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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 121 through 130 of 456

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110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture V 14 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
One might even compare it — not exactly but approximately — with the general Kant-Laplace universal primeval mist, out of which, according to the opinion of many modern people, our solar system has formed itself.
[ 11 ] Now we must for once come to an understanding with the extraordinary fantastic modern theory of the origin of the world, and turn our minds again to the Kant-Laplace theory. It has put a mass of fog as a starting point for our solar system, and then has imagined that the whole of this giant mass of gas has begun to revolve.
One must marvel at such a naive proceeding. For the man who tries to make the Kant-Laplace System so clear forgets one thing — sometimes it is very good to forget, only in this case it wont do — he forgets himself, he forgets he stood by and made the thing rotate.
217. The Younger Generation: Lecture XIII 15 Oct 1922, Stuttgart
Translated by René M. Querido

Rudolf Steiner
As a result it had become so paralyzed in its soul-life that in respect of the deepest treasures of the soul, truthfulness had gone. An era which made the world arise out of the Kant-Laplace primeval nebula which densifies into a globe, and in this process engenders living beings and finally man—could but say: Ultimately such activity must disappear into universal death by warmth, but that will also be the death of everything man has developed in the moral sphere! There have always been people who sought to prove that the moral world-order could find a place in a world-order as conceived by Kant-Laplace, ending with universal death, yet such a view is not sincere. And by no means sincere, by no means honest, was the view that considered moral development to originate in illusions and disappear when the universal death through warmth brings about complete annihilation.
Today we dare not; for so long as there is a law of the conservation of matter and of energy, moral law melts away in the universal death through warmth—and the Kant-Laplace theory is no mere phrase! Man's shrinking away from this consequence is the fearful untruth that has penetrated right into the human heart, into the human soul, and has seized hold of everything in the human being, making him a being of untruth upon the earth.
134. The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit: Lecture II 28 Dec 1911, Hanover
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I daresay there are not many of you who have made a thorough study of the philosopher Kant. It is not necessary. I only want here to refer to the fact that in Kant's most important and revolutionary work, “The Critique of Pure Reason,” you will always find proofs adduced both for and against a proposition in question.
“The world once had a beginning in time.” You will find that Kant puts, perhaps on the other side of the same page, the statement: “The world has always existed, from all eternity.” And then he proceeds to adduce valid proofs for both statements, notwithstanding that the one obviously expresses the very opposite of the other. That is to say, Kant proves in the same manner that the world has had a beginning and that it has had no beginning. He calls this method of reasoning “Antinomy” and thinks it is itself an evidence that the human faculty of knowledge has boundaries, seeing that man is forced thereby to arrive at contradictory conclusions.
78. Fruits of Anthroposophy: Lecture II 30 Aug 1921, Stuttgart
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
By a further development of this view one is led to quite imaginary conceptions, such as that of the Ding an sich. (Kant's theory of the ‘Thing in itself.’) Opposed to this kind of thought which, on the whole, ruled philosophy and the remaining sciences, Rudolf Steiner attained the realization that the outer world does not hold the entire contents of reality, allowing itself to be reproduced as conceptions, but that man through his sensory perceptions lives only on one side of reality.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: Revelations of the Unconscious in the Life of the Soul from the Spiritual Scientific Point of View 12 Feb 1918, Norrköping

Rudolf Steiner
Just as our being descends from a spiritual world, so the whole universe descends from the spirit. How does something like the Kant-Laplace theory develop? It has been calculated how the beings on earth change over time. So one can calculate how they were formed 1000, 2000, millions of years ago, the beings of the earth.
The same mistake is made when developing the Kant-Laplace theory, when geological hypotheses are formulated that are common practice today. One comes back to the state that can be calculated - only the earth did not yet exist at that time, but it went from a spiritual state into the present state much later.
And people who, based on their sense of knowledge, have always felt that a merely materialistic approach is insufficient, could speak as an outstanding man of the nineteenth century spoke about this Kant-Laplace theory. Hermann Grimm says about this theory: Long ago, in his – Goethe's – youth, the grand Laplace-Kant fantasy of the Earth's origin and former destruction had taken hold.
159. The Subconscious Forces 09 May 1915, Vienna
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Then they bring forward certain interesting things showing how Kant is supposed to have proved that human knowledge cannot reach the spiritual world. If spiritual science was upheld in spite of all, then they came along and said: This person rejects everything that has been proved by Kant!
But this is not the case: The spiritual scientist does not deny that Kant is absolutely right, for it is evident that he demonstrated this clearly. But my dear friends, suppose that someone had stated that the plant consists of minute cells, at a time when the microscope had not yet been invented, but that these cells could not be found because human eyes are unable to see them.
Bear in mind the comparison which I made, for it will show you that the proof according to which the human power of vision is unable to reach the plant's cell is just as valid as the proof that, according to Kant, human knowledge is unable to reach the supersensible worlds. These proofs may be absolutely correct, yet real life transcends them.
83. The Tension Between East and West: Cosmic Memory 05 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
We can say that the opinions of trained natural scientists on this subject today are founded on notions that more philosophically inclined minds derive from Kant, and other minds, to whom a more popular treatment appeals, from Schopenhauer and others. A great deal of material bearing on this point could be given. Now it is probably true to say that Kant and Schopenhauer, and all those who follow in their wake, are dangerous guides to the discernment of the limits of natural knowledge, because these thinkers, very enticingly as I would say, stopped short at a certain point in their consideration of the human cognitive faculty and the capacities of the human psyche.
And here, of course, we do not find an enormous individual, but rather a spiritual world, which has to be superimposed on the material development. We thereby permeate the Kant-Laplace primal nebula which, perhaps rightly, has been posited, with the spiritual entities and forces operative in it.
181. Anthroposophical Life Gifts: Lecture VI 14 May 1918, Berlin
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
To anyone who has knowledge of the things concerned, the whole book of Max Dessoir is compiled like the chapter on Anthroposophy . And yet, what happened? A newspaper, the “Kant Studien,” which regards itself as extremely serious (I mention this because in this paper no attack is made on Anthroposophy)—the “Kant Studien”—which prides itself tremendously on its purely scholarly scientific bent, speaks of this product of Dessoir as a serious scientific book in many ways.
Now I ask: What then is the public, the public which has no belief in authority, to do today? It takes such works as the “Kant Studien” (Studies of Kant) and so on, as a matter of course out of the libraries. And yet such things are to be found in it.
214. The Mystery of the Trinity: The Mystery of Truth III 29 Jul 1922, Dornach
Translated by James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
But Schiller philosophized. He even learned how to philosophize from Kant, although the Kantian way ultimately became too confused for him and he left it.24 Schiller philosophized without the degree of abstraction that prevents concepts from reaching actual being.
Schiller's friendship with Goethe is celebrated. Strongly influenced by Kant, his idealism and hatred of tyranny were a powerful influence in modern German literature. Wrote Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795).24. Imanuel Kant (1724–1804), German philosopher of the Enlightenment. Published Critique of Pure Reason (1781).
198. Healing Factors for the Social Organism: Third Lecture 28 Mar 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
I would like to say that humanity now has the choice of remaining thoughtless about the great interrelationships in which it is actually involved as humanity, living in the earthly human existence like a stupid animal and thinking: There are the laws of nature, according to which we calculate that a Kant-Laplacean world view corresponds to the beginning of the earth and a heat-death-like state caused by entropy corresponds to the end of the earth, that basically we can do whatever we like, yes, that we can murder millions: when heat-death has occurred, then they have simply been murdered along with us, and the impulses that led to their murder have no significance beyond this heat-death.
That is the danger today, that man is losing the ability to think about his connection with the cosmic existence. Then insane ideas arise, such as the Kant-Laplacean theory or that of the heat death of the Earth; whereas in fact the Earth is an organization that had its beginning in an age when the moral and the natural law were one, an organization that will find its end in a period when, again, the moral and the natural law will be one.
Go through the hypotheses, go through all the stuff that today forms the Kant-Laplace delusion for the faithful followers, then you will find in all of this the reason why people are still allowed to fool humanity with such things today.

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