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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 781 through 790 of 6073

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11. Cosmic Memory: The Life of the Sun
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
[ 3 ] In order to understand the development of mankind, one must realize that in this second great cycle the Sun was still a planet, and that only later did it advance to the existence of a fixed star.
On Saturn they had given the ancestor of man a kind of organ of understanding. Now they further develop the physical instruments of the human spirit, which he will consciously use at later stages of his development.
It has only developed in this way because its environment is a corresponding one. The Sun plant-being existed under other conditions of life, which correspond to the physical solar conditions of that time.
11. Cosmic Memory: Life on the Moon
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
[ 1 ] It is to be understood in this way if the Moon consciousness is now compared with one with which it has some similarity, namely with that of dream-filled sleep.
11. Cosmic Memory: The Life of Earth
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
[ 22 ] The student of ordinary theosophical literature should understand clearly that the separation of the one heavenly body into two took place in the period in which this literature places the development of the so-called second principal human race.
11. Cosmic Memory: The Fourfold Man of Earth
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
The animal realm, which is closest to man, had already fallen behind on Saturn, but partially made up the development under unfavorable conditions on Sun and Moon, so that while on the earth it was not as far advanced as man, in part it still had the capacity to receive warm blood as he did.
On the other hand, those muscles are striated which mediate movements under the influence of human volition, for example, the muscles by which the arms and legs are moved. The heart, which after all is also a muscle, constitutes an exception to this general condition.
Turning pale through feelings of fear, blushing under the influence of sensations of shame, are coarse effects of processes of the soul in the blood. But everything which takes place in the blood is only the expression of what takes place in the life of the soul.
11. Cosmic Memory: Answers to Questions
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
The life-mastering power of the Atlanteans first appeared among the members of our race under the mask of mythology. In this form it could become the basis for the intellectual activity of our race.
They were cultivated in the so-called mystery schools. Only the one who underwent certain tests could learn something of them. He was always told only as much as was appropriate for his intellectual, spiritual, and moral faculties.
It is not a matter of mastering the teachings of the science of the spirit with the understanding, but of permeating feelings, emotions, the whole life with them. Only through such a permeating does one learn something of their truth.
11. Cosmic Memory: Prejudices Arising from Alleged Science (1904)
Translated by Karl E. Zimmer

Rudolf Steiner
They point out that at present also, clouded skies exceed the unclouded, so that life is still to a large extent under the influence of sunlight which is weakened by the formation of clouds, hence one cannot say that life could not have developed under the cloud cover of that Atlantean time.
The other part are the spiritual facts, through which the occurrence of the sensory ones first becomes understandable. These facts are not hypotheses, not something which “one” cannot imagine, but something lived and experienced by spiritual research.
The person who wants to have anything to do with such “logic” cannot be helped for the time being. With this logic he may understand the sentence: “Our I has formerly lived directly in our human ancestors, and it will continue to live in our direct or indirect descendants.”
Cosmic Memory: Introduction

Rudolf Steiner
In somewhat enlarged form, this thesis appeared under the title, Wahrheit und Wissenschaft (Truth and Science), as the preface to Steiner's chief philosophical work, Die Philosophie der Freiheit, 1894.
Through a study of his writings one can come to a clear, reasonable, comprehensive understanding of the human being and his place in the universe. It is noteworthy that in all his years of work, Steiner made no appeal to emotionalism or sectarianism in his readers or hearers.
Steiner himself anticipated the reader's initial difficulties with this book, as he indicates on page 112: “The reader is requested to bear with much that is dark and difficult to comprehend, and to struggle toward an understanding, just as the writer has struggled toward a generally understandable manner of presentation. Many a difficulty in reading will be rewarded when one looks upon the deep mysteries, the important human enigmas which are indicated.”
11. Atlantis and Lemuria: From the Âkâshic Records
Translated by Max Gysi

Rudolf Steiner
In the articles on “How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds,” which have appeared under the title The Way of Initiation,1 and Initiation and its Results,2 the method of this training is indicated.
In order to avoid a possible error, let it here be at once understood that even mental vision is not infallible. Such perception may also be deceived; it may be inaccurate, crooked, topsy-turvy.
He who knows anything at all about such sources will understand why this must be so; but circumstances may arise which will make it possible to speak on this subject very shortly.
11. Atlantis and Lemuria: Our Atlantean Forefathers
Translated by Max Gysi

Rudolf Steiner
He remembered how this was done on former occasions. Now it must be clearly understood that whenever a new faculty is developed in a being, an old one loses its force and precision.
The forms of plant and animal have altered; the whole of terrestrial Nature has undergone a transformation. Regions of the earth which were formerly inhabited have been destroyed, and others have arisen.
By such a system of education the father's ability was really, in most cases, transferred to the son. Under conditions like these, personal experience won for itself more and more importance in the third sub-race.
11. Atlantis and Lemuria: Transition of the Atlantean into the Âryan Root-Race
Translated by Max Gysi

Rudolf Steiner
That which took place in the Temples of Mysteries was, accordingly, incomprehensible to the populace, and only very slightly did the latter understand the purposes of their great leaders. The people could, indeed, understand with their senses only what happened immediately on the earth, not what was revealed from higher worlds.
Even the last sub-races of the Atlanteans could as yet understand very little of the principles of their divine leaders. They began by having a very vague presentiment of such principles.
This was achieved by the leader sequestering the elect in a particular spot of the earth—in Central Asia—and freeing them from every influence of those left behind or gone astray. The task undertaken by the leader was to conduct his disciples so far on that they could grasp in their own souls and through their own thought the principles according to which they were previously directed and which they faintly understood.

Results 781 through 790 of 6073

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