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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2231 through 2240 of 6238

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90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Genesis II 29 Apr 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
[John 3:1-8] This is how Jesus wants to make him understand. Because Nicodemus was a minor Mahatma, a master in those days, he said to him: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you a teacher of Israel and do not understand these things?” [John 3:9-10] Now we can also take the first words of Genesis in the right sense.
Only then can the great books of the world be understood if one has the confidence that every word is only understood when one really goes deep into things and only objects to things as late as possible.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: White Lotus Day 02 May 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
What theosophical mysticism is is written in nature. If we understand the wonders of nature, we also understand our own wonders [then we understand what is alive in us, the secret meaning of life.
When we face the world, we do not judge or condemn, but try to understand what it is doing from our own perspective. When we do not judge but seek to comprehend, we immerse ourselves in our fellow beings and draw from them the means to understand them.
The plant kingdom reminds us of a preliminary stage of love. [Then we can also understand the chaste, majestic realm of stones. Through our self-knowledge, we learn to appreciate the self in every other person, which faces us just as great as the stone kingdom; and once we have understood this, how we should approach every person with reverence, we have three fundamental virtues that the three natural kingdoms teach us: reverence for every ego, the mineral kingdom; love for every being, the plant kingdom; and patience, the animal kingdom.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On the Apocalypse I 21 May 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Sun: etheric body Moon: astral body Earth: I The physical is the oldest link that has undergone the most transformations. Marvelous construction of the heart, brain, etc. Sun, Moon on Earth, I-aura.
They gave the astral body independence, but also the possibility of falling into evil. In this way, the beings of Lucifer undergo a certain development. They make up in the astral body of man what they missed on the moon and achieve what they should have achieved there.
This present cycle means what? Every world body must undergo repetitions of what it has already undergone. Before the earth was able to begin as the earth, it had to repeat [gap in the transcript] After the earth has united with the sun, it must prophetically anticipate future planetary developments.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On the Apocalypse II 24 May 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
There were a few directives that I could give to better understand this momentous work. Today, we want to deal with a single issue of human development, because it will shed light on the whole development.
But those who have proven to be immature are also placed under Sorat. What happens to them? They now have to separate a world of their own, on which they continue their development.
The word [gap in the transcript] Everything undergoes a certain transformation. Even the organs, for example the heart muscle; it is on the way to becoming an arbitrary muscle.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On the Significance of the Oldest Parts of the Old Testament 28 May 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is the impression that shows two people sitting under a tree with a snake. We have the Fall of Man depicted on a seal impression that is much older than the writings themselves.
But at that time, this area must have been inhabited by other peoples who would have fiercely resisted. If we understand all this literally, then everything is in the air. Secular [historiography] has contributed to the dismemberment of the Bible.
In the governors of Egypt, we therefore find sun-walkers who had reached a high degree of development, who understood the secret language of the world, and who also understood how to live out the spiritual secrets.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Concept of Objective Presence and Subjective Perception 13 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Man is first able to recognize the inorganic, only later will plant and animal life be understood. The sense by which the nerve spreads perceives the mineral process from the outside. But the nerve will then grasp the life contained in the eye, grasp the incoming prana as we do today with light.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Reincarnation And Karma 18 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
So the law is relatively constant, but it also undergoes development. The law is the constant, the eternally changing is the phenomenon. Let us now move from inanimate to animate nature.
It would be a violation of the law if it were otherwise, and so we understand reincarnation. The spiritual essence of the personality is absorbed from within by the living conditions, and develops further.
When I look at the pouter pigeon, I will only understand it if I go back to its ancestors and look for the causes that gave rise to its organs. The present formations must be sought in the activities of times gone by.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: What Does Man Gain From Knowing His Past? 20 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
They were first active in the formation of humans in order to be understood by them later. [For example: the] Elohim of the Old Testament were only understood when the spark of the spirit was awakened in them [humans]. In particular, they were able to understand Jahve-Elohim, the Lord of Form, who clothed everything with the physical shell. The great teachers, Sons of Light, Manasaputras, had appeared in this way - teaching.
And the result was the subjugation of some of the Sons of Light under the power of matter. This led to the great catastrophes of the Atlantean period. This is what is called black magic.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Differences in the Structure of the Spirit Between the Second Rama, Krishna and Buddha 25 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
A gathering of the confessors around the personality is necessary. Not only must I understand what He teaches, but in life one must be united in Him. We have laid our hands in His wounds. The disciples bear witness.
Christianity should strive for this brotherhood. The White Lodges are advanced posts, undertaking various tasks but working together. They are the cores around which individuals group themselves.
It indicates the turning point, down into physical development and back up again - therefore has a cosmic significance -, contains the teachings of the others all, but can only be understood in its connection with the cosmos.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: On Atlantis 27 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Within the root race are seven sub-races that underwent migrations. First, the original people. Rmoahals, people who still resembled the last Lemurians, with a fairly physical organization, living in nature itself.
Until the middle of the third race, mastery of the vril force was strictly held by the adepts, who understood the symbols that had to be learned first. The fourth race, the original Turanians, were the first to have degenerated.
The sixth race was that of the Akkadians, more towards Asia. It was the people who already understood the combining, calculating activity in the sense of practical enterprise. They were a trading people.

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