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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 81 through 90 of 181

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54. Two Essays on Haeckel: Haeckel, “The Riddle of the Universe,” Theosophy 05 Oct 1905, Berlin
Translated by Bertram Keightley

Rudolf Steiner
We have to deal with a tendency in human education that sought in the first place forcibly to eradicate from the human heart every aspiration towards a spiritual life.
To such as can accomplish this, visions of a quite distinctive nature will appear. The ordinary human being is not capable of seeing for himself, or of consciously recognising things about him, when his senses are wrapped in slumber; but when he applies occult methods of investigation this incapacity ceases, and he begins to receive quite consciously impressions of the astral world.
[ 27 ] Now, what was there in that primeval creature to cause this ascendance to the human on the one hand, the sinking into the ape kingdom on the other?
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Haeckel's “The Riddle of the Universe” and Theosophy

Rudolf Steiner
We have to deal with a tendency in human education that sought in the first place forcibly to eradicate from the human heart every aspiration towards a spiritual life.
To such as can accomplish this, visions of a quite distinctive nature will appear. The ordinary human being is not capable of seeing for himself, or of consciously recognising things about him, when his senses are wrapped in slumber; but when he applies occult methods of investigation this incapacity ceases, and he begins to receive quite consciously impressions of the astral world.
[ 27 ] Now, what was there in that primeval creature to cause this ascendance to the human on the one hand, the sinking into the ape kingdom on the other?
125. Paths and Goals of Spiritual Man: Imagination as a Preliminary Stage of Higher Soul Faculties 21 Nov 1910, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
When one examines the thoughts and opinions that play between Goethe and Schiller, one sees Schiller absorbed in Goethe's imagination, in the inner truth of Goethe's imagination. At that time, Schiller was writing his Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man, in which he explains how man can develop into a fully human being through evolution, which is inherent in every human being as the higher human being. In Goethe's way of radiating his imagination, Schiller found something that makes a human being a complete human being; he saw in it a way to live into that which can bring a person into true harmony with the origins of things.
Man is predisposed to ascend into the worlds of the spiritual, for the corresponding abilities slumber in every human being. Every human being will achieve it, even if it takes many lives. Until then, he can be stimulated by art, in which not only the world of the senses is expressed, but the creative spirit itself, which has gone through the medium of imagination.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: The Bible and Wisdom 17 Jan 1907, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Du Bois-Reymond ties in with the word: natural science is actually only capable of observing and fathoming the sleeping human being because the soul experience has been extinguished.
We divide the human being into four parts: physical body, etheric body, astral body or soul, and I. Now, in the initiate, the astral body is equipped with organs of perception.
“The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life” (2 Cor 3:6); we must understand this saying as Goethe means it when he says, “And as long as you do not have this dying and becoming, you are only a gloomy guest on the dark earth.” That is, the becoming of a higher soul that slumbers in man, but which can be awakened and developed through schooling. You must give birth to a higher human being out of the physical body, so that this physical body becomes a tool for the spiritual human being, but the physical body should not be the one that rules us.
89. Theosophic/Esoteric Cosmology: Esoteric Cosmology II 09 Jun 1904, Berlin
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
The human being was possible in that flowing, gushing state. We call these people of the first race3 dream-men.
During every Round there are humans who develop to a normal stage and others who are more advanced. These are the masters.
You will not find a human being as he is today on Earth on any other planet. Beings, yes—but not human beings. The Earth exists in order that “I”-conscious human beings could be created.
97. The Mystery of Golgotha 02 Dec 1906, Cologne
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In Christian esotericism they are called Angeloi = Angels. Only upon the Earth the human being became MAN.
But in the Lemurian and in the Atlantean age the human beings were not ripe enough to receive this from the Sun-Spirit.
The Buddhi or Life-Spirit soared above every human being—it could be perceived in the Akasha spaces. In the astral space every human being was surrounded by Buddhi, but it remained outside and was not strong enough to enter man.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Three Worlds 03 Feb 1906, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
Such a person is called “one with a higher state of consciousness”. Actually, every human being lives in these different states of consciousness. We must realize that the human being really lives in different states of consciousness.
This aura expresses the character of the human being's innermost being in different color tones. The newcomer to the astral plane is struck by the fact that everything is read there as in a mirror image, in a most strange and shocking way.
Materialism, on the other hand, makes people ill. If the religious element slumbering in every human being is not satisfied, it will eventually break through the brain; the brain does not understand it and becomes ill.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture VIII 02 Mar 1915, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Today I want to consider more the path the human soul may take to enter into the spiritual worlds While dwelling in a body here on earth, there to find the spiritual realms we spoke of last week, where what are called ‘dead’ souls may be found.
We have had some strange experiences particularly in this respect. When we started our spiritual movement here in Berlin with just a few members—that is quite a few years ago now—people found their way to us who then discovered that after all they could not feel they belonged to us in every fibre of their being.
This door therefore has to be called the Door of Death, such being its nature. Then we shall be able to use the winged thought as a spiritual eye we have acquired, or also a spiritual ear, for it is exactly through this thought entity that we hear, sense, perceive what is there in the spiritual world.
69b. Knowledge and Immortality: Knowledge and Immortality 19 Feb 1910, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
We see this ebb and flow of drives, desires, passions, and so on, plunging into an indeterminate darkness in the evening. During sleep, it transitions into another state, that of unconsciousness. It would be absurd to say that the human being as a being of soul disappears in the evening and is reborn anew in the morning.
But that which goes out at night is composed of the I and the astral body. What does a human being leave behind? The physical body, and we have that in common with every mineral. It consists of the same forces.
But it would be a false conclusion to say that this is not a human being, because humans can count. Wait until he is ten years old. There comes a time for every person when he begins to remember.
52. The History of Spiritism 30 May 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
One realised the fact that in every human being spiritual forces slumber which are not developed with the average human being, that spiritual forces slumber in the human nature which one can wake and develop by means of long exercises, through steps of development, which the disciples of the mysteries describe as very difficult.
One knew that there are human beings who communicate by signs about that which they see in such super-sensible worlds.
In such an event one asked whether the human soul is received via heredity from the parents, so that also the soul is hereditary, or whether it is made new with every human being.

Results 81 through 90 of 181

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