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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1291 through 1300 of 6379

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71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: The Revelations of the Unconscious in the Life of the Soul from the Spiritual-scientific Point of View 18 Feb 1918, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
I do not need to characterize this area in detail, not because it is unknown and little observed, but because it is so obvious and so understandable to everyone that the unconscious reveals itself in this area. A special area where, as already mentioned, one could deny the character of the unconscious, where the conscious and unconscious play together, can be understood as the area of human destiny.
This psychoanalysis, which is an exploration of a certain area of the soul, albeit with inadequate means, does not lead to an understanding of the true character of the areas under consideration. This psychoanalysis also works with the dream images of the human being.
The one who develops the gift of second sight learns to understand through the kind of experiences he has in the spiritual world, that he experiences them separately from the body, and learns to understand that this life between birth and death, this life in the sense world, the life in the physical body, must not be seen as a life in captivity.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: Life in Art and Art in Life from the Point of View of Spiritual Science 28 Mar 1918, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
When you try to penetrate it, it becomes all too understandable that the artist is afraid to have what he experienced with art burned or singed. If you assume a moral original sin, then you have to assume two original evils for art.
Through spiritual science, the otherwise dormant consciousness can become so strong that the person perceives the spiritual world, that he not only experiences dull things during sleep, but also undergoes the most diverse entities and experiences. One can say that the dream life comes from the soul approaching the waking life, but not absorbing it.
What wants to gain strength in life is what is in the underground, that wants to be demystified. You can't do that in the abstract. Art can only fertilize life if you strive to find life in art.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: The Supernatural Man and the Questions of Free Will and Immortality Based on the Results of Spiritual Science 01 May 1918, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
And you will see that a purely philosophical consideration, as it is usually understood, cannot approach what actually wants to approach the human being with these questions that take root so meaningfully in every single human mind.
Anyone who thinks up this image will find it understandable that the difficulty of human self-knowledge must lie in the fact that, although one will be able to see other things with all the organs available to a person for their knowledge, one's own self can be seen spiritually as little as the eye can see itself.
But now, when we have these two things before us, which I have characterized, we cannot understand them by merely considering them externally and conceptually. We can only understand them by using spiritual scientific methods, which I will now describe.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: Man and the Historical and Moral Life of Humanity according to the Results of Spiritual Science 03 May 1918, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
With regard to the historical life of humanity and the understanding of this historical life, as it was striven for in its time and is still striven for in our time in much the same way, Goethe made a significant statement that can force one to reflect.
All the more reason to go into the psychological underpinnings, which are at issue here. In Hermann Grimm's work – and the same can be seen in Karl Lamprecht – there is a personal struggle for historical judgment.
One goes back to an age in which the human soul worked under completely different conditions. It is a prejudice today that the human soul has not changed since the time when it can be observed.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: The Supernatural Man and the Questions of Free Will and Soul Immortality 11 May 1918, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Much comes up that we call memory and so on, that we do not understand, that belongs to the subconscious. When you think about all this, you actually have to despair of really getting to know what is in the human self.
In the free play of ideas, there always lives – and this must be taken into account – the one pivotal point of the human soul: we have to admit that, from our own organization, we understand the play of ideas, associations and so on, but we cannot grasp the interplay with scientific ideas, thinking, the logical distinction between “right” and “wrong” in thinking.
Other reasons can be distinguished from some actions. We have to understand this form of action. What happens when we love someone? We usually say: love is blind. No – I say: love is giving.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: How Can One Scientifically Recognize The Supernatural Life And Being Of The Human Soul? Results Of Spiritual Reality Research 27 May 1918, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
One must have fully experienced certain experiences and events. One experience is to be undergone with that which is rightly admired today in the widest circles and by those people who understand something of the matter, because it has been brought infinitely far by people, especially in the course of the nineteenth century and in the present day.
Rather, it turns out that concepts with which one brings the forces of nature to one's understanding cannot be penetrated by the scientific mode of knowledge, but remain standing and ultimately shape themselves into a spiritual reality.
But this ordinary mysticism and all that is hidden under different names such as occultism, transcendentalism, and so on, is just as unsuitable for penetrating into the depths of human existence in true reality.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: The History of Mankind in the Light of Supersensible Reality Research 29 May 1918, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
One simply comes to the question: Is there a way to look at our usual way of understanding history in such a way that we can draw conclusions about the present from our immediate life practice?
Herman Grimm made some very correct remarks about this and he understood many things very correctly in relation to the history of mankind and felt very clearly how the spirit of science can emerge again.
What occurs in the Orient and in our regions is quite different, and one understands it only if one can grasp it in the way described. But then one must say: it is as if someone develops from childhood to the age of thirty.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: How Can We Recognize the Supernatural Life And Nature Of The Human Soul? 14 Jun 1918, Prague

Rudolf Steiner
The first is the failure of knowledge of nature, the second is the failure of another kind of knowledge, which very many people seek at the moment when they often only instinctively doubt knowledge of nature. That is mysticism. Mysticism is to be understood only in the sense that I myself will characterize it. Mysticism in the ordinary sense is understood to mean immersing oneself in one's own soul life with the means available in everyday consciousness.
This momentous experience becomes particularly harrowing for the soul when this soul comes to truly understand how this prenatal life, this spiritual, soul existence, is connected to the things we otherwise have around us in our ordinary consciousness.
Man also has something in him spiritually, soulfully, that also goes beyond the physical, that which passes through the death of man. One can only understand human immortality by really understanding the other state of consciousness, by experiencing in a certain way every day, the consciousness that is not dependent on the physical organization, that becomes independent of the physical experience.
71b. The Human Being as a Spirit and Soul Being: Scientific Knowledge of the Supernatural and the True Reality of Human Life 01 Jul 1918, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
[illegible] human being, as such experiences that are undergone by the whole extent of our soul. The first of these experiences is the one that is explained by scientific knowledge.
We need them if we want to recognize scientifically, but we have to put them there. If we want to understand what we mean by substance and force in the same scientific way that we understand other natural laws, then we would immediately come to the feeling, by having to experience things, that we are destroying scientific knowledge itself.
Anyone who is a beginner in the field of supersensible knowledge, who has not undergone enough such training, can, in some cases, very soon come to certain supersensible insights. It is not even...
72. The Human Soul in the Realm of the Supersensible and Its Relation to the Body 18 Oct 1917, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
However, it is not enough that you gain this knowledge only to understand the inner experience correctly. As you have to understand that mere thinking leads to mental malnutrition if this thinking does not brace itself up for inner experience, you have also to understand that much knowledge of the outer sense-perceptible reality and its processing by the intellect, by methodical research do not lead to any knowledge of the soul.
Our usual imagining, feeling and willing intervenes already in such a way that it is reflected not only and makes aware what happens; but in such a way as concerning the memory an undercurrent is there for our conscious life, there is also an upper current. As one does not note the undercurrent—one notes it at most if the pupil studies hard and does movements and knocks its head to support this undercurrent—, one does not note the upper current all the more.
However, as soon as it concerns the complete understanding of human life, so that our understanding can intervene in the development of this human life, as soon as it concerns the social and political living together, as soon as it concerns generally finding a right relation from human being to human being, something else is necessary.

Results 1291 through 1300 of 6379

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