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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2271 through 2280 of 6238

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90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Creation of Races up to the Fertilization with Manas (Animal Separations) 27 Dec 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Man has gone through the densification that the earth has undergone: the air condenses into a fire mist. We can imagine this state as fog in the mountains. But in some places it was as dense as hot embers: everything still flowed in it, gold and diamonds.
It is precisely because God, in infinite love, surrenders the image to the manifold that the possibility of the struggle for existence is given. We understand imperfection even more in time. We only need to think of the example of the piano maker and the piano virtuoso.
Transposed to the wrong place, or rather to the wrong time, the good would be. This example helps us to understand many things. A transposed good is evil. The concept of time in connection with the concept of freedom allows us to understand the different degrees of perfection or even the relatively imperfect, in that it includes the different stages of development.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Events in the Second Half of the Lemurian Racial Development 28 Dec 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And that the time would come when man would redeem Lucifer within himself is a beautiful process that has not yet come to an end. And the whole thing also underlies Christianity. It is best expressed in the legend and meaning of Christmas. Christ sends the spirit of light, the Paraclete, who fights for humanity.
If you summarize this with what I started from, you will see that Lucifer has yet another meaning. He undergoes a development that he should have undergone during the lunar epoch. Therefore, with the great gift of human freedom, something has come that is out of place – and moral evil has its origin here.
The Pythagorean disciples first had to create the conditions for the highest questions before asking them. Now you will also understand that there are different degrees of the luciferic principle in these retarded beings. Wisdom can be sought for its own sake, but it can also be put in the service of Kama.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Past and Future Rounds 30 Dec 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We have become acquainted with the form of the first round, the second, the third and now that of the fourth, which consists in the mineral man being subject to birth and death. The third realm was under the sign of elective affinity. The second was under the sign of the number. What will the form of the next round be?
That is the achievement of the fourth round. If the self understands itself correctly, it must withdraw its own being. The luciferic principle wanted to lead it further.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: The Feast of the Epiphany (Three Kings) 30 Dec 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This festival of epiphanies will become more and more important as people come to understand the true, actual symbolism of this festival as well. We are dealing here with something important.
The festival of the sixth of January will grow more and more. People will understand more and more what a magician is and what the masters are. Then, from the understanding of Christianity, we will arrive at the understanding of Theosophy.
The teaching that flowed out of Budhi is called esoteric Buddhism. The consciousness that undergoes 343 stages corresponds to a Pitri development. The planetary chain Physical states of consciousness.
90a. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge I: Separation into Male and Female 31 Dec 1904, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This separation into male and female must be understood in such a way that it had much more significance at the beginning of the Lemurian race than later, when the characters of the male and female were more neutralized.
That the great hermaphrodites were perfect when these human beings reached the summit. But perfect under the direct guidance of God, led by the gods themselves. What comes from these arhats is therefore sacred.
Thus we see that what religion is, namely a free worship of the divine, came into being under the influence of woman. The men seemed more like divine powers. [...] Cain went into foreign lands and took a wife.
90a. (On) Apocalyptic Writings: Lecture I 10 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
One who is initiated in certain Mystery Schools learns to understand a certain language and script, in which those who have knowledge of the all-embracing truths express their experiences. It is a language which all Initiates on the earth write and speak, a symbolic language, a symbolic form of speech. Everyone who has learned it, understands it, and when he finds a particular sign in ancient records knows that it has a definite meaning.
They are indicated in the two interlacing triangles. If you study this sign you will understand why these four Beasts are mentioned whenever an Apocalyptist is speaking about these stages of evolution.
90a. (On) Apocalyptic Writings: Lecture II 17 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
We often hear it said, even by theologians, that whatever cannot be clothed in the simplest words which everyone can understand, can be of little service to truth. Anyone who holds this view will be incapable of understanding the meaning and spirit of a work like the Apocalypse or the mystical Gospel of St.
The Christian calls the three principles which underlie the world: Father, Word and Holy Spirit. A Christian of the first centuries would have refrained from speaking of the Father.
Therewith a further step was achieved through Christianity, a step forward, in the understanding of an early Christian Initiate, a step which leads man beyond the stage to which the old religions could have led him.
90a. (On) Apocalyptic Writings: Lecture III 24 Oct 1904, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
These are the successive stages. The Christian Initiates have always understood this. But their words must be rightly understood. Paul, one of the greatest Christian Initiates, could only hint at these profound secrets.
Something very significant comes to pass. In order to understand it aright, let us ask: How does the writer of the Apocalypse help us to understand the Fathers, the Elders?
In the age of the Promise, the Fathers have not progressed sufficiently. They will understand the Word only at the end of the Fifth Root Race, when within themselves as Fathers, they will understand what remained hidden from them at the time when Christ, their Master, was on earth.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On the Root-Races of Atlantians and Aryans 01 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Human kama was very closely related to general kama. It had not yet become separate. We understand what warm-blooded kama actually means when we look for the opposite pole, because in nature everything arises in polarity.
It is only from the third race onwards that three Logoi are recognized. Under this influence, the Indian Trinity was also formed. The child is personified for the first time in Horus. The personal is now possible, in which Christ immerses himself. God appears under the mask of man. The Trinity becomes the three persons. In the fifth sub-race, everyone wants to decide for themselves, the poly-personality asserts itself, the culmination of which takes place in the French Revolution.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Elemental, Sidereal and Heavenly Deities — Human Development and the Zodiac 02 Jan 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Thus we may say that man is built according to his body from elemental, underground spirits. They have gradually formed the bodies of minerals, plants, animals and humans to the point where he is glowing from the planetary [gap in the transcript] spirit. Only at the end of his development will he be spirit or logos. We must also understand other characteristic features. We can characterize the elemental beings by saying that they have will, mind and thought in a single center.

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