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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2821 through 2830 of 6176

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117a. The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels: Seventh Lecture 11 Jan 1910, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
His astral vision was darkened, so that he could not see and could not penetrate to the spiritual. Oedipus did not understand the oracle's words that he should become an initiate, but that he should first kill his father and marry his mother, because he was not pure enough within, he did not understand what was meant by an initiate.
People had become blind to the physical world and the forces that underlie it. But initiation was to take on a new form, and a new light was to rise over humanity. With the ego, a new impulse was to be given, and this impulse was to open the eyes to the new light that had come into the world.
But if they interpret this passage, they have not understood an important word. When Jesus' mother points out to him that there is no wine, he replies, “My hour has not yet come,” that is, the hour when Christ should actually work.
117a. The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels: Eighth Lecture 10 Jan 1910, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
Those who develop through the methods of living themselves into spiritual worlds must, in order to be understood, seek and find receptivity in the other, and today this is found through the word. This was not the case in ancient Persian and Egyptian times.
This ascent is described to us in our own consciousness to an especially high degree in a powerful scene: an adulteress is brought before him. To understand the teaching of karma means to know that even the smallest thing we do finds expression in our life account.
[Jesus saw that at that moment the man's karma had expired and that he could see again, and he understood that by healing him, he was doing the will of the one whose instrument he was. But to give sight to a person who should not have it would not have been a good work.]
117a. The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels: Ninth Lecture 13 Jan 1910, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
Only by examining these can we achieve a deeper understanding. We must turn not to any external documents, but to the mysteries of the past if we are to understand the Gospels.
He was also to experience certain dramatic situations and undergo certain physical trials that were intended to awaken and release forces that were still dormant in his soul.
This enabled the disciple to have experiences in the spiritual world that underlies the physical, that is, the etheric world, and then, based on his own experience, he could speak of it as its messenger.
117a. The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels: Tenth Lecture 14 Jan 1910, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
The writer of the Gospel of John had recognized the whole secret after being initiated by Jesus himself. Another would have undergone a northern or a southern initiation. Christ Jesus initiated him in such a way that he understood that he understood best how they merge.
Therefore, when he saw after Jesus' death that this aura had changed and beheld the Christ there, he understood that the spirit of the Sun had revealed itself in Jesus of Nazareth and that Jesus had conquered death.
When the Christ revealed himself to the twelve disciples, Thomas did not want to believe that it was he because he did not understand the spiritual realities like the others. He who believes in the spiritual must understand the meaning of this resurrection just like the disciples.
117a. The Gospel of John and the Three Other Gospels: Eleventh Lecture 15 Jan 1910, Stockholm

Rudolf Steiner
John, as the one initiated by Christ Himself, looked deeper into His nature than anyone else and therefore understood His mission on earth better than anyone else. To understand Jesus' mission, we must first realize the goal of our earth.
If we think, for example, of the Sistine Madonna: we can evoke the image in our memory, we can also partially understand it. But does that mean we can paint it? There is a big difference between understanding a thing and executing it.
John had to write these words down so that people could understand the great impulse that the Christ has given them. Jesus could not tell his disciples everything at the time.
118. True Nature of the Second Coming: The Event of Christ's Appearance in the Etheric World 25 Jan 1910, Karlsruhe
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
They were equipped with faculties of another kind altogether in those olden times and lived under entirely different conditions. And now, in order that what follows may be thoroughly understood, we will visualise as clearly as possible the nature of our souls after the Atlantean catastrophe, when they were incarnated, let us say, in the bodies that could have existed on earth only at the time of the ancient Indian civilisation-epoch.
The possibility of further evolution for humanity was ensured because there were certain souls who understood what was at stake at that point of time and knew what it signified that Christ had been upon earth.
But if they made no preparation in themselves while on earth, they would no more understand the event than would men incarnated on the earth, unless these had prepared themselves to respond in the right way.
118. True Nature of the Second Coming: The Second Coming of Christ in the Etheric World 06 Mar 1910, Stuttgart
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Or the other situation is possible, where Spiritual Science is not trampled underfoot. Then men will understand how to cultivate such faculties not only in the secret schools of Initiation but also to foster them when, towards the middle of this century, they appear like delicate buds of the life of soul in individuals here and there.
Everything will depend upon whether understanding is awakened for Spiritual Science, or whether Ahriman will succeed in suppressing its intentions.
But those who receive into themselves the essence of the teaching of the spirit as part of their whole life of soul, as a quickening, vital force, must then grow on to a spiritual understanding of these things, realising that through Spiritual Science they must learn to understand our newly dawning age thoroughly and fundamentally.
True Nature of the Second Coming: Foreword

Mildred Kerkcaldy
The importance of these lectures cannot be exaggerated: their study is essential to an understanding of the meaning and purpose of the Anthroposophical Movement. In the whole body of teaching that was given out, the two lectures which are now reprinted in a new translation, under the title of The True Nature of the Second Coming, form an indispensable part.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: Inner Evolution and Outer Possibilities for Development 30 Jan 1910, Pforzheim

Rudolf Steiner
One will understand non-life ever better. And in order to understand non-life more and more, materialism was necessary for a time.
Then humanity would completely lose the opportunity to understand what will come as a natural development. If that should happen, human development would become barren and wither.
But then came first the Baptist John, then came the Christ, and they showed men that on the physical plane, through a corresponding inner development, that which is the central power of the soul, which is I, can be awakened and that through this the spiritual can be understood. The God descended as the Christ to the physical plane because human abilities had become such that they could only understand things on the physical plane.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: The Return of Christ in the Etheric 06 Feb 1910, Kassel

Rudolf Steiner
We must supply the human ego with concepts and understanding for life: habits for the etheric body, concepts for the astral body. What comes over from the previous life must develop freely.
When initiates ascended to the spiritual world in the past, it had to be expressed in spiritual words. That is why it is not understood today. Because this God led an earthly life, it was possible to speak of Him in earthly words.
It will also work through Christ for those who pass through physical death between now and then. Those who die around 1920 will be able to understand in devachan what is happening here at that time, but only if they have acquired an understanding of it in their earthly life and have prepared themselves for it.

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