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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 981 through 990 of 6379

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46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Man as Microcosm in Relation to Macrocosm

Rudolf Steiner
The question can never be resolved by looking at just one lifetime. Just as no one can understand the structure of the human hand without following it from the simpler, unfinished forms of the locomotor organs of primitive creatures, so no one can understand the character of a personality without seeking its causes in a past life.
And karma does not contradict benevolence. This understanding leads to helping. But karma does contradict the materialistic view of man. It must contradict.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: The Temple Legend

Rudolf Steiner
Another descendant of Cain's race was Tubal-Cain, who made great advances in the working of metals, and even understood how to fashion musical instruments from them. And as a contemporary of Solomon, Hiram Abiff or Adoniram, a descendant of Cain, had reached such a level of skill in his art that it bordered directly on the vision of the higher worlds, with only a thin wall still to be broken through for him to achieve initiation.
From the ideas she had gained so far, she could not understand how a master builder who had only human powers at his disposal could have achieved something like this.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Path of Knowledge

Rudolf Steiner
Otherwise, one could not speak of logical thinking. I understand a process or a thing only if I associate certain thoughts with them that make them understandable to me.
A life is therefore not explainable from itself. It only becomes comprehensible when it is understood as a repetition of other lives belonging to it. This law of repetition is found throughout nature.
It is connected with other thoughts and ultimately forms a link in the whole world of thoughts in such a way that it can only be fully understood if one understands the whole world of thoughts. The life in thoughts requires that one is aware that a thought must be illuminated by the other.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: A Sketch of the Human and Animal Organism

Rudolf Steiner
For if they had been the same, the “human” head would have had to have degenerated into the animal form under their influence even then. These living conditions cannot have been the present earthly ones. For these bring man precisely in the animal direction of development.
For he developed the present form of his animality only later. In that man fashions his animality under the influence of the organization of his head, the latter becomes different from what it could become through the conditions which in earthly life directly shape the animality in animals.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Dream, Hallucination, Somnambulism and Seeing Consciousness I

Rudolf Steiner
The artist translates his spiritual experiences into the soul, but not into the activities that underlie the imagination and the will. He can do this because he only refers to that in the spirit which corresponds to his individual contemplation.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Dream, Hallucination, Somnambulism and Seeing Consciousness II

Rudolf Steiner
In a mental disorder, the physical intrudes into the soul without justification; in a dream, the spirit intrudes into the soul without understanding. In a dream, a person is neither moral nor logical. Dreaming continues in waking life.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: About the Etheric Body

Rudolf Steiner
The forms of the consciousness soul are imprinted on the desire soul. The heart undergoes a process of ennoblement and spiritualization. It is directed towards the spirit. Initially, this can only happen when the externally stimulated experiences are silent.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On “The Voice of Silence”

Rudolf Steiner
It is not a matter of grasping intellectually what is meant by these “halls”. We must experience this meaning. Understanding is the least; and this understanding also does not open up higher powers. But even if we believe that we have long since understood, we must live in this sense again and again: that opens up [higher powers]. Experienced occultists know that understanding occult tenets is nothing. That is why every occultist will live and let live again and again what has long been understood.
Not judging, not criticizing, but hearing and understanding makes the second sound resonate out of the silence. Every occultist knows that it has helped him infinitely to understand and seek everywhere, to understand uncritically, compassionately; and then the silver cymbal resounded to him, which is only drowned out by what an external hearing perceives from the surface of things.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: The Development of the Earth

Rudolf Steiner
Jehovah would have given only the form of the organ of understanding, and the spirits from Venus would have awakened only in this one dispassionate sense; for what could be given by them in this direction has indeed been delivered to the power of reproduction.
Just as the human being lives towards Jupiter, so the Lunar Pitris of the moon (the 'twilight spirits'), when they have undergone their normal development, live towards the Venus existence. And the “fire spirits” are already there.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Document from Barr, Alsace I: Autobiographical Sketch

Rudolf Steiner
My thoroughly idealistic history method and my way of teaching soon became both appealing and understandable to the workers. My audience grew. I was invited to give a lecture almost every evening. Then the time came when I, in agreement with the occult forces behind me, could say: You have given the philosophical foundation of the world view, you have shown an understanding of the currents of the time by treating them as only a complete believer could treat them; no one will be able to say: This occultist speaks of the spiritual world because he is ignorant of the philosophical and scientific achievements of the time.

Results 981 through 990 of 6379

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