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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2241 through 2250 of 6238

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90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Fifth Root Race: Fire 29 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The surviving initiates chose a particular sex from the fifth sub-race, the ancient Hebrews, and, under the leadership of the Manu, brought them to the Gobi Desert. They initially worked on the refinement of the body, which had to become capable of absorbing the mental.
Later on, it was only possible to achieve the sanctification of the whole race by some abstaining and leaving the physical life to others. This underlies the division into castes. The Indian race is therefore the religious one, and Brahmanism is the main religion of the fifth root race - the rest are variations.
Gradually, man becomes so at home on the physical plane that he gains the same great understanding that we see in the Greek, for example, who works out the artistic. The existence between birth and death now becomes the essential for him.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Planetary Chains 30 Jun 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
To fully understand the evolution of our planet, we need to take another evolution into account. The purpose of development is to bring the Pitri host forward by a certain step.
Then we have the two esoteric planets; the Sun, not understood as the Sun, but as an esoteric planet. Then the sixth esoteric planet, Venus, hyperpsychic, where everything is connected with love, Budhi.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Noun and Verb 01 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Reason and self-will of the individual, freedom, equality and fraternity will [gap in the transcript] Therefore, the French Revolution could only have been staged under the leadership of masters [gap in the transcript] Voltaire, Rousseau, d'Alembert did not simply have an external historical [gap in the transcript] but were masters [gap in the transcript] and therefore executed it as a noumenon.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Further Development of our Planet 10 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Each of these seven metamorphoses of the father principle now undergoes seven principles in itself. Seven times seven. Now we come to the son principle: 1.
Elemental kingdom 4. mineral kingdom 5. plant kingdom 6. animal kingdom 7. human kingdom = 49 metamorphoses Each of these 49 metamorphoses undergoes seven transformations, and the transformations through the spirit principle. Each realm undergoes the seven powers once. For example, plant consciousness undergoes the seven powers once through the seven realms and seven times seven – each realm seven times the powers.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Modern Biblical Research 11 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
They experience a multitude of occult powers, so that the one who places himself under the influence of these sentences undergoes a metamorphosis. He experiences within himself a repetition of the mystery that Jesus exemplified for us.
Therefore, Mark seeks to frame the work in such a way that it became understandable to Christians why the Jews found it so difficult to believe in Jesus. We find two things – so the modern theologian says: firstly, that Jesus is not understood.
Today a movement is being born out of the bosom of the Theosophical Society that will bring a true understanding of Christianity, of the gospel hidden in the gospels, which is not understood in the ordinary sense.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Occult Research on the Gospels 18 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
They are written in such a way that they can be understood by the most simple-minded people, but there is no degree of understanding, however high, that could not find ever deeper and deeper truths in them.
The scholars have taken great pains to understand the Gospel of John. But there are many points that cannot be understood by pure word research.
Only in this way could an understanding be brought about. These two movements existed side by side. It can be said that one movement understood the Gospel of John, while the other understood it less.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Gospels and Initiation 25 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This outwardly expressed fact is also a mystical fact. It is something that can only be understood as a historical fact if one understands what this particular initiation is, which was in the initiation document I spoke of.
Anyone who applies it to the whole human being and permeates it with life will experience something within themselves and then understand that much of the Gospel cannot be understood at all without this experience. Every person can mystically go through and live through every single sentence.
Jesus' bones were not broken, while the bones of the other robbers were broken. If you understand what the skeletal system is, then you will also understand what it means: resurrection in a glorified body.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: An Overview of Our Development 26 Jul 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
When the ancient Indians wanted to visualize this etheric body of the first race, they imagined it under the name Brahma. Brahma was therefore also seen as the god of the ether-illuminating light. This state was replaced by the so-called air state.
The marriage of the best that remained from the Lemurian period with the best that the Aryan race had to give. That is the union. Therefore you will also understand why you will find no mention of reincarnation in the ancient scriptures of the Vedas. The knowledge of reincarnation arose through the union of the feeling of the Lemurians with the power of thought of the Aryans.
But it is not that it is an explicit doctrine of reincarnation, and that will be understandable to you. Just as the remains of the Lemurians were found in the south, so there are, so to speak, here present peoples who, because they were remnants of the Atlanteans, knew little of reincarnation.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Incarnation 02 Aug 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This is how the lower personal covering, the etheric double body, is created, which then sinks into the physical body. We understand the world of our desires as the 'fathers' path', which still chains us to enjoyment; only when we have become accustomed to regarding the three lower realms merely as a hall of learning and no longer demand anything from them, are we ready for the 'gods' path', which opens up life in the spirit.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Outlook on the Next Rounds 10 Aug 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Thus, all human knowledge is destined to preserve the ideal for the future. To understand how the earlier and the present round went, one must understand that the highest realm, the mineral realm, has reached its highest perfection, which is why it ends at the end of the fourth round.

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