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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 1711 through 1720 of 6282

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68d. The Nature of Man in the Light of Spiritual Science: The Health Fever in the Light of Spiritual Science 12 Oct 1907, Leipzig

Rudolf Steiner
Similarly, the pursuit of health becomes an end in itself and thus an enemy of health. The underlying reason for this is that today people are no longer aware that there is a spiritual world. However, it is not enough to know the seven basic parts of the human body.
In the true, occult sense, there is only one reason and that is that one cannot eat meat. People eat without understanding, without doing so in the sense of devoutness in the occult sense. Gobbling is as unoccult as possible.
61. The Self-Education of the Human Being 14 Mar 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Yes, we see—because of the conditions of civilisation—that necessarily self-education becomes more and more the object of consideration that everywhere the views about self-education appear. We can understand this. We do not want to go back to the ancient India or Egypt and to understand how there a certain caste classification put the human being to a certain place of life from the start and made it impossible to him to develop freely, and that the social order dictated or even dictates today how he had or has to behave.
It is quite natural that the human being who is more on his own must have the requirement: I have to look into myself what confronted me as a human being to the human being what puts me generally as a human being adequately in the world. We can understand that under these conditions more and more one calls for self-education. How the human being has to behave if he has to position himself in life and world according to particular conventional rules, this can be put into the education of the child.
And by the way in which the outer things behave under the effect of its will, the child can educate itself in another way than by the influence of a person or his educational principle, even if only playing.
61. Darwin and the Supersensible Research 28 Mar 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Today we realise that those who have not yet understood that Darwinism just leads beyond itself in the serious research, even found an entire worldview, one may say found a “religion,” on the Darwinian idea.
This is the important fact that we have to consider. Then we also understand that the materialist-monistic way of thinking is something that captivates the human beings in the second half of the nineteenth century that intervenes deeply in the thinking of the human beings regarding themselves as advanced, and we understand that this way of thinking also intervenes where one does not want to be Darwinian.
That which is purely supersensible what lives only in my thoughts, feelings, and mental pictures has worked as a real being first on my physical body, but I could become aware of it only later. If one understands that in its basic meaning, one has also understood how the spirit has worked for millions of years only to produce the whole range of living beings in their ascending forms to produce the human being of the present in the end.
62. Results of Spiritual Research: How to Refute Spiritual Research? 31 Oct 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Therefore, more than is perhaps necessary from any other point of view, it must be anxious to understand the objections of its opponents; indeed, in a certain sense it must almost tolerate them, and it must appear understandable to it that a good number of honest truth-seekers of the present time cannot go with it.
But when the same combination of substances enters the human organism, the so-called life force takes hold of it; then, under the influence of the life force, the individual substances do not interact as we learn in chemistry and physics, but the individual substances interact under the influence of the life force.
If you consider everything, you find it perfectly understandable that those who always demand a “controllable” science do not include spiritual science because it is not controllable; and if you consider that such opponents have something significant for themselves, you understand them.
62. Results of Spiritual Research: How Can Spiritual Research Be Justified? 07 Nov 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who studies the human respiratory process will be able to understand it completely from the laws of lung life. But what the human being will not be able to understand is the nature and the effect of oxygen.
The lung process, everything that happens in the organism, can be experienced from within the life of the lungs. To understand the whole process of breathing, it is necessary that we go out of the life of the lungs and understand the nature of oxygen outside of it, and we gain nothing in knowledge about the nature of oxygen from the process of lung life.
Where one ends and the other begins can only be understood in a similar way to how mathematical truths can be understood. But it can be understood. Anyone who is a genuine spiritual researcher and who knows the nature that really leads to spiritual research will not entertain the world with his visions, and if you find someone who entertains people about the supernatural world by sharing his visions, you can always assume that he is very far from being a true spiritual researcher.
62. Results of Spiritual Research: The Tasks of Spiritual Research for the Present and the Future 14 Nov 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He was one of those who, with a wealth of not only ideas but also of real scientific learning, tried to understand the world and its phenomena. Through his great work on the cultural development of humanity, Carriere proved how he had compiled fact after fact from ancient times in a scholarly manner in order to understand the path of the spirit through world development.
What has been lost through the greatness of natural science must be found anew by spiritual science in its own right, showing the way by which the human soul can reach its spiritual home. Whoever understands the age correctly will grasp how, after the course of events has been described, a strong need, a strong longing, arises to understand the world more and more from the spirit and to establish an independent spiritual science alongside natural science.
This will not happen through brooding and thinking, but through free understanding and experience. What many people talk about today and a few people understand will later be grasped by many and ultimately by everyone: that no power on earth can withstand the soul.
62. Results of Spiritual Research: The Paths of Psychic Cognition 21 Nov 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But however much one looks around, however much one wants to familiarize oneself with these refutations, one thing always comes to mind: the people who refute what has just been said have not yet understood it. This is evident from the way they speak about it. And anyone who has understood it would never dream of wanting to refute it.
But when a spiritual researcher who has penetrated into the supersensible worlds in the right way describes his observations correctly, using concepts that correspond to a healthy human understanding and a right feeling for truth, then what the spiritual researcher describes can be understood in the right way by every person who does not allow himself to be prejudiced.
This is, so to speak, the secret of the presentation of spiritual things: that they can be presented in such a way that every soul can understand them, after they have been investigated by the supersensible powers of knowledge. Now there is a peculiarity: the human soul needs the results of spiritual research to understand the things we will talk about, for example, in the next lecture on 'Life's Questions and the Riddle of Death'.
62. Results of Spiritual Research: Results of Spiritual Research into Vital Questions and the Mystery of Death 05 Dec 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
New formations, new soul content also arise after sexual maturity, and it is impossible to relate what the soul undergoes in its development after sexual maturity to the whole development of the human species in the same way as what the human being undergoes to establish the human species until sexual maturity.
Every spiritual researcher who penetrates into the depths of things and understands natural science can grasp that one can easily be tempted to say: Man can speak because he has a speech center in his brain.
In spiritual science, it is always important to understand things very precisely, because the aim must also be to present things accurately. Can fatigue be the cause of sleep?
62. Results of Spiritual Research: Natural Science and Spiritual Research 12 Dec 1912, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Not only would its possibility of finding access to the understanding and heart of the modern human being be in doubt, but its very justification would be in question.
For example, in the 1880s, if you were a physicist, you had to understand light and the whole world of colors as a kind of glow and study infinitely complicated, fine movements and motions within matter and the ether.
Then there was the fallout from what was associated with the name Darwin, and one was further under the impression of the great deed of Ernst Haeckel, who in the 1860s had extended Darwin's theory to include humans.
62. Results of Spiritual Research: Morality in the Light of Spiritual Research 03 Apr 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
One can assume the case of someone who does not prepare himself for the higher worlds through the truthfulness just described. Then, if he only undergoes the appropriate soul training, the appropriate exercises, the slumbering powers of his soul can indeed be awakened, and in the end he can be brought before an imaginative world.
For only someone who has moral courage, who does not shy away from anything that may endanger his own personality under certain circumstances, will be able to withstand what speaks to him through inspiration from the spiritual realities.
He draws attention to what is in fact one of the few soul qualities and soul impulses that already show in the physical world how an underground connection, as it were, exists directly between soul and soul. Schopenhauer draws attention to compassion, one could better say to sympathy.

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