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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 2831 through 2840 of 6176

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118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: The Dawn of a New Spiritual Age Comets and their Significance for Life on Earth 13 Mar 1910, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Our task here is to talk about some things that will lead to an understanding of our own era. We know that the development here on earth takes place in such a way that man can undergo new experiences and gain new insights in each of his embodiments on earth.
But from this we can also conclude that we can only understand ourselves thoroughly if we know what the age of the development of the earth is in which we live, and if we can form a picture of the near future of the earth.
The latter is indeed a small world, and during sleep something flows from the great world into this small world like a mirror image. We can only understand all this if we penetrate into the deep secrets of the world. In today's humanity, this or that truth is found by science, and one then believes that one possesses this truth as such securely.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: The Essence of Man 11 Apr 1910, Rome

Rudolf Steiner
The other reason is that, while the other sciences require the 'acquisition of prerequisites, spiritual science knows how to speak to everyone in a way that is understandable if they just make an effort to understand its language. And when it is said so often that it is difficult to understand, it is only because people approach it with prejudices and self-made obstacles.
They can then communicate to others what they have recognized, and if they have understood their task aright, they will express it in such a way that everyone's reason and intellect can understand it. For an understanding of spiritual science or theosophy does not itself involve spiritual research, but only an experience of it.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: Higher Worlds and Their Connection with Ours 12 Apr 1910, Rome

Rudolf Steiner
We will therefore go into these states in more detail in our discussion today. People usually do not understand the change between waking and sleeping deeply enough. It is such an everyday occurrence that it hardly deserves attention.
can only arise from an incomplete and false understanding of the doctrine of death and reincarnation. Everything here on the physical plane, and likewise after death on the spiritual plane, is only work and preparation for a new embodiment on earth.
And it is this purified blood of the spiritualized man that I see symbolized in the red rose-blood. The lower nature in us must come under our control. We must master everything that opposes our ascent and transform it into pure forces.
118. The Advent of Christ in the Ethereal World: The Christ Impulse and Its Great Proclaimers 13 Apr 1910, Rome

Rudolf Steiner
In the grand scheme of things, his preparatory work is the most significant that has ever been done. To understand his personality better, we need to understand the difference between a Bodhisattva and a Buddha.
At first, these images will hardly be noticed and, above all, not understood. At first they will be shadowy and will only gradually become clearer, especially in those who are materialistic.
Such a mighty perspective shows us how man must look up to supersensible history in order to understand the meaning of earthly history. Everything leads up to making man understand what the fulfillment of the words is: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age!”
118. The New Spiritual Age and the Return of the Christ 20 Feb 1910, Düsseldorf
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
They will know about the Christ through beholding him. Through soul-development we will begin to understand this most important event for mankind of our time. If Spiritual Science did not develop understanding in men, this event might pass by unheeded.
The test will be whether Theosophy has enabled men to understand this Event aright, has led them to the Spiritual in such a way that they can understand the Return of Christ in its true form.
The real Christ will be revealed to those men who through Spiritual Science can unfold the understanding, the vision of the true Return of Christ.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: The World Behind the Tapestry of Sense-perceptions. Ecstasy and Mystical Experience 21 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
All Spiritual Science is based upon the assumption that underlying the world normally known to us, there is another—the spiritual world. It is in this spiritual world underlying the world of the senses, and in a certain respect also the world of soul, that we have to look for the actual causes and conditions of what takes place in those other worlds.
It is really not he himself who is acting; he acts as if under quite different influences. For many beings appear and exert influence upon him. There lies the danger of ecstasy. Because what man sees is a multiplicity, he comes under the control now of one being, now of another, and seems to be disintegrating. This is the danger of the state of ecstasy.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: Sleeping and Waking Life in Relation to the Planets 22 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
But when these influences have been exerted, the man is different; he undergoes a change during sleep. The evidence of the change is that at night he was fatigued but in the morning has become able to cope with his life in the physical world.
Here again, please forget whatever mental pictures you have hitherto connected with this word. You will presently understand the reason for these designations. Thus we have found that man's soul in waking life and in sleep has three different members, that it is subject to three different influences.
The perspective here revealed is one of mighty forces underlying the order of our planetary system, regulating the great cosmic timepiece as our own lives are regulated through the course of 24 hours.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: The Inner Path Followed by the Mystic. Experience of the Cycle of the Year 23 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
It is the comparison of the soul with what it would perceive if it had sight of what spiritually underlies the physical and etheric bodies that would evoke the intense feeling of shame; preparation for this is made in advance through all the experiences undergone by the mystic before he becomes capable of penetrating into his inmost being.
Just as we are protected in ordinary life from beholding our own inner being, we are also protected from beholding the spirit underlying the outer, material world; the veil of the sense-world is spread over the underlying spiritual reality.
Man's intellectual life today makes it impossible for him to undergo what could at one time be undergone by individuals belonging to an original population of Northern and Western Europe through an intensification of the feeling of spring and autumn.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: Faculties of the Human Soul and Their Development 24 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
Even during his life between birth and death he undergoes development which leads him beyond the initial stages of life when his faculties and capacities are of little account, to others when they are considerably enhanced.
If we develop our power of thinking we shall acquire wise understanding of the phenomena of the world. Through the whole of our life we must work at these three basic forces of the soul.
Things must not be taken to be what they are not. A man who does not rightly understand the mirror-image lends himself to hallucinations. Whoever regards the image as being something in space and not a mirror-image which in fact it is, has succumbed to hallucination.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: The Egyptian Mysteries of Osiris and Isis 25 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
As a general rule, even the steps towards mystical deepening described yesterday were undertaken under the guidance of a Guru. What was the real purpose of this guidance by an initiated teacher?
Man can deal by himself with what is generally understood as the Venus influence when he is descending into his inner being. A certain training in humility and selflessness will enable him to hold his own in face of the Venus power.
The mineral kingdom was a later formation. Under different conditions the plant kingdom was already in existence before there was any mineral kingdom.

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