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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Path of Knowledge

Rudolf Steiner
What can happen to a plant can happen to every being, including humans. And it can happen with all the forces that are active in a person. Only with humans is everything less simple, less clear than with the other realms of nature.
But it is not only present in them. A certain degree of it can be found in every human being. Something from the spiritual world dawns in every brain.
What takes place in them is only a shadow of a process that takes place in the purely spiritual, mental realm. Every time an ideal passion develops in a human being, their cosmos has received a jolt forward; an innocent thought-being has taken shape and body, has become in the true sense of the word.
76. The Stimulating Effect of Anthroposophy on the Individual Sciences: Social Science and Social Practice 08 Apr 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
There I have shown what significant process takes place at the change of teeth, how that which later still fulfils the human being as a rhythmic human being and a human being with limb metabolism, but which had previously fulfilled him completely, withdraws from the nerve-sense organization and therefore brings about precisely this process, which is formulated there in my writing “The Education of the Child from the Point of View of Spiritual Science” as the birth of the etheric body.
But at the other pole of the human being, it appears in his will and emotional nature. In the threefold human being, we have on the one hand the nerve-sense human being, who is connected with the imaginative human being, and on the other hand the limb-metabolic human being, who is connected with the will nature of the human being and with his emotional nature.
And if what is prenatal can become knowledge through the expansion of knowledge, then without this expansion of knowledge, what lives in will and emotion can become nothing more than an article of faith for the human being. Therefore, with the dawning of supersensible knowledge, there also comes the dawning of knowledge of the eternity of the human soul, even in language.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: A Forgotten Quest for Spiritual Science Within the Development of German Thought 25 Feb 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
For Fichte, the human ego, the center of the human soul, is something that is constantly being created within the human being, so that it can never be lost to the human being, because the human being not only shares in the existence of this center of the human being, but also shares in the creative powers of this human being.
What does Troxler mean by that? He means: The human spirit otherwise thinks only in abstract concepts and ideas that are dry and empty, mere images of the external world; but in the same force that lives in these abstract concepts and ideas, there also lives something that can be awakened by man as a spiritual being.
Anthropology is what arises when you examine with the senses and with the mind what the human being presents and what is revealed in the human being. But with this one does not find the full essence of the human being.
76. The Stimulating Effect of Anthroposophy on the Individual Sciences: Linguistics 07 Apr 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Summarizing the whole broad complex of facts that this involves in a formulaic way, it comes about that one says: the one in which the nature of desire slumbers, the astral body of the human being, becomes free when sexual maturity occurs.
Only what takes place with sexual maturation in the child takes place in a different metamorphosis in the formation of speech. What takes hold of the whole human being at sexual maturation and pours into his relationship with the outside world takes place between the rhythmic and limb human being and the human being's head organization.
And once we have grasped this, we are able to comprehend how the interaction of the lower human being — the rhythmic and the limb-based human beingin its reciprocity develops an inner experience of something that is also present externally in the nature around us.
73. Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science: Anthroposophy and Psychology 05 Nov 1917, Zürich

Rudolf Steiner
In my next lecture I will be speaking of the spiritual reality outside the human being. Now I am first of all going to talk about what the human being sees with this inspired insight, a spiritual reality that lies within him.
They show how human beings can find the immortal element that lies in them, and how a psychology with this anthroposophical orientation truly guides us in this direction.
And this is part of the human being’s reality. Human beings are involved in creating reality. Here ‘belief’ means a positive way of generating inner power.
6. Goethe's Conception of the World: The Doctrine of Metamorphosis
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
He wanted to find the common archetype which lies at the basis of all animal species and finally, in its highest perfection, at the basis of the human species also. The Nature investigators said: there is a difference between the structure of the animal body and that of the human body.
For, if the latter were the case, there could not be a common archetype underlying the animal and the human organisations. He could make nothing of the assertion of the scientists, and so he sought for the intermaxillary bone in man—and found it.
If we now described the states which we perceive in water, such a being could form no idea of them. This proves that in the perceptual contents of hydrogen and oxygen there is nothing from which the perceptual content water can be derived.
18. The Riddles of Philosophy: The Age of Kant and Goethe
Translated by Fritz C. A. Koelln

Rudolf Steiner
There are also entities of this kind according to Kant's opinion. They are the organic beings. The necessary law-determined connections are insufficient to explain them; these, in Spinoza's world conception are considered not only necessary but sufficient, and by Kant are considered as those of the human mind itself.
Let future ages swing up to a higher level in the science he has deposited in his work. What he has laid down in his book is not only the science, but the definite and perfect character of an age in regard to this science, and this will retain its interest as long as there are human beings in this world.
It is not anything special by itself. It is the mode of activity proper to the human spirit. Are not the imaginations of man's heart at work every minute?” The ego, exclusively concerned with itself, can arrive at the highest truth: “It seems to man that he is engaged in a conversation, and some unknown spiritual being causes him to develop the most evident thoughts in a miraculous fashion.
13. An Outline of Occult Science: Cognition of the Higher Worlds — Initiation
Translated by Henry B. Monges, Maud B. Monges, Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
There is a period in human evolution between death and rebirth when the being of man is accessible only to intuition.
This research finds that there is, concealed in the depths of the soul, a sort of hidden shame of which the human being is not conscious in physical-sensory life.
There, however, the encounter cannot depress the human being, because he then has knowledge of worlds quite different from those he knows in the life between birth and death.
13. Occult Science - An Outline: Man and the Evolution of the World
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
On Saturn, there was ads yet no such connection. The physical body was passing through its first stage in evolution without a human life-body or astral body or Ego being incorporated in it.
But even now there are, belonging to the Earth, not only the beings of the mineral, plant and human kingdoms, but other beings too, who do not manifest in physical corporeality.
Through the successive metamorphoses and renewals the human beings have been growing every nobler, purer and finer in their nature; at the same time they have also gained in strength.
13. An Outline of Occult Science: The Evolution of the Cosmos and Man
Translated by Henry B. Monges, Maud B. Monges, Lisa D. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
At the present time, not only do these beings of the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms belong to the earth, but there are also other beings who do not manifest in a physical body.
There was in consequence a soul present for every human descendant born within the cycle of generations.
In a large number of these human beings there was also present a tremendous urge of the heart and mind to experience this supersensible world.

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