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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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54. Christmas 14 Dec 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Let us attempt to apply our knowledge we have got in the course of the spiritual-scientific talks to understand something that the old sages expressed in the Christmas. Christmas is not only a Christian festival. It existed where religious feeling expressed itself.
Thus, Christianity is in harmony with all great world religions. When the Christmas bells sound, the human being may probably remember that during these days this festival was celebrated all over the world.
The birthday celebration of that which the human being can feel and want is Christmas if one understands it properly. The anthroposophic spiritual science wants to go making understandable this festival again.
260. The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas: A Christmas Meditation 25 Dec 1923, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Warm Thou our hearts, Enlighten Thou our heads, That good may become What from our hearts we would found And from our heads direct With single purpose. Rudolf Steiner, Christmas, 1923.
156. Festivals of the Seasons: A Christmas Lecture 26 Dec 1914, Dornach
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Hence the Christmas Festival is rightly our festival, and we perceive that, with regard to what can hold sway in the evolution of the earth as human light, we are to-day living in the profoundly dark winter night.
Yet if we look at that which had already been manifested before this our chaotic present and which has now found an expression so convulsing, so sad and so painful, then we find how very very small is that dwelling, that soul-dwelling, in which to-day must dwell the new comprehension of the Christmas child which is to come to the earth. That Christmas child had to appear to poor shepherds, had to be born in a stable, concealed from those who at that time governed the world.
How far removed is the world at the beginning of our age from that which was revealed to the shepherds in the words: Divine Revelation in the heights and upon earth peace to the men who have goodwill. Let us celebrate this Christmas Festival of the renewed Christ comprehension in our hearts and in our souls if we wish to celebrate a true Christmas Festival, let us feel, as did the shepherds, far away from that which has now gripped the world.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Christmas Day 1918

Rudolf Steiner
Insofar as a person lives spiritually with other people. Christmas: a festival of childhood - reminding us of spiritual equality. Christ has nothing to do with processes of destruction; these are processes on the physical plane - man participates in them through selfishness, untruth and illness (death); the contemplation of Christ is a contemplation of supersensible truth - it invigorates (makes one newly born) the power of imagination; it destroys appearances by impressing upon it the revealing essence; it dispels selfishness by presenting a matter of concern to all mankind; in Christ men might understand each other if they would take him supersensibly — if they would regard him as the sun, which has different reflections in the nations, but can be regarded in itself as it moves.
202. The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia: A Christmas Lecture 23 Dec 1920, Basel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
But the Christmas tree is not something ancient, it is scarcely two centuries old—it became naturalised comparatively quickly within the countries of Europe, but it is only in recent times that it has adorned the Christmas festival What does it actually represent?
We may seek ever so deeply to discover the impulses out of which the Christmas tree has originated in what are really quite modern times, and we shall find mysterious and secret feelings out of which the Christmas tree has come, but these secret feelings all tend in the direction of seeing the Christmas tree as a symbol for the Tree of Paradise.
Then will be opened for us the only way to the content of the Christmas Mystery. We shall recognise it again and it will remind us of humanity's rebirth. Yes, my dear friends, it is for this we must work—that the Christmas Mystery be born again among men.
229. Four Seasons and the Archangels: The Christmas Imagination 06 Oct 1923, Dornach
Translated by Mary Laird-Brown, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
So, you see, the tendency which reaches its culmination at Christmas is prepared in advance from Michaelmas onwards. The Earth is gradually more and more consolidated, so that in deep winter it becomes really a cosmic body, expressing itself in mercurial formation, salt-formation, ash-formation.
Hence we can say something like this. In order to bring the essence of Christmas rightly before our souls, let us transpose ourselves into the being of man. In the Christmas spirit is expressed the coming to birth of the Jesus-child, who is ordained to receive the Christ into himself.
Then we have the picture which comes to shine out for us as a cosmic Imagination at Christmas-time—a picture we can live with until Easter, when out of cosmic relationships once again an Easter Imagination can arise; we will speak of it tomorrow.
316. Course for Young Doctors: Christmas Course I 02 Jan 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
316. Course for Young Doctors: Christmas Course II 03 Jan 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
316. Course for Young Doctors: Christmas Course III 04 Jan 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner
316. Course for Young Doctors: Christmas Course IV 05 Jan 1924, Dornach
Translated by Gerald Karnow

Rudolf Steiner

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