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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1491 through 1500 of 6338

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79. The Need for a Renewal of Culture 02 Dec 1921, Oslo
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This is a feeling which we do not fully understand to-day, because during the past centuries the times have undergone a complete change. This change appears not only among theoreticians and scientists, but it reveals itself in every human heart, in every human soul.
We not only enquire in vain after man's true being from a theoretical standpoint—oh no!—but to-day we pass each other by, and under the influence of our modern education we have not the capacity to understand our fellow-men inwardly, we lack the capacity to look with a kind of clairvoyant sympathy into the human soul and into what lives in it, a capacity which still existed in many civilisations of the past. Not only theoretically have we lost the understanding for the human being, but in every moment of the day we lack a sympathetic comprehension, a sympathetic, feeling contact with our fellow-men.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and Spiritual Science 19 Nov 1921, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
However, the modern scientific method comes up against a certain limit in its efforts to understand the external world, and important naturalists have clearly spoken about these “limits of natural knowledge” based on the nature of scientific knowledge.
Just as it is impossible to arrive at a truly satisfactory understanding of the nature of the human soul through external natural science or through speculation based on it, so it is equally impossible to arrive at a satisfactory knowledge of the human soul through ordinary “mystical immersion”.
I myself was able to hold two medical courses for doctors and show what anthroposophy is capable of achieving by adding what underlies the spiritual entity of the sensory world to the other, and how it can thus enrich a science that is merely regarded as empirical, such as medicine.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: The Essence of Anthroposophy 16 Jan 1922, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Dear attendees, it actually seems quite easy to remain with an empty consciousness. But most people who have not undergone this training immediately fall into a kind of sleep when there is no content of consciousness, when the content of consciousness is suppressed.
You see, dear audience, you may doubt the results of anthroposophical research at first – not only do you have the right to do so, but it is even understandable for the first attempt at human understanding – but if you look at what underlies the anthroposophical researcher, if he puts himself in a position to get these results, then you will have to admit: He has the right attitude for true science and scientific conscientiousness.
I must say this before I describe how things appear under the influence of supersensible knowledge. Let us take something cosmic, the sun. We see it for ordinary observation in the way you know it: as a disk within space.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and the Riddle of the Soul 17 Jan 1922, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
It sounds paradoxical, dear audience, but there is an undercurrent to the life of the human soul. Most people know nothing about it, but most people, or all people in fact, are constantly under its influence.
But only through this does one begin to understand what the will is. In ordinary life, the will is bound to the organs. We see it unfold as we move our limbs.
We get to know the soul's departure from the body. In this way we understand death as a result of the dissolution of the will element. We understand what happens to a person in death because we understand what happens in the everyday act of will.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: The Essence of Anthroposophy 18 Jan 1922, Frankfurt

Rudolf Steiner
This does not happen through some fantastic method, nor through external action, but rather in such a way that the same strict method prevails in its training, which is otherwise only known when one truly understands the essence of science. Developing anthroposophy is no easier than conducting research in an observatory or medical clinic.
One must acquire a certain skill in walking alongside oneself and controlling oneself like a stranger, in exercising the will to undertake things that one then conscientiously carries out. In this way one comes to detach this will so completely from the physical that one knows: You now want outside of your body!
Today, the one-sidedness that comes from the man of sense and intellect has already become a fact, as we see in Eastern Europe. It is this that makes us long for an understanding of the whole human being, of body, soul and spirit. Only that which has a real effect on life in the social sphere can have a healing and salutary effect.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: The Essence of Anthroposophy 20 Jan 1922, Mannheim

Rudolf Steiner
First of all, I would like to point out a very simple exercise, but one that must be undertaken with perseverance and energy in order to achieve real positive results. It consists in starting from the realization that our ordinary thinking is already permeated by the will at all times.
One learns to recognize how medicine can advance from mere trial and error to a rational understanding of both the healthy and the diseased human condition, how pathology can become rational, how therapy can become rational, that the process of recovery and disease can be understood.
Dear attendees, In today's world, it is particularly necessary to arrive at a deeper understanding in a field that is infinitely close to people, and whose proximity must be particularly evident to them in the present, which has emerged from the great, terrible global catastrophe.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: The Essence of Anthroposophy 23 Jan 1922, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, many deeper minds are found in our time, which understand: a philosophy of life that relies on reason alone cannot give the soul the necessary support and security.
What can otherwise only be tried empirically, and only after trying can one say how it works in this or that direction in the human organism, can be understood because the natural process according to the sun and moon and according to the other cosmic processes, and the inner human natural process and soul process and spirit process can be understood.
And every person, through what is in them in body, soul and spirit, can understand and receive what Anthroposophy, albeit as the result of arduous research, has to present to the world, provided they are open to it.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and the Riddles of the Soul 26 Jan 1922, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
From the movements that the matter in our nervous system undergoes, we cannot understand — du Bois-Reymond said — how we feel: “I see red, I hear organ tones, I smell the scent of roses.”
One learns to recognize what can escape from death, and one learns to recognize it by simultaneously learning to understand what death actually means in human life under such conditions. I have pointed out that the forces we find at work in the corpse are always present in the human being between birth and death, or between conception and death.
And one must recognize how what anthroposophy undertakes to achieve actually characterizes the world from the most diverse perspectives and thus supports each other.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and Knowledge of the Spirit 12 May 1922, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
What has been seen in this way from the spiritual worlds by individuals who have undergone such a yoga practice has then been incorporated into the development of civilization of mankind.
For what becomes invisible to the sleeper is, so to speak, permeated with inner spiritual life, but in such a way that it extends beyond birth and death and announces itself as that which has a formative effect on the human organism – and it is already present from the moment of conception — so that it cannot be understood as a product of the human organism, but must be understood as that which submerges and immerses in this organism as its eternal, spiritual-soul nature.
Only when a relationship has developed in which the spiritual world can be understood in a similar way to how one can understand works of art, even if one is not an artist, only then will the right relationship exist between the spiritual researcher and the non-spiritual researcher, just as the right relationship already exists today between astronomer and non-astronomer.
80a. The Essence of Anthroposophy: Anthroposophy and Knowledge of the Spirit 14 May 1922, Wroclaw

Rudolf Steiner
Now there is a certain method that is regarded by many who understand it as something particularly pernicious, but it goes back to what was quite appropriate for older times, and I would like to describe it in the oldest form in order to make it quite understandable.
Can you get from what nature presents to you to the transition into the living human form? Do your thoughts undergo the same metamorphosis as nature outside, from the idea of the animal to the idea of the human being?
If we turn again to that living thinking as anthroposophy understands it, then knowledge will not only provide us with vivid concepts, but knowledge will provide us with the living spirit that walks among us.

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