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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1411 through 1420 of 6338

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87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: The Idea of Christ in Egyptian Spiritual Life 01 Mar 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is therefore a matter of transforming body and mind in such a way that man can not only understand the highest knowledge logically and abstractly, but that he can also experience the deepest [life] of the world.
Once the disciple had reached this stage, only then were the real processes undertaken with him, only then was he to experience that as a human being he is not only called to recognize, to be introduced into knowledge, but that this knowledge has to gain life.
Only when this act had been completed, only when the human being had understood in a physical-spiritual way that he had to represent a symbol that had to represent eternity, the content of eternity according to Egyptian representation, only when the disciple had understood that he had nothing else to represent here as a human being in this life than a symbol of these eternal world processes, then he was able and worthy to embark on the path, which was the path of Egyptian initiation.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: The Gospel of Matthew and Its Relationship to Egyptian Spiritual Life 08 Mar 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In fact, this beginning of Matthew's Gospel shows us how the nature of Jesus Christ was understood by those from whom Matthew actually took his view of this nature. The forty-two ancestral line can only be understood if we manage to understand that we are dealing with the Egyptian view of the 42 judges of the dead, before whom the one who wants to ascend to divinity, i.e. who wants to become "Osiris", has to appear.
We are therefore dealing here with a real Buddha and a real Christ. This can only be understood from this point of view. You will [otherwise] never understand how Matthew came to juxtapose the chain of ancestors and [the supernatural descent] of Jesus.
We can now understand what was going on, and once we have understood that, then we come to a mystical understanding of Christianity.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: A Description of the Initiation Process 15 Mar 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Nor would anyone who understood it as a realistic depiction of what happened to the fig tree. One [- Luke -] understood and told it as a parable, the other, Mark [- and also Matthew -], tells it as a real miracle.
And this resurrection of Lazarus can only be understood if it is understood esoterically. It is an initiatory process that is described to us in a veiled manner.
"I am the root of the race of David, the bright and morning star." Understanding all this is necessary if we want to understand how Jesus worked the raising of Lazarus, the initiation process.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: The Apocalypse 22 Mar 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If one does not grasp the basic idea in this way, it cannot be understood. It cannot be understood that the world of imagination, the sum of [religious] feelings, was already present and reappears in a new form in Christianity.
Death and hell followed them. "And when the fifth seal was opened, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held."
The Apocalypse is one of the most important books of the New Testament. It must not and cannot be understood in any other way than that we see in it a fusion of the Christian mystery truths with the ancient mysteries.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: Gnosis and the Apocalypse 29 Mar 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
One then gets the impression that it was formed essentially under the influence of the most diverse mystery cults. What is the relationship between the Apocalypse and this world of mystery cults and later theology?
What Christianity tells us is presented in a generally understandable way. In place of the former temples, the Church places the return of the microcosmic to the macrocosmic. We can only understand the Apocalypse if we understand it from the gnosis: that we see in Jesus Christ the Paschal Lamb who has overcome the world, that through his religion he has made himself the bearer of all humanity and then the mystery temples are replaced by the Church.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: Pauline Christianity and Johannine Christianity 05 Apr 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
All this has often been considered false. But you can't understand what that means. Perhaps the only way to understand it is that Dionysius did not write the writings himself. But if we follow these writings, we find an even deeper understanding of Christianity. The author is not named, but the references made by church writers show that these writings existed.
Pontius Pilate was governor of Caesarea. ["Suffered under Pontius Pilate" therefore means suffering caused by passing through the stages of matter. "I am Osiris N.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: Augustine 19 Apr 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It was my task to show that Christianity underwent a development in the first centuries, and I emphasized that the conclusion of this development actually occurred relatively late, at least much later than the "orthodox" churches imagine this conclusion to have been.
Thus the riddle that the mysteries of the ancients underlie primitive Christianity will appear most clearly to us. The Gnostics were Christian mystics of the first century.
I don't just see counted, understood things, but I see in such a way that I see into the numbers, into the things, that I see the purely spiritual itself.
87. Ancient Mysteries and Christianity: On Scotus Eriugena 26 Apr 1902, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It would be wrong to compare the philosophy of Scotus Eriugena with any other. It can only be understood in and within Christianity. It must also be viewed in this way and not in the same way as Giordano Bruno.
At the end of the fifth century, we realize that we are dealing with ancient teachings. They must also be understood as such. The teachings can be traced back to the time when the Gospel of John and the Apocalypse were written.
He therefore distinguishes between four natural powers. Under the first he understands God as the reason for creation, under the second the Platonic world of ideas, under the third the world of bodies, under the fourth God as the final purpose of creation.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Lesson I Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is the epoch of Parashu-Rama (father of Rama). He leads the warriors and bends them under the harsh but good law. Sixth Avatar: From now on, the body's loins should not stretch without the spirit life's judgment.
These teachers handed over the teaching of theosophy to the public in part, in order to convey to the various religions the esoteric content that underlies them all, and to raise the fallen spiritual level of humanity. When the individuality of the Mahaguru incarnated in Christ, he did not choose, as was his custom, a virgin embryonic matter, pure and free of karma, but descended lower, in order to bring, in full brotherhood with humanity, the densest matter to spiritual transfiguration, laden with karma, as flesh from their flesh.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Lesson II Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We then find our personal note and can make it resound powerfully in the eternal harmony of the world. We must learn to understand our intimate connection with the cosmos, as a part of it; our vibrations must harmonize with the rhythmic movement of the cosmos.
Only the spirit speaks to us, which we have learned to understand. According to the extent of our knowledge, divine inspiration is bestowed upon us, the higher self, which is of divine nature, reveals itself to us.
And so he will also reach out his hand in loving understanding to his brother, who is trying to climb up under him on the ladder of beings, to help him, because he himself was still on the same rung not so long ago, struggling laboriously upwards, stretching out his hands to his brothers who had gone before him.

Results 1411 through 1420 of 6338

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