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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1441 through 1450 of 6338

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88. On the Astral World and Devachan: The World of the Spirit or Devachan IV 25 Feb 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Well, honored attendees, it is very easy to misunderstand such a description and to imagine something quite wrong under these words. We must be clear about the fact that very many people do not know what the happiness of the spiritual realm is, that the vast majority of people seek happiness and satisfaction in things that are no longer found in Devachan.
When Christian Rosenkreutz brought the wisdom of the Orient to Europe, he founded schools in Europe where disciples were trained to reach the stages where vision in the Devachan, the vision of the higher secrets, became possible. Only those who have undergone training themselves know how to tell about it. All external research, everything that is written in books, cannot give you any information.
In the course of time this was transformed into Christianity, and because the word Pöntos Pyletös was thoroughly misunderstood, the misleading passage in the Christian creed arose, which reads: “suffered under Pontius Pilate,” which is nothing other than the quoted passage from the creed of the Egyptian priests.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: About the Cabbala 18 Mar 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
We have seen that the Bible can be more and more deeply understood the more we penetrate into theosophical teaching. Today, however, you will see how theosophy, theosophical wisdom, existed for millennia, merely having different names, words and so on at different times.
Today, the Cabbala100 is something the profound wisdom of which is little understood even among Jews. It will sometimes emerge where you would least expect it. If you were to meet a learned Jew coming from furthest Galicia, who does not take much care with how he looks, so that he may look repulsive to civilized people, you may find that he still knows something of cabbalistic wisdom.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Theosophical Cosmology I 26 May 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
20 We can thus see the problems which arise with understanding this secret doctrine, and we can understand that people who, like Sinnett and Blavatsky, were endeavouring to receive those doctrines were literally sighing, as it was so difficult to understand the doctrines that were given to them. ‘Oh,’ one teacher said, ‘being used to grasp things with a different set of mind, you cannot understand what we have to say, however much you endeavour to gain understanding of it.’ If we consider these words, the problems will be evident.
People of our time are, however, demanding that occultists should prove anything they have to say immediately and for any average level of understanding. They will quote the words: ‘Anything which is true must be capable of proof, and anyone should be able to understand it.’
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Theosophical Cosmology II 02 Jun 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
We would be able to perceive things without a physical brain through our spiritual self in the astral world and in the devachanic or mental world, but in this external, physical world we can only perceive things with a physical brain. If we truly want to understand the human being of today, we have to say that today’s human being is a Spirit Self embodied in a physical brain.
It is the aim and purpose of our present evolution on Earth that the human being with his spiritual self should have organs that would make it possible for him to understand the world in this particular way. Everything which has happened on this Earth through millennia has happened for the purpose that evolution might reach the point where a Spirit Self would have a brain it could use.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Theosophical Cosmology III 09 Jun 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
He will then be what he is meant to become in his planetary evolution. Someone who understands this may also gain profound insight into religious source documents. There was a time when people believed in them like children.
Now a time will come when people will learn to understand the images again which have been preserved for us in religious writings, tales and fables. Thus we have the seven rounds shown as the seven days of creation in the Bible.
46 People who merely apply the rational mind to the Bible will never understand this. The human being of the seventh day has not yet been created. Creating man out of clay is a simile for our fourth round.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Planetary Evolution I 17 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
They learned their task on the [old] Moon where they went through the highest level of evolution that was possible on the Moon. This enabled them to undertake the construction of the human body on Earth. In the middle of the Lemurian age the next higher quality developed in them.
At the sixth level, however, humanity will be word become sound. To understand the position of the principle of spiritual evolution we have to consider a significant development in the Atlantean race.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Planetary Evolution III 22 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
They continue to develop and free themselves more and more of being under the control of their form, their lower nature. They seek to achieve something higher, which is awareness.
This cinder, which remains there, is always present in the human being; because of it, the human being is under the influence of those astral elementals; the elemental nature which goes with it clings to him.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Planetary Evolution V 29 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Redemption is thus happening all the time. What is held under a spell in matter is released and redeemed. Human beings only gathered experiences from the time when they inhabited the body.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Planetary Evolution VIII 02 Nov 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
The latter developed at the cost of the former. Our physical power of rational understanding is thus former regenerative power transformed. Up to that time only cold-blooded life forms existed on Earth.
For at first they refused to be creative; they did not understand the two-gender state. They were insubordinate. They became guiding spirits for the human being at the point where kama was taken up towards wisdom.
Lucifer was called on whenever people needed guidance to find the way to the spirit in full clarity of perceptive understanding. In the early Christian mystery centres, Lucifer's Mystery was still understood and also put down in writing in those early days.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Planetary Evolution IX 03 Nov 1904, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
In the same way mental existence presupposes thought activity, and physical existence physical activity. Having understood this, we also understand something else. The human being thinks. This is his existence. Cogito ergo sum (Descartes).

Results 1441 through 1450 of 6338

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