90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Pitris
01 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Pitris
01 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
The Pitris of the moon - Manvantara - had the task of developing the sentience in its most ideal form. They had attained the likeness of Yahweh and became seeds. The solar Pitris were those who had progressed in lunar development. The lunar Pitris had attained the likeness. Those who had trained as masters on the moon were intellectually higher than the moon deity. The earthly deity extends as far as earthly development. Yahweh only advanced to the first person of the Trinity through an error. People or lower Dhyanis are those who advance beyond the lunar epoch. None of the lunar Pitris had developed the causal body. 1. Incarnation of the planetary chain: planetoid, The Pitris as empty bellows absorbed the elementary essence in order to gain physicality. All this took place in the darkness, and now the first red sphere emerges from the universe. The highly developed cosmic beings now draw the essence towards themselves, and the formers, the planetary spirits, shape according to the archetypes, placing them within as seed-images. These have a task that transcends the individual planetary manvantaras. They do not stand within our development. The highest thoughts are sunk in as germs, and now the next formers come and give shape; the archetype of man, of the animal, of the crystal, which at first were only points. As a third step, astral matter now comes in, like color in the ink. Sphere D formed in physical matter for the first time. E.- F - G.: Evolution of life instead of form. At first there were automatic human beings; now they begin to want to move, to stir from within. First the point is animated, then the figure, then the matter, and the archetype turns into seed. The Pitris were the souls - perfect sensation; the physicality from the elementary essence; the spirit is lowered from the Logos as a black point; and the earthly task is the perfect marriage between spirit and soul. The seed of the spirit is lowered into the soul. First the souls must bring the forms to maturity, then inhabit them. Segregation of the mineral kingdom: the minerals are present as archetypes and can reproduce themselves. – Etheric fire. 2. round, The solar Pitris now intervene to take control. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Description of the Rounds
05 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Description of the Rounds
05 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Today I will simply describe the rounds to you. You will have to be patient because the facts will be manifold. I can therefore only sketch them. It is also extremely difficult to express and describe them in words because they are quite unlike our present circumstances. I will try to describe what is called the first round. I will simply describe the actual events. If we want to describe the beginning of the first round, we have to imagine that a sphere separates from the dark space of the universe. This sphere has a reddish color for those who can see at such a high level, A reddish sphere separates itself from the darkness of space. This reddish sphere contains within itself all the beings and substances that will later appear on Earth, but in a completely dissolved state, as it were. At first nothing has a form in it. Everything is formless in this red mist, which is thinner than the thinnest ether, if one can imagine it at all. This red sphere therefore represents that which we receive as a drawing of the first Aupa sphere of our seven globes belonging to the earth. Now I ask you to watch what is called the transition from one sphere to the other. It is not really a transition, but a transformation of the appearance of the sphere, which remains in the same place. The sphere becomes brighter and brighter and at the same time denser and denser, and there are perceptible lines in it that have a certain arrangement, emanating from certain points, like radiant lines. To the seer's open eye, the sphere gradually takes on an orange color. This is what we call the rupa sphere. There are conditions within which it darkens and then brightens again – the pralaya conditions. Then it becomes denser and glows yellow; it now consists of astral matter, in which lines now go in all directions, forming figures. These are the forces that later compose the mineral kingdom as such. Then there are small pralaya states again. The sphere then enters a state in which it takes on a kind of greenish coloration. This is the first physical state that the whole first round then takes on. Everything that was previously merely sensuous intimation has now progressed to a certain degree of density. The physical matter in which this earth is located no longer exists on earth at present. It is a kind of etheric air, but you can find a hint of this physical state in all those who know something. I am reminded of a passage in Goethe's “Faust”: “Macht ein wenig Feuerluft.” Fire air is the first physical matter, a fire air that is greenish and contains everything that came later [...] in which the globe presents itself in this state. Now there is another small pralaya. The sphere now develops in such a way that it takes on a completely different form. In its next state, it can be compared to a mulberry. It separates into smaller spheres and now takes on a coloration that shimmers towards the bluish. The lines are now distributed over individual spheres, and what used to be active throughout the entire sphere – the elementary forces – is now active in the individual small spheres. Increasingly distinct forms appear. Cubic, dodecagonal forms and so on appear and become increasingly clearer. The next state indicates how and when it begins to fall apart. The whole thing now has a coloration between blue and violet. It turns into violet and goes through the pralaya state like this. In this seventh state, all forms of minerals have emerged. While this formation was emerging, while this type of mulberry was emerging, the matter became thinner and thinner. First it was Arupa matter, then in the last state, fully developed mineral nuclei appear in it, where the Arupa sphere used to be. The entire mineral kingdom is now archetypally present. And now it passes into a twilight state. So there have been seven successive states, they had the task of bringing the mineral kingdom to the archetypes of the minerals. I would like to emphasize that, in all this turmoil of facts, this is what has always come from the lunar epoch, as the developed entities of the lunar epoch. These are essentially the human souls that have gone through the entire conditions of the lunar epoch and are at the most diverse stages of development. Not all of them have achieved the goal that could be achieved. Some, on the other hand, have progressed further. There were also, if I may say so, 'Mosesses', 'Platons', 'Pythagorasses'. They are not yet able to participate in all the processes I have described so far. These processes are too low. On the other hand, the beings who have not reached the heights must now catch up. They have to participate in the formation of these forms. They have to catch up on the lessons, as it were, that they neglected earlier. That is kaleidoscopically the succession of conditions that I have described. It is as if you were looking into a kaleidoscope, and just as the different successions can be seen there, so it is to be imagined. The second round of the first state shows up by the fact that we see a reddish ball shimmering again. But this is much more richly structured than the previous one. Above all, we see intertwining vortex systems in the ball that look like the well-known snake rod of Hermes. At first only in very light, bright suggestion. Such structures stand out. And after the sphere has returned to the pralaya state and glows orange, it becomes such that it passes into motion. The snakes, which were at first motionless around the axis, now begin to move around the axis. The formation enters into a state of complete motion within itself. Then there is another state of pralaya, and an astral sphere in a beautiful, bright yellow color emerges. And the formations I have described now appear at a higher level, in that what they used to show only as movement now shows traces of forms everywhere, so that astral cylinders, discs, lines and all kinds of formations of the most diverse shapes have now emerged from the coils, in magnificent beauty. Radial figures emerge that continually push new formations out of themselves. The whole is in great motion. Then there is another pralaya, and the greenish sphere is formed, the fourth sphere, the physical state. ![]() This is again in a matter that no longer exists today. It is called the state of fire-air, and that is a critical state at the present hour. Then intermediate states are present. These are of a kind of form between the watery and the airy. Everything is in a foggy state of green color. You could only compare the whole structure to a water pond with all kinds of green aquatic plants moving and stirring. The entities that are in there all have the transparent glowing green color. Then another pralaya occurs and what I have described as the mulberry appears again. The state becomes astral. The individual is formed out of itself, whereas before the change only took place in the whole of the sphere. Then another pralaya occurs. The indigo sphere emerges, and the entire formations now become mere devachan formations, mere mental formations, but of great certainty. The next state is that in which the archetypes of the entire plant kingdom are formed. It has become a violet sphere. The archetypes are formed, the whole disappears from view. A state of twilight sets in. This state now enables the consciousness of the Pitris, who are already a little higher or souls that have come over from the lunar epoch, to participate in the construction of these structures with their powers. We have now completed what we call the second round. Previously, the mineral kingdom had reached the second round. What I previously described as a physical state has now progressed so that it is as if you imagine snow figures in the great ice, but in distinct watery, fog-like formations. The minerals are now in this fog-like state. This is the case while the sphere has a greenish coloration. With that, we have described what was described as the second round, the actual conditions. And now comes the third round. The state of eclipse occurs. And now I notice that during these pralaya states, which I will describe, with the archetypes of the mineral and the plant, when they pass into the twilight state, something also happens. But even for the seer's eye it is difficult to see anything. There is no complete extinguishing of the sphere. It is important to emphasize this. It is like seeing the moon, which is half illuminated, and yet the other dark side can still be seen. A reddish sphere now appears for the third time. In this sphere, what is called the boundary in occult language occurs. The beings delimit themselves from the outside, they cover themselves with skins. The result is that living beings appear that shed their skin. This is an aupa state. Then a pralaya state occurs. The orange-colored sphere appears. The forms become more distinct. They begin to move. A pralya state occurs again. The whole now becomes an astral sphere, a sphere of stellar color, in which all three types of formations are present. Regular forms of metals, of minerals, the archetypes of plants, take on the astral form again, and the formations, covering themselves with a skin, begin to collide, to become perceptible to each other. They sense each other, they feel that they are there. Now another pralaya, and the fourth, the physical state occurs. This is again a critical state, which can be compared, in terms of its consistency, with what is seen in egg white. All the structures that have emerged also take on this protein-like matter, from the densest protein to the completely gelatinous protein. The whole has turned green, and the entities that have emerged with the boundary are so far that they show the mucus-like animal formation; in forms from radiating shapes up to ape-like shapes. The Pitris – souls – already have the possibility to initially incarnate in these forms – imperfectly. They are also called water people. These are people who can stand upright despite their swelling, gelatinous matter. Now the bluish astral state comes again, in which the consistency is not so dense. It can no longer be compared to the mulberry, it can only be compared to the astral. There is just no intelligence in it. A pralaya is formed again, and the indigo sphere comes. All forms become more definite. They become more alive from within. They are thought beings. And then comes the violet sphere. The whole sum of entities has passed into archetypes. They have become germ-shaped and now merge into the archetypes of the animal world that have emerged. And after another pralaya has taken place, when the red sphere dawns again, what we call the fourth round begins. What can later provide the body for the actual human race is gradually being prepared: the archetypes of the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. More and more definite forms emerge. The orange state occurs, the astral state. There are already certain entities that resemble the later animals and humans in form. Then there is another pralaya state, and the actual earth, our present earth, appears in what we now call etheric matter, within the fourth round, on which earth, in etheric substance, man is present. He is still an animal-man, but already guided and surrounded by the solar Pitris, the higher intelligences who have come over, who have reached a higher level of development and are also guided by higher intelligences, which are described in Genesis as the Elohim. They were all working to advance man in his development. He then goes through the second race and condenses. Then comes what we call the third race, and which we have described several times. The following is the process as it presents itself: ![]() |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Formation of the Aura I
12 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Formation of the Aura I
12 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
We understand the cosmos best if I say something about the human aura first, and this will enable us to better present the development of the rounds and races with regard to the influence of the so-called Pitris. You will see why I am including this. What is called the physical human being is only part of the human being; the complete human being consists of a number of members that are actually visible to those whose sense organs are open to them. Although you know all of this in essence, I still have to link it to what I have to say in order to describe it accurately. The physical human being then has what I would call an etheric double body within him, which is visible to someone who has ether vision. It is a true double image of the ordinary physical body. Then a so-called soul body or astral body penetrates both of these. This astral body extends beyond the physical body, is slightly larger and has the shape of an oval, of an egg, because it extends a little further beyond the body at the head and is a little narrower. It contains all the feelings, passions and desires that make up a person's inner life. All things that are caused by physical life are contained in it as dark clouds. The purer it is, the more it resembles the stars. It has a color that ranges from orange to yellow. If you imagine the physical body away, you have a kind of elongated circle that has an orange color as its basic tone. You can see the most diverse cloud formations flickering in it and the tiniest figures playing in it. In the human being, as he exists today as the average human being, this is visible to the seer. You then find this astral body permeated with another form, with what we call the mental body. This mental body has only existed in human beings since the middle of the third race; the Lemurians, who were at the beginning of their development, did not yet have a mental body. If we go back to the area south of the front and rear India towards Australia, where the Lemurians lived, they had a physical body, something condensed in the middle, and then the astral body. Otherwise, nothing could be seen in them. The more the Lemurian race developed, the more a dark, black, spherical spot appeared inside these astral bodies, at a point - and if you want to describe this point, it is where our physical brain has its center. This black point, this spherical spot within the astral body, is what is actually referred to as the human ego, which has developed since the Lemurian period. This is the outer form of the ego! Since the development of the Lemurian race, the beginning of what I have called the mental body has been located within this point. From this point begins an emanation that grows ever larger and larger and permeates the aura, so that the aura is animated from within. In the Lemurians, the point was still very small; it grew larger and larger, and now, in the average person, it protrudes above the astral body to the extent that it gains predominance over the passions and drives through thinking, through the mind, through moral feeling; that is what has developed since the Lemurian race. We must now ask ourselves: why is this developing? The answer to the question of the “why” of this mental body lies in the fact that it is only now that what one is actually entitled to call spirit is emerging in humans. Since that time, since the spiritual impact on humans has taken place - that is, since the middle of the Lemuria - the emergence of the human mental body has been taking place. Now I ask you to consider that the driving force behind what causes the mental body to emerge is the higher self: AtmaBudhi-Manas; this wells up. If we could see it alone in its swelling, it would be a blue mass, which, the further it comes outwards, becomes more and more violet. Because it is also mixed with the earlier formations of the astral body, it takes on various other nuances; it is mixed. That which is the I in man was only at that point during the time of the Lemurian race, because in reality this point then becomes the boundary of the mental aura, so you have to imagine - let us say - the astral body of the Lemurian Age in such a way that what was initially just a black dot formed a spiritual skin that became bigger and bigger [see sketch]; and in the spiritual skin is the I. ![]() We have so far progressed in our development. Now let's go back to the point where, apart from the astral body, the Lemurian human being was completely in absolute darkness and only the astral body was luminous, in that the black dot appeared and the astral body began to radiate. Before that, the astral body was surrounded by a bluish shell. They were in an astral body that was surrounded by a blue shell on the outside. However, this was not present on its own; it continued until it reached the blue shell of the next Lemurian. This blue atmosphere represents the collective human spirit, which holds together from the outside what was organized there. The development consists in this blue mass being drawn in and absorbed; the entire blue auric mass is finally drawn in and completely absorbed. Then the Lemurians are pure astral bodies. This also comes to the fore at the point I mentioned and wells up from within. Then the whole mental world is drawn in, and the astral body now glows in the dark. We are now going back more and more. All the astral bodies were enclosed in the general aura that belonged to them. If we go back to the beginning of our development on earth, we would have what underlies development. When we look at these natures, these astral spheres, they are the descendants of what we call the Pitris. Everything in these astral auras comes from the Pitris, who came over from the Junarian epoch into our development. This total matter in the aura comes from the Lunarian epoch. In the interval between the Lunar and Earthly epochs, these entire astral entities are present as seeds and slumbered over. So that you now have to imagine the total blue aura as a total mass that is drawn in, that appears as a total mass in a very dark violet, so that it could be seen even during the pralaya, so that it could be seen as it developed from the lunar to the earthly development; one would see how it exists in a dark violet. When earthly development begins, the earth is red; it glows reddish; but it has the blue atmosphere around it. The reddish earth is what has formed from the Pitri seeds. The Pitri seeds form the reddish Arupa sphere, and that which is spirit surrounds this Arupa sphere as a blue atmosphere. This spirit, which was present, is differentiated as such; it is differentiated in itself, that is, it already carries the spiritual seed for every human being that will arise later. Just as our soul contains individual thoughts, so the spirit carries the individual human being as a thought. At the intersections there are dark spots (see sketch). ![]() When the old moon was in its nirvana, the individual Pitris were completely separate from each other; they had the most perfect astral bodies imaginable. What I have just described comes from the lunar epoch. What comes across? The Pitri seeds and their entire auric atmosphere; they undergo the Pralaya there. However, they would not be able to develop further in earthly evolution if they did not now encounter something that is present everywhere in the universe, but which can only be suitable for them in a certain form, namely that which can later become physical matter and which is present everywhere in the universe as cosmic dust. Worlds are constantly being created and destroyed, filling the entire universe with cosmic dust. Take, for example, the comet discovered by Biela. It split into two parts, then into several parts, and finally into many parts; it will eventually disintegrate into world atoms. Cosmic dust was discovered in the nineteenth century. It makes it so that when we calculate a planetary orbit, we get a number that is slightly too large because the planets have to overcome the dust masses. Now you have to imagine that what comes across as the Pitri seeds and the auric atmosphere combine the world dust, but such world dust, which is attracted by them with a magnetic force, is what they need so that they can integrate it and become firm. This is how they get the physical body. So the Pitris organize the world dust; the Pitri is dependent on absorbing the world dust like the plant absorbs the earth dust from the soil. This process is expressed in the theosophical scriptures as follows: the Pitris form the seed forms and then build out the forms with matter so that the blue spiritual atmosphere can be absorbed. The building is done from two sides: from the inside, from the Pitri seeds, the physical body is built; and the blue atmosphere, flowing in from the outside, forms the mental body. The Pitris are present in various degrees of perfection; not all have reached the same high level. It is exactly the same as with Plato, Pythagoras and so on, who, when Nirvana of the Earth is reached, will be further along than the general human race; they were simply more advanced. The most advanced were the solar Pitris. There are two types of them. But then there are also two types of lunar-Pitris who had reached a fairly normal level of development, namely such that they were able to develop a kind of karma within themselves, a karma that was similar to the karma of our animals at the end of our earth development. Certain animals will have reached the point where one can speak of guilt and atonement in relation to them. Our animals do not yet have this, but at the end of their development they will. The karmic principle was already present in some species. In other species it was only in the process of development, and in still others it was only present in a rudimentary way. There are seven levels here, which are again related to the seven human rounds. In the very first stage the Solar-pitris were unable to intervene; they had no need to. They were there, but they hovered around the earth, as it were, waiting to be admitted. I will compare this with the following: Imagine yourself back in the old days of the pile dwellings in Germany. Imagine that there would have been trained engineers there; they would not have been able to start anything, they would not have been able to do anything; there would have had to be more primitive natures: these were the still imperfect Pitris. When a later stage of development was reached, only the more perfect Pitris had the ability to take in. This continued until the Solar Pitris were able to intervene during the fourth round. It was only during the Lemurian race that the Solar Pitris were able to incarnate. The entire auric atmosphere was drawn in to make them swell from within. This was something that had nothing to do with Earth at all, but it gained influence. Then the more perfect beings, who already had the power to draw forth something from themselves, and whom we know as the Venus Sons - the Manasa-Putras, higher entities that were not intended within earthly development - had to intervene. They were there, and when they had incarnated, the first of the still lower human beings could receive the first teaching. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Formation of the Aura II
19 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Formation of the Aura II
19 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Today I would like to explain to you the formation of the aura and show you how it gradually develops. You will then easily understand the rest. I will show how the aura has developed since the middle of the Lemurian race. I will give you a kind of description of it so that it will be self-explanatory to you. The middle of the Lemurian race development is an important point for the human race. Until then, the human body was built up from the outside, so that by the middle of the Lemurian race, the human body was already present as a physical body, etheric body and astral body. These three are present in the aura of the Lemurian ancestor. At the moment we arrive at the middle of the Lemurian race, a black dot becomes visible in the middle of the aura of the Lemurian ancestors. If you imagine the physical body away, the etheric and astral body remains. This is the Lemurian man. He then receives a black point above the head; it is what we call the actual self of the human being. I will draw the Atlantic man in a moment, following on from this. The Atlantean human would now look something like this, if this were the physical body /see sketch]. The Atlantean human, according to his aura, looks quite different from the Lemurian human and the present human; the Atlantean human has a black egg shape, and the astral human is the entire aura. Within the astral aura, the black dot expands and becomes a shell for the inner core. The remains of the Atlantean race still have this peculiar aura. The spirit shines within the black dot; it begins to shine. That which begins to shine is blue in itself, but appears, depending on the astral body, ![]() The Atlantean human; blue (hatched) = astral body; violet (dotted) = mental body; black ring = I (right) in different shades of blue-red, indigo and so on. So, if you imagine everything away, something like an indigo egg will be visible. In a person who is particularly imaginative, it appears through various green thought forms. In a person who has very pure, abstract thoughts, it appears through the yellow form. Then it also appears in a beautiful coloration that tends more towards violet. This, which the Atlantean human has, becomes larger and larger, so that in an average person of our present race this black egg coincides with the outline of the astral body. Our present-day human being more or less maintains a balance. He occupies his mind as far as he is interested, and he controls his desires and instincts with his mind. All our external culture is basically there to satisfy urges, instincts and passions. This is expressed by the fact that your astral aura coincides with the mental aura. If you look at a more highly developed person in the present development, it is somewhat different. The mental aura extends beyond the astral aura; it protrudes somewhat. The I extends even further. In the case of a chela or an adept, you have the astral body in the middle, then the mental body and only then the black egg, the I, so that the astral is surrounded by the mental and only then covered by the I, so that the astral is used for mental purposes. The I is a point in the moment of becoming I in the middle of the Lemurian race. The I is now the outermost shell. The brain becomes more and more the center of the whole organism. In the first race of our Aryan population, the actual center of movement in the mental aura was still located slightly above the physical brain and only gradually migrated into the physical brain. Those who were incarnated as adepts within the Atlantean race were endowed with a much higher intuition, an intuition that was still impersonal. Then this gradually migrated into the being, and only later does the spiritual come out of the personal. The adepts of the fourth - that is, the Atlantean - race were still God-inspired seers; those of the sixth race will be self-inspired seers! That is the difference between the beginnings of our own race [i.e., the fifth] and us! This is also a reason why, at the beginning of the theosophical development or movement, the adepts, who are our adepts, could hardly be understood; why they themselves felt that they could hardly be understood. This was because the adepts, who belonged to the earliest population, had a much more spiritual life that had not yet descended into mere rationality. The Westerner wants to understand. Therefore, if you read the “Secret Doctrine,” you will find the passage where the Master says, “You with your Western judgment understand it only with difficulty! Everything in the aura can be seen by the seer, absolutely everything. The only thing he does not see, and in which no seer can see anything, is the essence of the dark, which signifies the ego, whether it is the black point or the black ring. What is visible is what has been formed from the outside and what has been formed from the inside. What actually constitutes a person's true self cannot be seen by any seer! One can follow exactly what nature has brought forth as I, but one can never see it in its self-uniqueness. For anyone, even for the highest seer, there is the dark point in man. Just as little as one can say “I” to another person, just as little can we see what is in the aura of the other I. Something about consciousness: You consist of nothing but cells. Each cell has a cell consciousness. Your consciousness is the totality of the cell consciousnesses. The consciousness of which I speak here will never merge into another. Just as you incarnate in a cell body, so a higher consciousness will incarnate in what comes from the various egos. At each seance, the totality of the participants is the body for a higher entity. The actual ego is therefore not visible. In the Lemurian, there is therefore a dark point; in the Atlantean, there is a circle or an egg-shaped form within the aura; for us, this blackness coincides approximately with the boundary of the aura; for the adept, the mental aura extends beyond the astral aura, and where it does so, it becomes resplendent in the most beautiful sense; it then plays into the blue or violet. The rose-red is the actual creative process, where the ego in the creative forces begins to reshape the world in a spiritual way, and where the adept begins to become a real planetary spirit. And now something about what is really understood by so-called inanimate nature: the higher spirits also have an ego. If a spirit is so great that it builds a solar system, then it is not to be found in the sun, but at the outermost edge of the system. The solar system appears to be inanimate because the ego has already been externalized. If we could get to the edge of the solar system, we would find the ego there. That is the esoteric reason for the blueness of the sky! Space appears blue because it represents nothing other than the black shell on the outside! And outside this black shell, the spirit appears through the various shells in differently colored regions! So when you look at it, it must appear to you as if you were seeing a black surface through a glass that is illuminated, it appears blue to you. For example, the center of a flame also appears blue. Where the flame is blue, there is a dark space; nothing is burning there. This is easy to see in a candle flame; but in truth it is black. Every flame is bright. The blue of the sky can truly be called a firmament, as Genesis says; this is to be understood as literally as possible, just as the general spirit is outside of the ego. Nothing in the world is without spirit; there is only spirit that has not yet become ego; within is the spirit with which the ego has already been filled. The ego is the boundary between the spirit from outside and the spirit that lives in man. This boundary is the ego of the solar system concerned. The Genesis is an inspired book; it is not something that has been thought up by people. As long as the mental had not yet been drawn into the human mind, inspiration came from outside. And we call the books inspired from outside the content of the original revelations. These all agree with each other if we look beyond the cover that people have drawn over them. We can go to the Indian books or to the traditions of the decadent tribes in America: they agree because they were received as revelations. This is not only known to occultists, but has obviously always been recognized. Herder also saw through this. The nineteenth century, which was mainly concerned with criticism, measured these things according to human opinions. The correct point of view regarding these books is the one from which it can be said: If we do not understand these books, it is not the book that is absurd, but we ourselves can be absurd. I would now like to return to the aura of advanced people, for example to Plato in ancient Greece. The development that Plato has achieved will only be reached by the average people of the present race in the next round; that is why such people as Plato are called “artificial fifth-rounders”. Now, however, they also differ significantly from the other people. When the present people have reached the fifth round, their bodies will no longer be physical bodies as they are now, but astral bodies, so that the difference will still be there. Plato was in the physical body of the fourth round what the other people can only be in the astral body of the fifth round! So Plato was in the physical body of the fourth round, which other people will only be in the astral body of the fifth round! This requires a significant difference in the progress of development. As a result, when earthly development is complete, Plato will be in a very different state from the others. In the fifth round he will perhaps be a Buddha and in the sixth he will be even higher! Let's go back and look at Plato again. During the fourth round, he had already achieved with his physical brain what the average person will be able to achieve with their astral brain in the fifth round. This will enable him to have a corresponding effect in the next round; he has thus acquired an ability that others do not yet have: namely, to have an effect on the physical brain! This is the same as if an engineer were suddenly transported to a primitive tribe; there he will be able to transform all things to a much greater extent with his artistic skills and knowledge; he will be able to teach this primitive tribe. While someone who grows out of the wild tribe can only take development a small step further, the one who comes into the tribe with a great development will be able to take the tribe much further. A highly developed person will naturally not intervene in the first stages of development, but only later, when development has progressed to a certain point. That is the task of advanced people! They will cross over into the next developmental epoch, but will wait until they can intervene! [Presumably from the question and answer session:] By retroactive, I meant that he has acquired abilities that others do not have. The others are bound to the physical brain, and then again bound to a single brain. He will act on the astral brain in the sixth round and on the mental brain in the seventh, so that he can retroactively act on the earlier brains, that he can direct them from outside. The effectiveness of the Pitri is therefore to be understood as something similar, in which sense the earlier can participate in the construction of the new world body. Those who have completed their development in the normal way, who have become real people, will be able to contribute accordingly to this construction from the outside. How far have we come at the end of the seventh round? So far that we can rebuild from the outside everything that the spirit has built up from the inside. So when we find new world dust, we will immediately build a body that will correspond to our level of development. We will build the “humans” of future stages of development! But those who have remained behind, who have not come so far, will have to build the lowest forms; they will accordingly be the ones who, as it were, build the walls of the new world system from below, and the developed ones will intervene where there is work for them. The ego in us can never be lost; it only transforms. At present it thinks, and that is the highest faculty it possesses today. We will animate the next entities again, but not with manasic egos, but with higher egos. We leave the thoughts of the more developed ones to form a new sun; we lay them on the altar of community. A split of a nation into two parts is always preceded by a battle of the Dhyan-Chohans on higher levels. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Formation of the Cosmos According to Annie Besant's “Ancient Wisdom”
26 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Formation of the Cosmos According to Annie Besant's “Ancient Wisdom”
26 Jan 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Today I would like to talk about the formation of the cosmos according to Annie Besant's “Ancient Wisdom”. I would like to show how to try to read the relevant passage. It starts on page 325, where Annie Besant attempts to describe how the transition from the lunar epoch took place, in which our ancestors underwent their development and then came to our earth. During the lunar Manvantaras, evolution produced seven classes of beings, who were called Father because they produced the beings of terrestrial evolution. Just as we have the task during our earthly epoch to bring the mind and so on to the highest development, these beings on the moon had to bring the sentient being to the highest refined form. That is the chemical principle, so that they had developed the sentient life in the idealized way. When the seventh round had been completed, these beings entered into a state of Nirvana. That was the full image of Yahweh, the being that was their ideal. As seeds overwinter, so they overwintered through a pralaya. They thus developed soul. There were also two other races. Solar Pitris were those who had progressed further than the ordinary lunar development. They had reached the highest level of similarity with their deity. But even during the lunar epoch there were Moon Pitris, Moon Pithakas. The more developed beings were solar Pitris. Those who had already become masters on the moon were, in terms of the development of the human mind, higher than the moon gods. The moon gods did not develop the element of reason. It would be futile for the deity to only come as far as it was in the beginning. Something must be produced that goes further than the beginning. If the Masters are looked upon as the end of our life development, they are found to be of a much higher wisdom than that which has been incarnated as Earthly Wisdom. The wisdom that has been incarnated is only sufficient to guide the Earthly development to its end. Therefore, it must be realized that the Master is, under certain circumstances, much higher than the Deva. Yahweh only became the first person of the Trinity through an error. He is the god of earthly forms, who therefore forms the Adam out of matter. Of course, the Jews have the Father-God. But they don't talk about him. That is namely the one who was never spoken of. People are called such lunar-age beings who advance the Pitris - Dhyanis. No one had developed the causal body on the lunar epoch. Those who had causal bodies had progressed beyond the lunar epoch into the earthly, human epoch. Plato will bring the highest development of the causal body into the next round. The lunar Pitris had a certain intelligence, similar to that of animals. The earth is the fourth incarnation. The first incarnation is the planetoids, the second is at the position of Mars, the third at the position of the moon. The fourth incarnation of the planetary chain is the earth. The elementary essence is what I have described as world dust. Just as seeds absorb substances from the earth, the Pitris absorbed earthly materiality. [...] Sphere a) is the archetypal world. The red sphere emerging from the archetype, developing out of the darkness. The archetypal world. The archetype of all understanding. The mind must be shaped. It must be formed into the body. There was only a solar plexus, no nerve plexus that emanated from the head. The planetary spirits are above the corresponding development. The planetary spirits are at work from the outside; they have the highest task. They determine the succession; they have a task that stands above the individual. They never enter. The mental world is limited to one kind of sphere. Instead of the stars and constellations, the Akasha Chronicle appears. The formers are not active in the mental sphere, they are active in the realm of Budhi, so the planetary formers can only be found in the sphere of Budhi. At first, the thought is only a point, then it takes shape. The archetype of the plant and the archetype of the minerals arise. On the sphere b) the forms of lower-level formers are reproduced until they have matured into a denser matter. There are small signs and colors in it. The color is the astral matter. The sphere, which was red, has turned orange, and now it is turning yellow. Now it is filled with astral matter. And now sphere c). On sphere c) the form reaches its densest consistency. From this point on, the nature changes. Spheres e), f), g) follow. On spheres e) and f), consciousness first manifests itself on the ethereal plane. On the blue sphere f), the beings begin to will from within, they begin to move. So the first automatic mind manifests itself. The Lunarpitris are the soul forces of form; they bring it to maturity and later inhabit it. That which they have here in black is the soul. That they think is spirit. The earthly epoch is destined to make the marriage between spirit and soul complete. Fire is the element of the first round. It is actually fire air, ether fire. In the second round, the first-class Pitris continue their involution. In the second round, the archetypal forms of the plants come into being, which then take on their completion in the fifth round. The mineral is at the stage of highest perfection. The human brain, as a mineral substance, is only a carrier. The mineral kingdom is already dissolving. In the next round, the plant kingdom dissolves, followed by the animal kingdom. And only in the seventh round will man reach his perfection. The mineral has developed seven principles. It is the most perfect of what we have. We have three spiritual realms: the first, second and third logos; then the first elemental realm, the arupic realm; secondly the rupic realm; thirdly the astral, fourthly the physical, the mineral. The mineral is perfect in the fourth round. The plant will have reached its perfection when it has become astral. Genesis, with its seven days, indicates the seven rounds. The first four days are the first four rounds, the seventh day is the resting. The fourth day is the present round. The fifth, sixth and seventh days are yet to come. The more you get to know Genesis, the more you will have to understand it literally. When you are ready to take the meaning of Genesis literally, then you have really understood it. Air is the element of the second round. The Pitris reach the beginning of the human stage here. The Solarpitris make their first appearance here, on sphere d), to take the lead in human evolution. The beings are always ready four rounds later. The archetypes of human forms were already given in the fourth round. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Second Logos
02 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Second Logos
02 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
[I am speaking to you today] to show how one can understand the difficult subject of the rounds according to [the book] “Ancient Wisdom” by Annie Besant. First of all, I want to warn against speaking too abstractly about the Logos. It is so tempting to speak in general terms of first, second, third Logos. Especially beginners are very keen to talk about “Logos” right away and want to discuss the whole world with arguments about what the first, second, third Logos have for a task. That is not what we want to do. We want to make clear to ourselves what task the individual beings have within the development of the world [as a whole], whereby they become a certain link in the Logos. For it is self-evident that we must be clear about the fact that when, for example, one evolutionary epoch develops into another - for example, the lunar one develops into the terrestrial one - [that] therefore [ for example, everything that took place during the lunar evolution goes through a pralaya and reappears, and that everything goes into an inverse pralaya. What happened earlier goes back into the Logos and becomes a void. It thus rests, as it were, in the Logos, not sleeping, but ready to receive a new task. Now, the best way to clarify this is to ask ourselves: what will become of everything that is gradually forming during the various rounds and races of our present terrestrial development, for example? What will become of all this? When earthly evolution is over, the sum of all these beings, the sum of these entities, will be a coherent mass of new seeds, which will develop further in the next epoch. They return once more to the Logos. All that develops during our earthly epoch, what remains, what passes through a pralaya, will be a second logos for the next epoch. The result of a passing epoch is a second logos for the next epoch. I ask you to consider that it is better to ask yourself: What will the second logos be like? Instead of simply saying: first, second, third logos. You stay with the concrete and realize that everything that comes from one epoch into the other is the second logos for the next epoch. And now we divide the whole evolution during our earthly development into two parts. We are dealing with seven rounds. First, we take the first three and the first half of the fourth round. That is half. Just up to this point, when only half of the fourth round has elapsed, everything that has connected with the second Logos as the third Logos has developed and been expressed. The third logos is something that [gap in transcript]. Logos [is] not used in general yet, is something that has been added recently. Take plant seeds, put into [the] earth. The seeds you sow are the second logos. The bed, the stuff from which the new forms arise, that is the third logos. The third Logos is used to swell up forms during the first half of the round development. This is what Annie Besant calls the development of form, the involution. [It is] what I would call world dust, if you would call it the substantial bed. [The second with the third Logos build the forms, from the outside in.] ![]() The human being is built up from the outside. The Pitris - second Logos - have come over. They have fertilized the third Logos. From the fertilization of the third Logos by the second Logos arises the animal foundation of the human being. [That is] until the middle of the fourth round the Lemurian/Lunar race. And now the second fertilization occurs from what has been created so far. From the second and third logos, the first logos now connects directly, creating the further second part. This is how the second half of the fourth round and the three following rounds come about. So we have to imagine: [the] second logos is what comes from outside, [it] structures itself [with the help of the third logos] into form, swells. All the shells are built. ![]() And now [the] fertilization comes from the first Logos. It radiates from within. That is the fertilization of the first Logos. That is what can be seen in the aura. Up to the fourth round, the aura is cloud-like [from the outside], up to the Lemurian race. In the middle of the Lemurian race, the radiating image of the aura begins. And this is the inflow of the first Logos. And this is what Annie Besant calls the development of life or evolution. Life or evolution begins from within. [Third Logos: Evolution of Life.] [The] man of the Lemurian race formed [a] physical shell, [an] astral shell [and a] Kama-Manas. All of this has built itself up. Now a black dot is emerging. In the middle, above the head, indicating, as it were, the place from which the inflow of the first Logos radiates. Each evolutionary epoch has a very specific intention of the Logos to carry out. Our current round - terrestrial epoch - has intended man from the outset and has to bring man to completion. The present [round] has the specific task of predisposing man from the outset and bringing him to development. For this purpose, there is always a twofold fertilization. The first consists in [that] the result of the previous epoch fertilizes itself. That which emerges from the fertilization are the facts of the first half of evolution. Then [the] second fertilization [by the] first logos occurs. These are the facts of the second half of evolution. One half goes from the outside in and forms the form. The other goes from the inside out and forms life. I call [the] third logos cosmic dust because everything that is cast off from the other worlds is absorbed into it. In order for [plant] seeds to grow and flourish, matter must first be drawn to them. The [plant] seed must be sunk into [the] soil that has been prepared for it, so that it can draw out the strength it needs. It is the same with [the] third Logos. It consists of substance filled with [source] power. The kamic entities attract the substance and form a cosmos. The eighth sphere releases the material and is absorbed into the new development when a new cosmos is created. [The eighth sphere, the corpse of each cosmos, provides the material for the future.] Each world body turns light purple at the end of its development and disappears. All seeds are contained in it and / gap in the transcript] You have to free yourself from the idea of space. It does not reflect everything. ![]() From the third round onwards, no new forms are formed. Externally, people have reached the most perfect form. The next thing people will achieve is to make the other covers more perfect from within. ![]() Now the effect on the astral body has already begun. The fourth round will be complete, the fifth will come, and then more and more will be done to the astral body. And on the fifth sphere/round the astral body will be like this. [From the middle of the fourth round, the forms are complete; now the influence on the astral body begins from within.] He will have wheels in his astral body. The chakras move, as they already do in those who can see spiritually. The chakras rotate. ![]() During the sixth round, the mental body is formed. Not only the chakras move, but the mental body also shines more and more radiantly from within. Now it is the radiant mental body. This is complete on the sixth sphere. In the seventh round, the causal body develops to its greatest perfection. [It transcends the boundary of the astral body until, at the end, there is nothing but the causal body.] Namely, the rays become more effective causal bodies. ![]() the [gap in the transcript] At the end of the seventh round, there is nothing but the causal body. The uppermost layer is formed in the fourth round. In the uppermost brain, the tool is given for independent activity. Until then, the third logos works from the outside. From the brain, the forces can then flow out and set the chakras in motion again. We call that which comes from the previous development Prakriti, that which comes from the second half, Mahat, and that which comes from the third, Purusha. ![]() The body is Mahat, soul is Prakriti, spirit is Purusha. [In the seed, Mahat and Purusha have disappeared; Prakriti is carried forward. The body is prepared by the spirit within it. The body would not make mistakes if it were not tempted by the spirit. There is no physical sin. All sin is of a spiritual nature. Only a person who has given up on controlling Kama can be cruel. Only from the middle of the Lemurian race onwards is there a “good and evil”, not before. Mind and body are two perfect parts. In the middle of the two lies Kama, the soul, it is the carrier of imperfection. [The body is the mind from the outside, Mahat. The soul is Prakriti.] There is nothing as perfect as your lungs, your stomach, your heart. If the mental faculties were as perfect [as the organs], you would have attained [the] mental perfection. The physical does not err, the mineral does not err at all. It cannot err. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On the Formation of the Cosmos
09 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On the Formation of the Cosmos
09 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Since Theosophy speaks only from its experience, it starts from one source, from our Logos. To call what man today sees as a ball of fire the sun is an idiosyncrasy of our materialistic age. Six centuries ago, people still said: This is a body; and to it belongs a sun soul and a sun spirit. The spirit of the sun is now the Logos; the physical body of the sun is its lowest manifestation. What reigns in it is the spirit. One imagines that the spiritual powers would be in contact with these. The sun-atma would be the sun-logos, and the other principles follow, down to the physical body, as with us. For the ancients, light was the body for a soul. The human perfection of intelligences is reduced to seven: the seven white brotherhoods; the seven spirits before the throne of God; the seven hierarchies - one great spiritual body each, enclosing many cells. The Seven Saints before the Lord are the one fundamental life of the cosmos. When the fourth round came, it was presided over by the Lord of Form, Yahweh. The other intelligences are below these seven – the Lipika are so highly developed that they can or must be counted among the “touch-me-not” circle. ... The angels veil their faces from the mystery of birth; they themselves have no insight into it. The seven Laya centers are the seven series that form a solar system [...]: the “office” of the fraternities. The leading seven are therefore always the result of the white fraternities of the previous evolution. The Sun is the sthula sharira of the Logos. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Development of Beings
16 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Development of Beings
16 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Seven stages and states. In the fourth round arupa, rupa, astral, physical. The inner life of human beings develops completely different states of consciousness. The waking consciousness is the best known state. Below this is first the state of dreaming people - it is now that of most animals, varying slightly, despite the waking sensory activity. The next lowest is the consciousness that our body has while we sleep, which is completely absorbed in physical functions – it is that of the plant, identical to ours while we sleep. The lowest is that of the trance - that of the whole mineral nature; it lives with all nature, therefore extends to the whole environment; therefore perception of things that are cognitions of the world building; the universe is a descending and screwing down. When we descend very deeply, we become omniscient at the expense of our higher consciousness. Above waking consciousness, there are states similar to the previous ones, in which we move freely on the astral plane, the psychic plane, initially in full consciousness. On the devachan plane, where the spiritual archetypes work in us and the physical becomes a cavity, the physical disappears if we want it to. The astral world is a duplicate, the spirit world builds in from the outside. - The spiritual consciousness, where one begins to have a cosmic vision, is the highest within our earthly development. —Each round has the task of developing a state to normal. In the third round: highly developed dream state of consciousness. The effect originated from the Mahat through rapport. Before that, they had plant consciousness, and the spiritual beings took care of them. During the first, everyone was in the deepest trance. So the consciousnesses have gradually developed from the lowest to the highest. [Gap in the transcript] The deeper the human consciousness, the more real are the powers that surround people. The more independent a person becomes, the more they withdraw. In the next three rounds, the next three states are developed; Jonas in the shark and the swimming turtle: physically conceived devachanic experiences. In the second round, there is no clear boundary between humans, animals and plants – beings that are everything in one. In the third, the plant is isolated, but humans and animals are not yet separated. During the fourth, the full differentiation occurs. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Devachan
18 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Devachan
18 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Eight days ago, we followed man through the various stages of the so-called spirit land, the Devachan. We saw how man's destiny unfolds in the spirit realm, in the Devachan, between two embodiments. We have seen that, depending on the degree of their development, human beings are able to soar ever higher and higher or ever longer and longer into the realms of this land of causes, in order to bring abilities into this earthly world from this land of causes for ever higher and higher development. The actual causes lie in his work and creativity in this spiritual realm. For those whose minds are open and awakened, in order to observe the spiritual conditions that always surround us, which I have described to you, during their embodiment, the three parts of the human being whose destiny we have come to know, always lie open before the mind's eye. These three parts of the human being, of which I have spoken as gradually enveloping themselves, as it were, leaving the earthly, the carnal shell – the one in so-called Kamaloka, the place of desires, of wishes ; the second in Devachan or the spiritual realm; and the third in the uppermost region of Devachan, where the deepest self is able to develop and unfold, in order to then return with increased power. These three parts of man are his so-called astral body, the body that encompasses all his desires, wishes and passions, everything that man has in common with the animal, everything that forms the mediation, so to speak, between his own spiritual nature and the sensual nature, everything that he lays aside in the land of purification, of cleansing, in Kamaloka. And then he ascends to the land of the actual spirit, to the land of the spirits or to the Devachan, in order to discard his second body there as well, the body of the world of ideas, of the higher human abilities, which still chains him to the human and inhibits him, in order to then, as it were, be freed of the body, depending on the state of development, to linger for a longer or shorter time in the actual disembodied state of mind. We call that body of man, who rises up to these uppermost regions of the spiritual realm, who spreads his wings to unfold, we call this body the cause-bearer or causal body. This causal body, which we preserve between two incarnations, which we bring with us again and again, this body, which forms the cause of what we have brought upon ourselves, which carries us from one incarnation to the next, that is the one that lives in the uppermost region of Devachan. The other is the one who is in the second region of Devachan, who then immerses himself in the realm of desires, and that is the astral body, in order to then move into the carnal body. Every human being has these three bodies within them. I have already spoken about the so-called aura. I have already said that the human being visible to physical eyes is enveloped in a cloud of light, in an oval shape that presents the most diverse light phenomena to those who are receptive to it. The egg is smaller and larger depending on the degree of development. It is small in the one who is still at the lowest level of spiritual development. In this case the aura is only a faint glow of light that spreads around the body, but it grows larger and larger the more incarnations the person has undergone and the higher and later the person's stage of development. Then this aura shows the most diverse light and color phenomena. This aura is threefold, and the view for this aura can also be threefold. There are people with so-called “psychic vision” who are only able to see what is happening in the astral realm. They see only that as a light phenomenon, which can also be perceived in animals. They see what lives in a person in terms of desires, cravings and passions in the form of light phenomena. A person can also rise above this realm. Then the body of representation becomes visible to him, the higher spiritual possibilities of development as a second, finer substance, as an aura that radiates through and permeates the first. And finally, there is that which spreads out as an even more ethereal substance within this second aura. This is present in a very weakly developed state in people at the lowest levels, but it is developed more and more highly and appears in a wonderful way in the high spiritual beings of our culture. This is what carries over from incarnation to incarnation, the causal body. It is also present in undeveloped people, but only small, like a small halo above their heads. The more a person develops, the more it expands and becomes, as it were, a sun. And the more it illuminates and glows through the being, the better one can see these three bodies distinctly, when one's spiritual vision is opened. One can direct one's eyes only to the astral world, one can subtract what belongs to the lower and higher spheres and direct one's gaze only to the astral aura. Then one sees only the instincts, desires and passions as color phenomena in front of oneself. If you then focus your attention on the body of representation, you see the mental body. And if you look at the eternal, at the body of causes, you see the most luminous aura of the human being. This bearer of causes is only visible to those whose spiritual eye is awakened in the highest regions of the spiritual world. This cause carrier, seen externally in its light appearance, shows us the most diverse sights in the most diverse people. If you look at an undeveloped person, be it a negro in Africa, or even an undeveloped person in our areas, a person who has not yet formed many thoughts, is not able to live much in the imagination, knows nothing of higher ideas or spiritual interests, who only lives in his animal instincts, in satisfying his hunger and his physical well-being, then, if we disregard all other auras and only look at the causal aura, it appears to us as a more or less dark oval. This indicates that the causal body is still underdeveloped, that the real self still has a long way to go before it develops. These are the people who show nothing but a few greenish or dirty indigo stripes in their brown ovals. These few stripes are the only indication of the causal or cause body. This is the sight that fills those who can observe the aura with sorrow, because it shows those who can observe how much we still have to do with undeveloped people. We can see how rays of light emerge in them when we transmit spiritual culture to them. But even the lower mental body, the body of imagination of the undeveloped person, still shows the brownish form and a few developed greenish areas, which alternate with reddish areas or with areas that play into the bluish. These greenish and bluish parts become more and more frequent the more ideas are formed in the person concerned. And then, when we examine such a person for his astral body, we are suddenly confronted with appearances of almost terrible effect in the glaringly bright colors; we are confronted with blood-red clouds that fill almost the entire astral body, billowing about in confusion. Only at the upper or lower layer of the oval we see a greenish or indigo base, and that alternates with the brownish colorings, but also alternates with all kinds of formations, which differ according to the different temperaments. In the angry people we see red flashes flash through the astral body, in others we see bluish-gray clouds. This is the aura of an undeveloped person. Then we have to look at the aura of a person at a higher level, that is, a person who has received a good education here in our area. In such a person, the causal body appears as a form that is already more endowed with colors, as a form that is permeated by beautiful colors. In this case, it is the green colors, green-yellow and yellow color nuances. These are the nuances that the European has. Only when these colors expand a little further does the lower spiritual body appear. And when we look at the astral body of a person, it generally appears to be somewhat similar in design to the astral body of an undeveloped person. Only the colors have different nuances. The undeveloped person has blackish colors; the more developed the person is, the brighter the colors. They are illuminated from within, they attract the gaze and have a sympathetic effect on the gaze. And if we go to the highly developed spiritual person, to the one who has developed higher spiritual abilities within himself, who has already devoted himself to a spiritual life through many incarnations, then the astral body also appears in completely different transformations. It no longer appears interspersed with cloud-like formations, but radiates from within on a blue background. The cause body has a more or less light or dark blue coloration, and the eternal man radiates into this. The purer and nobler he develops in the spiritual, the more he shows the coloration of the spiritual. We see a beautiful golden-yellow radiance from the inside out, merging into radiance verging on rose-red, and these merge into beautiful bluish-violet radiance. The causal body is permeated by radiance, expanding more and more, taking on larger and larger dimensions. The adept rests in the midst of this causal body, which fades from golden yellow rays within to violet rays without, so that he is surrounded by this flood of light, enclosed by it, so that he can become so great that he can often exceed his human form ten, twenty, thirty times in length from top to bottom. These are the causes of great leaders and guides of people. And if you then look for the body of the imagination of lower people, you will still find forms there, but you will find that they have become luminous, sparkling, radiant from within. We may well conclude that this is because what such people want and feel is shaped by the spirit, by spiritual abilities. These are the faculties that reveal themselves to the spiritual eye when it observes its surroundings. It sees what is transient and what is permanent. All the bodies that I have mentioned, especially the astral body, which appears flooded in reddish shades, are completely lost in Kamaloka and Devachan. In the lower parts of Devachan and the astral plane, the finer parts dissolve. Man loses what he contains of lower sensual values. The astral body can completely dissolve in Kamaloka and only passes with the causal body, the spiritual body, to Devachan. In the fourth region of Kamaloka, what we call human selfishness and human egoism is completely absorbed by matter. Whatever still chains itself to the world is lost in the fourth region. Man feels the worthlessness of base selfishness and begins to realize that he must stretch his wings, that he must comprehend what does not concern him. And when he arrives in the spiritual realm, his feelings, emotions and perceptions, which can be summarized by the word selfishness, have disappeared. He has reached the stage where he can experience, “That is you!” and “I am Brahma”. He can hand over the lower spiritual bodies to dissolution and take his self over into the higher realms of the spiritual realm, where it can fully unfold. Here everything appears to a person in its true form. Here he appears as what he is, as what has embodied itself. The bluish oval appears as the actual body of the person, and within the bluish oval shines that which we must call the actual essence of the person. A person cannot yet have this body. It is woven from the three finest substances of the spirit world, and these show up in their pure bluish color. I emphasize that this pure bluish color can only be observed if one completely disregards what else the person has and only looks at the spiritual. So he appears only in his bluish oval, permeated by his essence. This is what the Platonic philosophy called the so-called luminous man, the sparkling, the shining one. This is the same thing that the initiate Paul called the so-called spiritual body. This means nothing other than what we find here in the highest regions of Devachan. This fine blue body is woven from the finest fabrics of the spirit land, of Devachan. That which radiates and sparkles in it does not come from any of the worlds we have mentioned so far. What sparkles in this body comes from even higher worlds. If you take the earthly world, the astral world and the spiritual world, the Devachan, you have the three worlds within which a person incarnates in the world. He always returns to develop new abilities there, which he then applies in the earthly world. These are the three worlds that Paul speaks of: the spiritual world, the soul world and the body world. Everything is woven into the physical body from these three. When we come into the physical world, we spread the physical covering around us. We take substances from physical matter, from the physical world. We live in some world with those substances taken from that world, so that when we descend from the spiritual realm, we first surround our real self with the body that is woven from the lower parts of the spiritual realm; this then descends into the astral world and forms the astral body. This finally attracts the physical materiality, and then the person is embodied again. But what expands within the actual blue spiritual body, within this sparkling structure, is not from these three worlds. The real self does not come from these three worlds. What is wrapped around it as a blue oval is the uppermost, the finest, which is taken only from the spiritual realm. But that which is embodied, the self, comes from even higher realms. It comes from the actual divine home of man, from the regions which the theosophist calls the Budhi region and the Nirvana region. Man comes from these two regions. The human being's essence rests in this spiritual body, which was present before man began to incarnate and which will again be present in other worlds when man ceases to incarnate. This is the actual, eternal, heavenly, divine essence of man. It is what Giordano Bruno called the eternal monad, which passes eternally through all embodiments, the heavenly self of man. This now participates in the manner indicated in what is gradually emerging. At first it radiates in a beautiful golden-yellow color, then it expands more and more, and in the outermost parts it takes on a violet-reddish color, depending on the various character traits that the person has acquired, because all of these exert their effects on the self. In a person who has developed the qualities of pride or ambition in his previous incarnations, we see how this golden, radiant part of the person takes on an orange-reddish coloration. This shows the effect that pride has had on the self. And in another way, other qualities show the influences that must be balanced. This is what has descended from even higher worlds to incarnate in our earthly world. This is what comes from Budhi and Nirvana; this is what we call Atma-Budhi, which is composed of the highest essence, which comes from the divine Being itself. Last time I spoke about the fact that gradually, as a person passes through many incarnations, he ascends to the three higher regions of the spirit land, that is, each person will have to spend a more or less long time between two incarnations in the first higher region. Even the undeveloped savage experiences a glimpse of his Self in the spiritual realm, and his stay in this realm is getting longer and longer. And when the qualities of compassion, the higher spiritual qualities, are developed, then he ascends to the second region between two embodiments. And when he then returns to our earth, he has become what we call an emissary. Then he has become someone who can speak about the intentions of the world, then he is someone who, between two incarnations, has participated in the unveiling of the impulses of life, then he knows why the animal, the plant, and the human being develop. Then he can talk about the Earth, where it came from and what will happen to it in the future, then he can speak from experience about what theosophical wisdom reveals to us. When he has become a so-called initiate – that is, in the embodiment – then he knows from his own experience the nature of higher life and is able to recognize good. Then, in the next incarnation, he ascends to the highest region of the spiritual realm, where those who have the causes of world events clearly in view, even when embodied in the earthly world, reside. And then the region is reached into which the structure of the higher worlds, the world of Budhi and the world of Nirvana, shines. Just as Budhi shines into our spiritual world, so the highest of things shines into it, the germs of the human self shine into it. These germs are there and enter the third world to envelop themselves in the substance of the third region. You may ask whether a seer, when he enters the third region of the spiritual world, can also see human beings in the state of germination. Yes, he can, because in this region that which belongs to prehistoric times has long since ceased to exist. The state of affairs is laid bare as if it were happening now, the state in which human souls have now begun to fulfill their development. What Jacob Böhme expressed has come to pass with this man: if someone were to say to me, “Were you there when what you have told us about the beginning of earthly existence came about?” I could say, “Yes, I was there.” For in him the sense had long been opened that he could say that he had been there at the beginning, that he had really participated in the creation of the world. What I have now related shows you that we are dealing with three worlds: the spiritual world, the astral world and the earthly or physical world. But this also shows that there are still higher worlds, which are the actual home of the human self. These three worlds are themselves created, formed, they have emerged from a spiritual essence. The sense world has a different origin in the spirit, and the astral world around us has its origin in the spirit. But as we develop more and more in the spiritual, we can investigate the causes of things. We can investigate what underlies the astral as spirit, and we can observe in the highest region of Devachan. But as long as what shines in the budhi does not shine in, we cannot speak of anything that belongs to what we call the deepest truths of world existence. We cannot speak, and we have no power to speak about the cause of evil, about the cause of imperfection, as long as we dwell in these three worlds. Within this world, we have evil alongside good, imperfection alongside perfection. It belongs to this world. It is grounded in this world that evil is added to good and imperfection to perfection. Answering this question requires that one recognize the meaning of existence. There is a meaning of existence, of life and of all becoming. One cannot recognize this if one remains only within the three worlds. And there is the question: Why is good mixed with evil and the perfect with the imperfect within the three worlds? These three worlds are created from nirvana and budhi, and when we can see beyond that, in nirvana and budhi, then we see how evil, as it were, lies in the divine world order, from which good springs. Ultimately, all evil dissolves into good. According to the sayings of all great minds, good is the actual origin of the world. The world originates in the good. But how it does so, we cannot recognize in the three worlds. If we look beyond our three-worlds circle – I developed this in the first lessons – at the boundary of these three worlds, as it were from Budhi, some mysterious writing becomes perceptible. The Akasha writing appears. This is what is also communicated to us from the external world that does not belong to our three worlds. It contains the destiny of every single person and of all humanity. In this writing, the deeds of people are recorded, and the things that people themselves have entered in the book of guilt through their lives are recorded. Why man can become guilty in the succession of incarnations, that only becomes known at the sight of what has shone forth from the other spheres, when it is possible to read what is recorded in the akasha cloth. In it is written the law of karma. This law can only be fully understood if one knows how all evil and imperfection dissolves into good, how even evil only contributes to the increase of good. When the highest self shines forth in man, then the great law of world justice is revealed, then the meaning of existence, the meaning of the world, is revealed to him. The world has its meaning from outside the three worlds, and man fathoms this meaning of the world when he rises above the three worlds of Devachan. It requires modesty. When man has found his innermost nature, when he has found in himself the living spirit that comes from the other worlds, when the shining spark has lit up in him, then the source of the shining spark is also revealed to him, and with it the reason for his existence. Then Budhi flows together with that which is above him, with that which is the meaning of the corporeal world. Then man begins to know what is one of the highest secrets of existence, why man is incarnated in this or that body. With higher vision, we can easily see why a person forms a spiritual body around themselves and why they wrap themselves in an astral body. But now the mystery of earthly incarnation begins: why a person is born into this family, this country, this people. We know very specific human germs. That which is guided by entities of the highest order begins, by entities whose entity rests entirely in Budhi and Nirvana, by the entities we call Lipika, which govern the physical existence of the world, which determine the self to be born in this or that family. This is something that is connected to the deepest meaning of existence. Only when man has risen to the point of fathoming this meaning, do the scales that conceal the answer to the question “How is it that man is born in this body and carries this or that suffering, this or that imperfection through this or that body?” also disappear. Man is equipped for a certain fate through his physical existence. This is one of the great questions of existence, which is connected to the whole meaning of existence, which is revealed when one knows the decrees of Lipika, the lords of fate. Christian esotericism has understood how to express this in a very beautiful way. Incidentally, you can find this secret in every religion. You just have to know how to read it. The Christian religion has also expressed the veiledness of this secret. You know the beings that live in the spiritual realm: angels or messengers. They have their task within Devachan, within their spiritual realm. The fact that they have their task here, not beyond Budhi or Nirvana, means that their views are bound to what is going on within the actual spiritual realm. But within the spiritual realm, the mystery of why this self dwells in this physical body and that in that is not revealed. That is why the Christian religion expresses it with the words: “The angels veil their faces from the mystery of the Incarnation and only say, ‘Holy, holy, holy’.” This is just one example of how much can be found in the esotericism of the great religious beliefs if one only knows how to read them. Thus we have followed man through the three worlds and have reached the boundary where the destiny of these three worlds is written in monumental letters: that is the Akasha Chronicle. What shines from this Akasha Chronicle into these three worlds from the outside, as it were, appears to us when we are within these three worlds, in much the same way as when we look out into the starry sky and see, as it were, a heavenly writing in the constellations. Man comes to decipher this writing when he is able to work his way up to the highest regions of Devachan. The initiates are able to read this Akashic writing and then, when man is able to read more or less of this Akashic writing, then he becomes a participant in the destiny of humanity, then he becomes one of the spiritual leaders of humanity, directing the forces for centuries to come, sending spiritual currents that do not come from the three worlds, but are sent into these three worlds from even higher worlds. What a person experiences in the third spiritual world, what is known as the “bliss of Devachan”, what lives and flashes in us when we spend the interim between two embodiments in Devachan, that is the subject of the next few hours. I would like to explain why Devachan is called the “land of delights”, why it is called the heavenly region. This will be the subject of our next meditation. I would like to add that from the boundary of this highest realm of Devachan, exalted masters of Budhi and Nirvana send great impulses to humanity, sending that which has an effect for centuries and making them the greatest guides in human history. They give the impulses, they create out of the mysterious, or according to Christian esotericism, out of that which causes the angels to veil their faces. They are the Messiahs, the greatest of all human leaders. They are named after the kingdom from which they come, from Budhi Buddha. Therefore, those who can teach what flows in from Budhi are called Christ. Buddha, Christ, they are the ones who send the truths from the higher regions into our three worlds. Such a one knows the world. He knows what lies beyond the three worlds. There lies that which we call the secret of evil. This is revealed at the boundary of devachan. There one comes to know the meaning of the world, what I have called the “Worv”. That is what gives the secret its sound. That is why Christ is called: the incarnate Word. That is why it is said: All things are made by the Word. That is why it is said in the Gospel: All things are made by the Word. This is the sixth step, where the intentions and tendencies of humanity are determined. This is because the one who sends the great and high impulses into human history from this realm, because he knows and must know the secret that lies above the secret of good and evil, can be said to know more than the angels. This is also expressed by Christian esotericism: “Christ makes the angels his messengers.” Those who understand the depths of the Christian religion become theosophists, and true theosophists will not want to contribute to anything other than to the deepening of the core of truth in the great religions of humanity. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Mosaic Creation Story and the Rounds
22 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Mosaic Creation Story and the Rounds
22 Feb 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
I have tried to reconcile the theosophical view of rounds and races, as stated in the “Ancient Wisdom”, with the Bible, and have suggested that the Genesis, the presentation of the Mosaic creation document, is to be taken in a truly literal sense, and that one then fully obtains the theosophical view. It should be noted that the true, great religious documents receive their original and real meaning through Theosophy. To give an idea of what the Mosaic creation document means, I would like to repeat again: we have to distinguish seven rounds and in each round seven races. In the first round we have the archetypes of the mineral kingdom, in the second round the archetypes of the plant kingdom, in the third round the archetypes of the animal kingdom, in the fourth round the archetypes of man. When our present fourth round is over, the archetypes of man will have been formed. We have not even reached the archetypes yet. When our round is over, we will have expressed the human archetypes. The mineral kingdom will have already reached its completion in the round. It will dissolve again, regress. In the next round, the fifth, the plant kingdom will find its completion, in the sixth the animal kingdom, and in the seventh round the human kingdom. In the seventh round, humanity will be the complete image of the deity in earthly development. What the deity was at the beginning, humanity will be at the end of the seventh round. The deity will have completed its task and will then rest. Nirvana will have been achieved. It will be able to hand over its task to the Masters and to the Master Lodges, to the Brotherhoods, which will then have developed into the complete image. This is described to us in the Biblical record. The seven days of Creation signify in the esoteric sense seven rounds, so that the first chapter is to be understood in the following way.
I ask you to visualize exactly what I have described as the first round was. It was initially a reddish, brightly glowing sphere that then went through various stages of development to become a violet sphere, then disappeared into the pralaya, only to emerge again as a red sphere. The first day is thus complete. During this round, the archetypes of the mineral kingdom were formed. Now the second round begins.
God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” Before the mineral kingdom came into being, there could be no firmament. The waters represent spiritual substances. These did not separate from each other until the archetypes of the mineral kingdom had been formed, so that chunks now appeared in them. Then God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. God called them heaven and earth. Only the mineral kingdom was pushed into the earthly, the other was still heavenly.
Here it is emphasized that the completion of the mineral kingdom comes on the fourth day. In the fifth round, the plant kingdom will reach its completion. That is yet to come. Now the mineral kingdom will reach its completion. In the fifth round, the plant kingdom will reach its completion. This is expressed by saying: the plant idea will reach its completion. Everything that is now connected with the peculiar life that is in the mineral kingdom will be fully expressed in the fifth round. In the fifth round the mineral kingdom will gradually dissolve, and man will have a completely different relationship to the environment. The plant idea will have been realized. The relationship to the mineral kingdom will no longer be there, so that instead of being surrounded by a world of minerals, in the fifth round we will be surrounded by a world of plants. Everything that man leaves behind today will then be a plant product. There will be no more minerals; then human beings will live in the plant nature as they now live in the mineral nature. Man will be master over the plant kingdom; he will have dominion over the plant kingdom. This is how Genesis expresses it:
In the sixth round, we are dealing with the complete dissolution of the plant kingdom. A high, living animal thought has been realized, so that a difference between living and non-living will no longer exist. One will only live among the living. There will be no element at all as a medium; there will only be animal-like living entities. In the sixth round, everything related to sexual reproduction has long since disappeared; in the sixth round, we are only dealing with living things. Reincarnation ceases in the middle of the fifth round.
Everything culminated in animal existence. After the fourth round, the mineral; after the fifth round, the plant; after the sixth round, the animal. In the seventh round, everything had passed into the human. God created man as man and woman, no longer bisexual, but unisexual, and so God rested on the seventh day. That is the story of the seven rounds. The first three days are over, the fourth day is the present round, and the last three are yet to come. The second chapter presents the story of the fourth round as such. Specifically, the fourth round shows how heaven and earth came into being, that they were created by God, who made heaven and earth and so on. Man was not yet there when the plant was made. Then came the description of the fourth round. We had the red ball first, which then turns orange, yellow, and turns into a fog. Now the fog turns into the physical. God breathed a living soul into man after he had made him out of the clod of earth - the first two races. And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, and put the man he had made there. This is the man who is still asexual. We are still very much in the first two races. Previously, the plant and animal kingdoms were not so strictly separated. Man had a continuation that merged into the plant world. Then the plant world separated and then the animal kingdom. Even during our fourth round, there was a time - at the very beginning, when the first animals had split off - when humans were still connected to the center of the earth, similar to certain aquatic plants that hang from a long stem. Originally, men were plants, in the days when they had not yet descended into animality. They were still more plant-men, men who had not yet set the plant kingdom free from themselves. Such a man was called Adam Kadmon. The man who still contains the plant and animal kingdoms within himself, and only later expels them, is Adam Kadmon. Then, in a new verse, on the one hand we have the Tree of Life and on the other hand an increase of consciousness, the Tree of Knowledge.
Verse 16: Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Now the incarnation begins. The incarnation begins at the moment when Kama-Manas enters. That was in the middle of the third race, and it ends in the middle of the fourth race of the fifth round. Then the text also describes the individual races. But it describes the fourth race in particular. Among the original Turanians, a kind of betrayal of the deeper secrets occurred. The priests allowed themselves to teach people what were priestly secrets. The soul of man is expressed as the feminine. The incarnated will is the masculine. The soul, the feminine. The initiated priests have now united with the human soul and handed over the secrets to it. This was in the fourth race of the Atlanteans. This betrayal is described in the sixth chapter of Genesis.
... for they are flesh. Now God decides on the downfall, the flood, the downfall of Atlantis. That Noah took a pair of each animal into the ark is based on a real event. It shows how theosophy is becoming infinitely relevant to our culture. Not so long ago, Darwinism and the history of creation were still at a different point of view than they are today. In recent years, science has undergone important transformations. It was thought that animals develop through the struggle for existence and through selection; the imperfect perish, the perfect remain. Naturalists are already talking about the powerlessness of the struggle for existence. De Vries, the Dutch naturalist, has shown that the so-called mutation plays the greatest role in the descent of living beings. It has been found that living beings, when placed in different living conditions, quickly develop into completely different forms. You have to put them in completely different living conditions, that is the only real method of producing new species. It is mutation that causes new breeds to emerge. This does not happen gradually, but in leaps. The tomato, for example, emerged rapidly from a plant that did not have the red fruit. It originated in one place and then spread throughout the earth. All other forms of reproduction and development are secondary to mutation. Now, science wonders: how could mutation once play such a major role? The Atlanteans knew the secrets of the germination power of seeds well enough to accumulate it, even to use it as a driving force. But they also understood how to cross the seeds of animals and bring forth new forms. What lives on Earth now has come about through conscious methods of crossbreeding, through actual cultivation, so that humans have actually created the animal species. From the few animal species, the Atlanteans created the entire living animal world. It is rooted in human nature that he who possesses greatness is inclined to abuse it. A few specimens were selected from the animals and taken to the Gobi Desert - an ark. The rest perished. This is the basis of the story of the flood. The aberration of the Atlanteans, the segregation of the animals that arose from the mistakes of the Atlanteans, and the rescue of the same with the pure priests in the Gobi Desert. We must now ask: Who bred the races? Theosophy answers: the Atlanteans. But time is also pressing. The wheat, for example, came directly from a world body, from Venus. So we have to make a connection here between science and theosophy. [...] After man had enjoyed knowledge, he had to die, he could no longer live, he could not at the same time also enjoy the side of life. |