90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Concept of Objective Presence and Subjective Perception
13 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Concept of Objective Presence and Subjective Perception
13 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
The eye is called upon to perceive. Sensation – perception – can only arise when a nervous system begins to develop. Half of the eye is a living physical apparatus; the other half is permeated by the nervous system. The optic nerve would never perceive if the physical were not constructed in a certain way; with the same physical laws as an inanimate apparatus, plus life. So these two things are to be formed in humans: an apparatus to receive and one to mediate. Outside in nature we have the mineral kingdom, and the mineral kingdom has given us the apparatus, which is formed from the components of the same kingdom, with which we absorb this kingdom. Everything in the outside world we also have; little by little we have to absorb the whole mineral kingdom. In the fourth round, we assimilate the mineral kingdom, and by the end of the fourth round we will have consumed the entire kingdom. During the first round, we expose the mineral, while during the fourth we absorb it. During the second, the same thing happens with the plants, while during the third, the same thing happens with the animals. During the seventh, man is within himself; he has absorbed all the realms. How does this happen? In the nineteenth century, the materialistic one, people began to completely deny the life force. For example, urea, which was previously thought to be produced only by the organism, was produced in the laboratory. The researchers thought that if they could now chemically represent what was previously believed to come from the living, there would be no difference between the living and the inanimate, only a more complex organism. They should have said: there is life in the mineral too. Man is first able to recognize the inorganic, only later will plant and animal life be understood. The sense by which the nerve spreads perceives the mineral process from the outside. But the nerve will then grasp the life contained in the eye, grasp the incoming prana as we do today with light. The eye will have progressed so far that the plant will flow in directly. The mineral has ceased to exist. The mineral has reached its greatest density in the fourth round and will soon disintegrate into cosmic dust. Therefore, the stone is the image of perfection within our round, and the leaf is the nearest cover. The image of the jewel in the middle of the lotus flower is the symbol of the tendency of human striving today. Buddha sitting in the lotus flower is such a symbol. Today, the human being perceives so strongly in a mineral way that the researcher even denies everything else. But within him is the life - prana - that now takes everything assimilated with it through the pralaya and possesses the processed as a spiritual inner life, as something absorbed within him. - So in each round, until the human being - absorbing everything - remains only in God. During the first round, man had developed his physical self, the bone system emerged in the system; in the second round it was animated, man became a plant. It is hollow, the plant as an outline. In the fifth round, he will have the core within him. The human being as a plant-human being in the second round reproduces, life begets life. In the first round, unity prevailed; in the second, number, the emergence of one from the other. Form also prevails – shape – because number comes together. In the third round, the beings begin to live within themselves. Reciprocity rules – pleasure and pain. Something new begins in the fourth round. Until now, there was still a shell everywhere. The mineral kingdom begins to form a core. We are only now able to distinguish between shell and core. The core can separate and control ever new shells. Birth and death prevail. The core can retain a germ that outlasts all shells, and we experience birth and death. In the first three rounds up to the middle of the fourth, the daughter essence is released from the mother essence; it separates. Everything was there as long as the round lasted; only with the fourth round is birth and death possible. The first is unity, which dominates the first round. The second is number, which dominates the second round. The third is interdependency, which dominates the third round. The fourth is birth and death, which dominate the fourth round. The union of the Pitri with the Dhyan Chohan is the core. [...] |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Following Rounds
15 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Following Rounds
15 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
The fact that a nucleus enters the shells within the fourth round means that this nucleus can maintain itself while the shells fall away. Birth and death. This falling away and ever-evolving in the fourth round is the mineral kingdom. The substance itself is now immortal. Through the fact that a core has been preserved, which finds an external point of reference in the nervous system, manas has been able to connect with the human being. Only man is kama-manasic. On the one hand, there is now birth and death and thus bisexuality. Before the fourth round, there was no bisexual animal sex. Only when Manas moves into the nervous system does it withdraw the power from the covers to produce a uniform one. They must first be stimulated. What sexuality offers from the outside is what used to be from the inside. The combining activity of the mind replaces the earlier productive creation out of itself; Manas withdraws the single sex. Animals with only one sex have so far had no manasic spark. Man, by setting the animal sex aside [gap in the transcript], gave it the dual sex as a thank-you gift. The manasic wants to work outwardly - that is why the human race was mute in the third round and is still animal; only the animal that forms the transition becomes vocal. Voice and sexuality are two poles that are closely related. In the fourth round, language will develop higher and higher - the danger of sexuality will lead ever deeper and deeper. The productive power stepped inward into the core and was forced out as a word during the fourth round. Word and sexuality are the outer character of the human being. Manas now has the task of becoming the core controller, the regulator for what has now come to the outside - evil, passion. All this is taken over as a germ into the fifth round. A new series of organs will become the means of expression. The lungs, the respiratory organ, which had developed into the larynx, the speech organ. In the fifth round, the heart and circulatory organs will give birth to their own organ of expression. As he now radiates the word, he will radiate his entire inner being, and it will be impossible for man to separate his own good from the good of others. As Manas is now radiated through the word, Budhi will be radiated through the heart and will immediately embrace. Those who have not yet reached this stage will be savages! This is the normal development. With the word one can still wound, but with the heart-breath it is impossible. We must try to reshape the word so that it can no longer wound:
The purpose of this is for the word, no longer wounding, to withdraw into the core and develop the heart. The heart thus steps outwards – sexuality falls away and becomes the body shell that is now formed through birth and death. Just as the productive power had driven sexuality outwards, giving rise to good and evil, so now he pushes evil outwards. The outer form is woven from what are now the passions. The outer countenance will be exactly what he is now preparing as good and evil. With the badge of their passion, [men] will be born. As evil is now their inner power, they carry it outward in the fifth round. The fifth round will divide humanity into those of Cain and those of Zeichen, through the revelation of the secret. This is the esoteric meaning, which is completely distorted in the Christian Last Judgment. The sixth round is more difficult to describe. The organ that has now become established, the heart, has become so expansive that it pours outwards. In the fifth round, the word is inner strength; it pushes the heart organ outwards and is still an inspirer. In the sixth round, everything goes outwards, the human being becomes completely heart, the word is his outer body, the human being becomes sound waves, the heart blood has pushed itself completely outwards, the sound will sprout - the animal thought is realized, what pushes from within has become meaningful word, walking language. That is why we must learn to stand before the masters. The lifeblood has flowed outwards, the human being has become clay. [Gap in the transcript] In the sixth round, the outer being is the word itself, the clay, and the inner being is the human being himself, who lives completely. Now in the seventh round, he is what he is, the self-conscious man of thought, who is blissfully happy within himself. A state of blissful divinity, no distinction between the outer and the inner. So during the fourth round, freedom came into the world, and it is in our hands to become as little as possible like Cain. Thus Lucifer is the bringer of light, but at the same time he brought evil into the world: It is in your hands to become Cain or Abel. This was presented to the Greeks in all its terrible magnitude in the mysteries. Without the possibility of destruction, man could never have become free. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Main Law of All Round Evolution
16 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Main Law of All Round Evolution
16 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Each round runs in seven sections, namely the three [gap in the transcript], the middle one, which is the turning point, main point, and the decisive one, and the three receding ones, where everything turns inward. The descending movement is always delayed; there is a decrease and delay in the evolution of the first three states, now the slowest, and then an increasing speed, an acceleration until the seventh has the same movement as the first. We have created three different states:
In each subsequent round, these states are briefly repeated, and this happens in the first rounds. So we have little to deal with in the first three rounds because they are a brief repetition. In the fourth round, the first state is also a brief repetition. We divide this again into three parts – seven races into three parts. Seven-thirds – two-thirds and one-third is what we now have to imagine. So we have two first races: preparatory race; the third is still preparatory in its first third, and in the second third the characteristic of the race begins. The further two and one third give four and two thirds. So we have the next state until the second third of the fifth race. And from the last third of the fifth race, the flooding takes place again. Our fifth has an important turning point, namely that of the flooding, where we have to draw the last conclusions and lead the development over to the sixth race, where the preparatory work for the future round will take place. In the first races, therefore: none Confessions:
Thinking knowledge is what must be striven for and accomplished in the fifth race. It is the task - the struggle for knowledge from P [gap in the transcript] to the sacral [gap in the transcript] To bring concepts to life in man. Before man could come to conceptual knowledge, he first had to form ideas. The fourth [race] thus had the task of developing the power of imagination. The Atlantean was the imaginative race, while the Aryan is the thinking one. The Atlantean is memory and imagination. The doctrine of reincarnation [the Atlanteans] did not have, but they had the memory of previous incarnation. Atlantean temples consisted of busts of the Atlanteans, who were interested in seeing their earlier image. Lemurians also did not yet have the ability to form ideas. Before them, people still picked out colors and tuned their ears. The ability to form sensations began with the third race. To take in sensations from the outside. Cis. G., color. They live entirely in the present. At the beginning of the Lemurian race, we have the attachment to the spinal cord - nerve cord and attachment to the brain. There were no other bodies. In the Atlantean period, the formation continues until the forebrain develops in the Aryan - the thinking brain. Avatar:
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Reincarnation And Karma
18 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Reincarnation And Karma
18 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
When observing individual development, one should not limit oneself to human beings, because their development is only a special case in the whole of nature. Development is the change of day and night, everything that takes place in time, ebb and flow - a similar thing takes place everywhere in inanimate nature: changes in temporal events. What remains [in this changeable] is the law. In spring, the sun is in a certain constellation, that of Aries - on March 21. It was the symbol of the Logos – the ram or lamb is therefore the sign of the re-appeared solar Logos: the Lamb of God. Greek Argonaut saga: the rams, the sun god, is brought home. The sun follows the same law. What changes is the appearance and what allows the appearance to repeat itself in the same rhythmic play is the law. But in a certain sense, the law also changes. Eight hundred years before Christ, the sun began to rise in Aries, earlier in Taurus; very slowly it moves on. Therefore, the Egyptians had the sacred bull ‹Apis›, also the Persians. As long as the sun moved in the sign of Taurus, it was worshiped like that. Before that, the sun rose in Gemini, and we hear of its worship among ancient peoples, among the Persians, and also among the ancient Germans. About every two thousand years, the sun moves forward very slowly. So the law is relatively constant, but it also undergoes development. The law is the constant, the eternally changing is the phenomenon. Let us now move from inanimate to animate nature. The individual plant continually dies, but the species emerges from the seed. Just as in inanimate nature the phenomena pass away and the law remains, so in animate nature the species is preserved and the individuals perish. This applies to the plant and animal world. But here, too, the species remains and changes at the same time over the course of time: the tame city pigeon has developed from the rock dove. The essence of the species remains, but something changes. How did the species undergo this development? Through the external living conditions in which the species find themselves. The effect of the external on the internal changes the species. Everything that previously came upon a being as external circumstances subsequently becomes a process of further development in the being itself. The caves of Kentucky deprive the animal of its sight; the animal absorbs the darkness. The sun would remain if other powerful celestial bodies did not continue to move it. Every being absorbs and then develops itself further. Every process of further development is therefore interaction. The animal develops itself in such a way that it provides for the next generation. Let us now move up to the level of personality. It is capable of imagining and can therefore enter into a new type of living conditions and absorb spiritual impressions. It enters into a new, spiritual environment. Just as in the species, the process of further development is formed in the personality through the new spiritual conditions. Personality passes away like the phenomenon and the individual, and like the law and the species, individuality remains. It would be a violation of the law if it were otherwise, and so we understand reincarnation. The spiritual essence of the personality is absorbed from within by the living conditions, and develops further. This is the agreement of the law of reincarnation with that of the preservation of the species and the law. When we follow the developing species, we observe the adaptation to external living conditions, which is then inherited. Adaptation and inheritance are the great laws that govern living nature. All inheritance is a transfer of acquired characteristics to the heirs. When I look at the pouter pigeon, I will only understand it if I go back to its ancestors and look for the causes that gave rise to its organs. The present formations must be sought in the activities of times gone by. What was previously an activity later becomes an organ. The same thing happens spiritually with the individuality. It adapts and passes on to the successor of the personality the individuality it has acquired in the spiritual realm. What is taken in through experience is furthered in the process of development. Take the bean: it develops to the germ, everything else falls away, only the small part remains, and that dies off, only life itself with the species passes over to the offspring plant. Only the species remains, but when it became a germ, the bean species itself was still surrounded by a part of vegetable matter, which must also fall away. The developed plant is no longer the species, but it has something of the sheaths that the germ has to save. Only when everything has fallen away can it arise anew. It is a new incarnation. Just as in individuality, which is surrounded by all sheaths and can only incarnate when all remnants have fallen away. Man has even more sheaths; they must return to where they came from. Then his germ is free and single, in the world in which alone it can develop - to a new existence. Man belongs to the earth, without it he would be inconceivable. He can only exist under this atmospheric pressure; this also applies to the spiritual conditions. This is because he has developed into this earth, into its physical, astral and mental spheres, which are interwoven. The human being is constructed from these three spheres as an earthly human being. The individuality itself is only in the higher mind, which is not bound to the earth, but belongs to the solar sphere; the earth with its three spheres, but also the sun and all other planets, rests in it. So we still consist of a substance that does not change, the unwritten page in which the experiences are recorded. We call the mental sphere, in so far as it belongs to the earth, “Rupa”, formed; the other, which extends, “Arup”, mental. This is where [the] individuality belongs. We are children of the sun in a certain respect, which is why we also call our teachers sun children. Just as the plant slowly returns all the substances it has taken in to build itself, keeping only what is of the species, so the human being - individuality - retains only what is arupa, mental, in order to reincarnate. Arupa is the region that leads out of the earth into the general. Then it is the freed butterfly that can spread freely in the Arupa-Mental, then [gap in the transcript] it must return to experience anew. When man has given up his physical, he also has to give back to the astral what has served his construction from there, then he lives in Kamaloka. What he learns in this life becomes an inclination, it must develop in Arupa, then it will reach full development. Man is not only an earthling, but also a sun child through his belonging to the sphere. In the third race the spark was ignited. Where did this spark come from, which the Manasaputra brought? The first knowledge was not given earthly, but brought over from an earlier state; it is something that goes beyond the sphere of action; so it remains when these effects cease. Only by the fact that man is able to pass through Arupa does he remain, otherwise he would have to shatter. But in the same way, the progressive development of the spiritual is a law that applies to individuality. The external becomes the internal, what is experienced externally becomes the inner principle of progress. What comes to the individuality becomes inner law. The stream of the macrocosm flows into the individual and thus becomes microcosm. Predispositions are the results of previous experience: our conscience is previous experience. Just as in the study of nature, we have to explain it; that is the law of karma: causation through the various incarnations. You have the cause for a present-day disposition in an earlier activity. Vedanta: What you think today, you are tomorrow. Reincarnation means: the preservation of the spiritual in the physical. Karma means: what is first an activity later becomes a habit or trait. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: What Does Man Gain From Knowing His Past?
20 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: What Does Man Gain From Knowing His Past?
20 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Through his past he comes to know his future. He connects the past with the future. The ancients called death the brother of sleep. What we are today is a continuation of yesterday; sleep connects, yesterday is the cause of today's karma. Man maintains himself by building on the past. This is how it is with the human race. We learn our past in order to control our future; we also learn about the present from the future. More highly developed people like Plato have brought more to revelation from the higher basic parts than others; others must become what he was. Plato is an artificial five-rounder. Buddha, Christ, Zarathustra are six-rounders. They, too, continue to develop. At the end of the seventh round, humanity will have reached a certain degree of harmonious development. The lunarian epoch only became disharmonious as a new principle. It will be the same at the end of the seventh round. Sin is not from God, it came into the world through the law, but the law is from God, according to Paul. Manas approached Kama to take it to a new level. Kama had to be integrated, sawed and filed, like a wheel for a clock. Through the law; Kama or the flesh in itself was good. At the end of our terrestrial epoch, the firstlings come with a far higher development than the harmonious development of the masses. Theosophy calls it the Dhyan Chohans. So it was at the end of the lunar epoch: the first Pitris were so advanced and came over to undergo a development in the earth epoch that went beyond the regular. They could only intervene when the earth beings could feel something of Manas within themselves. They were first active in the formation of humans in order to be understood by them later. [For example: the] Elohim of the Old Testament were only understood when the spark of the spirit was awakened in them [humans]. In particular, they were able to understand Jahve-Elohim, the Lord of Form, who clothed everything with the physical shell. The great teachers, Sons of Light, Manasaputras, had appeared in this way - teaching. In revelation, everything can only appear in polarity, in two forms; man must understand through opposites; he enjoys the light when he sees the shadow. Here, too, polarity appeared in God Michael - Yahweh - and Lucifer. Yahweh-Elohim and his group are destined to direct man's intellect to the external in form; the other group directs attention more to the purely spiritual, to the inner being in man. Thus, God and the serpent appear in myths as opposites: God wants to teach love; the serpent wants to teach wisdom. God wants to teach form; the serpent wants to teach life. The differentiation into imagination and sensuality, into sexuality, which had not existed before, now occurred. With it, language, as an expression of imagination. So that two kinds of intelligence were at work: “You shall know!” said Lucifer, and imparted speech with thinking. He imparted the inner life. Jehovah was the God of form and procreation, and also of love — who hallowed outer sensuality through nobler feelings. “You shall bear children with pain. We thus see the intervention of higher intelligences in the form of the God of love and the God of wisdom. When love was to become personality in Jesus, the head of the serpent had to be crushed. So we have the three currents: Lunarian Pitris in germ form, which are animated by the mineral kingdom and have to mature to receive the influence of the Elohim. The Elohim have the task of leading up to this point. So that in the first three rounds the normal entities progress until they are mature to connect with the Elohim and to progress together with them. What happened is what is described as the fall into matter, the Fall of Man. Humanity only became aware of sensuality when it was there, so they made clothes out of leaves. The Sons of Form and Love and the Sons of Wisdom now led people until the fourth race, in which something new occurred. The Sons of Wisdom have to do with thinking and imagining; the Sons of Love with the sanctification of human sensuality. This is the greatest task, for it is to be led to divinity. It is difficult because in sensuality there is desire, longing - that is, the tendency to remain within sensuality. First there was the fall into matter; now there is the tendency to remain within it, if it is not pointed upwards. It was a sacrifice of the Sons of Light to become the leaders of sensuality, a greater sacrifice than becoming the leaders of thinking. The Sons of Light are exposed to all the dangers of sensuality; it became more and more seductive the more they developed it. And the result was the subjugation of some of the Sons of Light under the power of matter. This led to the great catastrophes of the Atlantean period. This is what is called black magic. The second case is when the danger became a trap for some of the Sons of Light: material selfishness instead of guidance from matter. The flood - mythical account. The Sons of Light found the Earth Daughters beautiful: This sex had to succumb. They threw off what could not be taken. And now we have what came next; our savages are the decadent descendants of those ancient races that perished. Within Asia, there were those who had retained their equilibrium and progressed to the fifth race. This small part went to India, partly to Babylonia, Egypt, Europe and so on. What happened then is happening today on a higher level of consciousness. Today, a geographical area - the ark - cannot be isolated. Today, instead of spatial isolation, there must be isolation of thought and attitude. Even now individuals can incarnate from the Atlanteans who perished – only their culture and their geographical soil were destroyed. The culture of the fifth race, too, will be destroyed if it becomes evil. Some of it must be gathered to form the basis of the sixth race, united by that which will form the core: love. We must now collect in the spirit of love, we must consciously do what was once done unconsciously – calling from all nations to the brotherhood. We have the high task of being for the sixth race what was once done for the fifth. Those who have an interest in the future culture are working on it. Those who do nothing for it will also enjoy the fruits; if the perished Atlanteans had found what they had sown, they would have found a hell; so too would the fifth race find it in the sixth if we did not work to prepare new karma for the sixth race. What we sow, we will reap, also in terms of racial karma. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Ways of Coming to Knowledge and Will
22 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Ways of Coming to Knowledge and Will
22 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
The inventor has an idea in his head – for example, of the clock – then he searches for equipment. When the clock is ready, he knows how it is made, he has knowledge of the clock. The idea has preceded, [followed] by the execution in physical fact. The idea was drawn from the mental plan, then transferred to the physical plan. Let us assume that the watchmaker has died. Another, in order to imitate the clock, must take it piece by piece and then study the laws in order to form others. So first there is contemplation, then the idea is derived in order to form. So there are two ways of creating knowledge: where the idea originally lies or where it is derived from contemplation. In the cosmic, everything is based on the idea. We call it 'Mahat', the universal spirit, after which all physical things are composed. The beings who are in place of the watchmaker cannot yet work on the physical plane. 'Dhyanis', they have the ideas for the physical plan, they would teach others, like the inventor, if he had not died immediately. Two types of teaching: the original type of teaching, that the purely spiritual natures - dhyanis - immediately transfer the ideas into the mental, of the preceding race; a teaching by direct transmission of intuition. The first people were thus taught as one is taught by the creators; later as one is taught by those who have learned from objects of the physical plan. A remnant of this kind of direct influx is also contained in nature. The way beavers build their dams today, in such a way that an engineer could not build a better one with all his ingenuity. The beaver has this kind of receptivity in a degenerated state. There was a time when people also received wisdom and built their dams in this way. Lake Moeris, no longer in existence, but once artificially built in Egypt, with a sewage system that could not be invented today. Mankind was once more capable, but in a different way, in that they could not record it in mathematical forms in abstract, but in symbolic forms. An immediate flowing in of the Mahat; a drawing out of the physical plan Manas from Mahat. Today, one has to carefully calculate how to lay beams; at that time, he could do more in terms of teaching; the direct telepathy from person to person - an influx of will into the pineal gland. Among ancient peoples, there are still similar institutions that seem senseless: [Couvade,] the husband's childbed. The opinion that this has a correspondingly favorable meaning for the child comes from the time when the psychic powers were still vividly active, so that the psychic processes on the part of the man worked just as the physical processes did on the part of the woman. [Couvade:] a resting, concentrating of the father's psychic powers for the good of the child. There is a descent, a different kind of transmission of knowledge and will, and it must be reclaimed from below. No reception was needed from the senses at that time to receive Mahat; so the leader of the race does not need a refined organ of the mind, but the third eye. This is the organization of the human lion. He is more differentiated; spirituality on the one hand, animal nature on the other. The teaching from below begins – spirituality has become coarser. It begins with the feeling; Mahat begins to penetrate from the outside. Through the senses, the world mind flows in. This makes the outer impression a reason for him to reflect. His mind is still very limited, a first stirring; the human being who then stands at the highest level, the leader, will read the writing of the world spirit everywhere, but he does not yet have memory. This dwarfish spirit, who looks up at the firmament - and deduces astrology from the impressions of his senses - is symbolized as an avatar, by the dwarf: the first looking at Mahat from the mind. One forgot immediately, but saw to the bottom, not pondering, thinking, but looking. Astrology and alchemy, the refraining from the object, what it has for laws. 1. So first Mahat comes from outside through sensation, develops inside. 2. Through the imagination, where he holds on to the sensation through memory; man will only receive Mahat when he approaches it through the imagination. This has two stages, namely the absorption of Mahat in the imagination. The development of Rama: first the Rama of the center and secondly that of the developed imagination. The next thing is that the person is already forming concepts. For example, belladonna: the concept is formed on the basis of external experience. Belladonna is not edible; concept: where there is such a substance, the object is not edible. Avatar – Krishna, who fills the world with ideas that apply to the physical plane, can be applied everywhere, are tailored for him, although they are far above him. After man has grown to the point of forming ideas, wisdom reveals itself again, the source of the ideas from which the world flowed. He perceives the idea itself: the Buddha as a guide, suitable for a humanity that lives entirely on the physical plane, but is already ascending to spirituality. Mythology, the starry sky viewed by the sage, populated, degenerates into idolatry and rises on the other side as a doctrine of ideas. The purity of the Bhagavad Gita, imbued with ideas and leaving mythology, degenerates into mysticism on the one hand and rises to wisdom on the other – descending to complete materialism and mechanism, ascending to Christianity. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Differences in the Structure of the Spirit Between the Second Rama, Krishna and Buddha
25 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Differences in the Structure of the Spirit Between the Second Rama, Krishna and Buddha
25 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
There is a tremendous difference between the mental structure of these three. We omit the first Rama, the Axe, who esoterically still belongs to the Atlantean race. This second Rama has a Buddha-mind, but it appears through Manas, wisdom. Budhi is the source of wisdom, revelation, inspiration - no matter where it comes from. Let us imagine a drop of mercury in a beautiful geometric figure. Mercury is its figure; the way it is arranged is its form. So wisdom can be seen as a whole, but arranged in the different systems of the cosmos. One could know all one's knowledge in one sentence, then this synthetic knowledge would be Budhi and Manas (d/gap in the transcript). Manas is Budhi in a certain arrangement. Now, Christian esotericism calls the 'summary' 'the word' and the 'arrangement' the 'Holy Spirit'. Indian esotericism calls the Word 'Budhi' and the Holy Spirit 'Manas'. Legend: All esotericists knew that all “knowledge” could be summarized in a 'sun of knowledge'. The esotericist has the one word in which everything is compressed - he derives everything else from this word. The inspirer on whom a religious system is based goes - according to legend - into the temple to take possession of the word. Jesus entered the temple, cut himself, took the word, hid it in his body and now practiced the word. This is an example. Let us imagine the image of mercury. The sphere is the same as the droplets, only in arrangement. You can separate them — Budhi distributed in Manas — and also bring them together. Let us imagine that the knowledge of the cosmos has been handed over to a being as astrological knowledge, so that he is able to gain a wise insight into the world. Such a being is Rama, who received this knowledge in its synthetic unity. He was, as it were, the general of knowledge. Let us consider someone who does not receive knowledge as a unified whole, but rather knowledge already distributed throughout the world, no longer the word, but the Holy Spirit: Krishna. With regard to the individual, Krishna also speaks in the Bhagavad Gita. Rama is not the great conqueror of the world, gently leading by the hand. Krishna is already the teacher. Let us go a little further. Summarizing what has been scattered. The unity from above summarized from the details. Buddhism came about by pointing to a section of the world: This and that is applicable to it. Buddhism is tailored to the spirit of the Indian people. Rama knowledge is tailored to the whole world. These were the avatars of the fifth race. We have characterized the Budhi knowledge. Buddha is thus the Budhi teacher for Manas, for the sacred spirit. The task now is to introduce this teaching into the physical plan. [Buddha] is the teacher sent by the deity. If a teaching is to be incorporated into the physical plan, it must arise from the feelings, perceptions and kama-manasic thinking of the people themselves; for example, Zoroaster and Hermes were sent, not grown out of. At some point, a people had to have their own inspirer, and that was only possible if a chela like Jesus of Nazareth [gap in the transcript] So we tailored the knowledge to the individual personality, which in turn becomes international again. This is the cosmic significance of Christianity. He tried to give something to man as a human being. He was therefore not only the “way” like Krishna - instruction - and not “truth” like Buddha - summary - but “life”. He therefore did not write anything down. He lived the things, independently of the national coloring that is given in the language. Exemplary life, center and focus for the new confession, which is to be sought in belonging to Him. A gathering of the confessors around the personality is necessary. Not only must I understand what He teaches, but in life one must be united in Him. We have laid our hands in His wounds. The disciples bear witness. This explains the mystical union of Christ with Jesus. To be united in Christ is life. In the case of Buddha, Budhi and Manas incarnated from the very beginning, and it did not depend on the personality. In the case of Christ Jesus, the personality came into its own in mystical union. The Christian community of incarnated Christs is also a body of personalities. According to the Indian model, the figure of Christ, who incarnated for three years, is not found on the devachan plan. There is another plan. Behind the ecclesiastical community lies the continuously incarnated Christ, our Maitreya, not in human form, but in us. He sanctifies Christianity without knowing anything about incarnation, not as a personal avatar but by living out his life in Christendom and in all that it achieves. Maitreya – the tenth avatar – is still awaited by the Indians, and revered by Christians as their mystical brother. That is why Buddhism kills off personality; the [Buddhist] becomes an ascetic. Christianity elevates personality, fulfills what the Greeks dreamed of, the earthly paradise. Individual Christians are like cells, hence the balance through saints who atone for criminals. Therefore the church is the substance, the body for the Maitreya Jesus of Nazareth, who understood; always incarnated to accomplish the right thing. - The Christ - the soul. It is only in the sixth race that the Christ will really take on his outer form; all so united that the individual does not separate his good from that of the whole. When we now consider separateness and union, we must do so in contrast to the earlier unity. The present-day unions will represent something where the individual members are - the goal is the soul. Christianity should strive for this brotherhood. The White Lodges are advanced posts, undertaking various tasks but working together. They are the cores around which individuals group themselves. At the end of our planetary development, there will be seven such lodges, with one goal, harmonious. These cores remain, go through a pralaya and appear as the seven leading spirits of future development. These are called by the Hebrew teaching 'Elohim', and one is Jahve - Lord of the Form. Thus, in Christianity, not a national deity is embodied, but a unifying one that leads to the new development. It indicates the turning point, down into physical development and back up again - therefore has a cosmic significance -, contains the teachings of the others all, but can only be understood in its connection with the cosmos. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Atlantean Culture
26 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Atlantean Culture
26 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
Nothing in the world is accidental. Every age, every people, every person has certain tasks. The present root race has the task of developing the human mind and everything connected with it: calculating, building machines. The mind is essentially tied to the personality. In earlier root races, something else was important, even with the Egyptian pyramids, for the construction of which people sacrificed their entire lives. They were firmly convinced of reincarnation. And in this firm belief, the workers willingly did everything that was required of them. That was what remained from earlier times for the beginnings of the root race. As long as individuality was not yet in the foreground, other forms of religion were needed, and other cultures were to be found. The present root race with the culture of the mind of the personality goes back ten thousand years. The first sub-race was the one that had settled in the Indian peninsula. The second race in Persia spread over the earth. The third was the Egyptian. The fourth, the Roman, adopted Christianity. The fifth is the Germanic-Anglo-Saxon, the sixth will be the Slavic and the seventh will be the American. This will found an empire that will encompass the entire earth, but will be short-lived and, like the Chinese, will be followed by another, more powerful one. The preceding Atlantean culture was quite different. The main center was on the floor of the present Atlantic Ocean, but extended over other areas. We have to imagine the Atlanteans as being totally different from us. The first Atlanteans, about a million years ago, had no minds at all, but they had very developed memories. When one ability comes to the fore, others recede. Because, as development progressed, the combining mental activity had to come to the fore, memory receded. He had no rule, but the image that emerged in his mind was the decisive one. They told people important things that could be encountered in characteristic images, not rules. That is why they were very conservative. A young person could not have reached a high position because one had to have a lot of experience behind one. Everything we have similar to an Areopagus still comes from Atlantis. All the forces that were closer to nature, as with undeveloped people. They could use, for example, life force or plant seed power. Coals contain stored heat, which is used to heat locomotives. Just as steam heat is converted into motive power, so the energy can be extracted from piles of cereal grains. The Atlanteans had a small type of airship that used the converted vril power as motive power. This institution benefited from the fact that the waters were thinner and the air thicker. Plants were planted as coal mines are laid out today to serve traffic. Humans and animals that feed on thinner water have very different organ natures. He could increase his power through his arbitrariness. Water was more related to his willpower. He had the organism more in his hands. They did not make plans for the cities, they had no combining intellect. They sowed trees in an ellipse; they grew faster. Fruits outside - apartments inside. That was the first Atlantic period until six hundred thousand years ago. The first race of the Rmoahals were like that; then they approached the present race. But the second race of the Tlavatli and the third of the Toltecs were similar. In the third race, the seeds of intellectual activity began to take hold. The peoples were very obedient, which decreased among the Turanians. They were the infamous black magicians of Atlantis. They were also great technicians, did not make big plans, but had a firm grip on things; they knew how much rock could be carried when they cut it out. Everything was based on personal skill. They then recorded this in symbolic drawings. Many secrets were revealed, morality fell, and doom was invoked. Only saved by the Ursemites, who were the fifth sub-race. They were a calculating and trading people, from whom the whole present root race has grown. They were the basic combiners. Then sixth, the Akkadians, the actual colonizing people. They went, for example, to Ireland, where this highly developed Akkadian culture had flourished before the Celtic one. Seventh, the Mongols, who of course survived. Then we come back to catastrophes. The Atlanteans were flooded by water. The destruction by fire preceded the Rmoahals, that is, the Lemurians – Australia and neighboring areas. We must distinguish precisely between the first Lemurians and the second; in total, also a million years. It is only from the middle of the Lemurian race that there are two sexes. The Urlehre calls the sexless Adam Kadmon. They had no memory, but imagination. The Lemurian could not yet retain the image, it soon vanished. That is why decadent Lemurians in Australia have no memory. But the imagination was much more vivid. For example, the difference between warmth and cold. In those days the elements were not so differentiated as they are now. The sea was filled as if with drifting mists. There were denser and thinner mists, but water and air were not yet separated. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Atlantis
27 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Atlantis
27 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
The green parts = remains of the Lemurian continent. On Earth, everything is in development. We would encounter a very different configuration of the Earth in Lemuria; a much higher temperature. Everything that is solid today would then be found in a liquid state. Metals would flow. We assume that this temperature would not harm their beings. The Lemurian continental parts were of a completely different nature, not emerging from the liquid element, but rather slightly liquid parts in a sea of fire, and only when it cooled down did this fire become dangerous to the more solid parts. The destruction happened because the remaining fire became dangerous to the cooled parts. The fire was what the Lemurians used to form everything; a fine etheric fabric was around the fiery-liquid mass in which the continents floated; the people were cloud-like fiery-flooding figures. As differentiation occurred, fire was banished into fire basins, humans were able to work with firepower, came to black magic and perished in the fire. About a million years ago there was more differentiation. The red was soft masses, more waxy continents; the air was much denser than it is today; the water was much thinner, still related to what we call the element from which life with form originated [...] . Even more related to the watery in plants, so that people were more related to what surrounded them. They could not yet easily penetrate the air; the water much thinner, like today's fog, was more related to them. There was more life force in this rarefied water than in today's denser, more differentiated water. People felt much more akin to the elements because of this kinship. The result was that they could use the power contained within them. Example of a locomotive with mineral steam propulsion. Grains have a similar stored energy to coal. Today's man cannot convert it into motive power; the Atlanteans were able to supply their engines with seed power. He crossed the few plant species in order to use the power, and through skillful crossbreeding experiments, he produced the many varieties of plants and animals. This is where the difference to the Darwinian theory lies. No scientist wants to deny that these many species have emerged from a few; it is just that all hypotheses have been shattered, such as “(struggle for existence, ”sexual breeding choice, because science is faced with the fact that man himself is the breeder. The Atlanteans were equipped with the power of seed, vril. The fourth root race had the plan of life at its disposal and ruled over everything with the power of seed; the fifth root race can only use mineral power. The Atlanteans had small airships that they heated with the power of seed. These moved in the dense air, close to the ground, and steered over the mountains. The water was thinner and was therefore used for the fine arts, especially in the city of golden gates. Within the root race are seven sub-races that underwent migrations. First, the original people. Rmoahals, people who still resembled the last Lemurians, with a fairly physical organization, living in nature itself. Their descendants, the Tlavatli peoples, organized themselves up to develop the dominant element of the Atlanteans, memory, which found its first peak in the third race, among the Toltecs. They had cities that were built entirely according to the principle of intuitive architecture - as it is degenerated today in beaver dams. A rock, a natural garden, was continued in the buildings, as it were. In complete harmony with nature, they created fabulously beautiful dwellings; the canalization system was magnificent, cleanliness even greater. Gradually, these peoples had developed an ever more highly cultured way of life. The sons of the fire mist had grown into adepts with schools of adepts; the rulers were taken from among the adepts themselves. It was impossible for them to be unworthy, because people knew how to regulate inheritance by choosing the appropriate parents. This secret, the secret of birth, was almost completely lost. Everything was based on memory, which extended beyond what they experienced between birth and death. It was taken for granted that a son had a shared memory with his father, grandfather, and so on, so that they mastered the knowledge and arts of their fathers through intuition. Thus, breeding was more important than education. All knowledge was therefore more a matter of trial and error than of study. Hence there were also other schools: more workshops where people learned how to do things. There was no counting involved; instead, people memorized and remembered. [No one was educated; no one could have described what their family tree would have looked like.] The temples were ancestral temples; the later cult of ancestors is a degeneration of this culture of ancestors, which was based on memory. History was recorded in symbols. Until the middle of the third race, mastery of the vril force was strictly held by the adepts, who understood the symbols that had to be learned first. The fourth race, the original Turanians, were the first to have degenerated. They stole the secret of the vril force and became black magicians. In the fifth race, the first announcement of thought and combination: the Ur-Israelites. They remained mixed between the sixth and seventh races; they were the progenitors of today's Aryan root race, bringing over the power of memory and adding combination. The sixth race was that of the Akkadians, more towards Asia. It was the people who already understood the combining, calculating activity in the sense of practical enterprise. They were a trading people. They are the ones who brought something that did not exist before: primal jurisprudence, that is, rules for the mutual relations of people. The seventh sub-race, the Mongols, realized the Atmic principle of unity in religious matters. The others looked up at the starry sky and saw the divine in the power of the stars. The Toltecs had felt the power of Vril as divine, then worked it out intellectually until it was worshipped by the Mongols as “Tao”. The Greeks in their tradition have expressed many things. Three types in the images of the gods: - the Zeus type, that of the fifth root race, - the satyr, faun circle, related to the primeval Egyptian mummies in the face, represents the memory of the Atlantean type. Satyr – eastward = faun: bringing the memory of peoples living to the west. - Hermes: god of merchants, bearing everything that set the tone for the Atlanteans: the snake as a symbol of the healing vril force, god of doctors. Wings indicated an intimate relationship with nature; winged god who survived the flood. So that the three types are truly historical documents. Greek mythology, related to Greek esotericism: the Egyptian Hermes, in Egypt the adepts had retreated – and related to the great artists of the Atlanteans; under the name of Hermes they summarized their adepts' knowledge. Hence the relationship between the esoteric Hermes and the god of trade. Now the time came, similar to the Lemurian one. The continents condensed, the Turanians used the vril force to draw water, so that the continents were shaken by its own power. Due to the condensation of the water, it was not possible to hold the water at its points; the evil arts, evil were the ferment of progress. Due to the proliferation of mischief, the sea condensed. The extracted life force, which pushed the molecules apart, caused the opposite pole, the power over the condensed sea was lost. They themselves extracted the power that held the sea together. The life force in the plants of the Atlantians was still connected to the life force of the Atlantians themselves; when he made changes to himself, he could cause the plants to grow slower or faster. So we have to change our ideas to have the concept of development. |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Lemuria
28 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Lemuria
28 Jun 1904, Berlin Rudolf Steiner |
The origin of the Lemurian race is in principle different from that of what is today called man. These people are influenced by a completely different side than is the case at the end. They were beings who were unable to perceive light and color, only able to perceive temperature differences. These beings did not have skin, like beings that swim in a water reservoir and have a somewhat denser source; feel denser and thinner parts, cooler and warmer. Pitri-like spiritual being that forms its body out of the surrounding foggy, watery mass - the Pitris, who used to be astral, become physical in this fiery nebula - . Swellingly, jelly-like, changing in temperature, a self-born. These Pitris have the creative, the materializing, and the material, the fire mist; the light that radiates from within and the dark that is drawn in from without: Sons of the twilight. These nebulous masses are constantly changing like clouds, tearing away, increasing. The Pitri tends to give his matter ever clearer and sharper outlines. Before, he was indifferent to form, now he loves it, maintains it, and when it dissolves, he recreates it. 1. The Arupic The third sub-race of man-woman: Adam Kadmon. Now for the first time something occurs in man from within; a center has been created within himself. The first rudiments of the nervous system. We now have a definite form. Now, for the first time, there is a human individual; the human principle has entered into matter. Now the Sons of Light and Fire Mist come and take possession of these still very delicate bodies and radiate the bright light of the spirit for the first time: Arhats, the first great teachers of mankind. There were those that could not be inhabited by adepts, but developed. The brain is developed to such an extent that it can already reflect the spiritual, but not recognize it; it remains dull in them; people with dream-like consciousness, to whom the highest is offered. A third type does not even get that far. These are called amanasic. The human Pitris are there, waiting to embody themselves. - The shadows, human templates, elemental beings described above were macrocosmic Pitris. - Into which the solaric /unleserlich] go. “We do not embody ourselves in the amanasic people,” say the Pitris. Because a center has been created, the jerk into the denser matter has gone, the unravelling can no longer take place. The dull-witted and dreamers must become more perfect; there is no reproduction. These are already the three lower realms, animals that were already developed: The root race of adepts, Now the brain is to develop in such a way that the Pitris can enter it. Then the amanasic human being mixes with the animal and defiles human nature. He takes in something that he gets from the animal, which does not belong to the human. The guilt. This is how the two sexes came into being. Differentiation arises and reproduction. On the one hand, the human bisexual splits off, on the other hand, the animal bisexual. This is how humans developed the brain and absorbed the animalistic that became sexual. If the Pitris had incarnated in the dream-conscious, each would have had the ability to absorb Pitri in his entire nature. But there would be no free self-determination. Now there is one who cannot absorb all of Pitri; the power of Pitri extends far beyond the human being, only a part can be expressed. Pitri wants to live out brightly, not dreamlike, but it can only do so in many incarnations. The condensed body, which had become sinful, could not suddenly merge with Pitri. We are approaching the end of the Lemurian race. Pitri is embodied, unable to find complete satisfaction in space and time. Now there was a bubble in the body - a respiratory organ - so that man could connect with the air that had now been created. The water vapor had become increasingly dense and had finally separated as water from the now thinner air. Lung people appear, and a lot of animals that used to live only in the water are now air dwellers: birds. Because they need warmth inside, humans draw the power of fire into themselves, and the circulatory system is created; organ heat arises, and by developing the heart internally, they create fire externally, which consumes them and in which the Lemurian continent is submerged. The fire, used by humans, ignited the finer air. |