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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1731 through 1740 of 6282

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63. The Spiritual World and Spiritual Science. Views and Aims of the Present 30 Oct 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Who could let a spiritual current flow in the civilisation that would oppose the scientific thinking? Such a man would not understand how deeply not only in the contents, but also in the whole way of the questions and riddles of knowledge the natural sciences have intervened.
The human being with his power of cognition if he understands himself in such a way, as he is, belongs to this sensory world and this world of reason. In the deeper sense, he belongs to the spiritual world; but he must develop this deeper sense first.
One can deny the spirit, because it is more comfortable to understand the world and to live in it without spirit than with spirit. However, one cannot resist the demands of spirit denying it.
63. Theosophy and Anti-sophy 06 Nov 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Again, spiritual science can give information about that. One can externally understand such a mood due to everything that I have explained today. However, I have to assume something.
The theosophically minded person can know at the same time that this antisophical mood is the most natural of the world as long as one has not understood the noblest pursuit of the human soul. One does not show that one has well judged, that one has thought logically, if one is in the antisophical mood, but only that one has not yet taken the step to understand that theosophy speaks out of the sources of existence.
Since theosophy is not hostile to earth. If the human being understands himself with it, he understands himself in such a way that he must ascend again to the world where he has his roots where his home is in which he must be to attain his full human development.
63. Spiritual Science and Religious Faith 20 Nov 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
One can argue against any such view that it does not go well with anything that one—if one simply has an understanding of the religious life and the religious confession—has to call religion according to this understanding, because spiritual science wants to introduce itself as something new in the human development.
Hence, own experiences of the astral body can only appear in the physical life like from dark, unknown undergrounds. Thus, the religious experiences appear like from dark, unknown undergrounds in the usual human life that proceeds in the sensory world in the waking state.
That is why, he also realised that area of the outer life where it cannot be different for someone who understands the things really than that in this area of the outer experience the divine can be felt immediately.
63. On Death 27 Nov 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Nevertheless, Max Müller says, if an angel descended from heavenlies onto earth and wanted to say anything to the human being about the conditions of the human life after death, the human being would understand these statements as little as a just born child would understand if one held a talk to it about the conditions of the present life in any human language.
We come as spiritual researchers really behind the everyday life into the creative realm of the world. Hence, we also learn to understand sleep and experience how that what is behind sleep mends the worn-out parts of our brain at night.
Since the brain is good only for the thoughts which are obtained in the normal life. Maybe you understand just at this point that the investigation of the death problem becomes, nevertheless, an inner martyrdom of the soul.
63. The Meaning of the Immortality of the Human Soul 04 Dec 1913, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In that writing in which Lessing gave his spiritual testament to humanity, he renewed the ancient idea of reincarnation, as he believed; and he undertook this, because he felt forced to understand the complete historical life of humanity on earth as education.
If you take together the previous talk with the today's one, you can say, I can understand that the everyday consciousness can only develop, while it envelops the everlasting of the human soul like a veil, and that we develop the sensory consciousness because we darken what develops after death.
Thus, one can say that also for that what seems paradoxical today the time becomes ripe in which that is understood as the achievements of science have always been understood. Already once, I have drawn your attention to the fact that we can feel spiritual science in harmony with the present science.
63. The Moral Foundation of the Life of Man 12 Feb 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This other part of the Kantian worldview positions itself in the human life in such a way that it gives the tonic for the human being. However, how does Kant understand it? In such a way, that it speaks from another world than from that which one grasps with the worldview of knowledge and cognition.
Then there is still a higher level of cognition about which I do not speak today; this is the Intuition, in the right sense understood, not that which is called in the usual sense. One works the way up through Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition into the spiritual world.
We find everything familiar that originates under this impulse, so that we may say, we can live with that what originates under the impulse of love in the spiritual world.
63. Voltaire from the Viewpoint of Spiritual Science 26 Feb 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Voltaire lived in the middle of this period, in the middle between the emerging consciousness soul and us. You understand this spirit if you put him historically in this age of the self-experiencing consciousness soul.
One must already look at the greatness of this man to understand such paradoxical matter that he feigned a severe illness and called for the priest one day—it was in Switzerland where he did so many benefits—,so that the priest came along to give him the last rites.
I have tried to indicate this today. One can understand that the eighteenth century that had to put everything in the right light on one side what hampered the emerging consciousness soul what had to show a certain greatness, however, just in the downward spirit of the cultural current.
63. Between Death and Rebirth of Man 19 Mar 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
While the longing, the desire for the world of the life on earth is something that must find its satisfaction from the outside, is that what one experiences at spiritual midnight like a longing for a force which develops with us as under suitable conditions the electric or magnetic forces develop. It is a longing in the soul that bears a new force that is able to conjure up an outside world before the soul again.
I have convinced myself, while I have followed these matters until the so-called thieves' slang that even in it something is contained of an attitude that does not take life seriously, underestimates, and despises it. One must not be fully aware of this. The day consciousness often knows little about that what exists in the depths of the soul.
There is, for example, one thing that becomes explicable to us considering the human life in the light of spiritual science and, indeed, it enriches our feelings and sensations towards life and towards the human beings because we can manage easier and orientate ourselves easier in life if we understand it. The spiritual researcher finds, for example, a life that is finished in the time between birth and death earlier than it is normal either by illness or by misfortune.
63. Homunculus 26 Mar 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
On the other side, one can understand that from the general attitude of our time opposition arises against spiritual science. The spiritual researcher also understands the objections, although they are based on prejudice.
It is an entitled ideal of this worldview to understand the human being wholly scientifically. I know that I must cause, indeed, contradiction from some researchers taking action a little more seriously who already say today that one has left that more materialistic worldview which believes there that the human being is understood completely if he is understood completely according to the outer physical processes.
Concerning the monkey women, They equalled the human women And soon before also In the skill of flirting. Who would understand better To dress up always fashionably Than a monkey? They understood To festoon themselves with jewellery With tassels, ribbons, and bows...
63. Spiritual Science as and Essential in Life 23 Apr 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Since there is in every soul an immediate, secret language by which it can understand, what the spiritual researcher says, even if it cannot be active spiritual-scientifically, as one can understand a picture, even if one is not a painter.
While we understand that what the senses and the reason offer, we remain dependent with this understanding on our physical body, we wear out it, let our activity run in the whole sphere from which diseases come.
Indeed, spiritual science will also give real concrete remedies; but one has to understand that it wants to give not only this or that remedy, but that it presents itself, above all. Nevertheless, one does not always accept it with understanding.

Results 1731 through 1740 of 6282

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