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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1421 through 1430 of 6338

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88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Lesson III Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Just as people are only interested in the unknown, the individual, about people, and are indifferent to anything they can calculate and understand, so too the Logos can only take joy in independently developing life that emerges from it, for which it sacrifices and devotes itself.
At this turning point, where he is to rise up in freedom through his will, he needs a teacher, and that is why the Sons of Manas descended and incarnated in the third race of the fourth round, the Lemurian period, to serve as guides. With the simple act of counting, with the understanding of numbers, mental development began and distinguished the thinking human from the animal, which only senses through the senses.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Lesson IV Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This upper trinity, to which man must develop, is, however, in truth deeply hidden within him, it underlies his being; he must liberate it in succession – “As above, so below”. The multiplicity that we see is nothing other than the principle of unity, the Logos, which has dissolved into multiplicity.
The enormous first fish, which consisted only of a gelatinous mass, is the ancestor that carried in its vertebrae the possibility for the development of amphibians, fish, mammals and humans. Thus, the physical human being is to be understood only as a temporary phenomenon that changes its mineral substances daily and whose sense organs will not remain as they are today, but will adapt to the higher human stages of development and carry the power of transformation within themselves.
The chela will not allow himself to be dominated by feelings of attraction and repulsion. He will seek to understand all - criminals and saints - and although he experiences emotionally, he will judge intellectually.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Re-embodiment Questions 24 Aug 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
I must first say something that is important for understanding evolution and re-embodiment. Every personality, every individuality must live through the devachan up to the Arupa sphere in order to obtain the continuous, unified 'thread [through several earth lives].
If you read Fichte without knowing about this, you will understand very little. But with this knowledge, you will find that his words are written in fire. All these great minds have undergone a regular development.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Mysteries and Secrecy 01 Sep 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The astral sphere does not always remain the same, it undergoes small changes. These are not significant, but they can still be clearly perceived. The general scenery of the astral plane was different in the time of the Atlanteans than in our time; it changed from year to year.
Only at the end of the fifth root race will it be revealed to and understood by a larger number of people. In the earlier root races, only a few received these secrets. In our root race, the ability of the intellect, the mind, has been developed.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Occult Research into History 18 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This part of occult history will help us to understand what is usually attributed to the arbitrariness of individual personalities. And we will understand the interaction of individual personality, nation and age.
Blavatsky, with the help of her teachers, began to work on the mighty work that we know under the title “The Secret Doctrine” and in which a treasure of the deepest knowledge has been bequeathed to us.
Theosophy is working towards a certain point in time; a core is to be formed that understands this truth when it emerges undisguised one day – a core that grasps it correctly and uses it not as a curse but as a blessing for humanity.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: Physical Illnesses and Cosmological Laws 27 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It allows the beings to progress to perfection through themselves. It allows the beings to truly undergo the individual lessons. Karma can only work in such a way that the one, the perfect, corresponds to the other, the imperfect.
Now there are physical illnesses. We cannot really understand the origin of physical illnesses. We can only understand that accidents happen to us; but that our body simply becomes ill out of itself, without an accident happening to it, is something we cannot readily comprehend.
Thus you see how what appears on earth as imperfection is no longer imperfect for us if we understand it as having been caused by the influence of wisdom, which was justified in the past, into our epoch.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: The Mystery of Birth and Death 28 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Gradually to open the sense for the invisible and under ordinary circumstances inaudible worlds, that is the task of theosophy. What is the astral world?
The physical nature is known. By the soul nature was understood in all deeper religions and world views what we call in the theosophical world view the astral. Under the expression "spirit" one understood the actually eternal of the nature of the human being. Body, soul and spirit make up the threefold nature of man.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: About Earlier Conceptions of God 02 Nov 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We can only understand this if we grasp the process as a real one. If we try to understand how the concept of God began to take hold in humanity, we find that initially a form of religion can be observed everywhere that differs from polytheism and from the other forms of religion.
In the Greek myths, when there is mention of a descent into the underworld, this always signifies an initiation; it means that the persons concerned were mystics. Dionysus descends into the underworld.
The deeper one looks at things, the more one comes to understand the inner progress of spiritual human development. Now it will no longer seem so incomprehensible if I have often spoken of secrets.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: The Higher Worlds and the Human Part in Them 04 Nov 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We human beings belong to the astral world just as we belong to the physical world. We also belong to other worlds, but we understand the existence of these worlds only when we see what forces from the higher existence play in. To the one whose eyes are opened to the astral world, a new existence opens up: the world in which we see all the drives and instincts, all the passions and temperaments before us in the same way as we see the things around us in the physical world.
Who has read the second part of the "Faust" and remembers the scene with the Homunculus, will understand it only if he knows that Goethe wanted to represent this process. These astral formations have the most different colorations, of which we can hardly get an idea.
We will discuss them in more detail. In fact, we understand man's birth and death only when we know what two entities he consists of and how these two entities have flowed together, forming the whole man.
88. On the Astral World and Devachan: The Origin and Essence of Man 11 Nov 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
There is still nothing at all of the diversity of the stones, the plant and animal world, as they appear to us today, also nothing of the diversity of our thought world, also nothing of the thought formation underlying our world formation, also nothing of natural laws. But in the first elementary kingdom there is the system of the predispositions to everything later.
No, all that which later, on much later stages, becomes mineral, which undergoes chemical compounds and decomposition, still runs through this realm like lightning and thunder, the fourth realm, which we call the cosmic mineral realm or the fourth elemental realm.

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