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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 1741 through 1750 of 6282

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64. From a Fateful Time: Goethe's Spirit in Our Fateful Days and German Culture 29 Oct 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And Herman Grimm was convinced – and this is where Goethe's spirit was truly reflected in him – that hundreds of years would be needed to fully understand and appreciate Goethe's spirit. Therefore, Herman Grimm himself knew that what he had to say about Goethe would have to be revised once this spirit of Goethe's was properly understood.
And in what comes from the East, we still see the childlike resistance, the lack of understanding of what must be taken up by the soul. And we begin to understand – and this is also Goethe's way of thinking – and then to look to the future with knowing confidence and knowing trust when we are asked: Why are we at war with the East?
Gorky says: "Yes, what is he to you, this man? Do you understand? He takes you by the scruff of the neck, crushes you under his nail like a flea! Then you may feel sorry for him!
64. From a Fateful Time: The People of Schiller and Fichte 05 Nov 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He who lives only according to external impulses is, as Schiller says, like a slave who lives under the impulses of external sensual necessity. But for Schiller, he who is inclined only toward abstract thinking, who submits only to the necessity of reason, is also not a complete human being.
Swearing by these words of our ancestors to the letter cannot be our way. But this can be our way: to try to understand our time, to continue to work and to create out of the same innermost impulses of life that created them.
For suppose, he says, a spirit came to us from another planet, who lived under quite different conditions from the souls on earth: would he be in the least interested in what the persons in Shakespeare's plays experienced?
64. From a Fateful Time: The Human Soul in Life and Death 26 Nov 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
What I am expounding here, seemingly theoretically, is only a description of the inner experiences that the spiritual researcher has to undergo in order to ascend to the knowledge of the spiritual world, to come to the vision of the spiritual world.
That is the essence of this bodily life. The soul undergoes this life in the body, not as in a dungeon, not as a form of imprisonment, but as something necessary for its overall experience.
What the soul experiences in the body – this brightening of consciousness, this permeation with consciousness, this remembrance of self-awareness – occurs in the spiritual researcher when he undergoes what I have spoken of, so that he has the experience in his soul as in a memory. We must hold on to this.
64. From a Fateful Time: The Soul of a People Considered in the Light of Spiritual Science 27 Nov 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We shall be able to understand the work of Raphael and Michelangelo down to its smallest detail, in so far as it arises from the activity of the folk-soul, when we have learnt the particular shade of colouring which the individual soul will take on under the influence of the folk-soul.
The folk-soul comes most fully to life in the creations of those individual minds (its instruments) where feeling animated with understanding enquires searchingly into the appearances presented by the world. Feeling [Gemüt] animated by understanding tends in a peculiar way to work itself free and to command freely.
In Voltaire we have dry understanding permeated with feeling, in Moliere, feeling that rests on understanding. A folk-soul exhibits its characteristic features in those of its utterances which correspond to it so closely that they can also supply the material in which the individual soul will express itself in its own particular colour.
64. From a Fateful Time: The Germanic Soul and the German Mind 14 Jan 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And when we look at the ancient Greek world of gods, we can understand it only if we grasp it as transformed images of the supersensible world, gained in the state of ancient clairvoyance.
These myths have been preserved at most as traditions for external understanding. Instead, a consciousness of personality has developed in these peoples, a firm foundation on the individuality of life.
We find in it that which still lived on dimly from the old world-view born out of clairvoyance, and we find this permeated and interwoven and pulsating with what the individual Germanic tribes, who have disappeared in the world have disappeared except in name, have incorporated; and everything that developed in the west and south of Europe as Romance culture has at its core the Germanic soul, even if it was then drowned out by the continuation of ancient Roman culture. And only then can the Romanic element be understood when one knows that it draws its life from the perished Germanic soul world. One understands the creative spirits of Italian culture, one understands the wonderful Italian music, even spirits like Augustine and John Scotus Erigena, as well as the great artists of the great Italian Renaissance and the Quattrocento, one understands even Dante can only be understood if one realizes that the substantiality of the soul of these ancient Germanic peoples has been absorbed into what was then drowned out in the outer works by the continuous flow of ancient Roman culture. — Thus we have the first outposts of the Germanic soul world in these peoples, who, as it were, sacrificed themselves in the progress of external history.
64. From a Fateful Time: Intuitive Insight in the Happy and Serious Hours of Life 15 Jan 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Because this is so, I have often mentioned here in these lectures an experience that the spiritual researcher can undergo. After all, happiness and joy always — or at least mostly — come to our soul from outside. They are like something that comes from outside.
We live in difficult and serious times. There must come a time when we live under different conditions, when people live peacefully again, but devoted to the struggle for spiritual possessions, devoted to that which must ultimately fill the greater part of life.
They consciously felt themselves led by their dead; they had an understanding of the eternal continuation of the invisible. Mankind will regain this understanding – but now in a conscious way; and through this understanding, security and fertility will also develop, spread throughout this great life.
64. From a Fateful Time: The Supporting Power of the German Spirit 25 Feb 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But now it is interesting to see a little how this man, Romain Rolland, of whom so many of us said that he could understand the German character so well, that he really grasped from the innermost core of the German national soul and the German spirit what is the supporting force of the German spirit – how this man understood the German character.
And when he loses his friend, he turns further south, undergoes many experiences that border on the criminal, which even lead him to suicide, which then only fails.
I don't know how they would be described if they were to fall under Romain Rolland's fingers; but Walther von der Vogelweide says of them – and this seems to me to indicate a better understanding than Romain Rolland reveals –: German men are well-bred, their women are as pure as angels.
64. From a Fateful Time: What is Mortal in Man? 26 Feb 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This world view of our time assumes that in order to understand something that can be grasped at all, it is absolutely necessary that it be linked to familiar concepts.
For when the spiritual scientist has brought these things alive from the spiritual world, they are comprehensible to the power of judgment. One can understand with sound judgment what the spiritual researcher has brought from the spiritual world. To do so, not everyone needs to be a spiritual researcher; one need only examine without prejudice what the spiritual researcher is able to give, and one will be able to understand it.
That which remains for the soul, the soul that does not know itself in life, that is the memory that will be incorporated into the experiences that the human being then undergoes in the purely spiritual world after death. Only when one begins to understand what a purely soul-spiritual process memory is, only then does one point to that which continues beyond death.
64. From a Fateful Time: The Rejuvenating Powers of the German National Soul 04 Mar 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This is why Dostoyevsky, for example, said: “We Russians must form the synthesis; that is, we must synthesize, we must form the confluence of all European cultures. For just as we speak all languages and understand all civilizations, so we also understand everything that has influenced all cultures and can express it in all freedom. We also understand human life in such a way that man stands by his God as the one who humbly bows before what he recognizes as the God hovering above the individual.
And if we now add this to what has been said about the relationship of Germans and Central Europeans to the outside world, then much of what has happened becomes understandable from its intellectual underpinnings. What is said about Germany in our times often coincides with nonsense and futility.
64. From a Fateful Time: What is Immortal About the Human Being? 12 Mar 1915, Nuremberg

Rudolf Steiner
And just as this natural scientific world view was at that time contrary to the thinking and prejudices of a wide circle and yet found its way to the human sense of truth, so spiritual science will take this way to the human sense of truth, even if today, quite understandably — I say it explicitly — it must still meet objection after objection; and if something like what has to be said today must, quite understandably, be seen by many as a flight of fancy, as a fantasy.
And if one pursues this thought properly, one might say in one's soul, one comes to understand how one must, as it were, grow ever more together with one's destiny, how one must recognize that which one calls one's self as a weave of destiny.
In truth, we remember because our body is a mirroring apparatus. Science will fully understand this when it continues on its path. Then it will also see through the contradictions that it still raises when such things are presented.

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