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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1511 through 1520 of 6338

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80b. The Inner Nature and the Essence of the Human Soul: The Time Requirements for Anthroposophy 12 Mar 1922, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Let us now, at the end of this week's course on anthroposophy, try to understand what might actually underlie such a judgment. Anyone who makes such a judgment realizes that the scientific way of thinking has educated the souls of people in the civilized world for centuries, has given their search a certain character, and has left a certain imprint on what they call knowledge.
When the more recent period speaks of spirit, it means thoughts. No one in earlier times would have understood what it means when we say today: ideas are realized through history. But everyone would have understood what is meant: spiritual beings realize themselves through history.
That is, of course, the fundamental question. But can it actually be understood in the way it is often understood today? Of course, esteemed attendees, every well-intentioned human perception must be thoroughly appreciated and valued for the moment; but something else is still needed for the good of humanity.
80b. The Inner Nature and the Essence of the Human Soul: Anthroposophy and the Riddle of the Soul 20 Mar 1922, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
I do not want anything other than what I myself have characterized here to be understood by these expressions! And so, as in a large tableau, we discover what we are as a unity, since we have had a physical body on this earth.
But I need only point to one area, to the Waldorf School in Stuttgart, founded by Emil Molt and led by me, where teaching is given and education is cultivated entirely in the spirit of such an understanding of the human being, as it can arise from the contemplation of the whole, full human being, even in the child.
He will not find anything new in the judgments, which mostly arise from a lack of understanding! I want to say this to show that the one who is inside Anthroposophy, as it is meant here, should not be surprised by what is encountered!
80b. The Inner Nature and the Essence of the Human Soul: What did the Goetheanum want and what is the Purpose of Anthroposophy? 05 Apr 1923, Bern

Rudolf Steiner
Of course, this in particular gave rise to many misunderstandings, as is easy to understand, and I have therefore had to emphasize again and again that for me this Dornach building is a Goetheanum.
Therefore, anthroposophy does not merely open up the idea of immortality, but a real understanding of it: when you pass through the gate of death, you discard your physical body, you continue to live in the spiritual world in your spiritual and soul nature.
This knowledge will lead people to an understanding of external experience, but also to a deeper understanding, to a truly inward soul understanding of morality.
80b. The Inner Nature and the Essence of the Human Soul: The Development and Education of the Human Being from the Point of View of Anthroposophy 15 May 1923, Oslo

Rudolf Steiner
The mystics believe that in this way, and in many other ways, they are able to dispense with the clear scientific method of knowledge and to arrive at a satisfactory understanding of the relationship between man and the world only by delving into the inner being of man himself.
My dear audience, only by looking at this matter can we understand why we actually have scientific limits to our knowledge. How is it that we come to certain points that we cannot get beyond with scientific knowledge?
But with the change of teeth, the child begins to be more and more devoted to that which is no longer just a gesture or an action, but which reveals itself in the gesture, in the action, in a way that is appropriate to speech. Dear attendees! Let us not only understand language – although that is the most important language – in terms of what we express externally with words, through phonetics, but let us understand language as everything we do in life – in that what we do becomes an expression of our human character – we understand everything that a person reveals about their own nature, how they reveal it through language, we have to say that the child becomes receptive to this linguistic expression of the other person, especially the educating person, the teacher, from the change of teeth to sexual maturity.
80b. The Inner Nature and the Essence of the Human Soul: The Threshold In Nature and In Man 01 Feb 1921, Basel
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
They described how man feels the ground sink away from under his feet, so that only if he be strong enough not to succumb to giddiness of soul can he go forward at all into the field of ultimate knowledge.
Only quite gradually has the perception and understanding of the self developed to what it is to-day. Self-consciousness has grown steadily stronger in the course of time, and man has thereby detached himself from surrounding Nature.
And their description of the experiences the pupil had to undergo if he wanted to cross the Threshold and pass the Guardian correspond exactly to inner experiences of the soul.
80b. The Inner Nature and the Essence of the Human Soul: The Eternal Soul of Man From the Point of View of Anthroposophy 14 May 1923, Oslo
Translated by Martha Keltz

Rudolf Steiner
Since this is not possible for me, I must make the attempt to be understood in my customary language. Secondly, I beg to apologize as I've arrived here with a cold, and so perhaps there will also be interruptions here and there throughout the lecture.
Only when one comprehends these two as two sides of the eternity of the human soul can one really approach understanding. In the intellectual conceptions of today, people unfortunately treat these things with a certain egoism.
That which today torments people, what they feel as the uneasiness of life that makes them basically nervous about what drives them so that they feel undermined in their whole existence, this is the burning question of the eternal forces underlying the temporal forces that we need to develop in normal and in social life.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Major Civilization Issues of the Present Day 19 Feb 1921, Amsterdam

Rudolf Steiner
I will speak about this next time too. But what must underlie all this is the need for a rethinking, a relearning of the newer humanity in the deepest inner soul life.
We can only truly approach people as people if we gain an understanding of people from spiritual knowledge, and true human love from that love that strives towards knowledge.
As you will understand, it is not possible to give more than hints in a short lecture, and of course I could only give such hints today.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Major Civilization Issues of the Present Day 20 Feb 1921, Hilversum

Rudolf Steiner
We form — or we let ourselves be advised by those who know about these things — easily comprehensible ideas; such ideas that cannot come from the subconscious, that cannot be reminiscences of life either, ideas that we can understand as precisely as we can understand mathematical or geometric ideas. Then we rest with our soul on these images.
Once again, supersensible knowledge is needed to understand Christianity in a way that is absolutely necessary for modern humanity. And through this spiritual science one will be able to arrive at an understanding of Christianity that is appropriate for the modern human being.
Its completion will depend on whether there are already enough people who understand the need for progress in this world; whether the Goetheanum remains a torso and humanity says: we do not want to reawaken the spirit, or whether, through understanding of the living spirit, its first home can be completed.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Great Questions of Civilization in the Present Day 21 Feb 1921, Utrecht

Rudolf Steiner
We see this emerging in numerous souls, but if we really want to understand the meaning of human development, we have to realize that we can understand such souls who long for something ancient or for what remains of something ancient in decadence, such as Indian mysticism or the like. We can understand such a yearning, but we have to say that it completely contradicts the meaning of the whole of human development.
And only by knowing what the path of the Indian world view actually was, can we understand what is communicated in the scriptures. Then, whenever we discover a supersensible truth in some other way, we can understand it in its earlier form, although the reverse is not the case.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Great Questions of Civilization in the Present Day 23 Feb 1921, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
This was still the case even in Greek times. One can only understand later Greek culture if one imagines the souls of people in the Greek era as being in the same state as our souls.
As a result, we have not only gained a sum of knowledge, but modern humanity has also undergone a certain education of its soul life. Everything that we have developed under the influence of the way of thinking of these minds in modern times tends to cultivate the intellect, the powers of reason.
Is the world spiritless and soulless, as we have to understand it from the point of view of the physical and biological sciences, and rightly so? Today we stand before our environment.

Results 1511 through 1520 of 6338

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