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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2291 through 2300 of 6238

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90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse and Theosophical Cosmology Vi 06 Mar 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
As long as a person comprehends with the mind, [gap in the transcript] The living is not grasped by the mind, only the pure spirit will understand this. One must learn to think without using one's senses. Both Goethe and Plato had such thinking.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On the Significance of the Catholic Mass in the Sense of Mysticism 17 Mar 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
He who can grasp the teaching of reincarnation and wants to rise above personality must abstain from wine. He who enjoys wine will never arrive at an understanding of what is impersonal in man. The lower body should be ennobled and glorified, which is why Christianity should live without the doctrine of reincarnation for two millennia.
The whole thing is a parable for the existing world. Man should understand his communion with the existing world. Only the human being who came out of the mysteries understood the world.
As a later religion, Protestantism no longer had any understanding for the sacrifice of the Mass. When we see and hear the Mass celebrated with full understanding, we have before us the last reflection of the consecration performed in the ancient Egyptian pyramids.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On Planetary Evolution 18 Mar 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
In the second state of consciousness, that of dreamless sleep, man can perceive everything alive. Every night, man undergoes this state. He is then in a kind of plant trance; he carries out the [vegetative] functions quite well during this time.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Apocalypse of John II 19 Mar 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
When man had attained this knowledge, when he had undergone certain exercises, he was brought into a completely closed room in a different state of consciousness. There the person underwent a very specific process that lasted three and a half days. He now experienced in reality in the soul room what he had learned in class, namely the emergence of Horus from Isis and Osiris.
She carries in her body the state that the earth will undergo. The astral body develops out of the human animal. The beast with seven heads is what is left of the seven races.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Old Norse Sagas of the Gods 22 Mar 1905, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
If the European can think his way into it, he can find his way from there and penetrate ever deeper into the esoteric realms. An understanding of these sagas of Nordic myth can only be attained in advanced stages of life. The Nordic myths were essentially the subject of the Nordic mysteries.
It is from this point of view that the new mystery must be understood, through the four stages. The first step is that of the first Nordic sub-race of the fifth root race.
Those who were initiated into the three degrees underwent a transformation such that, by awakening their higher abilities, they became the god Baldur. The mystic had to say to himself: “You must become the resurrected Baldur, who was killed by the god Loki.”
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Days of the Week — Sibylline Wisdom 09 Apr 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
They reflect the long development that our earth has undergone since it was in a molten state. It has passed through various stages, within which man has developed to his present organization and form.
Osiris, the sun, and Isis, the moon, gave birth to Horus, the earth, and also the human soul. And even earlier, the universe had already undergone other metamorphoses through a whole pralaya. Before the Lemurian epoch, the sun, moon and earth still formed a whole.
The state on Jupiter is such that if an ordinary person could be transported there, he would go mad, for he would lack all means to comprehend what is going on, and he would not be able to make himself understood to the inhabitants there at all. Communication there occurs only through thoughts that evoke a light effect.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Easter and Theosophy 21 Apr 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
For the chela, it is different: when one has undergone a transformation through the mysteries, one's etheric body does not disappear. The chela learns to work on his etheric body.
He sees the sun through the solid matter of the earth. This is not just to be understood figuratively; the sun is a role model for the hero who has learned to control his etheric body.
That was the Fall of Man at the time the world was founded. Then the Word underlies what was there before the world was, and what will be there when all outer wisdom has perished.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Novalis's Novel in Prose, “Heinrich Von Ofterdingen” 26 Apr 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
He calls mathematics, which can show such paths of understanding, a sublime religion. It is wonderful how he is able to embrace this seemingly dry science with fervent devotion.
There was a power of spirituality in him that stands unparalleled in the modern age. In earlier lives, Novalis had undergone profound initiations. Thus, he entered this life with a predisposition for a true, real understanding of world events.
The most important thing for Henry is his encounter with a miner who has spent almost his entire life underground. It is described what one can feel when working in the shafts under the earth. The stars of heaven shine towards him like the future.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Yoga and Unio Mystica 27 Apr 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
He came from a different development. He could have undergone a one-sided high development without this, but he would not have been able to reach the earth.
Less favorable is what thrives in the moldy earth, under the earth, including everything onion-like and garlic-like. Potatoes are also not among the beneficial things.
This is not the case in the West. When someone in the West undergoes the yoga training, they also find the opportunity to reach their goal through their inner trust in the teacher.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Sermon on the Mount 19 Jun 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Without knowing the Sermon on the Mount, one cannot understand Christianity either. It is no coincidence that the Sermon on the Mount is at the beginning of the Gospel.
You first have to know the letter; you have to know what is written there so that you do not value your own banality of spirit more than the dead letter. Only when one has understood the letter can one dare to explain the spirit. Therefore, today it will be a matter of first understanding the letter, and then interpreting this letter in the right spirit.
Any deeper, more meaningful understanding must be struck by the arguments that are usually associated with these sentences of the Sermon on the Mount: a “general reward” would be the understanding for those who are spiritually poor.

Results 2291 through 2300 of 6238

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