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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 6351 through 6360 of 6379

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265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Four Principles

Rudolf Steiner
Instruction lesson Berlin, June 26, 1906 1 In Freemasonry, meetings are divided into those in which work is carried out with the full performance of the ritual, and those that deal with instruction, which underlies the entire structure of Freemasonry and teaches about things that every occultist should write deep into their soul as the center of the occult being.
You have to reflect on these sentences and on the possibilities in your own life for realizing these things. These sentences are part of the understanding of the pentagram: The five points correspond occultly to certain things, so that they signify what a person will become, either by observing these principles or through development.
Once you have begun to learn silence, a second hieroglyph that you begin to understand is the hexagram. 1.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Formula for the Vow

Rudolf Steiner
And such word formulas, which had an effect far beyond the ordinary, were handed down in the mysteries. Now you can understand that they could not be revealed, because the fact that a person knew these formulas gave him great power over other people, which must not be abused. It is an absolutely real truth that when the old Hebrew temple priest pronounced what in ordinary life was only called the “word” , but which had a certain sound composition, then, when he pronounced it in the right way - because in those ancient times it was the case that the power lay in that sound composition - it actually happened to the people to whom he spoke that another world was around them, spiritually, but this spirituality was real. And so you can understand that it was not only criminal to speak the mystery formulas to the one to whom it was not allowed, since one thereby exercised an authority over him that was unauthorized, but that it was also frowned upon to listen, because one exposed oneself to the danger of placing oneself completely in the power of the other.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: Ash, Salt and Water

Rudolf Steiner
Instruction lesson Berlin, February 1908, no date given It is important that we learn to understand the formulas used in the lodge better and better, so that we can follow the ceremonies in which they are used with more understanding.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Rose Cross

Rudolf Steiner
At first the earlier developmental stages were repeated under new conditions. The earth went through a period when, in physical terms, it was a body of heat like the old Saturn was back then.
Man himself inhabited the physical center (or body) on earth, and under the guidance of the higher beings, it was gradually developed into the physical human body as it appears today.
Then he must learn to recognize the truth by learning to understand the world wisdom that resounds in him, by allowing the sounds from the spiritual world to resound within him and intuiting their meaning, just as a child learns to understand language.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: “The stones are mute...”

Rudolf Steiner
If stones have souls, then you will also understand how a moral relationship with them can arise. A human or animal body has desires, passions and instincts.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Sign, the Grip and the Word

Rudolf Steiner
So, for example, let us say that the usual gesture that one already has in one's mind was further developed: I understand -; or: That is not something you are telling me -; or: We understand each other well. - One drew the cross into it.
Now, actually this kind of Freemasonry only developed when everything else from the mysteries had been forgotten; and individual old things that were no longer understood were imitated. So that what Freemasonry has adopted of the cult is mostly no longer understood by Freemasons today; they also do not understand the sign, grip and word, because they do not know what it is all about.
So that one can say: It is already the case that anyone who can still understand today what is contained in some Masonic ceremonies for the first, second and third degrees, can recognize in what the Freemasons themselves often do not understand that they often go back to very old wisdom; but this is not the main significance.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Coffin Ceremony in the Initiation Ritual for the Third Degree

Rudolf Steiner
Everything that belongs to our temple is supernatural, and the activities in it must be regarded as supersensible. What is the meaning of the death we undergo during the recording? When the Elohim decided to create man at the beginning of the evolution of the Earth, it was their intention to make man entirely in their own image, so that each member of the human nature would correspond to one of the Elohim.
Something in us must die before we can find the right connection again. And the symbol of the coffin can only be understood if we grasp it in this sense. Through our thinking, we continually kill certain parts of our brain.
If the feverish forces are not kept in constant physiological balance by the solidifying (salting) forces, the person will inevitably develop a sclerosis or fever. If a person only develops the powers of understanding, if he tends towards intellectualism, he falls prey to the Ahrimanic; if he only develops the fiery elements, the passionate, the emotional, then he falls prey to the Luciferic.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Content of the Fourth Degree

Rudolf Steiner
Name the four: Earth, Water, Air, Fire. The four are also understood by the four sentences that are always spoken in the lodge and that we know: Learn to be silent and you will have power.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Lodge or Temple

Rudolf Steiner
They are handed down from century to century from the mysteries of the most ancient times so that they can serve as the right channels for the spiritual currents that the wise masters of the East pour over us. It is therefore impossible to explain or understand them in an esoteric way. From a teaching session in Cologne, May 12, 1913 Everything that belongs to our temple is unearthly, and the activities in it must be considered supersensible.
265. The History of the Esoteric School 1904–1914, Volume Two: The Three Altars

Rudolf Steiner
If, according to the notes of a participant, a fourth altar stood in the north during the ritual for the elevation to the third degree, then this was probably in the sense of Goethe's “Fairytale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily” and in Rudolf Steiner's first mystery drama “The Portal of Initiation”, where in the underground temple this fourth king, standing in the north, collapses as the temple rises into the light of day.

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