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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1011 through 1020 of 6379

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46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Mind and Matter

Rudolf Steiner
Thoughts always remain somewhat alien to sensory reality; they can only be understood if one recognizes their origin in a spiritual realm. With thoughts, one is already in the spirit.
It would be a sad state of affairs if man were to seek and accept only those ideas that correspond to his desires. But underlying all such striving is the endeavor to recognize the truth, even if it is painful, for it is a better support in life than illusion.
And at the same time it recognizes the reality of thought. This is all something that can be understood with ordinary consciousness. But when one has recognized the reality of the world of thought, then one gains the possibility of actively engaging in it.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Proofs of the Immortality of the Soul

Rudolf Steiner
He then finds that spiritual science, as it is meant here, has no scientific proofs to offer, but only a belief that is peculiar to religions. Such an opinion is perfectly understandable to someone who is himself familiar with this spiritual science; and he will find nothing strange or surprising in it if his explanations are currently still criticized as subjective beliefs. Only the future will bring a more general understanding of how things stand in this field. For this understanding, it is necessary to learn to imagine how differently the field of the spirit must be investigated than that of nature.
However, the experiments made in this direction clearly show how little understanding there still is today for developing the scientific way of thinking in such a way that it can seriously be considered for the spiritual realm.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Life Itself Creates the Human Mystery

Rudolf Steiner
It was hoped that the facts of the external world could be understood from the way atoms fit together. Where did we end up: “that an iron atom must be more complicated than a Steinway grand piano” - A.
(Verification is absurdly demanded by those who do not understand.) In the experience of thinking, the world is experienced - that which is sought through knowledge.
Therefore, it has a different effect than modern natural philosophy and philosophy. One will understand theology again. He does not really love Christianity who believes it endangered by knowledge. “On the Riddle of Man” $. 273.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Anthroposophy as Spiritual Science

Rudolf Steiner
It becomes familiar with a world in which it recognizes spiritual realms just as one recognizes material realms in the natural realm. We just have to gain a correct understanding of the soul's relationship to the body. The wonderful ramification of the nervous system contains the element into which the human being is constantly dying.
But anyone who penetrates his way of thinking will undergo a metamorphosis of soul phenomena: will, feeling, thinking. Psychologists have at best arrived at a classification.
Bishop Ireland: “Religion needs new forms and ways of understanding in order to get in touch with modern times. We need apostles of thought and action. The criticism is that the impulse for altruism is missing.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Mark 1-5

Rudolf Steiner
Peter speaks of him as the Christ. But when he is supposed to understand that he must speak of the Kingdom of God, he still does not understand. The transfiguration, when Peter, James and John enter into the Kingdom of God, is taking place. Elijah has returned. But this must be understood. One can only be healed by one who fasts and prays. The Kingdom of God must be felt “disembodied”.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Knowledge of the Body and Knowledge of the Spirit

Rudolf Steiner
Those who have not accepted it have not needed it – those who are of the earth will not understand each other; those who are of the sky will. “What is the Christ to us? The same one from whom you have your religion.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On Sensation and Perception

Rudolf Steiner
The middle process: the inhalation brings the formless substance, which meets with the ether process - then penetrates as an astral process and encounters the physical body - is detached from the exhalation, which underlies the astral - the astral remains in the person; the etheric goes further into the nervous process - remains there - and the physical (exhaled air) goes outwards. In the nervous process, the disconnected, I would say the killed thoughts, are the only ones that can be in the human body - the spiritual researcher must represent in thoughts which have not undergone this transformation through the body. Who knows the essence of the life of imagination? Schopenhauer's “the world is my imagination” is as if someone were to say of a person standing before him in the fullness of life: “this person is a corpse”.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Materialism and the Ethereal Christ

Rudolf Steiner
If “knowing ones” now want to claim that materialism has spoken its last word in the realm of their people, then a real effect is to be exerted by this, regardless of whether the originators of this claim are aware of its scope. That which abandons man in death shall come under the spell of earthly life – the originators want to connect themselves post mortem with their brotherhood sites – and thereby detach all earthly life from its origin.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: A New Appearance Should Grow Vividly Out of a New Spirituality

Rudolf Steiner
These effects come from the spirits of personality, just as the effects of the spirits of form occurred in ancient Lemuria. These spiritual effects want to be understood. They show themselves by causing phenomena to occur that, through their own essence, urge the will to view them spiritually.
On earth equilibrium would be necessary; but this equilibrium is the manifestation of a struggle – the struggle in the spiritual field is not evil; it is the element of life: man must find the means to transfer the struggle into his inner being; at first he still resists under the guidance of the spiritual powers that want to keep the struggle external. But the external is not to be spiritualized mechanically, but a new external is to grow alive out of a new spirituality - the spirits of form are to give up their forming and the spirits of personality are to take their place - the archangeloi are to enter into the personality, i.e., man is to learn to understand the spiritual order; the Angeloi are to give the power for this - but man is to find that he is not in his body; he can only do so if he understands it spiritually - in spiritual understanding he will slip away from it.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On Body and Soul

Rudolf Steiner
The spiritual researcher says: for an idea to have a will-arousing effect, it must undergo a change in its imaginative content. 6.) One speaks of the phenomena of the soul in such a way that one regards as its laws precisely that which causes the spirit to perish: associations.

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