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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2481 through 2490 of 6201

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122. Genesis (1982): Elementary Existence and the Spiritual Beings behind it. Jahve-Elohim 22 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
This is how we have to understand the underlying purpose of this course of lectures. We tried in the preceding lectures to form an idea as to how spiritual Beings, whom we know from Spiritual Science, are to be rediscovered in Genesis.
An appearance is precisely an appearance. As such it is a fact; but we do not understand it if we stop short at its apparition. We can only appreciate it and give it its proper value as appearance, if we go on beyond the appearance.
This shows how necessary it is to have recourse to occult sources if one wishes to understand things. What does the biblical criticism of the nineteenth century make of this? It says: “We find in one passage the name Elohim, in another the name Jahve.
122. Genesis (1982): The Work of Elementary Beings on Human Organs 23 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
In our efforts to understand existence it is our practice to trace the course of some aspect of its development up to the present time, and we have had many opportunities of becoming familiar with the idea that everything we perceive around us is in course of evolution.
It would be superficial to think, because the angels underwent their human stage on the Moon, that they must therefore have had on the Moon such a consciousness as man has today on the earth.
This is the significance of the word “beautiful” or “good.” Wordy explanations will not help us to understand the Genesis account, but only diligent search for the secrets which are really hidden behind the words.
122. Genesis (1982): Stages of Human Development up to the Sixth Day of Creation 24 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
When we have grasped this, then we shall understand why it is that in so many accounts of the creation the incarnation of man is represented as a descent from the periphery of the earth.
Today it is very easy to criticise the Bible, as long as one ignores the fact that the ideas under attack were only born a few centuries ago. Those who inveigh against the Bible the most vehemently are fighting a fantastic invention of the human mind, not the Bible; they are shadow-boxing. It is the task of Spiritual Science, by communicating its findings, to point once more to the true meaning of the Bible, and so clear the way for the tremendous impact it should make upon our souls when we learn to understand what resounds to us so impressively from ancient times. 1.
122. Genesis (1982): The Moon Nature in Man 25 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
From a certain point of time the earth is left to itself, and, because its finer, more spiritual forces have withdrawn with the sun, undergoes a certain coarsening. But man, such as he has become through the Saturn, Sun and Moon evolutions, still remained for a time with the earth.
Thus he has the disposition to be something other than a mere earth being. As men we have the earth under us; the moon had to be cast out of the earth, but not until the right dose of its nature had been injected into man himself.
By what name could they have called those Beings, who underpinned alike the creation itself and their own knowledge of it? What sort of word could they have had for them—unless it were one which filled their whole hearts in the moment of receiving this revelation of the world-creative powers?
122. Genesis (1982): The Harmony of the Bible with Clairvoyant Research 26 Aug 1910, Munich
Translated by Dorothy Lenn, Owen Barfield

Rudolf Steiner
But it is very different if one approaches the matter from the point of view of philology. One must nevertheless understand clearly that, even as late as the early centuries of the Christian era, there was nothing in the first chapters of the Bible to mislead anyone into reading the text as it is read today.
But we must not conceive Jahve-Elohim as the entire hierarchy of the Elohim united; we must understand that the Elohim give up, so to speak, only a part of their Being to the moon-Being, and hold the rest in reserve; and that in this older part of their Being they continue their own further evolution.
Thus, as clairvoyant observation proceeds, within the picture which to begin with has to be understood as purely spiritual, the physical emerges like a crystallisation. It follows that at an earlier time physical eyes would not have been able to discover the human being.
122. Preliminary Lecture Before the Genesis Lecture Cycle 16 Aug 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
For I may repeat this year at the starting point of our lecture cycle: the most important thing, the most essential thing in such an undertaking, is the hearts of those who have the understanding to take on such a work. That is the great error of our time, that one can believe that a work can be created and that it must have an effect.
That we were able to show this under relatively difficult circumstances was again only possible through the loyal, dedicated work of many of our anthroposophical friends.
And when we have such anticipation, then we will also find the way to restore worn-out words, which today come to people with sentimental values that make it impossible for them to understand their full meaning, to their original light and splendor. But no one will understand the monumental nature of the words that form the starting point of the Bible if he gives the words the character they have today.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture I 01 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
So we too will be patient and try to gain some understanding of this greatest of all events in Earth-evolution from the four accounts given in the New Testament.
It clarifies to some extent what otherwise is often beyond the reach of human understanding and once we realise this, great illumination is shed upon the nature of the other three Gospels.
It can only very briefly be indicated here that anyone who desires really to understand the Gospel of St. Mark must have some knowledge of the cosmic forces streaming through the evolution of our world.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture II 02 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
There are facts and happenings in the life of Christ Jesus which cannot be understood unless these two Gospels are compared. For any deeper understanding of the Gospel of St.
External history itself tells us of the two fundamental principles underlying the teachings of Zarathustra: the principle of Ormuzd, the Good Being of Light, and that of Ahriman, the Being of Darkness and Evil.
Thus Zarathustra entrusted to Hermes the secrets of the the reality of being underlying the whole of Nature in the world of Space, the reality of being which underlies everything in contemporaneous existence but goes forward through Time from epoch to epoch, manifesting itself anew in each particular epoch.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture III 03 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
The wisdom transmitted by Moses to his people can also be called Jahve- or Jehovah-wisdom—the name which, if rightly understood, epitomises it. We can also understand why old traditions speak of Jahve or Jehovah as a Moon God.
According to the story, the father of Abraham is a captain in the service of that legendary but nevertheless real personality called ‘Nimrod’ in the Bible (Genesis X, 8-9). It is announced to Nimrod by those who understand the signs of the times as revealed in dreams that many kings and rulers will be overthrown by his captain's son.
This was now fully impressed into the principles of human nature and thence could arise the body needed by Zarathustra for his incarnation in the epoch when a completely new impulse was to be brought to mankind through him. The wisdom underlying the beginning of the Gospel of St. Matthew is indeed profound. It is essential, however, to understand what is indicated by these three times fourteen generations.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture V 05 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
The most important teachings given to mankind with the object of promoting understanding of the Christ Event stemmed from the communities of the Therapeutae and the Essenes. Thus Jesus, the son of Pandira, inspired as it were by the Bodhisattva who will become the Maitreya Buddha and whose influence was at work in these communities, was chosen to give teachings whereby the Mystery of Palestine, the Mystery of Christ, could be brought within reach of man's understanding.
The essential feature in these communities was the Initiation undergone by members of the sects. This Initiation was specially adapted to promote understanding, through clairvoyant vision, of the significance of the part played by the Hebrews and by Abraham in preparation for the coming of Christ.
If, therefore, this secret of the evolution of humanity is to be understood, a man must rise in soul to the Spirit who implanted that power and seek for him in the realm where he was to be found before he had penetrated into Abraham.

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