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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1691 through 1700 of 6282

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68c. Goethe and the Present: The “Fairytale” of Goethe (Goethe's Secret Revelation Esoteric) 21 Jan 1909, Heidelberg

Rudolf Steiner
We experience this with the snake, which shows us how it is a representative of those soul forces in man that can live without ideas under certain circumstances, only then not illuminated by the light of knowledge, but which nevertheless lovingly delve into things and come to a certain understanding of the riddles of the world.
When Goethe enunciated this law, it was naturally thought to be the saying of a poet who understood nothing of natural science, who was a layman, a dilettante. But in 1830, in the French Chamber, during his dispute with Cuvier, a French naturalist drew attention to this law under the name “balancement des organes”.
You read a work by Goethe once in your life. You think you have understood it. After five years you read it again and realize: I didn't understand it then, but only now.
68c. Goethe and the Present: The Spiritual Significance of “Faust” 22 Sep 1909, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
He only felt that they concealed something and I cannot understand what I can sense there. [He sensed something in them like the spirit of the world, but he cannot understand it through his education and his previous life.]
Now Goethe had unlocked such a sign, and now he felt that he was not yet ripe for it. He did not feel ripe to understand the powers of perception that connect only with the earth either. Not ripe! Now something rises in his soul.
You resemble the spirit you understand, the Earth Spirit could speak, who saw the Mephistophelian in Goethe's soul.
68c. Goethe and the Present: The Secret Secrets in Goethe's “Faust” 23 Sep 1909, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
There [Goethe shows us how deeply he has penetrated in understanding that it is a mistake] when man regards himself as a separate being; how it is an illusion. Our finger does not do that.
And it seems to him, Goethe, that man is not just a “fearfully cringing worm”, but someone who understands how, from millennium to millennium, human affairs go through the process of becoming earthly and take hold of the individual human being.
He rules in the sensual world, but does not belong to it. Therefore, he has understanding and even the key to lead Faust there; but he does not know what it looks like there. Where he rules, there is no understanding for the supersensible world.
68c. Goethe and the Present: About “Pandora” 25 Oct 1909, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
You can imagine that those beings, the Angeloi, passed through their stage of humanity under quite different conditions. To pass through the stage as we are passing through it today, requires conditions such as now prevail on earth.
So you see how deep the shafts are from which we have to draw the feelings in order to understand such poetry. Only the theosophical school of thought teaches us to understand the greatest treasures of humanity correctly.
68c. Goethe and the Present: The Essence of Egoism (Goethe's “Wilhelm Meister”) 28 Nov 1906, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
We should never confuse things with words, especially with slogans. If we understand the enrichment of one's own self as egoism, we would have to place egoity in a category to which it belongs.
When the earth will have reached the end of its development, it will undergo a metamorphosis. It is different now because of the solidification by Lucifer. Through his influence, illness comes.
The “apprenticeship years” were completed under Schiller's criticism. The “travel years” were created under peculiar circumstances. It turned out that the typesetter printed faster than Goethe could write; and in the beginning, he helped out with things he had written earlier: St.
68c. Goethe and the Present: The Mission of Art (Homer, Aeschylus, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe) 29 Nov 1909, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
This is as much a fact as learning to see after undergoing an operation for blindness. In the past, art did not look the same as it does today. It has changed a great deal over centuries and millennia.
68c. Goethe and the Present: The Mission of Truth 06 Dec 1909, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
That truth enlightens man all the more the more receptive he is, that was his fundamental conviction, which is little understood today. People come and say: Oh, we have long since gone beyond a certain way of grasping the truth.
One must also consider such things, then one will understand what it meant that only the one who can work in the substance of the soul as the external naturalist works in the external substance can grasp the life of the soul.
Zeus wanted to take away the existence of evolving humanity. Under Zeus's rule, humanity would have been doomed. Prometheus confronts Zeus. According to the legend, he brings man fire, language and writing.
68c. Goethe and the Present: Goethe's “Faust” Exoteric 13 Feb 1910, Frankfurt

Rudolf Steiner
Even as a boy, he sought to approach what he then understood as the great God of nature, as the spirit that rules over all natural phenomena. As a seven-year-old boy, he took a music stand, laid minerals, rocks, plants from his father's herbarium on it to hold the realms of nature together. — This expressed a feeling in the mood, the representatives of what nature is.
Thou didst not in vain turn thy face to me in fire etc., it is as if he wanted to say: I now have a different relationship to the exalted spirit, which at the time touched me like a presentiment that made me unhappy because I could not realize it. I am beginning to understand you! The difference between the Promethean urge of the young Goethe and the overarching wisdom of the old Goethe is expressed in the fact that he does not want Faust to translate the first chapter of the Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word.”
68c. Goethe and the Present: Goethe's Secret Revelation (Esoteric) 09 Jan 1911, Frankfurt

Rudolf Steiner
Only then can he also see the spiritual in his environment. Then the snake enters the underground temple. Such underground places exist for the life of the soul. These things can only be characterized if they go into the strange workings of the human soul in development in a little more detail.
You read a work by Goethe and think you have understood it. Each time you read it again later, you believe that you have finally understood it correctly. Finally, you say to yourself: I still don't understand it, I have to wait until I become more and more mature. This is only the case with the most exquisite minds.
68c. Goethe and the Present: From Paracelsus to Goethe 19 Nov 1911, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Basically, everything that can be heard from the soul of Paracelsus is a testimony to the fact that he maintained a continuous and intimate connection with nature and understood the world around him. He maintained these strong relationships during his extensive travels throughout the world, in the areas of his homeland, throughout Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Turkey, everywhere quickly understanding and at home with what presented itself to him in the most diverse forms as the secret of existence.
Finally, as a fifth point of view: the completeness of the science of medicine is given to him by the fact that the person in his illness must be seen as someone who suffers from his fate - karma - from something that towers above him spiritually, that intervenes in the spiritual microcosm from the spiritual macrocosm, so that the former is completely under the influence of the latter. Thus, Paracelsus combined a wide-ranging knowledge with the greatest trust in the spiritual and mental powers of the human being, but also with the broadest trust in the spiritual forces of the great world that underlies the organization of the human being.
After Paracelsus, a new era dawned, which said that if we turn to the non-sensuous, we will gain a correct understanding of our world system. And so Goethe presented his Faust as a representative of this view who had risen to a higher level.

Results 1691 through 1700 of 6282

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