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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1521 through 1530 of 6338

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80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Economic Life in the Threefold Social Organism 25 Feb 1921, Delft

Rudolf Steiner
Cartels allot profits, allot consumption, allot various things. One sees that, under the influence of the world economy, unification is necessary, but the matter is initially approached from the wrong end.
We do not need to manage nature; it cannot be managed; it underlies our economic life just as it underlies the economic life of birds and the like. Within the actual economic life, we manage the production of goods, the circulation of goods, and the consumption of goods.
You are the one who, to me, who is and wants to be in the strict service of science and technology, you are the one who has shown me the true path to the ideal of humanity, to the ideal of humanity, to Christ, to the true understanding of Christianity, to the true understanding of Christ and his teaching, I owe it to you. I would still like to have said that.
80c. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science and the Big Questions of Contemporary Civilization: Philosophy and Anthroposophy 01 Mar 1921, Amsterdam

Rudolf Steiner
Then, of course, the usual conditions for understanding are not present. Understanding is much more an experience, an immersion in things. But the person must fulfill this prerequisite in order to penetrate into the matter at all.
From this point of view, which I have just discussed methodologically, the relationship between natural necessity, everything that surrounds us as natural necessity, and what arises in us as ethical impulses appears as follows. Natural necessity will undergo a process that cannot be understood merely as natural necessity, as Clausius, for example, wants to understand his entropy of the universe.
I would just like to have this mentioned for the reason that too little has actually been said about my lecture, and more of what has been formulated by me in completely different contexts has been criticized, which I find very understandable; for anyone who has been involved with Kantianism for forty-four years also understands the enthusiasm for Kant's critique of reason, for Kantian idealism; understands how one can speak of the “thing in itself”.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Health Issues in the Light of Humanities 08 Feb 1909, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Those who are able to look back on the scientific knowledge that underlies today's discussion, as it was formed 20, 30, 40 years ago, may come across a venerable personality when they happen to encounter this phenomenon.
For many, it would be unhealthy if they could not apply the strong forces of digestion and processing that are necessary to digest plant food... To understand this, one has to embrace the radical difference between the plant and human kingdoms... the animal kingdom lies in the middle.
That which the plant builds up from inanimate substances, it builds up under the influence of light... Light! How much we owe to it... we take from it as much as we need... But we must not only see, also in the light, not only pay attention to the physical.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: Health Issues in the Light of Humanities 06 Mar 1909, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
The spirit that hovered over the whole has given way in such a way that today's approach is only concerned with understanding the human body as it presents itself as a sum of processes that can be examined, perhaps more thought of as chemical or physical processes.
I knew a gym teacher who was an example of how gymnastics should not be done. He was a person who was proud that he understood anatomy. The man himself could not do gymnastics, he could only show how things should be done.
A varied life of ideas and feelings has a healthy effect on the astral body under all circumstances. It is remarkable how human culture has always worked towards shaping all means to achieve the goal of having a healthy effect on human nature.
68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Secret of the Temperaments in the Light of Spiritual Science 23 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
Wherever they look, they see phenomena that they cannot understand the cause of, and the greatest mystery for humans is arguably humans themselves. And this can be very well understood in our very materialistically colored time, when we consider that today's science attempts to explain man on the basis of a hypothesis, which says that man developed from the animal kingdom, that the animals developed from the plant kingdom, and that the plants developed from the mineral kingdom.
In these books we find messages about this compilation, only our present-day science cannot understand this because it is not willing to be taught, but because it thinks it can find out everything itself, which has been secretly written in the old books.
Now, a very good ear was formed in the Bach family through inheritance, and therefore people were born into this family who had to undergo a certain development in the field of music. This is not a matter of mere chance, but very definite laws are the basis of these incarnations.
69a. The Errors of Spiritual Investigation 27 Nov 1912, Münchenstein
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Thus you will have seen that one can look, in the way described, into the spiritual world, if, after careful preparation one has developed oneself as a seer; yet, everyone is in a position to understand what is investigated, once it is expressed in the ideas and concepts of the healthy human understanding.
Each one however can be a critic of its investigations, if sufficiently prepared, can follow with understanding, and comprehend its results, without applying its methods to himself, the method which led to these results. Also each person can fully understand the pronouncements of the spiritual investigator, and impart them further. The spheres of spiritual science are of such a nature that the seer cannot coldly face materialistic things; in addition, the followers of the investigator always meet him with definite sympathies and antipathies.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: Spiritual Science and the Future of Humanity 24 Feb 1911, Winterthur
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
However, one did not know that, one had only understood the ideas which were found in primeval times, yes, one applied them even quite wrong at the end of the Middle Ages.
Thus, a peculiar mental picture could develop just with the most religious supporters of Aristotle, with those who believed bravely in him, but did no longer understand him. Since—as everybody knows—it is not necessary that everything is understood that one believes.
Numerous human beings long for such knowledge that can be changed into courage and power in our soul. Someone who understands the whole spirit of the new development from the aurora of the intellectual age up to its today's climax will also understand that for the future of humanity the fulfilment of the soul with contents is necessary.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: How Does One Disprove Spiritual Science? 19 Mar 1911, Pforzheim
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
However, it seemed to me that it could be a good introduction to understand the theosophical or spiritual-scientific worldview to let our thoughts wander over this subject.
However, if the truths of the supersensible world have been found and are told, then they can be understood with any impartial logic and any natural sense of truth. As well as every human being cannot go to the laboratory to inform himself of the methods of biology and zoology and other fields and can still accept the results of these researches, one can also accept and understand—spiritual science says—what is investigated in the supersensible world.
It would be entitled only if that which the spiritual researcher has to say could be understood by us after the pattern which we have formed for understanding in the usual scientific world. There the spiritual researcher says, for example, our current life between birth and death is an effect that arises from the causes of former lives; the former lives reach into our current life.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: How Does One Defend Spiritual Science? 25 Mar 1911, Pforzheim
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
However, I have to stress repeatedly that such soul exercises are only necessary to do research to experience in the spiritual world; however, they are not necessary to understand what the spiritual researcher gets down from the spiritual worlds and tells as results. Since the messages of theosophy can be understood with the natural feeling of truth and with healthy logic.
Thus, theosophy as doctrine does not only concern ethics, but we understand it as a sum of ideas that work in the soul and change us into other human beings. Nobody understands the karma doctrine in such a way that he says, I still have many lives before myself; I still have time up to the next life to become a decent human being.
Is not anything else possible? If one understands that which I have represented in the best sense, you may say to yourself, so a part of God's power lives in you.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: Truths of Spiritual Research 25 Nov 1912, Münchenstein
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We only look at it, just without understanding. However, we can open ourselves to it, and after some time, after we have become engrossed in the picture, we understand its contents.
It would be also misplaced if anybody said, you have to look at the picture this or that way, and then I can prove to you that the picture expresses this or that. Someone who wants to make us understand the picture by proofs would drive us to desperation at best, but would not make us understand the picture.
I understand very well that people say, nobody can understand this, because it is speculative fiction.—That is possible with those people who do not exactly go into it.

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