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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: Spiritual Science and Natural Sciences — their Relationship to the Riddles of Life II 03 Mar 1913, Frankfurt
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Du Bois-Reymond states that natural sciences can understand the sleeping but never the conscious-wake human being. If one does not want to be so illogical to state that every evening all desires and passions disappear and originate anew in the morning from nothing, one has to suppose that they are still there.
There may be people who say that just certain things take place in the human being and cause other processes so that the soul life takes place.
Yes, the usual soul life often is there to blanket what rests in the concealed depths of the soul. The human being helps himself to get over them, while he deceives himself.
139. The Gospel of St. Mark: Lecture IX 23 Sep 1912, Basel
Translated by Conrad Mainzer, Stewart C. Easton

Rudolf Steiner
It is emphasized that a cosmic element is shining into the concerns of earth. It truly shines in; and it was the task of earth beings, of earthly human beings to bring their understanding to this impulse.
And we shall point out that the Mark Gospel makes it abundantly clear how human beings hear what He preaches and teaches while He appears to them in an external form outside His physical body.
Toward the end of His life Jesus of Nazareth was more and more alone, and the Christ became ever more loosely connected with Him. Although the cosmic element was there until the moment pictured as that of the sweating of blood in Gethsemane, and Christ up to this moment was fully united with Jesus of Nazareth, now through the failure of human beings to understand this connection the link was loosened.
277b. The Development of Eurythmy 1918–1920: Eurythmy Address 08 Nov 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
This is especially true when we stand before a human being. Oh, there is so much that is mysterious in the human being! When we bring forth that which invisibly underlies language through the movements of the arms, through the movements of the whole person, through the movements of groups of people, then that which lives as such a great miracle in human language is revealed.
One will realize how health also originates in the soul and spirit and how the human being actually makes soulful movements, spiritualized movements.
And so I ask you to take what is only a beginning with indulgence, just as our building is only a beginning. For we believe that if people show interest in these things, what is being done here will increasingly lead to more and more, so that what is still regarded by many today as only something foolish , fantastic, will one day be taken for granted as true art, something that is necessary for every human existence and will be recognized as a spiritual light because people will need it.
115. Wisdom of Man, of the Soul, and of the Spirit: At the Portals of the Senses 03 Nov 1910, Berlin
Translated by Samuel P. Lockwood, Loni Lockwood

Rudolf Steiner
We have explained that sensation is fundamentally a surging of desire right up to the boundary of the soul life, while feeling remains farther within, where desire wears off. What do we find at the end of desire, there where the soul life achieves satisfaction within itself? We find feeling. So when desire achieves its end in satisfaction within the soul life, feeling comes into being.
There you have an experience of distress brought about by your feeling of dissatisfaction. There is one case, however, in which our reasoning does not reach a decision, nor does desire end in satisfaction, and yet no feeling of distress arises.
Our frame of mind, our happiness or distress, depends upon the manner in which our visualizations act as independent beings in the soul, upon the significance of boredom, and so forth.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Life after Death, a Fact of Reality 14 Mar 1909, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
What Goethe, for example, referred to as spiritual eyes, slumbers in the soul of every human being. And then, when these spiritual eyes are awakened in the soul of a person, it is just as much on a higher level as it is for a person born blind on a lower level whose physical eye has been operated on.
This permeates the human being. If one did not have it, the human body would be in every moment what it becomes with death: a corpse.
Because there was light around the human being. If you look at certain animals that live outside in the world, they have eyes.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Who are the Rosicrucians? 14 Mar 1907, Berlin
Translated by Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Here we are concerned with thinking that has become sense-free. Today there are learned people, including philosophers, who deny the existence of such thinking. Modern philosophers of great renown tell us that human beings cannot think in pure thoughts, only in thoughts that reflect something physical.
The calyx, which chastely strives towards the sun, corresponds to the reproductive organs that in human beings are situated downwards. Human beings are inverted plants. A person turns downwards and covers up in shame the organs that the plant chastely turns upward to the light.
But what is it that human beings will learn in regard to building up the human body in the future? They will learn to create ordinary coal—which is also what diamonds consist of—and from it build their body.
155. Anthroposophy and Christianity 13 Jul 1914, Norrköping
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We must repeat them again and again until we really succeed in strengthening the powers that otherwise slumber in everyday life (but are nevertheless there) so that they become effective in us to the point of freeing our soul-spiritual being from our bodily nature.
He can be found since the Christ Event by every human soul willing to make the effort. What the mysteries once introduced to human souls dwells since the Mystery of Golgotha in every human soul, shared by all alike.
Giordano Bruno pointed beyond the supposed limits of space to endless worlds embedded in its vast expanses. The spiritual scientist must similarly explain that behind the supposed boundaries of birth and death there stretches never-ending time, in which the eternity of the human soul, the eternal being of man as it passes from life to life, is embedded.
72. Moral, Social and Religious Life from the Standpoint of Anthroposophy 11 Dec 1918, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
This is something very individual in every single case. The human soul must have the possibility to develop a very individual impulse from himself that cannot be characterised by the fact that one says, it should be a maxim for all human beings.
Because the ability must be there instinctive in the human being if he wants to establish a relationship to the fellow human because it is the ability with which one manages just the most significant investigations of spiritual science, just spiritual science works on the social life.
However, life has become more complex, and today there are many things in the outer life for which the human being hardly has the possibility to remember even how these things are connected with the immediate reality.
53. Schiller, from the Theosophical Standpoint (Schiller Festival) 04 May 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The human being stands there as the summit of the whole nature, so that he combines in himself and expresses on a higher level what is poured out in the whole nature.
The aesthetic society is in between where love accomplishes what every human being longs for and what is imposed on him by his innermost propensity. In the aesthetic society, the human beings freely co-operate, there they do not need the external laws.
69c. From Jesus to Christ (single) 04 Oct 1911, Karlsruhe
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The pupils admitted to the Mysteries were taught something comparable with what is now called science or knowledge, but they did not receive it in the same way, for by what they experienced they became quite other beings. To them came the conviction that in every man there lives, deeply hidden and slumbering so that the ordinary consciousness knows it not, a higher man.
As man in the physical world is born out of a dark substratum (be it one of nature according to the materialistic idea, or a spiritual sub-stratum in the view of Spiritual Science) so, physically speaking, there was really born through the processes of the Mysteries a higher man who previously had been as little present as was the human being before birth or conception.
Simple folk imagine they ought to see God as if He stood there and they here; it is not so; God and I are One in recognition.” In another passage he writes, “A Master says, ‘God has become man, and thereby the whole human race is raised in dignity.

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