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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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127. The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas: The Birth of the Sun Spirit as the Spirit of the Earth. The Thirteen Holy Nights 26 Dec 1911, Hanover
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The human being can feel this to be the unfailing source of those forces of peace in his soul which spring from good-will.
The picture is of the new-born child whose soul is as yet untouched by the effects of contact with the physical body, of the child at the beginning of physical evolution on earth. But this is not a human child in the ordinary sense; it is the child who was there before human beings had reached the point of the first physical embodiment in earth-evolution.
Nor is this revealed until he is initiated into the great mysteries of existence. Just as the force contained in the seed of every plant is bound up with the physical forces of the earth, so is the inmost being of the human soul bound up with the spiritual forces of the earth.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: The Origin and Essence of Man 11 Nov 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, there is also a human genus that inhabits the whole earth. In each individual being of the genus the personality is present. Because I am a being of the human genus, I am physically formed in the same way as all other human beings, but in this human genus there is what I call my personality, and this makes up the soul.
At that time, the first beings developed into what we know today as human beings. But what were those beings like? That which we are in truth, that which is eternal in us, that was before purely spiritual nature.
34. Essays on Anthroposoph from Lucifer and Lucifer-Gnosis 1903-1908: Initiation and Mysteries

Rudolf Steiner
The soul capacities of the developed mystic are related to those of the undeveloped human being in the same way that human eyes are related to the eyes of an ape. It is understandable that those who are not mystics understand the soul nature of the mystic as little as an animal can understand the thinking of a human being.
Through this cultivation, the sense is opened for truths that do not speak of the transitory, but rather of that of which – in Goethe's words – the transitory is “only a simile”. — In the womb of human existence, higher abilities rest, as the fruit rests in the womb of the flower. — And therefore no being should have the presumption to say that there is something exhaustive, finished in its world.
The theurgist's gaze sees into these regions; and consciously he lets radiate from himself what in the human being usually slumbers unconsciously in the deepest recesses of the soul. He stands face to face with the guide who has previously led him invisibly “from behind”.
54. Jacob Boehme 03 May 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, the unity was clear to him, which lives in everything, which lives in every human soul, so that one needs only to remove the narrow borders in order to get a picture, a face that shows everything to us that goes back to the beginning of the creation of the human being.
At that time, they had a common basis. Jacob Boehme finds the same spiritual basis in the material fire as in the human passion. There is a relationship between that which slumbers in the matter and the human passion.
He says, the divine imagination imprinted the original spiritual human being in the matter according to its likeness. He calls this spirit man the original Adam. While this spiritual human being is there from the outset, he shows how the spiritual human being already existed in the original tinctura, how then, however, an entire spiritual change took place in the world creation.
68a. Esoteric Christianity: The Gospel of St. John and Ancient Mysteries 27 Nov 1906, Düsseldorf
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Today it is frequently said to one who believes in the possibility of knowing the Spiritual Worlds: But we human beings have boundaries to our knowledge.
We must now say a little about what formed the last act in every such Initiation into the Mysteries of the Spirit. There had first to be the moral purification and the clarifying of the intellect.
But, as without the sun the eye would never have come into being, so would spiritual seership never have been there if Christ, the Spiritual Sun, had not walked the earth in person.
32. Collected Essays on Literature 1884-1902: The Trumpet of the Last Judgment 19 Feb 1900,

Rudolf Steiner
This is what the petty fears of creatures can only wish for, because they lack the courage to shake off the tangle of life from themselves, not the courageous human being, who only needs one word, the Logos, and in it has everything and creates everything from it.
It is good to mumble in the dark: there is much that can be interpreted into it. We are fortunate that the dark decade of diplomatic barbarism is over.
We first had to clarify ourselves and absorb the whole weakness of the old in us, in order to learn to despise it as our property and our own self quite energetically. From the mud bath of humiliation, in which we are defiled with the impurity of stability of every kind, we emerge strengthened and call out, revitalized: “The bond between you and us be torn!
34. Reincarnation and Immortality: The Science of Spirit and the Social Question
Translated by Michael Tapp, Elizabeth Tapp, Adam Bittleston

Rudolf Steiner
And least of all should it be inconceivable to someone striving according to the method of the science of spirit. Every conversation that takes place in the presence of such a person, everything that goes on around him that brings happiness and joy to the human being, all this can teach him that he makes use of a language which for many is bound to be quite ludicrous.
[ 11 ] There are two opposing views concerning the “social question.” The one sees the causes of good and bad in social life more in the human being, the other more in the conditions in which men live.
The faith that Owen had in the goodness of human nature is only partly right, the other part being a gross illusion. He is right, inasmuch as a “higher self,” that can be awakened, slumbers in everyone.
30. Collected Essays on Philosophy, Science, Aesthetics and Psychology 1884–1901: Goethe's Secret Revelation

Rudolf Steiner
"Every individual human being, one can say, carries within himself a pure, ideal human being by disposition and destiny, with whose unchanging unity in all his variations it is the great task of his existence to agree," it says in the fourth letter.
" The three kings are the symbols for the three basic powers of the human soul, and the words they speak indicate how these three basic powers should be expressed in the perfect human being.
In this way, human intuition can also predict the events of a not-too-distant future. In the servants of the beautiful lily one can see representatives of those happily inclined human beings to whom the harmony of sensuality and reason is given by their nature.
30. Collected Essays on Philosophy, Science, Aesthetics and Psychology 1884–1901: Wilhelm Preyer 07 Jul 1897,
Translated by Automated

Rudolf Steiner
It led him to his immensely interesting investigations into "The Soul of the Child". In the book he wrote on this subject there are more and more significant psychological experiences and ideas than in the writings of the exact fashionable psychologists who want to get close to the human soul through experimentation in the laboratory.
It corresponds to the facts to assume that "nowhere is there a sharp boundary between sentient and insentient beings, but that all matter has a certain capacity for sensation, which, however, can only give rise to sensation in a certain, extremely complicated arrangement and movement of the particles.
The spirit originally slumbers in matter, but it is active in this slumbering state, it shapes matter, it organizes it until it has assumed such a form that it can itself appear in a manner appropriate to it.
94. The Gospel of St. John: Lecture I 19 Feb 1906, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The soul must be concerned only with itself and then out of its inner being there arise the eternal truths which are able—not only to awaken our understanding—but to release capacities which lie slumbering under a spell in our souls.
Now he had found Him again on the astral plane, and he knew that He who had walked the earth in the flesh only differed in one respect from what lived in his own deepest inner self. In every single man there lives a divine man.
And what is described is eternal and can take place in the heart of every human being. This text is an example and a model. Hence it has this living and awakening power which not only makes people into Christians but enables them to awaken to a higher reality.

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