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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 1301 through 1310 of 6379

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72. Anthroposophy Interferes with No Religious Belief 19 Oct 1917, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
If religious feeling and experience wanted to understand its task properly towards the requirements of modern time and faced that with full understanding what anthroposophy intends, the religious feeling and confessing would consider anthroposophy as a welcome confederate just today.
This is in the course of development. That is why one can understand the emergence of anthroposophy only properly if one understands its arising from natural sciences.
Anthroposophy knows that the time of forming religions is over. Hence, it will use just its forces to understand the religions, to lead the human being deeper and deeper into the understanding of the religions.
72. Spiritual Scientific Research into the Immortality of the Human Soul and the Essence of Freedom 23 Nov 1917, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
Since “proofs,” as one knows them in the usual science and in the usual life, absolutely exist within anthroposophy; but one has to understand them different from the “proofs” of the usual science. Above all that what one wants to investigate is a given.
The whole human life changes possibly, gets another direction under the influence of this experience which makes known itself in the fact that we know what spirit is in us.
One recognises with it how one causes karma, because one must cause spiritual knowledge with own forces as one causes twists and turns in life, while spiritual knowledge becomes a vital question of the very first degree. This gives the understanding of the remaining human destiny, but also full understanding of Intuition. Then one notices with which the human will is associated on the spiritual side.
72. The Science of the Supersensible and Moral-Social Ideas 24 Nov 1917, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
When he wrote his article about Volkelt's book The Dream Fantasies, he pointed out that nobody who does not understand the emotions, passions, and affects understands the nature of dream. However, one called Vischer a spiritist because of this assertion.
Hence, he will also cope with any individual being. One will understand how freedom and necessity penetrate each other in life. One understands that the moral-social life, considered scientifically, would be in such a way, as if I had three objects here.
I said that Friedrich Theodor Vischer stated that one could not understand the emotional life if one did not understand the dream.—Goethe looks at the history of humanity, at the historical dream.
72. The Working of Soul in Man and its Relationship with its Eternal Essence 28 Nov 1917, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
You have to elicit it always anew. You have to understand this properly: if the spiritual researcher succeeds in transforming his experiences into mental pictures, into concepts, he has the concepts as the usual ones are; he can remember them, of course.
You do not need to be a researcher and the researcher himself has only the fruits of his research if he can change his visions into usual comprehensible mental pictures which he informs to himself as he informs them to others. He has also to understand these mental pictures with his common sense. Thus, others can understand them too. The human being can have that which the occultist has from the results of spiritual research, without being himself a spiritual researcher.
Then this karmic experience of knowledge extends to our whole life, and we understand the remaining destiny. We understand that our former lives cause our present destiny. We meet former lives on earth, not in a reminiscent way, because one cannot directly remember spiritual experiences as such; but something appears that is much higher than memory: the view of the past.
72. Spiritual Scientific Results of the Idea of Freedom and the Social-Moral Life 30 Nov 1917, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual science just wants this: penetrating away from the surface into the deeper undergrounds of life. The scientific way of thinking has originated from the habitual ways of thinking of the last centuries.
The spiritual researcher who explores the consciousness in such a way, as I have given it the day before yesterday, understands that that which is so often misjudged in the recent time which no scientific way of thinking can understand is just confirmed by such psycho-physiologists like Ziehen (Theodor Z., 1862-1950) and others: the fact that the human being can have the ego-experience only because he is fixed in the life rhythm of waking and sleeping.
Nevertheless, Vischer brought something to our attention in very interesting way that casts intense light on the human life. He showed carefully that someone who cannot understand the dream properly does also not properly understand the human affects, passions and feelings generally.
72. The Nature of the Soul and Body of Man as Illuminated by Spiritual Science 30 Oct 1918, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
It is good to take the starting point from the feeling, not from the thinking, also not from the will. There it becomes obvious that you cannot understand the feeling if you envisage one single moment of the human life only. One can never understand that which I feel now if one considers this present feeling only. One can understand it only if one considers the Before and the After. Let me start from a concrete case. Somebody sets himself the task to understand Goethe's feeling, for example, in 1790.
However, even if he found it, he could not at all understand this with the usual imagining. He can understand it only if he soars such an image as I have described it as a result of the meditative thinking.
72. Justification of Supersensible Knowledge Through Natural Science 31 Oct 1918, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
For him it concerns that he has tried internally: which suitable or useless instruments are the scientific mental pictures if one wants to penetrate into the undergrounds of existence? He must have learnt as it were the handling of the scientific thinking and must have tried to apply this scientific thinking conscientiously in the most different directions whether it is good or not for penetrating into the outer nature.
There it becomes obvious that anything must be in the human being: as well as the force of loving must be there which delivers the scientific border, there must be something that prevents the human being from submerging in the undergrounds of his being, as the mystic wants it, with the usual consciousness. If the human being had the ability to descend completely, to pursue everything that is to be found on the way about which I have spoken, and what the mystic believes to be able to find in the human inside, then the human being would not need the other ability for life: the power of memory.
Today I just wanted to indicate this with some explanations and considerations: That which justifies spiritual science towards natural sciences is the well understood natural sciences themselves. If natural sciences get themselves right, they discharge into a point where they have to say to themselves, here we are at our borders, here something else is demanded.
72. Justification for a Science of the Soul in the Sense of Anthroposophy 09 Dec 1918, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
One may easily say that this scientific insight, this habit of understanding the world scientifically works on the human being that the fact is associated with it that it is impossible to penetrate into the mental area in this way.
However, there is not yet clarity in the public consciousness how one should search. From these undergrounds, the anthroposophically oriented spiritual science has originated. One considers it today often as anything and everything, but not as that what it is.
You notice if you can compare now in this area that that soul force which enables you to face the person with understanding builds a bridge between human being and human being and makes the human life only possible. This soul force—because it is always between us because it must also always be there because it cannot be neutralised if we do research scientifically—leads us to the limits of knowledge.
72. Moral, Social and Religious Life from the Standpoint of Anthroposophy 11 Dec 1918, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
By his way of writing, one considers Kant as an author who is somewhat hard to understand. However, because some people bring themselves to understand him and consider themselves as very clever, they find, because Kant said something clever that they can just still understand that Kant is a particularly great man.
The social life will be abolished, but something else replaces it. If one understands the social reality once in such a way that one can speak of this other, then one will find understanding if one has the new thoughts that are coming up to meet the social life.
However, something else holds true. Spiritual science tries to understand the religious needs in the way according to the demands of the present how they will have to be understood now considering the changed conditions.
73. Anthoposophy Has Something to Add to Modern Science: Anthroposophy and Psychology 05 Nov 1917, Zürich

Rudolf Steiner
Again and again you come to say to yourself: Here you learn something out of the spirit which you cannot yet understand, for you have not developed concepts that go sufficiently deep for this. At that point you have to stop, you have to find another way, trying to take your ability to form ideas in the world of the senses further, so that you may on a later occasion understand what you have not been able to understand before.
But first let me say that the unconscious activity which underlies memory recall is something different from the powers of heredity or of growth, but, having developed parallel to the forming of ideas, it is also related to those powers.
The word did not always have such a limited meaning. To understand the background to the idea of belief we have to consider the following. In today’s lecture I mentioned just briefly that the soul related to reality in a different way in earlier times.

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