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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2301 through 2310 of 6238

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90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: About the Gospel of John 26 Jun 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
We do not fight it because we know that it is necessary. The materialistic lack of understanding has also seized the theologians. And this materialistic lack of understanding is now taught at the universities and in the schools.
Another dawn will have shone in our time when the Christian churches have a better understanding of what Christianity is. With powerful hieroglyphs, our age is also written into the Bible: Who betrays Christ Jesus?
Today, from the theosophical point of view, we understand such a profound passage when it says: “The apostle is not greater than his master.” Such words have a similar effect to how the devas used to work.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Spiritual Science as a Source of Healing 09 Oct 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It has brought us many powerful devices and so much knowledge and understanding of life at all naturalist and medical gatherings. You can hear so much about life there. You can hear how great the hygienic progress is and so on, how much lower the mortality rate is today than it was a century ago.
They also want to hint at what is the deeper essence and foundation of all reality, as a divine reality underlying all realities. But to see it for themselves, to grasp it, to face it as it is, they shrink back from that.
Not those who know nothing about it can speak about it, but those who know something about it. Those who have correctly understood the theosophical movement in its deepest essence have also tried to grasp the right thing through this feeling.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Spiritual Development of Man 15 Oct 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
Here we are presented with perspectives for further development, which we cannot overlook and fully comprehend in their ultimate goal in our present consciousness. The human ego has undergone profound changes over time, changes that are in line with equally profound changes on our earth.
But he learns this extremely slowly. To understand this, let us compare it to our childhood. We learned a great deal very quickly about what we already knew ten years ago, but we changed our character very little.
We have no control over it. Everything in our body undergoes a change without our knowledge, without our will. It is up to progressive development to make these changes in our life functions conscious.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Self-knowledge and Knowledge of God 16 Oct 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This too is part of my own past. You see, we understand the mineral world because we once were it ourselves. We understand rock crystal because we have separated it from ourselves.
If you take out a building block, they will no longer look the way they do now. You don't understand this right away. But as the yoga student says, through some yoga exercises you learn to understand this.
Because when such things are understood, then one also understands that the theosophical movement is not possible without an occult foundation, without the knowledge of the masters and without the knowledge of the higher worlds.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Relationship of Occultism to the Theosophical Movement 22 Oct 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
John was Elijah, but they did not recognize him. We therefore understand Theosophy as the realization of Christianity. It teaches what Christianity has only hinted at.
And Christ turns the water into wine. This is to be understood physically and materially. The Christian monks are allowed to drink wine. They are not forbidden to drink wine.
Now the climatic conditions have become clear and vivid to me. I have come to understand something that I would have mentioned at the time if I had understood it at the time. I took the position of Noah allegorically at the time.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Theosophy in Daily Life 30 Oct 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It makes the outer context of the world truly understandable. There is, as Goethe already said, no outside and no inside. “Nature has neither core nor shell, it is all at once.”
And these souls embody themselves again: the power with which they have accepted the fairy tales is now coming into its own in that they can show understanding for intellectual speech. And through the understanding that has now been developed, a higher understanding will come about. It will no longer be a matter of understanding with the intellect, but of clairvoyance. So you can see that the theosophical movement opens up a great perspective.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Theosophy and the Concept of Freedom 05 Nov 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The fact that we have recognized the lawful consequences makes us free. The more we understand the higher laws, the more we can adhere to them in order to reach our goals. What we learn to recognize are the means by which we achieve the specific goals we then set for ourselves.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Sermon on the Mount 02 Dec 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
The Sermon on the Mount is usually not appreciated in its full depth because many people understand it to be a sermon that the Lord is said to have preached to the people. But in reality it is not addressed to the people, but “spoken on the mountain”.
It becomes ever clearer to us that this basic tendency lies in the Sermon on the Mount. We thereby gain a deeper understanding of what Christ gives to his disciples “on the mountain, in the mystery.” If we look at the seemingly radical sentences from this point of view, we can understand this.
When we intuitively grasp this on an emotional level, we will come to a different understanding of our fellow human beings. We will feel when our fellow human being directs his anger at us, when in truth it is we ourselves who are directing the anger at us.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: Yoga 04 Dec 1905, Düsseldorf

Rudolf Steiner
Most people do not realize what a table is, namely that a weight mass is distributed over several legs. You can search to understand the concept of the table in a contemplative way. Look at certain pictures by great painters [...].
In the Pythagorean schools, people were made to understand: You can only learn about life after death when you are completely indifferent to whether you live after death or not.
Then it is important to develop humility. Only under the influence of the highest humility can one speak correctly of the experiences in the higher worlds.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: On German Mythology 10 Dec 1905, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
The last echoes of the old Druid religion died out under the reign of Queen Elizabeth; the last Druid lodges were abolished. The old teaching knew two traditions.
All these northern sagas of gods and heroes contain the basis of occultism, which the great initiate Sig proclaimed. “Wotan” underwent four initiations to prepare the fifth sub-race of the fifth root race, which had the task of merging the Greek and Celtic races.
At the time of the ancient Druids, these things were told to us as fairy tales by the Druid priests. This is how we have been prepared to understand Theosophy today. The initiates speak to the souls, not to the respective people. Thus, today's theosophy prepares us again for the reality of later ages.

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