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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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89. Awareness—Life—Form: About the Logoi Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
All the hierarchies—Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Powers, Powers of Origin, Archangels and Angels came forth through life and created the forms under which this one life appears. The first power, unmanifest godhead, is also called the Father; the second power is the Son, being at the same time life and creative substance; and the third power is the Spirit. Together these powers of origin thus appear as Father, Son and Spirit, as conscious awareness, life and form. The power of life is under the guidance of Michael, the one who belongs to the Sun; the power of form is under the guidance of Samael, who belongs to Vulcan, where all life will have been transformed into living forms. The power of conscious awareness is under the guidance of Anael, who encompasses everything there is. Thus the upper three are: Fig. 29 These three are reflected in the higher triad of the human being spiritual human being atman life spirit budhiSpirit Self manas Atman is the part of the human being he must reach through evolution.
89. Awareness—Life—Form: Part II: Appendix N/A
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
The Earth human being received the principle that would develop into conscious awareness in him from the first Logos. We need to get a clearer understanding of the concept of conscious awareness. For this, we need to get a complete idea of this concept on a specific plane.
We need to add this creation out of nothing to evolution and involution, something which brings something new into the existing situations. This gives us true understanding of the world. *. New translations have been made of these excerpts for this volume, as the German editions have changed since the lectures were first translated into English.
Awareness—Life—Form: Sources

Anna R. Meuss
Part I Fragment: handwritten manuscript by Rudolf Steiner (see editor’s introduction ‘About this volume’). Words given in italics are underlined in the original MS. Earth evolution: Handwritten notes which had been enclosed with a letter written to Marie von Sivers (Marie Steiner from Dec. 1914) dated 6 January 1906.
Awareness—Life—Form: Special note on evolutional metamorphoses based on the principle of number

Anna R. Meuss
(Dornach, 24 March 1922, [in German] in GA 211.) We can understand that the letters of the cosmic alphabet cannot be found with logical or philosophical conclusions but are gained from vision in the spirit.
(See German text on the ten metamorphoses of the Sun Logos according to the Rosicrucian chronicle in GA 88; also the discussion of the Rosicrucian words ‘One who is able to understand well the work of numbers, will see how his world is made ...’, [in German] in esoterische Stunden, Berlin, 12 February 1908, GA 266/1.)
89. Theosophic/Esoteric Cosmology: Spiritual Cosmology 26 May 1904, Berlin
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
Already before the “Secret Doctrine” a book appeared in which Sinnet, the author of “Esoteric Buddhism”, published a series of letters from a Mahatma. We see from this the difficulties in understanding this secret doctrine, and we understand how Sinnet and Blavatsky, so diligent in receiving this teaching, were downright desperate at the difficulty in understanding it.
The books that showed how the individual propositions were to be understood were carefully hidden by the native Tibetan instructors—at least that's what Madame Blavatsky said.
This understanding, or intellectualism, celebrated its greatest triumphs in the 19th century. Intellectual thinking has never been so strongly developed as it is today.
89. Theosophic/Esoteric Cosmology: Esoteric Cosmology I 02 Jun 1904, Berlin
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
That the human being with his spiritual Self received such an organ with which he can come to understand the world, that is the goal and meaning of our present earthly development. Everything that has happened since millions of years had as its goal that evolution reach the point in which a brain can serve a spiritual Self.
The Pitris had to gradually develop all the organs they needed in order to become acquainted with and understand their physical environment by means of a physical brain within the physical corporality we know today.
I can only hint at what followed, but you will understand the analogy. Another round, during which man will reach a still higher stage of evolution, will follow our present one.
89. Theosophic/Esoteric Cosmology: Esoteric Cosmology II 09 Jun 1904, Berlin
Translated by Frank Thomas Smith

Rudolf Steiner
Now I ask you to consider the difference between the esoteric and the usual understanding of Darwinism. We have the human being present in the indicated stage of the earth, as well as the vegetable kingdom.
But a time will come when people will learn to understand the images preserved for us in religious documents, fairy tales and fables. Thus we have the seven Rounds as the seven days of creation in the Bible.
When we see the Bible's message in this way, a meaning of these documents suddenly arises which we could not have previously understood. Humanity will finally see that there is such a profound meaning there that one would almost have to become a different person in order to understand it.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: World Wisdom and Human Wisdom 28 Sep 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is different when the being is capable of uniting all special interests under the law. Budhi is subject to the law. If there were only animal kama natures, there would be no sin in the world.
This also has to do with what we have come to know under the Brothers of Shadow and their influence.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: About Sinnet's “Esoteric Buddhism” 17 Nov 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This book has acquired many members, who are now well-known, for the society. The book was written under the influence of a master. The master wanted to make these teachings accessible to the West. It was also partly inspired by questions that Sinnett himself addressed to the master.
This is due to the fact that they could not be understood in their full depth at the beginning. The work in detail always depends on the personality of the editor concerned.
What has been given as a sacrifice is given again as a sacrifice. On the whole, the world can only be understood as an act of love, as freedom and as sacrifice. One should not criticize the world process on one's own initiative.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On the Process of Becoming of the Human Races 01 Dec 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Parts of Africa still belong to it, at certain times also Egypt - although Egypt has repeatedly been under water - and Greenland. This race was preceded by the Lemurian race. In this race, man received the Manas from Kama.

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