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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

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153. The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth: Wisdom in the Spiritual World 12 Apr 1914, Vienna
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It must always be kept in mind that man is subject to the law of karma under all circumstances. But taking into consideration the law of karma, the following is still the case.
It is indeed true, that conditions are so different in the spiritual world that we have to acquire entirely fresh conceptions and ideas if we wish to understand them, but all the same the two are connected like cause and effect. We only understand the connection between what is spiritual and what is physical, when we recognise it really as the connection of cause and effect.
God the Father we can find during life; we find the Christ when we understand the entering into the Spirit, when we understand dying in the right way. IN CHRISTO MORIMUR We die in Christ.
153. The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth: Between Death and the ‘Cosmic Midnight Hour’ 13 Apr 1914, Vienna
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We can maintain this tableau as long as we have the power under normal conditions to keep awake in the physical body. It does not depend upon how long we once remained awake in life under abnormal conditions, it depends upon the power we have within us to keep ourselves awake.
Now we know: During physical life thou didst think, thy thoughts appeared to thee; but while thou wast under the delusion that thou wast forming thoughts, thou wast producing nothing but elemental beings. That is the new thing thou hast added to the whole cosmos.
Time becomes space: it stands before us, because the living beings reveal their own time-signature. Under these conditions time becomes the immediate present. From these, our own elemental beings, which surrounded us during life and which we see at death, we learn the nature of the elemental world and thereby prepare ourselves gradually to understand the elemental beings in the outer world not produced by us, but existing apart from us in the spiritual cosmos.
153. The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth: Pleasures and Sufferings in the Life Beyond 14 Apr 1914, Vienna
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
If we really wish to survey these things with understanding, we have to realise that in the spiritual world the standpoint of life is really quite different from what it can be in the physical world.
Thus the germs have not been lost; they find a way. Life with respect to spiritual things is under the same laws, whether we follow the spirit in the order of nature, or in the case which we consider to be our own.
The power of the Spirit which thus enters people's bodies will open spiritual eyes through which to see and understand the spiritual worlds. First, people will have to understand them, and then they will begin with understanding to behold them; vision will come, because the Spirit so lays hold of people's souls that they will be able to bring this Spirit into their bodies, and the Spirit will shine out even in their earthly incarnations; it will dawn first in a few, and then in a larger number.
153. The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth II: The Task and Goal of Spiritual Science and Spiritual Searching in the Present Day 06 Apr 1914, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
And from this point of view, in order to make ourselves understood, I will say the following by way of comparison: when we have water before us, this water has certain properties.
But it would be sad if the only pictures a person who could paint could understand were those that had to do with the world of nature. Of course, only the painter can paint it; but when the picture stands before man, it is the case that the human soul has the very natural powers within itself to understand the picture, even if it is not able to paint it.
But I would also like to characterize the quest of our time, which cannot yet be understood in terms of another. A man who deserves a certain amount of esteem as a philosopher has written a curious essay in a widely read journal.
153. The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth II: What Does Spiritual Science Have to Say About the Life, Death and Immortality of the Human Soul? 08 Apr 1914, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
And the spiritual that organizes the body is the soul that has been transformed and flows into the body. And so we understand the life we are currently living by understanding what happened outside of life beyond death. What is at work in a person in earthly life has appropriated his powers between death and a new birth.
Someone who dies at an early stage of life, let us say, through an illness, who undergoes much through this illness, prepares his soul through this illness in such a way that his powers of will can be strengthened.
Spiritual science shows us that we have life in the body through the life outside the body, so that no one can understand the life between birth and death who does not understand the life outside the body, in the spiritual firmament.
153. The Inner Nature of Man and Life Between Death and Rebirth II: About the Johannesbau in Dornach 14 Apr 1914, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
This construction project is, of course, giving us more work than one would usually imagine, and you will therefore understand that personal meetings have had to be canceled for a certain period of time. For our dear Austrian friends, it has certainly not been easy in many respects to come to terms with the idea that the Johannesbau is so far away.
And in this matter the willingness to make sacrifices on the part of some of our friends was so accommodating that we can say: this willingness to make sacrifices is, in a certain respect, a symbol of the way in which our spiritual movement has penetrated the understanding of souls. I only wished to mention this, so that you may take this structure to your hearts, and feel it as a central point of our movement, so that you may think of yourselves as united with it, and may grant it your personal presence, as much as will be possible in the future, after the opening.
154. The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path: Faith and Knowledge 17 Apr 1914, Prague
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
The farmer would understand it much better than the so-called educated person if only the way were not blocked by social conventions.
We can see from this that understanding and knowledge are dependent on the physical and etheric bodies, which are affected only by the impressions of the physical world.
Literally: “A change is to take place, a transformation of such magnitude that even if angels came down and announce it, we would understand it as little as an infant would understand what we told it about the world in our language,” in Leben und Religion (“Life and Religion”), Stuttgart, n.y.
154. The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path: Robert Hamerling: Poet and Thinker 26 Apr 1914, Berlin
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
The only thing he could tell himself was: “Well, I cannot really tell them what I want to be, because they would not understand. For when I am asked what I want to be, I want to answer: I want to become a human being!” So sometimes he said he wanted to be a philologist or an astronomer or something like that. People could understand that. But they would not have understood that someone who had finished his studies might intend to become a human being.
In the form of a three-part novel, Aspasia became a wonderful poem about cultural history. Robert Hamerling was not understood, as I learned when I met a man in a godforsaken place whose eyes burned with resentment and whose mouth had an ugly expression.
154. The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path: Awakening Spiritual Thoughts 05 May 1914, Basel
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
And if you doubt that this is useful, since the deceased is in the spiritual world anyway, just think that we can be surrounded by things and beings in the physical world, yet may not understand them. The understanding has to be acquired. Thus, although the deceased is in the spiritual world, thoughts from earth have to flow to him.
Everything is different now from the way it was in the times our souls passed through in previous incarnations. And we have to understand the nature of our current task just as we understood what we had to do in our earlier incarnations when we were guided by spiritual luminaries.
We must try to immerse ourselves in these ideas so that they stimulate within us what our souls need in the future. What spiritual science offers can be understood by everyone. Those who claim one cannot understand the contents of spiritual science, but must believe it, speak without knowing how these things really are.
154. The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path: The Presence of the Dead in our Life 25 May 1914, Paris
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that every unbiased person can understand what I say about the higher worlds; in other words, we do not merely have to believe these descriptions, but we can understand them if we approach them without preconceived ideas.
So we can also describe phenomena of the spiritual world with what we understand on the physical plane. However, we cannot understand the higher worlds with our everyday concepts and ideas, but need to acquire others and expand our thinking.
But I ask only that you make a real effort to understand this humble beginning from the perspective and significance of our spiritual science. Try to understand what this simple beginning, paid for with considerable sacrifices, is aiming at.

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