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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 991 through 1000 of 6379

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46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Document from Barr, Alsace III

Rudolf Steiner
They, the Eastern Initiators, wanted to instill their form of anciently preserved spiritual knowledge into the Western world. Under the influence of this current, the Theosophical Society took on an Eastern character, and under the same influence, Sinnett's “Esoteric Buddhism” and Blavatsky's “Secret Doctrine” were inspired.
But this little episode came to an end when Annie Besant surrendered to the influence of certain Indians who, under the influence of German philosophers, who they misinterpreted, developed a grotesque intellectualism.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On Spiritual Development

Rudolf Steiner
Before that, people could perceive the spirit in the descending life, but they had to learn to understand it through the mysteries. Today, at the age of 29, the human being enters the age when he can begin to look back in order to perceive something objective within himself.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Supernatural Knowledge, Science and Religion

Rudolf Steiner
Either you stop at observation and description, in which case you live in the living world; but you have not understood it. Or you proceed to explanation, which brings you more and more to experimentation, and then you have understood it, but in a dead way.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Christmas Day 1918

Rudolf Steiner
Christ has nothing to do with processes of destruction; these are processes on the physical plane - man participates in them through selfishness, untruth and illness (death); the contemplation of Christ is a contemplation of supersensible truth - it invigorates (makes one newly born) the power of imagination; it destroys appearances by impressing upon it the revealing essence; it dispels selfishness by presenting a matter of concern to all mankind; in Christ men might understand each other if they would take him supersensibly — if they would regard him as the sun, which has different reflections in the nations, but can be regarded in itself as it moves.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: The Social Question

Rudolf Steiner
We form the judgment from this that these economic systems have undermined social justice. We exclude the human element by forming this judgment. One believes that the institutions, by their own nature, impose their character on social life.
Recognizing the fatal errors that are made when such a transformation of social life is undertaken is one of the most important tasks of the present day. Realized errors kill life. The temptation to fall into such errors is great.
If management by the individual with ability is replaced by management by the general public, the productivity of management is undermined. For within this generality, free initiative, the full effect of individual ability and willingness to work, cannot be realized.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Draft of the Essay “International Economy and Tripartite Social Organism”

Rudolf Steiner
He does not shrink from pursuing this idea because, under Marxist influence, he has developed the belief that the corresponding legal and intellectual institutions will arise “by themselves” from the economic institutions.
The spiritual antagonism between the Slavs and the Germans was the underlying cause, leading to conflict. Political events came into play. The old Turkish regime was replaced by the democratically oriented Young Turk regime.
In the southeast of Europe as well as with the Baghdad Railway, measures that would have been undertaken only in the interest of the world economy would not have become causes of world catastrophe in themselves.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On Interest in Spiritual Science

Rudolf Steiner
This movement is only justified if the necessary insights are proclaimed. Those who only want personal gain will not understand this - people may say to me: Why don't I make it clear what should not be? But the resistance tires - and this resistance is abundant: a response to the intentions that have been made clear is rarely forthcoming.
I had to say to myself: These people do not consider that what they do in secret, after it has matured in the next incarnation, would come to Earth too late. I understood such people, but I could not do as they did. If I had done as they did, it would have been more comfortable - because the way I did it challenged those who wanted to put the matter into their personal service.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: A Company to be Founded

Rudolf Steiner
The representatives of the ideology can evoke understanding for the social consequences. Their activity is financially supported by the amounts to be received, which at the same time are intended to support the economic and technical realization of the idea.
Many of the latest undertakings were oriented in this way. They were capitalized, and it was precisely through their capitalization that the social order was undermined.
It is essential that the powers organized in the anthroposophically oriented spiritual movement itself undertake the enterprises, i.e., that bankers, factory owners, etc., join forces with this movement, that the Dornach building become the real center of a new entrepreneurial spirit.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On the Absorption of Nutrients

Rudolf Steiner
This transition is already conditioned by the forces that underlie the human form. Within this absorption into the etheric body process, the cosmic forces of movement intervene insofar as they are concentrated in the seven organs, so that the gall process still represents the descent of the human ego into the first nutritional processes.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On the Comprehension of Things in Space

Rudolf Steiner
Now, however, this relationship does not have to do with the dice themselves; it depends on the conditions under which we stand to grasp the block of dice; it depends on our own position in relation to the earth's surface when gravity is an important factor in our perception.

Results 991 through 1000 of 6379

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