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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 3481 through 3490 of 6073

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186. The Challenge of the Times: Social and Antisocial Instincts 06 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
It alternates between ebb and flow. If people do not understand this, they simply do not understand anything about the world. We frequently hear it said that the ideal of community life within a state is a democracy.
But this socialistic republic would actually be a great place of sleep for human conceptual capacities. We can understand that there are longings for something of the kind, but longing for sleep is always present in many people. We must simply understand what the inner necessities of life are, and must not content ourselves with wishing for what suits us or is pleasing to us because the thing that a person does not possess is generally pleasing to him.
186. The Challenge of the Times: Specters of the Old Testament in the Nationalism of the Present 07 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
This is the reason why precisely this people received the revelation that man became man when the breath of life was given to him. We acquire a special understanding when this is developed on the basis of the nature of human breathing. We acquire an understanding of the life of abstract thinking, which was called in the Old Testament the life of law, an understanding of the reception of abstract thoughts.
It was necessary that the Christ impulse should be understood for the future. Without an understanding of this Christ impulse, no social demand takes the direction leading to any sort of wholesome objective. The almost twenty centuries during which Christianity has previously been disseminated were only preparatory stages for the real understanding of the Christ impulse because the Christ impulse can be understood only in the spirit. Everything happens gradually.
186. The Challenge of the Times: The Innate Capacities of the Nations of the World 08 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker

Rudolf Steiner
Let us consider the various impelling forces underlying the civilized world in the light of the most important European differentiations that come to expression through language.
It is only in this way that you will succeed in understanding the real nature of English politics, which are actually the dominant politics of the entire population of the earth.
On the other hand, we must acquire what was brought to your attention yesterday and that is the direct understanding of one human individual by another. This is connected with everything that ought to live within us in the form of social judgment and social feeling.
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: The Transforming of Instinctive into Conscious Impulses 13 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Anyone who is unable to read this out of the phenomena themselves, simply fails to understand this present time. And it is a sad thing how many people fail to understand it. It is through this that we go more and more deeply into confusion: men do not really try to understand their time.
What is the deeper underlying truth? It is this, my dear friends. We have entered on the age of the Spiritual Soul; we are in it since the 15th century.
Now men are moving towards the conscious experience of such things, as that these experiences can be undergone consciously when they meet the Guardian of the Threshold; and more or less instinctively they must be undergone by human beings in the course of time, during the Age of the Spiritual Soul.
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: The Logic of Thought and the Logic of Reality 14 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Why are they so helpless? Because they are bent on understanding with the Natural-Scientific type of thinking something that cannot thus be understood. We shall have to make up our minds to conceive the social life, not with the kind of thinking that is brought up on Natural Science but in an altogether different way.
And it is true, if we consider only the content of the philosophy of Avenarius, we are still more at a loss to understand how it happened. For what does Avenarius think? Avenarius says: Men labor under a prejudice. They think: within, in my head, or in my soul or wherever it is, are the ideas, the perceptions, they are there subjectively; outside are the objects.
But it was not merely said, it was propagated with a vengeance, and the most unbelievable people acted up to it—people of whom you might have supposed that they would understand the rudiments of economics—directors of factories and industrial undertakings. They too declared: pay in check and not in ready money, that is patriotic!
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: The Metamorphosis of Intelligence 15 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It remains as empty abstraction if you say: “I love all men.” To enter into the other human beings with understanding, that is the thing needful, likewise it is necessary to enter into the different communities of men with understanding, to have a true judgment about them and about their social structure.
It depends alone on the spirituality that is flowing through the time. Hence I am under no obligation—I beg you to take this in all earnestness—I am under obligation to no one to keep silence about anything of which I myself consider that it ought to be spoken about in our time.
Think how different it would be if in this or that establishment the individual worker were placed, even in soul and spirit, into the whole process which the commodity he makes undergoes in the world; if he understood how he stands within the social structure through the fact that he produces just this commodity.
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: The New Revelation of the Spirit 20 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This understanding of the Universe was then applied in order to understand Man too. Man himself was conceived in terms of the Universe.
In the ancient revelation which proceeded from an understanding of the Universe to an understanding of Man—all the old religions and traditions had their source.
They find it more comfortable, for it does not demand a conscious understanding. People find Spiritual Science inconvenient. For they are called upon to understand it, and it can only be understood by making use of healthy, wide-awake, human intelligence, but people would rather not understand.
186. Social and Anti-social Forces In The Human Being 12 Dec 1918, Bern
Translated by Christopher Schaefer

Rudolf Steiner
Nowadays Spiritual Science is the only means of seeing things truly in their totality; it is the only means for understanding our time. Just as one is adverse to entering into the spirit and soul foundations of man's physical constitution, so one also avoids, out of fear and lack of courage, studying those things in social life which can only be understood out of the Spirit.
This is impossible, for the whole world is organized by underlying principles so that one cannot simply create identical forms at will all over the globe. This is a point which we must not forget.
If only a sufficient number of people today were motivated to say, “We absolutely must have a better understanding of things”; then everything else would follow. It is just in regard to social questions that there is a need to consciously strive for insight and understanding.
187. How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again?: The Birth of Christ in the Human Soul 22 Dec 1918, Basel
Translated by Alan P. Shepherd, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
As one learns how man is placed in world existence in a situation of balance between Ahriman and Lucifer, one comes to understand the real significance of the human being in external physical life. Most of all, understanding must come about, Christian understanding, for a certain aspect of human life.
As these truths are made known and as he comes to understand them, they will awaken in him the assurance that a new revelation, the new Christ Impulse for this age, has been brought to him.
We can feel ourselves united with those divine impulses; we can understand them and draw power for our will from this understanding, and light for our life of thought. Humanity is evolving—it would be wrong to deny it.
187. How Can Humanity Find the Christ Again?: The Entrance of Christianity into the Course of Earth Evolution 24 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translated by Alan P. Shepherd, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
This is the real aim of our anthroposophically-oriented science of the spirit: to seek the Christmas light, so that the Jesus Child, Who entered the world first to work and then to be understood, may gradually be understood; to illuminate in a modest way the greatest of all events in earth existence. This is the goal of our anthroposophical spiritual science within the religious currents of humanity. People will not understand the light that this spiritual science wants to recognize as its Christmas light unless they have the will really to penetrate the threefold shadow-existence of our time.
Along with the Easter meaning of anthroposophical spiritual science may this its Christmas meaning be understood. May many, many souls look forward in this spirit to the profound experience of the Christmas Holy Nights.

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