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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture II 16 Feb 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
They will be so only when they arrive at a real social understanding from which man today—of whatever party—stands very far removed. It is the most imperative task to spread this understanding.
What modern man lacks is social understanding. And this lack is due to the whole of human thinking, feeling and willing having developed in recent times without being applied to this understanding.
The primary is that for which, in a longer or shorter period, understanding can be awakened when once the hindrances to this understanding have been removed. Naturally there are always leading personalities who stand in the way.
189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture III 21 Feb 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And to understand the present social movement from a serious standpoint is today the most vital necessity for man.
Not that he tells us what shall be put in place of this social membering that has arisen under capitalism; he only shows that under this capitalist system the proletariat necessarily developed as a special class of human beings.
Then, however, it will not be enough—as many hope and as here and there it has already been done—that those who were formerly the underlings should now he supreme, and those formerly supreme the underlings. Those now underlings, when at the top thought in reactionary terms, bourgeois terms; those now supreme think socialistically.
189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture IV 01 Mar 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
This will happen only when conditions are created in which the manual worker can have some understanding of where the surplus value goes. Here one touches on the point where most of the offences of the modern middle-class order have been committed.
We must get beyond this; anthroposophical striving must be understood as something demanded by the times, giving us wide instead of narrow interests, and not merely leading us into little groups for the reading of lecture cycles.
It is indeed a representative of the most modern spiritual life, and is only to be rightly understood if we grasp the idea of it being a kind of comet, a comet with a tail. The tail consists in there living in the human soul what is really raying forth in feeling from Anthroposophy.
189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture V 02 Mar 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
And true socialism, which is the fundamental aim of our times, is expressed also in its opposite—in the striving to put all surplus value to egoistic uses. Whoever does not understand this secret of the existing proletarian movement cannot today discover the underlying social impulses.
The student of history as reality rather then theory, endeavours above all to understand how certain streams in the cosmic development of man reveal themselves in their most extreme form.
Under those two headings you find everything that can be brought into the concept ‘commodity’. The nature of a commodity has been the subject of much argument.
189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture VI 07 Mar 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
What persists in us from the spiritual world as antipathy, what has to go on working as antipathy, is experienced down here as spiritual culture. Through speech we learn as men to understand each other and to create a spiritual bond between man and man. And by understanding one another in speech we have to overcome certain antipathies still left over from the spiritual world.
But the bourgeois child in reality does not understand anything either, for the teaching in our ordinary schools is so unsound that everything is incomprehensible.
It can be understood from the point of view of life. And because men have various standpoints in life today we must speak to each one differently.
189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture VII 15 Mar 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Were the demands of the social organism widely understood the worker would say: It is a question of having confidence in the director of the undertaking, for unless he takes the responsibility for it I cannot do my work. When there are directors of undertakings, however, the accumulation of capital necessarily follows. It is impossible to escape the accumulation.
No other definition of possession is fruitful for understanding the social organism. The moment a man acquires a possession, it must come under the political State and be directed from within the Rights State.
189. The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness: Lecture VIII 16 Mar 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The best groundwork for this penetration is a thorough understanding of the fact that socialistic thinking has proceeded out of modern thinking as a whole. I have already given indications of this.
What would you say on being expected thus to picture the soul-life of a God? You would never be able to understand how a God could be so poor in His divine reasoning as to think only in such abstractions! Nevertheless for Hegel the sum of these abstract ideas is God Himself, not merely God is understanding but God Himself before the creation of the world.
But this perception and imagination of Hegel's sometimes endanger the understanding of what he actually wanted. I once tried to vindicate Hegel to a university professor, a philosopher with whom I was an friendly terms.
190. The Social Question as a Problem of Soul Life: Inner Experience of Language I 28 Mar 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The dead never understand if one speaks to them chiefly in nouns. It to noticeable that when a noun is turned into a verb they begin to understand.
You see when one cultivates such a style today that picture conceptions underlie it, then as a rule one gets the response that people do not understand this, it is very hard to understand.
Take as an example that I have written something on the black-board. Someone says “I do not understand it”. . . Think of the confused abstractions you sometimes have in mind when you say “I do not understand”.
190. The Social Question as a Problem of Soul Life: Inner Experience of Language II 29 Mar 1919, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The other is that language is a mere medium for making oneself understood. Everything that goes on between men as men comes into consideration in it as a means of making themselves understood.
For that men here on the earth merely need a mutual understanding; that deeper, inward feeling for language does not come into it. At the present time this way of understanding language in which language is employed merely as a means of making ourselves mutually understood is actually all that is really experienced.
The latter are completely abstract; and hence are not understood at all by the dead. There are blanks for them when we want to make ourselves understood and express things in language.
190. Past and Future Impulses in Society: Lecture I 21 Mar 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Man always has something in him somewhere in the subsoil of his soul through which he understands everything that can reveal itself in any time. Only he is usually not far enough with his head understanding, with his intellect.
But it is not a question of playing with analogies, it is a question of training the spirit on the one hand in a correct understanding of the natural man, so that with the spirit trained in this way one can also understand the social organism correctly.
Sometimes one can be confronted with the most justified in the sense of contemporary culture, and one will not understand how that which one who belongs to a class must feel to be completely justified cannot be understood by the other.

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