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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 1531 through 1540 of 6338

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69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: Errors of Spiritual Research I 27 Nov 1912, Münchenstein
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This possibility is imaginable. Since one would find understanding for the other viewpoint by self-knowledge, by investigation of the way which one has done to get to his viewpoint.
You have to search them in the supersensible world; you can understand them with common sense. It is true that someone who can think well can also properly judge that which he experiences in the spiritual world.
The direction of the religious confessors often regards the biggest charlatanism as irrefutable highest truth, the other kind of human beings, the biased ones, the non-experts, even regards conscientious spiritual research as charlatanism and error sometimes, and one cannot bear a grudge against them because they do not better understand what they say. Thus, it will be necessary above all, so that truth and not error can prevail with the dissemination of spiritual research, that in particular with the confessors of spiritual research critical reason, critical judgement, and common sense and not belief in authority develop.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: The Questions of Life and the Riddle of Death I 16 Feb 1913, Trieste
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
By the exercises, his soul and mind become so strong that it experiences itself and its environment. Now you start understanding that something spiritual forms the basis of the human being. If you have experienced once how you can be separated from the body how you do not exercise power over this body and, nevertheless, your consciousness is maintained, you understand something else.
If you have recognised the human inside, you understand the dictum of Goethe: in old age we become mystics.—The rich soul life is like the seed of the plant.
From the picture, we can recognise something. One can understand what the spiritual researcher has investigated if one only approaches what he has to say with common sense.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: Errors of Spiritual Research II 19 Feb 1913, Stratford
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The consciousness is higher than that of the usual life and science. We can still come to an understanding with each other if we know the sources of error in the spiritual area. We want to take some sources of error as starting point comparatively in the sensory-physical area.
It is true what Goethe and all those say who understand these things really: the outer view of the senses does not err—the judgement errs if certain forces in the human souls beguile it.
It is true what I have stated before: if the spiritual researcher brings that which he has beheld in the spiritual world in concepts of common sense and interprets it, everybody can understand these things. You can understand the spiritual world not only if you yourself are a spiritual researcher but with your healthy human mind.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: Spiritual Science and Natural Sciences — their Relationship to the Riddles of Life I 01 Mar 1913, Jena
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
One cannot only criticise this fact disparagingly; one has to understand it. One has to understand that it is comprehensible if considerations as those of today only cause disparaging remarks of those who are not closer to the thing, no matter from which side these remarks come.
About such a being, we must say that it has its living in a similar way as the plant cover of the earth has it. As we can only understand the plant cover of the earth if it sprouts under the impression of the cosmic forces, we can also understand this sleeping human body only if we imagine it as the plant.
However, it is a science of the soul only if it is conceptualised so that our common sense can understand it. Hence, it is also a prejudice if one says, one cannot understand what spiritual research produces.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: Spiritual Science and Natural Sciences — their Relationship to the Riddles of Life II 03 Mar 1913, Frankfurt
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
—Someone who speaks that way is in the same position as someone who believes that one can understand the nature of the air investigating the lung and its activity. One can understand the air if one investigates it beyond the body.
As you do not need to be a painter to understand a picture, you do not need to be a spiritual researcher to understand the spiritual facts that the spiritual researcher has received from the spiritual world.
This is the case with the understanding of spiritual science. It cannot be accepted only on authority, but as soon as it has been informed to us, our soul adjusts itself so that we also understand it.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: The Questions of Life and the Riddle of Death II 17 May 1913, Stratford
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The question of destiny becomes the question of imagining. We start understanding the misfortune because we know that the soul must search the misfortune to compensate certain imperfections.
—This is an example of the fact that one can only investigate facts of the spiritual world if the suitable soul forces have developed. However, to understand that without prejudice what the spiritual researcher says, one only needs to think logically. As well as someone can understand a portrait who does not understand the technique of painting, everybody can also understand the messages of the spiritual researcher.
However, where it is measured in life, solutions are found which can be understood and whose comprehensibility can make the soul healthy. Spiritual science can be measured how it can cope with life.
69b. Knowledge and Immortality: Knowledge and Immortality 19 Feb 1910, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
The spiritual eye is necessary for recognition [of the supersensible worlds], but to understand what the spiritual researcher has to say, unbiased reason is sufficient, and therefore it concerns all people.
How can it be that all this dies away at night? We shall soon understand why this is so. The astral body and the I are the bearers of pleasure and pain, of perceptions and concepts.
But in the not too distant future, people will no longer be able to understand how anyone could have believed otherwise. Thus, we see in what comes into existence through birth the repetition of an earlier earthly existence.
69b. Knowledge and Immortality: Knowledge and Immortality 24 May 1910, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, when it comes to knowledge that can be directly implemented in our actions and behavior, we readily understand that they do not merely satisfy our curiosity, do not merely correspond to a certain urge to act, but that they arise from the much higher urge to shape life and existence ever more perfectly and completely.
It is not difficult to see that what we can describe as the actual inner being of a person, what we feel as an inner drive, cannot simply have disappeared [when we fall asleep] and has to arise anew [after waking up]. It is therefore not difficult to understand what the spiritual researcher must say based on his research. He says: That which remains in bed, this human being, is not the whole human being.
There will come a time when people will not be able to understand how anyone could ever have believed that a person inherited his abilities only from his ancestors.
69b. Knowledge and Immortality: The Child's Nature, Gifts and Education 14 Nov 1910, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
And we realize how necessary it is to focus on this difficult question: what about the child's abilities and talents, and how should we approach the educational tasks? Even today, there is understandable confusion regarding these fundamental questions, because there are still influential suggestive ideas and suggestive concepts that understandably have a numbing effect on people, and such concepts guide the whole of human thinking.
It is left to us as educators to look at the mother and to understand the mobility of the intelligence, for example, why the child must think slowly or quickly. But it still remains for us to understand the inclination towards this or that, towards the specifically individual. In other respects, strength of character and self-will clearly emerge as traits inherited from the father, and we understand this in the child when we look at the father. But there is one thing we cannot understand. Something emerges, crystallizing like a nucleus: that is the direction of interest towards which this character is turning.
69b. Knowledge and Immortality: Knowledge and Immortality 27 Nov 1910, Bremen

Rudolf Steiner
In no way does spiritual science take a position against the great achievements of human culture, especially of natural science; but in our time it must undertake exactly the same thing that natural science has undertaken many times over the last few centuries - it must test all the prejudices, all the beliefs of people today in the light of its insights.
On closer observation, it becomes clear that fatigue only occurs under certain conditions. The heart does not tire, but the smallest muscles in the fingers can tire to such an extent that cramp-like pains occur, as can be seen, for example, in writer's cramp.
The laws of the universe are implanted in our body; they are effective in it, and under their effectiveness the body does not tire. Fatigue does not occur when - unconsciously to the person - the laws of the universe work in his body.

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