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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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300c. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner II: Sixty-Second Meeting 05 Feb 1924, Stuttgart
Translated by Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
Steiner: I certainly understand how this view could arise among you, since the intent of the Christmas Conference was to do something for anthroposophy based upon a complete reformation, a new foundation of the Anthroposophical Society.
The Christmas Conference was completely serious, so anything resulting from it is also very serious. The Independent Waldorf School can relate to Dornach in other ways.
A teacher: For us, the question was whether the Christmas Conference in Dornach changed the relationship of the Waldorf School to the Anthroposophical Society.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Man as Microcosm in Relation to Macrocosm

Rudolf Steiner
Then it will be self-evident to think of the Christ-life in the perfection of the sun-myth. Christmas is the birthday of the sun. The Egyptian, the Mithraic, the Budhistic sun-myth. The Christmas hymns speak of the eternal in human nature: Our savior is born. And when the Christmas bells ring, their sound echoes: You, man, are on your way to a goal that makes you perfect, like the sun that is born today for a new year – to go your way, unchanging like it: that is its proclamation.
165. The Representative of Life 27 Dec 1915, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It is really still possible to say of the early forms of these Christmas Plays that people tried, in an entirely secular mood, to participate in something which they had seen for centuries in a form which they could not grasp.
The other Christmas Play is quite different. It immediately reveals to us that wise men—and for the people of those days wise men were at the same time Kings, Magi—had read in the stars what a significant destiny was awaiting mankind.
These plays were performed at Dornach on the stage of the Schreinerei for the first time at Christmas 1915.
91. Man, Nature and the Cosmos: The Seven Seasons in Connection with Cosmology 23 Jun 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
For his sake the sun turned around and started its new orbit. At Christmas we have the shortest day. It was an infinitely important point when the sun parted [from the earth]; the earth was left to itself and now had to unfold the power itself, which had otherwise been given to it by the sun.
And winter is the realm of darkness, which now comes to the earth, so that at Christmas time man can say to himself: Something happens here every year, like when the sun left. Therefore, every year the etheric power coming to the earth is drawn away. Christmas has not only a symbolic, but also a natural meaning. There from the human being a power withdraws, which otherwise comes to him.
343. Lectures on Christian Religious Work II: Sixteenth Lecture 04 Oct 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
So the humble shepherds thought In their intuitive souls, When they saw the light, That shone from the child's eyes In the first Christmas of the world. And as if they saw the light The humble shepherds There was a new beginning of the world: The Christmas of mankind began.
Now a piece of music suitable for Christmas should be played, and then the person carrying out the action continues: Through the power of the Spirit's salvation, In the consecration of the world, Soul light awakens, Human strength awakens, Courage of the heart awakens, After it once awakened From times of Christmas To eternal healing power. Man fulfills himself With true soul meaning, When at Christmas time He turns within In strong thinking In heartfelt feeling To the power of Christ Man strengthens himself Through true spiritual power When at Christmas time He turns within In bright thinking In warm feeling To the light of Christ.
179. Intellectuality and Will – The Necessity of New Cognitive Powers 22 Dec 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Everything that we should allow to pass through our souls as serious Christmas thoughts in these serious times speaks for this. For it was for the salvation of mankind that the Being whose birth is celebrated at Christmas entered into the evolution of the earth, not merely for the comfortable talking to of the soul, but so that this human soul might be imbued with – if I may use the paradoxical word – the will to will, the will to want.
This task stands as a sacred sign, I believe, written in letters of fire behind all the Christmas candles that have been burning before our souls for four years now in a different way than in many earlier years! Tomorrow we will meet at four o'clock at the Basel branch for a Christmas party. On Monday at four-thirty we will gather here for the first performance of the “Paradeis-Spiel,” and I will then give a Christmas reflection for those of our friends who are not at home for some reason, but who are here right now, devoting themselves to work and the like, and who might prefer to spend their Christmas here on this day.
316. Course for Young Doctors: Easter Course II 22 Apr 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
In giving all meditations like those of the esoteric instruction given at Christmas, one has in mind the goal that is striven for. And then it is a matter of using the circumstances of one's life, the special situations of one's life, to make such meditations.
I shall speak about it in another place, but because it holds good very specially for you, I will say it here too. It was said at the Christmas Foundation that a new character must come into the Anthroposophical movement, that inner work must be done.
We approached medicine entirely from the side of knowledge. Up till Christmas the will to heal was something entirely foreign to me; and so, to begin with, my work made me very unhappy because I had a great deal to do and at the beginning was too tired for meditation.
270. Esoteric Instructions: Fourteenth Lesson 31 May 1924, Dornach
Translated by John Riedel

Rudolf Steiner
Hüter: Wo ist des Wassers Bildekraft, die dich durchdrang? Christus: Mein Leben verlöscht sie, so lang der Geist mich formt. Lucifer: Mein Leben zerschmilzt sie, daß ich erlöst von ihr werde.
Hüter: Wo ist der Lüfte Reizgewalt, die dich erweckte? Christus: Meine Seele atmet Himmelsluft, so lang der Geist um mich besteht. Lucifer: Meine Seele achtet ihrer night in Geistes Seligkeit.
Hüter: Wo ist des Feuers Reinigung, die dir das Ich erflammte? Christus: Mein Ich lodert im Gottesfeuer, so lang der Geist mich zündet. Lucifer: Mein Ich hat Flammenmacht durch Geistes Sonnenkraft.
258. The Anthroposophic Movement (1993): Preface
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Marie Steiner
This international delegate meeting further decided to combine the individual regional societies into an International Anthroposophical Society at the Goetheanum at Christmas 1923. Its leadership was to be assumed by a General Secretary to be elected at that time, but shortly before Christmas Rudolf Steiner decided to take over the chairmanship himself.
203. The Festivals and Their Meaning II: Easter: Spirit Triumphant 27 Mar 1921, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Alan P. Shepherd, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
There is a significant contrast between the Christmas thought and the Easter thought. Understanding of the contrast and also of the living relationship between them will lead to an experience which, in a certain way, embraces the whole riddle of human existence. The Christmas thought points to birth. Through birth, the eternal being of man comes into the world whence his material, bodily constitution is derived. The Christmas thought, therefore, links us with the super-sensible. Together with all its other associations, it points to the one pole of our existence, where as physical-material beings we are connected with the spiritual and super-sensible.

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