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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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277b. The Development of Eurythmy 1918–1920: Address on Eurythmy and the Christmas Play 11 Jan 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
There is something extremely touching about remembering how the people in the village, these devious poor Germans – that is how they could be described – in the 40s, 50s, 60s years, when Karl Julius Schröer collected the Christmas plays there, there was something touching about the way these people introduced the Christmas plays, these performances that took place every year around Christmas time.
And then, by first making a procession in the village, in the place, and gathering in a tavern hall, these Christmas games were presented to the people. It shows us - as you will have the opportunity to hear shortly afterwards - how these Christmas games came from further west.
However, we believe that the goodwill shown towards eurythmy from many sides and the cultural-historical interest in this Christmas play justify the performance.
157a. Festivals of the Seasons: The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 19 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
That He may strengthen us, That He may invigorate us, That He may teach us all over the earth really to experience in the truest sense of the words the utterance of the Christmas Eve saying, which transcends all that separates men from one another. This it is which he who really feels himself united with Christ Jesus solemnly vows anew at Christmas time.
Very little now remains of the grand thought which united the beginning of the Old Testament at this Christmas Eve festival with the secret history of the Mystery of Golgotha. Only this one thing remains, that in our calendar, before the actual Christmas Day comes the day of Adam and Eve.
The very manner in which these Christmas plays became part of the fife of the central European villages in which they arose and gradually evolved, shows us how powerfully the Christmas thought worked there.
26. The Michael Mystery: A Christmas Contemplation: the Mystery of the Logos
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood, George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 24 ] And the beginning of this understanding is a loving comprehension of the World-Christmas, which every year is celebrated in Remembrance. For the Spiritual Soul, that beings with the reception of cold intellectuality, goes on to gather the needful strength, when into this Intellect, that warm Love, of which the stream flows most nobly and purely when it is turned towards the Child Jesus, who in the World's Christmas Holy-Night appears on Earth.
[ 29 ] To feel Christmas and inwardly to keep it in this fashion, can make present in the soul how the Glory of the divine Spirit Beings, who reveal their image in the star-expanses, is proclaimed before Man, and how the deliverance of Man is accomplished in the fields of Earth from those powers who would draw him away from his source and origin.
26. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts: A Christmas Study: The Mystery of the Logos
Translated by George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
[ 27 ] To turn the human heart in love to these great cosmic facts: this is the true content of the festival of remembrance which approaches man each year when he contemplates the cosmic Initiation-Night of Christmas. If love such as this lives in human hearts, it permeates the cold light-element of the Spiritual Soul with warmth.
[ 29 ] To feel and experience Christmas in this way will enable the soul to realise how the glory of the Divine-Spiritual Beings, whose images are revealed in the Stars, announces itself to man, and how man's liberation takes place, within the precincts of the Earth, from the Powers which wish to alienate him from his origin. (Christmas, 1924) Further Leading Thoughts issued from the Goetheanum for the Anthroposophical Society (in connection with the foregoing Christmas Study) [ 30 ] 137.
68a. The Essence of Christianity: World Law and Human Destiny: A Christmas Reflection 11 Dec 1903, Weimar

Rudolf Steiner
The title of the lecture was: “World Law and Human Destiny – a Christmas Meditation”. He explained the following: From time immemorial, man has been regarded as a “world in miniature” (microcosm) in relation to the “world at large” (macrocosm).
Just as this solstice brings light again, so the Son of God brought spiritual light by showing that man progresses towards perfection and by exemplifying this perfection himself. From the sounds of Christmas, if we understand the true meaning, we hear the goal of human development resound: the former harmony between world law and human destiny.
Steiner's lecture yesterday, which was poorly attended, was intended as a Theosophical Christmas meditation. Apparently, as was explained in it, there is an unbridgeable contradiction between world law and human destiny.
143. Birth of the Light — Thoughts on Christmas Eve 24 Dec 1912, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, for example, we grasp him in his deepest being, when at Christmas Eve the child awaits the coming of the Christmas child or the Christmas angel. How does the child wait at Christmas Eve?
And just as the child feels towards the angel of Christmas who brings it its Christmas presents—it feels itself, in its childlike way, connected with the spiritual—so may we feel ourselves connected with the spiritual gift that we long for on Christmas night as the impulse which can bring us the high ideal for which we strive.
Though they may not be sitting here or there under the Christmas-tree in the way that is customary in this cycle of time, our dear friends are yet sitting under the Christmas-tree.
165. The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 19 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
That He may strengthen us, That He may invigorate us, That He may teach us all over the earth really to experience in the truest sense of the words the utterance of the Christmas Eve saying, which transcends all that separates men from one another. This it is which he who really feels himself united with Christ Jesus solemnly vows anew at Christmas time.
Very little now remains of the grand thought which united the beginning of the Old Testament at this Christmas Eve festival with the secret history of the Mystery of Golgotha. Only this one thing remains, that in our calendar, before the actual Christmas Day comes the day of Adam and Eve.
The very manner in which these Christmas plays became part of the life of the central European villages in which they arose and gradually evolved, shows us how powerfully the Christmas thought worked there.
195. The Cosmic New Year: The Michael Path to Christ: A Christmas Lecture 25 Dec 1919, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
At this very time it is for us to bring forward the question: “Has not the thought of Christmas also suffered the fate of being seized by the forces of general deterioration?” When Christmas is spoken of today are we still conscious of that of which man ought to be conscious when he raises his thoughts and feelings to the contemplation of the festival of Christ?
Only through this striving after spiritual truth is the real Christ to be sought and found; otherwise it would be better to extinguish the lights of Christmas, to destroy all Christmas trees, and to acknowledge at least with truth, that we want nothing that will recall what Christ Jesus has brought into human evolution.
It is in this earnest mood that I wished to present the lights of the Christmas tree to you today; next time I hope to speak of them in another connection.
157a. The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 19 Dec 1915, Berlin
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
That He may strengthen us, That He may invigorate us, That He may teach us all over the earth really to experience in the truest sense of the words the utterance of the Christmas Eve saying, which transcends all that separates men from one another. This it is which he who really feels himself united with Christ Jesus solemnly vows anew at Christmas time.
Very little now remains of the grand thought which united the beginning of the Old Testament at this Christmas Eve festival with the secret history of the Mystery of Golgotha. Only this one thing remains, that in our calendar, before the actual Christmas Day comes the day of Adam and Eve.
The very manner in which these Christmas plays became part of the life of the central European villages in which they arose and gradually evolved, shows us how powerfully the Christmas thought worked there.

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