initiates”. How wonderful it was to have you with us in Basel. It was also wonderful to be there with you in terms of our esotericism and F.M.6. Much of all this must, of course, remain superficially in the form of hints at the ceremony under the present circumstances. But these beginnings will lead to further ones. It is an important thing that you, dearest friend, took part in these beginnings. And from the bottom of my heart, I not only said what I said in Basel, that through your participation the matter is promoted in the most glorious sense, but I knew myself, in saying this, in full agreement with the guiding spiritual powers of the R+. The esoteric exercises we discussed in Barr will remain yours for some time. They contain much that should arise through meditation. After some time, we will discuss further ones. In two hours we leave for Scandinavia. Lectures are planned in Lund, Stockholm, Upsala, Gothenburg, Christiania, Malmö and Copenhagen. Tonight I spoke here about “Sun, Moon and Stars” and on April 9th there will be another lecture here in Berlin about “The Beginning and End of the Earth”. For today, just warmest regards to Madame Schuré from me and Miss v. Sivers; also to yourself from the latter and your faithful Dr. ![]()
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 65
07 Feb 1909, Rudolf Steiner |
The crises in Basel are unpleasant, since things went so well there theosophically. Actually, underlying feelings play a greater role than the facts that have occurred. In Mulhouse, Ostermann turned up for a day. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 65
07 Feb 1909, Rudolf Steiner |
65To Marie von Sivers in Berlin Stuttgart, February 7, 1909 M. l. M. I can only send you a few words from here. There really was quite a lot to do. And actually, there is little time everywhere. But so far, as far as the theosophical content of the trip is concerned, everything has gone well. But we will probably have to save almost everything about that for the oral report. In Strasbourg, Oehler 7 is very eager. And it wasn't his fault that the lecture hall was so poorly heated that Maud 8 caught a cold so badly (on top of everything else) that she had to stay in bed. Now Scholl has brought her here. The two of them have become so ill from some food that was served to them yesterday that Maud is back in bed here as well. It is a shame for Scholl that she has to be a nurse like this. After Strasbourg, Freiburg. Not particularly well attended; but this time with a lot of participation. Then Mulhouse. Good. One is still missing for the lodge.9 I will bring applications for admission. The members of the local French lodge 10 were, by the way, completely there. In Basel, I found Bredow's letter about the theater rent. We can discuss the matter as soon as I return. But it looks as though the artists' theater won't work out, and it would be good if K. [Kalckreuth] looked for another theater. Your Berlin local question 11 We can only decide after I arrive. The crises in Basel are unpleasant, since things went so well there theosophically. Actually, underlying feelings play a greater role than the facts that have occurred. In Mulhouse, Ostermann turned up for a day. He told me that he would never be unfaithful. In Bern, we had the Grand Council Hall again. This time it was very well attended. There were French people there, but no interpreters. So this time I had to see how far I could get with my French. Necessity is the mother of invention in such matters. But it is quicker with an interpreter. In Bern, Miss Bright was 12 Actually, she does not know much about all the events in England; and she is optimistic. Her real puzzle is Miss Ward, whose influence on her is a recurring theme, no matter what is said in conversation. She attended the public lecture in Bern, an E.S. and a lodge lecture. And Bern was probably good for her being there. Yesterday at noon she was invited with Mrs. Haefliger 13 invited, which I thought was necessary if I accepted the lunch invitation. She said she would have been very happy with anything. The Lodge lecture is coming up soon. Bern-Stuttgart is a horrendous journey. In the evening I had to travel from Bern to Zurich at 8:37 p.m.; then there was a sleeping car to Stuttgart, where we arrived at 5:50 a.m. E.S. was at 11 a.m. Yesterday was very busy. In Basel and Bern there were Swiss from all sides. Sincerely, Rudolf I am very happy about your feelings towards the great subject of the Apocalypse; it is like an echo of my own when I have to speak about these powerful things. The way you feel about it only shows that you are doing the right thing.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 66
24 Feb 1909, Rudolf Steiner |
Warmest greetings from the city of Wartburg, which is buried under deep snow. So far, all has gone well theosophically. In Leipzig, it was just as usual. Z. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 66
24 Feb 1909, Rudolf Steiner |
66To Marie von Sivers in Berlin M. l. M. Warmest greetings from the city of Wartburg, which is buried under deep snow. So far, all has gone well theosophically. In Leipzig, it was just as usual. Z. [Zawadzki] has declared his resignation to the lodge. I will tell you the rest in person. Erfurt is still in its early days theosophically. In Weimar it was Shrove Tuesday. The small hall was full, but the people who used to have a certain interest were all busy celebrating Carnival. And my godson 14 – now I had a right to imagine a 12-year-old boy – came up to me as a – girl. In Weimar, carnival now transforms boys into girls, and girls into boys. The boy's father had told the story two years ago of how the boy didn't want to put on a high school student's cap like the others: “Am I a herd animal?” So the school teachers had not been able to bend this “individuality”. But the group soul of human folly was able to do so; the “stubborn head” ran with the herd, transformed into a girl in the crazy procession that wound through the “classical” streets of Weimar. And when Henning had heard my lecture “Man and Woman” 15 He also confessed that 'my two youngest' were running around in their etheric bodies on the train this evening. Is not Weimar then really grandiose “ahead”? The spirit of “Carnival” illustrated on all streets that the supernatural in the female is male and in the male is female. And so my lecture was a strange commentary on the events on the street. - I enclose another symptom of the times on a newspaper page. Please keep it until I return. Dr. Cl. L.16 has not yet come to his senses either; his wife 17 nor does she ever cease to say: Don't you see how Cl. becomes more perfect every day? Forgive me for only writing about these minor eccentricities today, but it is freezing cold here at the “Fürstenhof”, which is such a beautiful hotel in summer, and I want to get to Kassel as quickly as possible. Once again, warmest greetings and just the news that Tschirschky is here. Your Rdlf ![]() Rudolf Steiner with a child of the Reitan family, with Marta Steinsvik next to him; behind them: Livy Reitan, Clara Selling, Marie von Sivers
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 67
28 Nov 1909, Rudolf Steiner |
In Stuttgart, however, there is a place where the few leading people can respond to everything absolutely well; but in return, they feel again how difficult it is to get the right meaning to run through the veins of others. But they understand well, both Arenson and Unger, how necessary it is to cultivate the rudiments in the branches. So that one does not then have to talk about CHR, for example, to people who know nothing about the limbs of the human organization. |
By then, they have long forgotten that I spoke clearly in the first council, and that if they understand it the way it was in the above case, the only thing left to say is, “Well!” In Stuttgart, things went well; however, it is clearly noticeable that precisely in places where, as there, good work is being done, it is not right to come so rarely, especially for public lectures. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 67
28 Nov 1909, Rudolf Steiner |
67To Marie von Sivers in Berlin M. 1. M. Thank you very much for your kind words. If only it were possible to ease your burden a little! But how could one take away the possibility of this at this stage of our work? It is indeed very difficult to know that you are so overburdened. But it is not true that you write of me as being tired. What weighs on my mind is that the meaning of the matter at hand changes so easily when it passes through the ears and comprehension of other people. In Stuttgart, however, there is a place where the few leading people can respond to everything absolutely well; but in return, they feel again how difficult it is to get the right meaning to run through the veins of others. But they understand well, both Arenson and Unger, how necessary it is to cultivate the rudiments in the branches. So that one does not then have to talk about CHR, for example, to people who know nothing about the limbs of the human organization. In Bremen, on the other hand, Mrs. Wandrey 18 On her program: the Ten Commandments as a preparation for Christianity, or even Christianity in the present day. This is for people to whom I had to speak about the elements of karma in order not to tell them something bleak and worthless. So in the branches to people to whom karma must first be spoken, the most difficult things are spoken of by lecturers who look like a five-year-old boy at a cannon. Of course, you will say, it is up to me to tell these people. But assuming that this is the only way to do it, then nothing else can be done at the same time but to close the gate to all our esotericism. For I must not realize the inner contradiction of training people like children and at the same time giving them that which is to be given in the esoteric sense in our present time. How I am to speak to people, that I do. Before I wanted her to lecture in lodges, I sent Mrs. Wandrey to Dr. Unger to learn the form of thinking. She came back saying that everything Dr. Unger said felt like climbing a climbing pole of concepts to get to where she would be from the outset. If people only want what they think is right, then they are willing to hear from me that they are right. By then, they have long forgotten that I spoke clearly in the first council, and that if they understand it the way it was in the above case, the only thing left to say is, “Well!” In Stuttgart, things went well; however, it is clearly noticeable that precisely in places where, as there, good work is being done, it is not right to come so rarely, especially for public lectures. The time from February to November was too long for Stuttgart. One could already see this in the increase of interest from the first to the second lecture, from Monday to Tuesday. Besides, it hardly makes sense to give many lectures in places where the Theosophists themselves - I mean the active ones - have such a poor impact. One must not forget that a lecture does not mean anything to people, especially if it is good. The journey from Stuttgart to Bern took from 8 o'clock in the morning until 6:15 in the evening. The trains are snowed in, miss the connections, etc. Bern is beautiful in the snow. Last night in the box was good. All my love, Ralf. Don't take the lines too badly; it has to be done somehow!
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 67a
Marie Steiner |
Lehmann 20 and Mücke 21 have carefully calculated and counted and find that with careful and good work, it does not go under two marks per lecture. Of course, the stenographer's fee is included; they estimate that the cost would be just about right if 500 copies were produced and purchased. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 67a
Marie Steiner |
67aMarie von Sivers to Sophie Stinde, Dear Sophie, I would have liked to send you a cycle to study in the library, but we are just at the beginning of our work. It is a tremendous task, requiring machines, premises, cabinets, tables, shelves... a large workforce... a whole capital investment. Of course, printing would be easier and cheaper,19 But it is not possible. If Dr. Steiner were to read through all of this, we would never receive anything... and only in this form is it possible to publish lectures that he has not reviewed. That is quite clear. We cannot use bulk discounts for this material either; it has to be a limited number. Lehmann 20 and Mücke 21 have carefully calculated and counted and find that with careful and good work, it does not go under two marks per lecture. Of course, the stenographer's fee is included; they estimate that the cost would be just about right if 500 copies were produced and purchased. The following are now employed: Lehmann, Stößinger 22 and Annenkoff.23 Stößinger and Annenkoff are still learning the material naturally and Annenkoff is not getting a fee, but leaves after three months. I am sending you the first lecture of the Munich cycle; that is all that is ready. Lehmann only started in mid-November. Until then she had to help me. Now Waller 24 for the study of the lodge. And he asked Klenk,26 who has moved to Munich, to give them to you. But now Bauer has also...27 seems to have asked him to do so. Why not ask him? He received my instruction to give them only to you or to Bauer. If Bauer takes it, please ask Klenk for his Apocalypse. — Arenson has also received the Kassel lectures. But I have asked him to correct them and then send them to me on the typewriter, because I cannot possibly finish reading through all the lectures. In any case, write to me and let me know if you receive anything, because otherwise I will hire someone here to copy the Gospel of Luke for you for the time being. I don't want anyone else to receive anything in Munich before you. Klenk is giving me his shorthand notes, so I gave him the Kasseler, but with the request that he pass them on to you. The Munich lectures will be available by subscription, not as a single lecture; the same goes for the other series. Thank you very much for inviting me to visit you. I would be happy to do so, and there are important matters to discuss with [Julius v.] Rainer, who is coming to Munich. Vienna is to receive a cycle from March 20 (Palm Sunday) to April 2. I thought: March 20-31 - Course / 1st public lecture / 2nd - question and answer session / 3rd - public When discussing the program, if the Dr. doesn't have the leaflet at hand, you might mention this arrangement. Non-members who are interested in Theosophy should also be allowed to attend. This should provide a good impetus for the work in Austria, and whatever is done wrong can be put right. You will certainly be interested in this as well. All class and lodge leaders among us can learn something from it again. Since Rainer has nothing to discuss with me, perhaps you could invite him to dinner so that he can discuss a few things with you and the doctor. I would not have found it unimportant to come myself, but I cannot possibly leave the mass work here unattended. Much love to you both Marie
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 67b
27 Dec 1909, Marie Steiner |
But above all, it is important that you do not break down under the work, and therefore you must speak out without reservation. Perhaps everything can be done in Bern. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 67b
27 Dec 1909, Marie Steiner |
67bMarie von Sivers to Sophie Stinde, 27/XII 1909 Dear Sophie, [...] All but the August course have been scheduled already. Yesterday I asked the doctor to make up his mind, because there are so many requests. He said he would like to combine this course with theater again. Yes, now I said, “the Munich ladies will still be suffering from the hardships of last year,” and where it should be, whether in Karlsruhe, Stuttgart or Frankfurt. If, for example, Iphigenia in Tauris were to be performed, it could be done anywhere. Then the doctor said that he would have liked to put on the Fairytale by Goethe and a repetition of the Mysteries of Eleusis. The Fairytale will, of course, require so many decorations and costumes that it would be difficult to finish them in another place – and the technical assistants from Munich, who are already known, are also valuable. Aeschylus, on the other hand, or Iphigenia in Athens would have required less external work and could perhaps have been performed elsewhere. But Aeschylus is premature and Iphigenia not mysterious enough. Now you must all consider carefully and not sacrifice yourselves if you do not have the strength. But if you think that it would be good for objective reasons and also in view of the new difficulties you are having, then perhaps one of our assistants, of whom we now have several due to the duplication, could be put in the downstairs apartment until we arrive, so that she can take care of all the ticket writing and sending of programs, e.g. Jaatinen or Knispel.28 Knispel would certainly be very reliable and, since you close the lodge in summer, could be sent to Munich with her typewriter, sleep in Miss Selling's room and do the postal work, but type for me in her free time. Incidentally, Knispel is not yet employed by me, I am just thinking that it might become necessary. We would probably be able to come to Munich around or before mid-July, and we would have to start the show a week or two earlier than last year, since the event begins in Bern on September 1st. It could also be that this will further increase our members' enthusiasm for art and they will dare to collect for a theater; Miss Minzloff's million proves to be an absolute chimera after all, and perhaps your Munich conditions will only be preserved in this way. But above all, it is important that you do not break down under the work, and therefore you must speak out without reservation. Perhaps everything can be done in Bern. Wishing you a pleasant rest in heartfelt love, Marie.
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 70
13 Feb 1910, Rudolf Steiner |
However, I have not yet been able to talk to her a second time; but however she understood or misunderstood my words during our conversation on Thursday, they should have been a strong reason for her to behave quite differently towards you this time. So now what is not under the power of her consciousness is so strong that she will hardly improve for the time being. When I see these incidents of misuse within our movement over and over again, then I am also increasingly inclined to tighten the limits for inclusion in IT and FM. |
I said that your living separately was not an option. If the space was only enough under this condition, we would just have to do without her apartment. She liked the idea of the folding screen; it hadn't occurred to her before, but now she just wants to see if it can be done. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 70
13 Feb 1910, Rudolf Steiner |
70To Marie von Sivers in Berlin Frankfurt, February 13, 1910 M.l.M. Everything arrived in good order. And here, too, the address “Russischer Hof” is correct. Oh, I completely understand that you are upset after the miserable state of A. weighed on you again. If she had wanted to work on herself, to do something to herself through her awareness, then she would have had to behave quite differently when she met you, after I told her what I thought was necessary. However, I have not yet been able to talk to her a second time; but however she understood or misunderstood my words during our conversation on Thursday, they should have been a strong reason for her to behave quite differently towards you this time. So now what is not under the power of her consciousness is so strong that she will hardly improve for the time being. When I see these incidents of misuse within our movement over and over again, then I am also increasingly inclined to tighten the limits for inclusion in IT and FM. But the thing is that then you really have to make the “tight” very, very tight. But as it is, the present unnaturalness in the movement sends us all sorts of things. The thing itself is quite innocent, and also what people experience within the thing is innocent of such misadventures. The real reason always lies outside of the matter at hand. If you draw the boundaries too narrowly, then people who should have the matter but who would stumble after a certain time, even if they did not come in, cannot come in either. They would actually do so under otherwise similar circumstances even earlier than with Theosophy and esotericism. This makes things difficult for us. In Dresden, Mrs. Reif 5 (without Beatrix). So it is really the case that an agreement between Rainer 6 and Reif, but also between the former and the other Viennese members. Rainer did not take care of the arrangement of lectures and courses. But he should have done that, because I told him explicitly in Munich at the time: So Mr. von Rainer, you are of the opinion that Lang must be broken with? 7 He said, “I think that goes without saying.” I said, “Then we need someone we can count on not just for this, but for all time. Can I count on you completely?” He said yes, of course. So I really had to think that he would take care of it. I really didn't make any arrangements in Munich that would have affected Mausen's arrangements in any way. I just wanted to have Rainer's word, so to speak, that he would take care of us in Austria in the future. Regarding the apartment at 8 it would have been good if Ms could have talked to Reif. She wanted to do something quite gruesome. Ms should have a room next to her (Reif's) apartment, with a corridor and dining room, etc. forming Reif's apartment. Now I don't know whether I was completely correct in saying to Reif that she should perhaps vacate her apartment for the time being, but to do it in such a way that a bedroom for you would be set up next to the dining room with a folding screen in the dining room. That would leave us with little space; but if it wasn't too little, we would have a small but contiguous apartment. I said that your living separately was not an option. If the space was only enough under this condition, we would just have to do without her apartment. She liked the idea of the folding screen; it hadn't occurred to her before, but now she just wants to see if it can be done. In any case, I told her she would have to write to you about it. Forgive me if you don't like my “Spanish wall idea”; but Reif is so helpless and clumsy. Sincerely, Rudolf
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 73
04 Jun 1910, Rudolf Steiner |
Show German 73 Third will, dated July 4, 1910. Will. I, the undersigned, declare that after my death the following shall be deemed to be my will. 1. Upon my death, all of my correspondence, as well as all other written documents and letters written by me or written by others and addressed to me or handed over to me, become the property of Miss Marie von Sivers z. |
262. Correspondence with Marie Steiner 1901–1925: Correspondence 73
04 Jun 1910, Rudolf Steiner |
73Third will, dated July 4, 1910. Will. I, the undersigned, declare that after my death the following shall be deemed to be my will. 1. Upon my death, all of my correspondence, as well as all other written documents and letters written by me or written by others and addressed to me or handed over to me, become the property of Miss Marie von Sivers z. Z. residing at Berlin W Motzstraße 17. She alone shall decide at her discretion and in accordance with my intentions known to her, what is to be done with the characterized. The same applies to all documents in my possession. 2. After my death, Miss Marie von Sivers is to be considered the sole administrator of my literary estate; she is entitled to decide on new editions of my works, as well as on what of my manuscripts, speeches, etc. may be published. 3. My books and other possessions in the form of bank deposits or cash, as well as the proceeds of my works managed by Ms. von Sivers, are to be used by Ms. von Sivers at her discretion for my relatives (mother and two siblings) living in Horn in Lower Austria. In contrast, my wife, who is separated from me, is only entitled to the statutory compulsory portion; this applies to everything that is considered my property. Miss von Sivers is to remain in possession of my books and is only to give the corresponding value to my named relatives, as well as the compulsory portion to my wife. Ä Dr. Rudolf Steiner Additional note from 1915: This will no longer exists, as it has been replaced by our joint will, which was drawn up by the notary Dr. Bischofswerder, a lawyer from Charlottenburg, Lutherstr. 13, and is deposited at the district court. |