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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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60. The Nature of Spiritual Science and Its Significance for the Present 20 Oct 1910, Berlin
Translated by Antje Heymanns, Norbert Mulholland

Rudolf Steiner
For in every soul lives an impartial sense of truth, a healthy logic, a healthy rationality. And when the results of Spiritual Science are clothed in healthy logic that appeals to our healthy sense of truth, then in every soul, or at least in every unbiased human soul, a chord can resonate with the communicating soul.
There he spoke about those regions from which a certain insight must be derived of that which transcends birth and death in the human being, which does not decay with the sensory shell, which is immortal as opposed to the mortal part of the human being.
To distinguish between humans and animals one searched for differences in the external features only, and thought animals had in their upper jaw an inter-maxillary bone whilst human beings didn’t have one.
218. Exact Clairvoyance and Ideal Magic 17 Nov 1922, London
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This Time-body appears all at once. We do not experience it in successive moments, but it is there all at once. It is there before us, in its inner mobility. We survey our own being within our whole past existence on earth, we survey our whole life, which we ordinarily review in memory, which we can ordinarily survey only in the form of pale thoughts, light falls upon our whole earthly life, but so that we stand within it and can live through every moment of our existence.
We experience them by learning to know them in advance, in a fully conscious state. Every human being who sheds his physical body when passing through the portal of death, goes through the experiences which an initiate has in advance in a fully conscious state.
In addition, we have the cosmic consciousness, of which I have spoken. Through the fact that such a cosmic consciousness arises in one human being and also in other human beings ... indeed, it exists every night, though we pass through it in a dull state which is no real consciousness, but, if I may use the paradoxical expression, an unconscious consciousness ... through this fact the human beings live not only as spiritual beings together with other spiritual beings who never come down to the earth, but who dwell in the purely spiritual world, but they also live together with all the souls who are either incarnated in physical bodies, or who have also passed through the portal of death and consequently have the same experiences: the cosmic state of consciousness which is common to them all.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Supernatural Knowledge and Contemporary Science 06 Nov 1922, Delft

Rudolf Steiner
Usually, one does not notice – and it is not necessary for ordinary science – how, let us say, a scientific book looked in the twelfth or thirteenth century. There is just as much in it that a kind of scientific fantasy has put into things from the human being, from what has been inspired in the human being by his emotions, his feelings and so on and so forth, as from external observation.
Could there not also be abilities slumbering in the soul of the adult human being, just as they slumber in the child?
What is striven for in it is truly no easier to attain than what is striven for in any other science; it is only more intimately connected with the deepest longings and needs of the human soul, and concerns not only those who have to pursue botany, astronomy and so on, but concerns every human being as a human being.
10. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (1947): The Stages of Initiation
Translated by George Metaxa, Henry B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
Here, too, it is a matter of developing certain feelings and thoughts which slumber in every human being and must be awakened. It is only when these simple processes are carried out with unfailing patience, continuously and conscientiously, that they can lead to the perception of the inner light-forms.
In addition to these there are also the beings of the higher worlds who never incarnate physically, but who have their colors, often wonderful, often horrible.
Self-education must see to it that this insight into human nature should go hand in hand with an unlimited respect for the personal privilege of each individual, and with the recognition of the sacred and inviolable nature of that which dwells in each human being.
57. The Bible and Wisdom (New Testament) 14 Nov 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual science shows that where the human being finds his ego in himself, which differs so substantially, already after its name, from all other beings round us, that he there finds a drop of this divine being in himself.
He lets Christ Jesus say, what lives in me a spark of which is in every human being existed before the Gospel was.—The significant sentence in the John Gospel was “Before Abraham was, I am.”
In Lazarus slumbers the deeper human being who has the ability and the strength that it could be developed in mysterious way in him, could be led up in the spiritual world, so that he could recognise the being of Christ, the Son of God.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: Where and How Can one Find the Spirit? 01 Dec 1908, Wroclaw

Rudolf Steiner
In this higher development, the human being accepted the passions, the drives, the instincts, the desires.
What the human being is to achieve again in the future is overcoming, purifying what he had to accept, so to speak, shedding, taking away from himself that through which he has become lower than the chaste plant being, and only in this way can he revive in himself a higher nature, a higher human being, which today slumbers in him.
And if you think away all the organs, the world gradually becomes a nothing. Only that is there for man, for which he has organs, nothing else! When, let us say, the luminous cloud of the astral body withdraws from the physical body at night, the human being has no organs in his astral body with which to perceive in the spiritual world.
164. The Value of Thinking for Satisfying our Quest for Knowledge: The Relationship Between Spiritual Science and Natural Science II 27 Sep 1915, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And if someone wanted to claim that we can only arrive at the concept of being if the same impressions are evoked within a certain time – just think! – then if we wanted to arrive at the concept of being in this way, it would be quite possible that we would not be able to arrive at the concept of being at all; there would be nothing at all that could be connected to the concept of being.
With the cause, it just depends on whether it is not just a cause, but that it also causes something. There is a difference between “being the cause” and “causing”. But even the philosophers of our time do not get involved in such subtle differences. But if you take things seriously, you have to deal with such differences. In reality, it is not a matter of causes being there, but of their effecting something. Concepts that exist in this way do not necessarily correspond to reality, but they allow us to indulge our imagination.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Life Questions: The Theosophical Movement I

Rudolf Steiner
And although there is no one in the world who cannot come to such truths by developing his own dormant abilities, it is nevertheless in the nature of human development that only a few individuals have developed the necessary abilities.
Theosophy seeks to proclaim this higher truth in a way that is relevant to the needs of the present human being, and in a way that is necessary for true progress in the near future.
The second principle is: “To reveal the kernel of truth in all religions.” Its third rule is: “To explore the deeper spiritual forces that slumber in human nature and in the rest of the world.”
192. Humanistic Treatment of Social and Educational Issues: Tenth Lecture 22 Jun 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
For it speaks of that which today wants to enter into every human being, which wants to enter through the senses but is not allowed in by the materialistic attitude of the time.
Not only do people today want to be approached by sensual external impressions, but these sensual external impressions want to flow in through the human senses in such a way that they become imaginations in the human being. Today, people are inwardly predisposed to develop imaginations, pictorial representations of the world.
And in addition to his etheric body, we know that the human being also carries the astral body within him.
56. Initiation 28 Nov 1907, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
There are organs in the human being, which are at the beginning, and other organs are at the end of their development.
What gets out these forces of the human being? We have to explain the matter completely in the sense of Goethe. Once there was a sense organ, an indifferent organ in his sensuous body, which was flooded from light. The light made it the eye, so that the human being could see the colours and forms round himself with the eyes. The eye originated that way. Unknown and unrecognised organs which one does not want to recognise slumber in the human being.

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