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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2321 through 2330 of 6238

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90c. Theosophy and Occultism: Origin and Meaning of Human Suffering, Hereditary Diseases 02 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
That is why hardly any doctor today can understand Paracelsus. Paracelsus healed in a completely different way than is done today. He did not heal with physical means, as is done today for the most part.
Today's materialistic direction almost does not understand at all when one speaks in this way. The reason for this is that we descend with our astral body [...] into the physical nature.
In a spirit air that is materialistic, the soul can no longer develop the flight. Then the soul gasps under the burden of physical circumstances. A soul in our age is quite powerless against the physical composition of the body.
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: Succession of Incarnations, Re-embodiment in Case of Child Death, Rebirth of High Individuals 09 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Chelas, on the other hand, those who have already acquired the right to the championship, can do without Devachan. They do not undergo Devachan. Therefore, they can re-incarnate immediately after death to continue serving humanity.
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: On the Origin of Evil 13 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
When higher spirituality misuses the lower nature, evil arises. Now we understand Paul when he says: Before the law was, there was no sin. Another rough example: can any sexual excess in animals be called evil?
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: World Justice, a Wisdom-Filled Plan for the World, the Symbol of the Whitsun 16 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
It is an eternal development. What we do not yet understand today, we may understand tomorrow. Why do we easily find the law in the external inanimate nature?
The further the development has progressed, the deeper is the law and the more difficult it is to understand. I have shown you examples of planned laws. I showed you this at the beaver lodge. Beavers do not have human minds.
(A genuine hierarchy is naturally established.) We can only recognize and understand a law as far as we are developed. That world wisdom exists is clear from today's reflection. But if this is there, then we must strive to do everything that lies in the sense of this world wisdom.
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: On Good and Evil 20 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Now this wisdom must be used as a means to achieve love. All those who have undergone regular development in the Lemurian epoch enter the earthly epoch, sacrificing physical, pranic, and kamic life. But there are also beings who are unable to make this sacrifice. These have not undergone a completely regular development. They have descended too deeply into the physical-pranic-camic of the Lemurian epoch.
An intimate brotherhood arose from this. These entities have undergone too extensive a development. They have delved too deeply into the physical sphere. Therefore, in the earthly epoch, they do not have the ability to start where they need to start in order to undergo regular earthly development.
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: The Three Logoi and Man, the Seven Stages of Consciousness 30 Oct 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
[That is all this little creature would see; but it cannot] form a concept of what underlies this movement. This little creature would also have no idea of the human soul and would only see and describe the expressions of his strength.
The first stage of consciousness that man has undergone can be called “deepest trance consciousness”. The second stage of consciousness that man has undergone is still found in plants, the “deep sleep consciousness”.
A great deal depends on the ability to read this number 7x 7x7 =343. All form states are what is understood by the third logos. The forty-nine life states are the second logos. The seven states of consciousness are the first logos.
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: The Development of Man — Moon and Earth 06 Nov 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
When the occultist speaks of the mineral kingdom, he is not only speaking of stones, but of a very specific way of understanding that the human consciousness has today. The materialist claims that there is no such thing as life force, but that it is only a combination of molecules and so on.
Life on earth will consist of the fact that it will increasingly take place that man undergoes a descending development, that he exhales carbonic acid. The plant world balances this out again today.
This can only show us how deeply we have to delve into the transformation of matter in order to understand such a metamorphosis at all, as it occurred during the transition from the Earth's predecessor, the Moon, to the Earth itself.
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: Mystery and Secret Schools, Vegetarianism, Pythagoras, Nutrition and Temperament 13 Nov 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And if man wants to become the ruler of his organism, he must consciously choose his food. When one first understands which entities are attracted by this or that food, one also recognizes the importance of nutrition.
Food that grows far away from the earth, that has ripened under the full power of the sun, would be fruit food. Just as the spiritual sun glows and illuminates a person through spiritual exercises, so too should the solidifying and congealing tendencies in the melancholic be permeated and interwoven in the physical through the solar forces contained in fruit nutrition.
One could almost say that a sanguine person must even be tied to the physical through food, otherwise his ease of movement could take him too far. So here, vegetables that thrive underground are even recommended. When the ego is predominant, when the ego works with its powers in a particular way, and dominates the other elements of human nature, then the choleric temperament arises.
90c. Theosophy and Occultism: The Initiation of Wisdom, of the Mind, of the Will — The Task Theosophy in General 04 Dec 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
To show that it calls for penetration into the deepest wisdom teachings of humanity in general must be the task of the theosophical school of thought - or of spiritual science in general, if it understands its task. Theosophy is not a religion, but a tool for understanding religions. It relates to religious documents in the same way that mathematical teaching relates to documents that have appeared as mathematical textbooks. You can understand mathematics through your own mental powers, you can see the laws of space without regard to that old book.
91. Color Theory and Light: Lecture Five 08 Aug 1903, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The violet rays cause the dark matter to take on a lighter coloring. That is, the dark matter itself undergoes a change, and therefore does not to disturb the vibrations of the light, but lets them pass. The dark matter changes the bright light rays by darkening them.
For the measurement of the sound vibration of the air we make use of a rotating disc provided with holes—the siren. If the disk is rotated and vibrates under sixteen and a half times—that is, the air is driven through less than sixteen holes per second while rotating—we will hear only impact noise, not tone.

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